PC = PC Computer / PS1 = PlayStation 1 / PS2 = PlayStation 2 / PS3 = PlayStation 3 / X360 = Xbox 360

Title System Notes
187 Ride or DiePS2 
24: The GamePS2 
Aeon FluxPS2 
Afro SamuraiX360 
Alone in the Dark: One-Eyed Jack's RevengePS1 
Alone in the Dark: The New NightmarePS1 
Ape Escape 3PS2 
Ape Escape: Pumped & PrimedPS2 
Autobahn PolizeiX360 
Bad Boys: Miami TakedownPS2Have disc only.
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance IIPS2 
Bard's Tale, ThePS2 
Batman & RobinPS1 
Batman BeginsPS2 
Batman Beyond: Return of the JokerPS1 
Batman Forever: The Arcade GamePS1 
Batman: Gotham City RacerPS1 
Batman: Rise of Sin TzuPS2 
Batman: VengeancePS2 
Bee Movie GameX360 
Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax AttacksX360 
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic DestructionX360/PS3 
Ben 10: Omniverse 2X360/PS3 
Big Mutha TruckersPS2Have BMT2.
Blades of TimeX360/PS3X-Blades sequel
Blood Will TellPS2 
BloodRayne 2PS2 
Bratz Rock AngelsPS2Maybe?
Brave: A Warrior's TaleX360 
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 2 Chaos BleedsPS2 
Burnout 2: Point of ImpactPS2Have Burnout 3 on PS2, Revenge on X360.
Burnout DominatorPS2Have Burnout 3 on PS2, Revenge on X360.
BurnoutPS2Have Burnout 3 on PS2, Revenge on X360.
C: The Contra AdventurePS1Maybe?
Cabela's Adventure CampX360REQ. KINECT, 100% on PS3
Captain America: Super SoldierX360/PS3 
Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen DrumsPS2 
Cartoon Network: Punch Time ExplosionX360/PS3 
Cat in the Hat, ThePS2 
Celebrity DeathmatchPS2Have disc only.
Clash of the TitansX360/PS3Maybe
Clock Tower 3PS2 
Clock Tower II: The Struggle WithinPS1 
Clock TowerPS1 
Cold WinterPS2 
Condemned 2: BloodshotX360Maybe. Have Criminal Origins on X360.
Contra: Legacy of WarPS1Maybe?
Contra: Shattered SoldierPS2Maybe?
Crash Team RacingPS1Have disc only.
Crash Twinsanity (Crash Bandicoot)PS2Have disc only.
Critical DepthPS1 
Cursed Crusade, TheX360/PS3Manual
DamnationPS3Has Cheats. Not X360 due to online achievements
Danger GirlPS1 
Darkest of DaysX360Maybe
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2X360 
Dead to Rights II: Hell To PayPS2 
Dead to RightsPS2Have disc only.
Destroy All Humans! 2PS2Have Path of Furon on X360 & Big Willie on WII.
Destroy All Humans!PS2Have disc only. Have Path of Furon on X360 & Big Willie on WII.
Deus Ex: The ConspiracyPS2 
Die Hard Trilogy 2PS1 
Die Hard TrilogyPS1Have disc only.
Dino Crisis 2PS1Have disc only.
Dino CrisisPS1Have disc only.
Disney's Extreme Skate AdventurePS2 
Disney's Lilo & StitchPS1 
DisruptorPS1First-person shooter, first game developed by Insomniac Games.
Dog's LifePS2 
Driver 3PS2 
Driver: Parallel LinesPS2 
DriverPS1Have disc only.
Duke Nukem: Land of the BabesPS1 
Dukes of Hazzard 2: Daisy Dukes It OutPS1 
Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for HomePS1Have disc only.
Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General LeePS2 
Dukes of HazzardPS1 
ECW Hardcore RevolutionPS1Have disc only.
El Chavo KartX360/PS3 
Escape From Monkey IslandPS2Maybe?
Evil Dead: RegenerationPS2 
Fairly Odd Parents: Breakin' Da RulesPS2PC version doesn't work on my computer.
Fairly Odd Parents: Shadow ShowdownPS2 
Fairytale FightsX360/PS3 
Fallout: Brotherhood of SteelPS2 
Family Game Night 1X360All DLC on disc? Jenga, Pictureka, and Connect 4x4 are also available in the Fun Pack that I have, but with different achievements.
Fantastic FourPS2Have disc only.
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson ButterflyPS2 
Fatal Frame III: The TormentedPS2 
Fatal FramePS2 
Fighting Force 2PS1 
Fighting ForcePS1 
Firefighter F.D. 18PS2 
Flatout 2PS2 
Flatout: Ultimate CarnageX360Maybe
Fox HuntPS13-Disc full motion video game. Playthrough video.
Frogger: Ancient ShadowPS2Have Frogger 2 on X360 Digital.
Frogger: The Great QuestPS2Have Frogger 2 on X360 Digital.
FroggerPS1Have Frogger 2 on X360 Digital.
Gex 3: Deep CoverPS1 
Gex: Enter The GeckoPS1 
God HandPS2 
God of War: Saga Collection (GOW1,2,3,Chains Olympus,Ghost Sparta) (2-Disc)PS3Have GOW1&2 on PS2, GOW3 on PS3. (GOW3 already has txt & bookmark)
GoldenEye: Rogue AgentPS2 
Grand Theft Auto 2PS1 
Grand Theft Auto: LondonPS1 
Grand Theft AutoPS1 
Great Escape, ThePS2Have disc only.
Guy Game, ThePS2Game was banned in July 2005.
Happy Feet TwoX360Have on PS3, only missing 2 trophies + platinum
Hardline (3-DISCS)PCHave disc only.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsPS2/PS1Same as game on both systems?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of FirePS2 
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanPS2 
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StonePS2/PS1Have PS1 disc only. PS2 same game?
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At LawPS2 
Haunted Mansion, ThePS2Have disc only.
Haunting GroundPS2Maybe?
Headhunter: RedemptionPS2 
Hellboy: Asylum SeekerPS1 
Herdy GerdyPS2Have disc only.
Hitman Trilogy HD (HM2 Silent Assn/Contracts/Blood Money)X360Have on PS2 Hitman 2 & Contracts, Blood Money on X360 Digital - can delete if I get X360 disc, but note "have on disc" in X360 add-ons TXT).
Hot Wheels: Beat ThatX360 
Hot Wheels: World's Best DriverX360/PS3 
How to Train Your DragonX360/PS3 
How to Train Your Dragon 2X360/PS3X360 Manual, PS3 Manual, Map
Hulk, ThePS2 
Ice Age 2PS2 
Ice Age: Dawn of the DinosaursX360/PS2 
IcoPS2Also on PS3 in "Team Ico Collection" with Shadow of the Colossus.
Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, ThePS2Have Incredible Hulk on X360.
Incredibles, ThePS2 
Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer, ThePS2 
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's TombPS2 
Indigo ProphecyPS2Like Heavy Rain, same developer.
Infernal: Hell's VengeanceX360Maybe
Inspector Gadget: Gadget's Crazy MazePS1 
Jackass: The GamePS2 
Jackie Chan StuntmasterPS1 
Jak and Daxter: The Lost FrontierPS2 
James Bond 007: NightFirePS2 
James Cameron's AvatarX360/PS3 
JeopardyPS3Have on X360
Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the TwonkiesPS2Have disc only.
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs DeathPS2 
Jumping Flash! 2PS1 
Jumping Flash!PS1 
Jurassic: The HuntedX360/PS3Maybe
Justice League HeroesPS2 
Katamari DamacyPS2Maybe? If like PS3, will have timers and shitty controls. CB codes: Infinite Time, Have All Objects Collected, and several Have Present Found codes.
Kim Possible: What's the Switch?PS2Have disc only.
Kings Quest: The Princeless Bride (1994)PCHave disc only.
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's VeilPS2 
Klonoa: Door to PhantomilePS1 
Kung Fu High ImpactX360REQ. KINECT
Legacy of Kain: Soul ReaverPS1Have disc only.
LegendaryX360Maybe - 10 online achievements, PS3 has no trophies.
Lego Island 2: The Brickster's RevengePS1 
Lego Racers 2PS2 
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate EventsPS2Have disc only.
Lollipop ChainsawX360HAVE X360 EDITOR, HAVE ON PS3.
Looney Tunes: Sheep RaiderPS1 
Lord of the Rings: War in the NorthX360/PS3Maybe
Lost World: Jurassic Park, ThePS1 
Lucha Libre: AAA Heroes of the RingX360/PS3Maybe
Mace Griffin: Bounty HunterPS2Have disc only.
Madagascar 3X360/PS3 
Made ManPS2 
Man vs. WildX360/PS3 
Manhunt 2PS2Have disc only.
Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under PressurePS2 
Mark of Kri, ThePS2 
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 (GOLD EDITION)X360DLC on Gold Ed disc; DLC delisted from store.
Matrix: Path of Neo, ThePS2 
Maximo vs. Army of ZinPS2Maybe?
Maximo: Ghosts to GloryPS2Maybe?
MDK 2: ArmageddonPS2Maybe?
Mega Man LegendsPS1Have disc only.
Men in Black The Series: CrashdownPS1Did I ever rent this?
MercenariesPS2Have disc only.
Mercury Meltdown RemixPS2Have Mercury Meltdown Revolution on WII.
Metal Arms: Glitch in the SystemPS2Maybe?
Metal Gear Solid (2-DISCS)PS1Have disc only.
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (MGS2 Sons of Liberty, MGS3 Snake Eater, MGS4 Peace Walker)X360Does not include MGS3 Subsistence; I have both versions of MGS3 on PS2. Have Peace Walker on X360 Digital.
Metal Gear Solid VR MissionsPS1 
Minority ReportPS2Have disc only.
Monopoly: Here & Now Worldwide EditionX360 
Monster HousePS2 
Monster Jam: Path of DestructionX360/PS3 
Monsters, Inc.PS2Have disc only.
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub ZeroPS1Platformer, kinda bad - 7.5 good at GameSpot.
Mortal Kombat Special ForcesPS1Platformer, very bad - 2.1 terrible at GameSpot.
Mortal Kombat: ArmageddonPS2Variety of gameplay modes inc. third-person perspective, kart racing, and standard MK battles.
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin MonksPS2 
Ms. Pac-Man: Maze MadnessPS1Have disc only.
Mummy Returns, ThePS2 
Mummy, ThePS1 
MySims Sky HeroesX360/PS3 
Myst III: ExilePS2Have disc only.
Namco Museum Vol. 3PS1Have disc only.
Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted MansionPCHave disc only.
Nickelodeon Dance 2X360REQ. KINECT
Nickelodeon DanceX360REQ. KINECT
Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2013)X360 
Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge, ThePS2 
No One Lives ForeverPS2Have disc only.
Obscure: The AftermathPS2 
Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie SlayersWIIHave Bikini Samurai Squad on X360 Digital.
Order Up!PS3Move Supported
Outlaw Golf 2PS2First game only on Xbox.
Over The HedgePS2Have disc only - 2 copies, one black label, one red label.
Pac-Man World 3PS2 
Parasite Eve IIPS1 
Pimp My RideX360Maybe
Pirates of the Caribbean: Legend of Jack SparrowPS2 
Pirates: Legend of the Black BuccaneerPS2 
Pirates: The Legend of Black KatPS2 
Pitfall: The Lost ExpeditionPS2 
PO'edPS1First-person shooter.
Power Rangers Super SamuraiX360REQ. KINECT
Predator: Concrete JunglePS2 
Prince of Persia Trilogy HD (Sands of Time/Warror Within/Two Thrones)PS3Have Sands of Time on PS2.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (#1)PS2Have with water-damaged artwork, but good manual.
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (#3)PS2Have "Sands of Time" #1.
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (#2)PS2Have "Sands of Time" #1.
Prison Break: The ConspiracyX360/PS3 
Project EdenPS2 
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate ConspiracyPS2 
Punisher, ThePS2 
Puss in BootsPS3Move Supported. Have on X360, Kinect Required
Puzzle Challenge: Crosswords and More!PS2Have disc only.
Qix NeoPS1Have disc only.
Rampage 2: Universal Tour (#2)PS1Maybe?
Rampage Through Time (#3)PS1Maybe?
Rampage World Tour (#1)PS1Rated best of 3 at Gamespot.
Rampage: Total DestructionPS2Inc. orig. Rampage & World Tour Arcade games.
Ratchet & Clank Collection (RC1, RC2 Going Commando, RC3 Up Your Arsenal)PS3Have RC3 on PS2.
Ratchet & Clank: Size MattersPS2 
Raw Danger!PS2Have disc only.
Rayman 2: Revolution (remake of PS1 Rayman 2)PS2Have Rayman 3 on X360 Digital.
Rayman 2: The Great EscapePS1Have Rayman 3 on X360 Digital.
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2WIIHave Rayman Raving Rabbids 1 on X360.
Red FactionPS2 
Red Faction 2PS2 
Red Ninja: End of HonorPS2 
Reservoir DogsPS2 
Resident Evil Outbreak File #2PS2 
Resident Evil: SurvivorPS1Have disc only.
Resistance 3PS3Has cheats, only disables one trophy - Req. 2 Controllers
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation ResurrectionPS2 
Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & LegendsPS1 
Ruff Trigger: The Vanocore ConspiracyPS2 
Sabrina The Teenage Witch: A Twitch In TimePS1 
Scarface: The World Is Yours (2-Disc Collector's Ed.)PS2Have disc only.
Scene It? Lights, Camera, ActionX360Have Bright Lights on PS3, Box Office Smash on X360, Movie Night on X360DD.
Scooby-Doo Unmasked!PS2Have disc only.
Sea World: Shamu's Deep Sea AdventuresPS2 
Second SightPS2Have disc only.
Secret ServiceX360Maybe
Serious Sam: Next EncounterPS2 
Shadow The HedgehogPS2Have disc only.
Shadows of the DamnedX360/PS3Maybe
Shark TalePS2Have disc only.
Shellshock 2: Blood TrailsX360Maybe. PS3 has no trophies
Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the RipperX360NOT ON PS3.
Shield: The Game, ThePS2 
Silent Hill 4: The RoomPS2Have SH2 & SH3 on PS2.
Silent Hill HD Collection (SH2 & SH3)PS3Have both on PS2. X360 WAS NEVER PATCHED, but both PS3 & X360 are said to be very poor recreations of the PS2 originals.
Silent Hill OriginsPS2 
Silent Hill: Shattered MemoriesPS2A re-imagining of first SH game.
Silent HillPS1 
Sims 3, TheX360/PS3Maybe. Have Sims 3 Pets on PS3.
Sonic HeroesPS2 
Sopranos: Road To Respect, ThePS2Have disc only.
SoulCalibur IVX360Have SC5 on PS3, this game has Yoda
South ParkPS1Completely play N64 ROM first.
Space InvadersPS1Completely play N64 ROM first.
Spec Ops: Airborne CommandoPS1Have disc only.
Sphinx and the Cursed MummyPS2Have disc only.
Spider-ManPS2Have red label disc only.
Spider-Man 2PS2 
Spider-Man: Edge of TimeX360/PS3 
Spider-Man: Shattered DimensionsX360/PS3 
Spider-Man: Web of ShadowsX360/PS2X360 for achievements -or- PS2 for cheating; No PS3 trophies.
SplatterhouseX360/PS3PS3 UPC: 722674110204 / X360 UPC: 722674210232. Also includes all three original games.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty KrabPS2 
SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantisPS2 
Spy FictionPS2 
Spy HunterPS2Have disc only.
Spy Hunter 2PS2 
Spy Hunter: Nowhere To Run (starring The Rock)PS2 
Spyro: Year of the DragonPS1Have disc only.
Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge of the SithPS2Have disc only.
Starsky & HutchPS2Have disc only.
State of EmergencyPS2Have disc only.
State of Emergency 2PS2Have disc only.
StolenPS2Have disc only.
StuntmanPS2Have disc only.
Suffering: Ties That Bind, ThePS2 
Super Monkey Ball AdventurePS2 
Super Monkey Ball DeluxePS2 
Superman: Shadow of ApokolipsPS2 
Surf's UpX360Manual
Syphon FilterPS1Have disc only.
Syphon Filter 2 (2-DISCS)PS1Have disc only.
Syphon Filter 3PS1 
Tak and the Power of Juju (#1)PS2Have disc only.
Team Ico Collection (ICO / Shadow of the Colossus)PS3Have SOC on PS2, Ico on PS2 want list (see above).
Teen TitansPS2 
Terminator 3: The RedemptionPS2 
Terminator: Dawn of Fate, ThePS2 
Test Drive: Eve of DestructionPS2 
Tetris PlusPS1Have disc only.
Tigger's Honey HuntPS1Completely play N64 ROM first.
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's RevengePS2 
TimeSplitters: Future PerfectPS2 
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Classic Trilogy HD (Orig/Pandora Tomorrow/Chaos Theory)PS3Have Orig & Pandona & Chaos on PS2.
Tomb Raider AnniversaryPS2Lots of hard X360/PS3 trop/ach, so get PS2 to cheat.
Tomb Raider Trilogy (Legend/Anniversary/Underworld)PS3Have Legend on PS2 & Underworld WITH DLC on X360; Anniversary on PS2 want list (see above); Anniversary X360 has many hard achievements.
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in MexicoPS2 
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue!PS1 
Transformers: Dark of the MoonX360/PS3 
Transformers: DevastationX360/PS3 
Transformers: Fall of CybertronX360/PS3Manual
Transformers: Rise of the Dark SparkX360/PS3 
Transformers: War for CybertronX360/PS3 
TriggerManPS2Have disc only.
Trivial PursuitX360Have on PS3
Turning Point: Fall of LibertyX360Maybe. PS3 has no trophies
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush RescuePS2 
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3: Night of the QuinkanPS2 
Ty the Tasmanian TigerPS2 
Ultimate Spider-ManPS2 
Under The SkinPS2 
Velvet AssassinX360 
Viewtiful Joe 2PS2Have VJ1 on PS2.
Wallace & Gromit in Project ZooPS2Have disc only.
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-RabbitPS2Have disc only.
Wall-EX360Have on PS2
Wanted: Weapons of FateX360/PS3What are the cheats from blu-ray?
Warriors, ThePS2Manual PDF
WCW/nWo ThunderPS1My Goldberg PS1 memory card came with a game save with "4 New Wrestlers" on it (probably CAWs).
We Love Katamari (aka Katamari Damacy 2)PS2Maybe? If like PS3, will have timers and shitty controls. CB codes: Infinite Time Remaining, Stop/Start Time Remaining, Always Low Game Time, Have All Objects Collected.
Wheel of FortuneX360Maybe. Have on PS3, has 2 online achievements
WhiplashPS2Have disc only.
Wild 9PS1Have disc only.
Wipeout: In The ZoneX360Maybe. REQ. KINECT.
Wipeout 3X360Maybe. REQ. KINECT.
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007X360Have PS2 disc only.
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008X360Have PS2 disc only in flood-dam case sleeved.
X-Files (4-DISCS)PS1Maybe?
X-Files: Resist or ServePS2 
X-Men Legends II: Rise of ApocalypsePS2Have disc only. Also have XML1 complete.
Yakuza 2PS2Have Yakuza 3, 4, 5, Dead Souls on PS3.
YakuzaPS2Have Yakuza 3, 4, 5, Dead Souls on PS3.