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Fan-Made Real Ghostbusters Score Album

 By Paul Rudoff on Aug. 26, 2009 at 12:08 AM , Categories: Real Ghostbusters

Musical fans of The Real Ghostbusters have had to make due with just the Tahiti soundtrack album, as we didn't get a "score album" of the series' instrumental pieces by composers Haim Saban and Shuki Levy. I think it's safe to say that we never will get one. The Music & Effects tracks on selected episodes in Time Life's The Real Ghostbusters: Complete Collection DVD Box set are as good as it's ever going to get. A few fans have taken these tracks and used them to assemble their own score albums.

Ryan (aka "Stingray2501") has made a concerted effort to take those Music & Effects tracks and turn them into a score album. Here are a few words from him to explain more.
Basically I ripped the music/effects tracks from my Time Life set. And I've edited the majority of them into tracks selecting the best pieces. Eventually I want to edit more and narrow done more pieces. These Music Effects tracks are as good as it's ever going to get.

I just want to get the word out that this is happening, and see if anyone wants to help out.

I think what's in the zip is pretty good so far.

Would love to hear what you think. :)
August 19, 2009
Ryan/Stingray2501's RGB Score File - v2 with Covers (87.67 MB)
I had a couple hours to work on this again today. So here's a better copy, with track numbers, maximized volume and CD covers.

Another fellow named Chad originally posted the following message in the comments of this thread.
Hi all. I'm 28 years old and the Real Ghostbusters was a huge part of my childhood growing up. I love the score to the series and hearing the tracks always reminds me of the episode scenes.

I bought the DVD boxset when it came out a few years ago and made a set of mp3 rips of the scores for my own enjoyment a few years ago. I stumbled on to this website and thought I'd share. Some of these are better than others - I did my best to capture these from the DVDs. Some are spliced together as best possible to minimize the voices and sound effects. It's not perfect but I think it's pretty good.

I can't guarantee this is 100% exhaustive, but I know that when I was watching the DVDs for the first time I kept a running list of all the score pieces I heard, and tried to cover all of those when I started this project. You may not agree with all the names, but I had to call them something to keep them straight.

I'm not sure how this compares at all to what's already been posted, but maybe it has a few of the missing ones. I have about 100 tracks, and I see previous posts mention 50.

Anyway, let me know what you think!
Dec. 9, 2011
Chad's RGB Score Files (69.54 MB)


Comment from: [Member]

A link to this page had been permanently added to the RGB menu here on Spook Central. This should make this page really easy to find in the future.

Aug. 26, 2009 @ 00:16
Comment from: Dan Evans [Visitor]

Wow, this is amazingly well-done. I’m not sure this is publicized enough.

Quick question though. I haven’t listened to the whole thing yet. Does this include the piece of music that plays at the opening scene of “Lost and Foundry"? It’s the music with all the piano sweeps.

Aug. 29, 2009 @ 16:52
Comment from: Stingray2501 (Ryan) [Visitor]

Thanks for the great comments everyone. I am sure the Lost and Foundry opening music is in there somewhere, even though there was no music/effects track for it.

I’m away from home for another week in Indonesia. When I get back to Canada I can try to do some more work on this but please feel free to work on some tracks! The hardest ones to sort and try to get good copies of are the “Ghosbusting” tracks, as the majority of the playtime they are riddled with effects.

I will get new covers made up as well that aren’t all black as I was in a rush to get something quick made before I left.

If anyone is starting work on some of the material please let us know on here so that we don’t repeat ourselves.

One thing I plan for the CD Cover jacket is to post the Interview with Shuki Levy regarding the score on the interior. If anyone else wants to take a stab at cover design be my guest! :)


Aug. 30, 2009 @ 04:03
Comment from: Dan Evans [Visitor]

Actually, the opening of Lost and Foundry isn’t in the current version of the soundtrack. Also some other cues from that episode are missing as well as a couple memorable cues from “Bird of Kildarby.”

But that seems like nitpicking considering how awesome this is.

Aug. 30, 2009 @ 23:10
Comment from: [Member]

Dan, by all means PLEASE publicize it. Let’s let everyone know about this project. Feel free to link to this page since all of the links are exposed. If you don’t want to use the long blog url, here’s the shortened version: http://bit.ly/1ivX7xb

Stingray, an interview with Shuki Levy would make for a great liner notes piece inside the CD jewel case. I think that’s what you have in mind. I’m not sure how it should be arranged, since it would cause too many complications to make something that requires double-sided printing. I’m not skilled in making liners. All of mine are plain text on white, using an old program called JewlLinr. I’m sure you or someone else will figure something out.

Aug. 31, 2009 @ 22:13
Comment from: stingray2501 (Ryan) [Visitor]

Nitpicking is good! It will help find the cues we’re missing. I just took a quick scan through the Lost and Foundry Audio - had trouble ripping the sound so I’ll try again later but the opening clip is a great track - and for the first half of it’s playtime it’s sound effect and dialogue free - I can pull the same track from other episodes and piece together a good version. Also in Lost and Foundry there are a couple other great firehouse themes that are missing from the album too. If you can start identifying episodes with themes you want, and other episodes where the same theme plays I can start to piece them together.

Sep. 8, 2009 @ 07:08
Comment from: Dan Evans [Visitor]

Besides the opening cue of Lost and Foundry, the only piece of music I really would like to see is from Bird of Kildarby. It’s from the beginning of the chase where the bird smashes the bridge the Ghostbusters are on and then everything from there to the scene where they trap it at the firehouse.

Sep. 8, 2009 @ 18:47
Comment from: Rover [Visitor]

I intend on doing the same thing someday, piecing together effect-free versions of these tracks I love. I immensely enjoyed the work you’ve done so far, as there are only a few popular tunes missing. Such as the one that starts Janine’s Genie and Janine Melnitz Ghostbuster - is there a complete version of it among the episodes with separate V/E tracks? And the one repeated a few times during tense moments in The Collect Call of Cthulhu?

Sep. 30, 2009 @ 05:59
Comment from: stingray2501 (Ryan) [Visitor]

I’ll scan through the Janine’s clips if I have time this week. Been pretty busy with work ;).

Keep those clip requests coming so that I know where to look.

I have run into a little problem. When extracting the music/effects tracks using stream processing a lot of them only came through at 11min or so when there’s supposed to be 23min of audio - I’ve tried extracting the audio from lost and foundry and a few others but they are having the same problem. Anyone know how to get the tracks up to the full 23min mark, besides hooking up a player to the computer directly and recording the audio minute by minute? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

Oct. 14, 2009 @ 16:31
Comment from: [Member]


I don’t know if it’s out of the scope of the project, but might I suggest including the few series vocal tracks in the album compilation. I don’t mean the theme song - of which, I think, there are three different sets of beginning and end themes used during the series run - I mean stuff like:

* “Love Makes Me Live” performed by Shanna O’Callahan ["Banshee Bake A Cherry Pie?"]
* “Touching Old Magic” performed by The Ghostbusters ["The Halloween Door"]
* “Boogaloo’s Back In Town” performed by Boogaloo ["The Halloween Door"]

As for the issue you’re having with 11 min audio vs 23 min audio - I don’t know how you’re ripping the audio, so I really don’t know what the problem is. If I wanted to rip audio from a DVD, I could do it one of two ways - both involving Shareware apps.

1. Run Total Recorder in the background and record on-the-fly while the DVD is playing in my software player.

2. Run AnyDVD in the background (to remove copy protection), then rip the audio using Cinematize.

I should give you a little warning about Cinematize. The program is designed to let you rip multimedia from ALL parts of a DVD. That includes the menus. That’s good if you want to rip video that’s encoded as a menu - such as the trailers on the 1999 GB2 DVD release. What this means is that depending on how the DVD was authored, you may have to search around quite a bit to find the content that you’re looking for. Don’t expect for it to necessarily be labeled with the same DVD Title number that your player will give you when playing it.

Also, if all you want to do is disable the DVD copy-protection so you can rip the audio with Cinematize (or any other program), you don’t need AnyDVD. There’s a freeware replacement called DVD43. It works the same way as AnyDVD, but it only disables DVD copy-protection while running in the background. It won’t disable region coding, and it won’t do anything with Blu-Ray or HD-DVD discs. For the project you’re doing here, disabling DVD copy-protection is all you need, anyway.

Oct. 28, 2009 @ 03:35
Comment from: stingray2501(Ryan) [Visitor]

I will check out Cinematize. Thanks for the tip.

I’ll be back on this for a week in mid-November. Will try to grab all the tunes you mentioned from both episodes. If you think of more pieces or episodes that have music that should be there let me know.

Oct. 28, 2009 @ 09:36
Comment from: rgbmusicfan [Visitor]

This is AWESOME! There’s lots of tracks missing, though. There’s a great “exotic music” they used in Egon’s Dragon (during the encantations) and during Little Egypt’s dance in “Drool, the Dog-Faced Goblin” (which is the long version).

I still think there’s hope for all the awesome cartoon soundtracks out there that are nearly becoming lost into oblivion…

Jan. 31, 2010 @ 23:17
Comment from: James Griffes [Visitor]

Bless you sir for putting this CD together & anyone else that contributed!

Mar. 22, 2011 @ 22:18
Comment from: khonshu [Visitor]

I found an alternate mediafire link for the RGB soundtrack as referenced here.

Ryan/Stingray2501’s RGB Score File - v2 with Covers


Oct. 28, 2013 @ 22:56
Comment from: [Member]

Thanks for submitting that link, Khonshu.

Since so many people obviously view this page, I felt it was about time I uploaded copies of the files to Spook Central’s server, to replace the long-expired Mediafile links I originally had in the post.

One day I will go through these files and put up a definitive set of MP3s properly on the site. For now, these will do :-)

Oct. 30, 2013 @ 21:33
Comment from: GB_Fan [Visitor]

Thank you so much for this!

I absolutely needed to have the firehouse theme. Oh the memories..

Sep. 16, 2014 @ 20:44
Comment from: Bob [Visitor]  

Hi there, i am after a score from Ragnarok and Roll. its the Guitar solo when the Hunchback is hanging from the building and his friend wants him to grab his hand. please anyone let me know. and thanks for the Scores that Chad and Ryan put up.

Nov. 23, 2014 @ 03:43
Comment from: Aaron [Visitor]

Hi, just wanna say awesome job! The files don’t seem to be working though with the exception of the mediafire link in the comments: “OST Score 2″.

Is OST Score 1 available?

Jan. 21, 2015 @ 05:41
Comment from: TekForce [Visitor]

This is really fantastic! I’ve been looking for the music for this show for AGES! Almost brought tears to my eyes ;). I heard the “Surprise 2″ and it was exactly the sample I’ve been searching for. Is there a “Surprise 3″, where the other part of the sample is? That was probably my favorite music of the show, because it was so ominous…

Apr. 19, 2015 @ 21:37
Comment from: Mac [Visitor]

Is there such a thing as a full opening for The Real Ghostbusters? Anything would be better than just one minute of heaven…

Mar. 22, 2017 @ 01:12
Comment from: Zidders Roofurry [Visitor]
Jul. 13, 2017 @ 22:54
Comment from: [Member]

Zidders - That’s actually the promo pilot, as covered here on Spook Central.

Jul. 14, 2017 @ 13:30
Comment from: Brad Bosshart [Visitor]

Thanks! I was thinking there was some songs out there. I have a GB playlist with the GB2 songs, GB1 soundtrack and the Tahiti songs.

Dec. 3, 2017 @ 06:42
Comment from: A Kid Again [Visitor]  

Just stumbled across these, after assuming I would never, ever get a Real GB soundtrack.

As someone who watched this when they were on, I just want to say thanks.

Whoever did these OSTs are my heroes!

Feb. 12, 2018 @ 11:52
Comment from: Jackson [Visitor]

I found the music compilation you put together and I enjoyed it. So last year I put all of the music together and put it on youtube as one whole video. I let ppl know that you did all the leg work and put a link in the video to find the page. All the music is on utube in the link. https://youtu.be/952W4vdNecY

Apr. 30, 2018 @ 04:40
Comment from: [Member]

Thanks, Jackson. Most people forget (don’t bother) with credits, so it’s much appreciated.

By the way, I corrected the casing on your comment. Please don’t write in all caps anymore. It’s considered “yelling". Thanks.

– Paul

Apr. 30, 2018 @ 17:36
Comment from: Adrian [Visitor]  

These are amazing!

I’m working on a motion comic adaptation of original 1980s Real Ghostbusters Comics and these are perfect to give them that authentic feel.

You can check the first couple of episodes on our Facebook page or YouTube. Just search for Real Ghostbusters: The Lost Adventures.

Sep. 18, 2020 @ 09:51
Comment from: NSGhostbusters [Visitor]  

Has anybody ever done a rip of Love Makes Me Live” performed by Shanna O’Callahan from the “Banshee Bake A Cherry Pie?” episode? - Noah

Apr. 11, 2021 @ 11:59
Comment from: [Member]


What you’re looking for can be found in this Spook Central article: The Real Ghostbusters News Alert - Shanna’s Siren Song Stolen From She-Ra!.

– Paul

Apr. 11, 2021 @ 15:39
Comment from: NSGhostbusters [Visitor]  

Thank you, Paul.

Apr. 11, 2021 @ 19:08
Comment from: SHIFT [Visitor]  

This is amazing! Great work. A big thank you for keeping it online for such time also.

Big ask, would any of these be available in lossless or flac? I’m mostly after the eerie / spooky bits.


May. 31, 2024 @ 15:03

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