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By Paul Rudoff on Aug. 17, 2009 at 11:57 AM , Categories: Ghostbusters 1, Ghostbusters 2, Cast & Crew, Books

Below are some of the People and Time articles I found about Ghostbusters and/or cast and crew from the movies or animated series. There are probably more, but this was all I could find. The search engine on the People site is woefully inadequate. It only pulled up the GB2 premiere article. Everything else I found manually by browsing and looking through the pages. If you find something that I didn't, post a comment with the links. Be sure to state what issue and "page" number (the last set of digits in the file name is the "page" number I'm going by, not the actual page numbers in the magazines). FYI: If you have a program that can extract images from PDFs (most are shareware), you're better off extracting the page scans out of the PDFs rather than downloading them from the site (the PDFs are on the main page for each issue). The images in the PDFs are roughly 1680x2200, which is MUCH larger than anything on the site.
- May 28, 1984 - The Hot New Flicks (pages 43 & 44)
The kings of comedy this season may be Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray and Harold (Stripes) Ramis, soon to be known as Ghostbusters. The trio play three parapsychologists who lose their grant and moonlight, if you will, as eccentric exorcists. Recalls Ramis of the filming, "Danny, Bill and I had to act against characters who weren't there. 'Look scared' was the main direction. Then, 'Look more scared.'" - June 4, 1984 - GB1 Ad, page 101
- June 18, 1984 - GB1 Review, page 11
- April 3, 1989 - Kristy McNichol Describes the Breakdown That Nearly Killed Her Career
(Kristy was the blonde girl in the sub in the EGB ep "Dry Spell", though you probably know her best from the television series "Empty Nest" and "Family".) - July 3, 1989 - GB2 Review, pages 15 & 16
- July 3, 1989 - GB2 1989 Premiere
- Celebrity GB Fan - Ashley Tisdale (Oct. 27, 2008)
Does High School Musical's resident diva believe in the supernatural? "No, not really," she says. "I love ghost movies, though. Ghostbusters was a good one." - Celebrity GB Fan - Michael Cera (June 27, 2009)
"Ghostbusters is kind of like the reason I wanted to be an actor." - The Year One star Michael Cera, when asked about his favorite Harold Ramis (who played Egon) movie, to E! News
- May 6, 1929 - Science: Ghostbusting
Yes, about 50 years before Filmation had a television series with the name, and 55 years before the famous movie, the words "Ghostbuster" and "Ghostbusting" appeared in Time Magazine - possibly for the very first time anywhere. If Filmation never copyrighted the name, Columbia Pictures never should have paid up, as this shows precedent that Filmation didn't create the word/name. Anyway, the article isn't about catching ghosts, but rather busting fake mediums. - Jan. 3, 2005 - The Many Faces of Bill [Murray]
- July 7, 2009 - Radio Host Casey Kasem Retires
I though he retired a few years ago when Ryan Seacrest took over. Anyway why would he retire on the exact 39th anniversary of his show, when pushing it one more year and retiring on the 40th anniversary makes much more sense. After all, the show is called American/Casey's Top 40.
Hats off, Paul! This is remarkable stuff you’ve unearthed.
Aug. 18, 2009 @ 15:26
Thanks for the kind words, Chad. I actually premiered this a month ago on my Facebook page, and just finally NOW put it together into a formal post here on the site.
Aug. 19, 2009 @ 15:26
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