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Updates on Paul since November 16th and onward
Last updated on December 8, 2012
For previous updates, please see the "Spook Central On Hiatus / Making Ghostbusters PDF eBook Preserved" blog post.
This blog post contains the next set of updates. The last blog got way too crowded and so I got approval to start a second blog post. To keep things simple and to the point, I'll be simply copying and relaying Paul Rudoff's comments and news here on this blog post. - Matthew Jordan
November 16, 2012:
November 23, 2012:
November 25, 2012:
November 29, 2012:
December 1, 2012:
December 6, 2012:
December 8, 2012:
For previous updates, please see the "Spook Central On Hiatus / Making Ghostbusters PDF eBook Preserved" blog post.
This blog post contains the next set of updates. The last blog got way too crowded and so I got approval to start a second blog post. To keep things simple and to the point, I'll be simply copying and relaying Paul Rudoff's comments and news here on this blog post. - Matthew Jordan

November 16, 2012:
The Dan Schoening cover auction has ended. It sold for $380 ($350 after eBay fees) with 32 bids.
I appreciate that Dan did this for me and my family. Mere words can't express how I truly feel. In turn, someone is getting a really unique Ghostbusters collectible as this will be the only Dan Schoening postcard sketch cover :-)
A FEMA inspector named Donald (I think he works for PaRR Inspections, who FEMA contracts to do the inspections) came to the house today to see our damaged stuff, and boy was it a big fucking waste of time! I inspect my underwear better than he inspected our personal property. He didn't even go into every room - and there are only 6 rooms in the entire one-floor house! He went as far as the hallway outside the bathroom, never venturing into my bedroom to see my damaged computer, television, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, or anything else in my bedroom. In the living room, he asked if we had a television but didn't want to see the Blu-ray player or DVD/VCR combo player that were sitting underneath. He never went into the back bedroom either, nor did he look inside it as far as I could tell.
He took a total of 3 photos: the front of the house, the living room, and the dining room. Two weeks ago when I first came back to the house I took the same three photos - plus 27 MORE!!!
We put off cleaning out the house for two weeks, much to the chagrin of the landlord who wanted to start making repairs, because we were waiting for the FEMA inspector to see our damaged stuff. If we knew that the guy would do such a half-ass job (and I'm being generous at saying it was even "half-ass"), we would have started cleaning earlier and could have had the whole house cleaned out by now!
It was bad enough that FEMA didn't even assign an inspector to our case until this past Monday, when they should have done it after we visited the FEMA office here on the college campus in person the Monday the week before, or even after we first applied over the phone the Saturday after the storm (two weeks ago tomorrow), but to make us wait this long for an inspector who didn't really inspect anything is an insult!
November 23, 2012:
We started throwing stuff out a week ago, but it's very slow going and way too much work for us to do by ourselves.
The landlord's lawyer (his representative in the area as the landlord lives in Pennsylvania) is finally going to get a contractor to look at the house so we'll know what he plans on doing with the place. I think it's too far gone for repairs and should be knocked down and rebuilt. The house is nearly 100 years old, was falling apart before the storm, and is getting worse and worse the longer nothing is done with it.
We did get money from FEMA to find a new permanent or temporary place, but that's easier said than done when neither FEMA nor Social Services will help us look. We don't have the resources to search all over the place for a place to live. We don't have a car, so that limits what we can do. If it were easy for us to find a place to live, we wouldn't have been living in that twice-condemned dump for 23 years.
We're still living at the Red Cross emergency shelter at Nassau Community College. We'll be there 4 weeks this Monday. We're hoping and trying to find a place in East Rockaway or one of the surrounding towns (but NOT near the water). I should let everyone know that they no longer have wifi in the shelter so I'll have to go back to the Nassau Coliseum to use theirs from now on. If they're having an event that day, I'll have to stay outside in the cold and use my iPod Touch while freezing my fingers off. In other words, I won't be online everyday, but I'll try to check in as often as I can. So if I'm absent for extended periods of time, you'll know why.
November 25, 2012:
My father has been in the hospital since Wednesday with pneumonia. They took him from the shelter to the hospital. He missed having Thanksgiving dinner with the rest of us at my sisters group home. We visited him on Friday. He probably got it from all of the germs going around the shelter. Hopefully he'll be back this week.
We have a real estate broker here at the shelter who is looking to find us a new place to live. It has been 4 weeks since the hurricane and not a damn thing has been done on the house we've been renting for the past 23 years. We haven't even been able to clean it up very much because we're not strong enough to get out the heavy furniture, and it takes 1.5 to 2 hours each way to travel by bus - and that eats up the daylight hours in which we can work.
I'm outside the Nassau Colisuem right now, and will head back to the college in a few minutes. My fingers are freezing. The coliseum is closed today so I can't stay in the warm lobby as I did a few times in the past.
November 29, 2012:
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
Father is still in the hospital, but he may be getting out in the next day or two.
We potentially have a new place to live in Valley Stream. Going to the realtor's office Saturday afternoon. It's not in one of my preferred towns to live in, but it's still close to our doctors and everything we're familiar with. Valley Stream is only two towns away from East Rockaway (Lynbrook is sandwiched in between). It's a second floor apartment, and I just hope that my senior citizen parents don't have much trouble getting up the stairs.
The realtor tells me that the apartment is the second and third floors of the house. The third floor is just a bedroom; converted from an attic. That will end up being my bedroom since my folks don't need a second set of stairs to climb. I will say this, if I hear voices up there saying "Faversham", I'm getting the hell out if the house!!!
I do get the feeling that it's a much smaller place than our old place, which was an entire one-floor bungalow-style house that we believe was built in 1920. Regardless of how much smaller it may be, we have no choice but to accept it.
We do have one pending problem: we need someone with a big car or a van to help us move undamaged and salvageable items from the old house to the new one. No one in my household has a car or a drivers license, so we can't even rent a U-haul.
If anyone reading this is in the Long Island, New York area, specifically Nassau County, and you're wiling to help us, please email me and I'll give you my cell phone number.
This job needs to be done IMMEDIATELY AFTER WE MOVE INTO THE PLACE AS THE OLD LANDLORD WANT TO DEMOLISH THE OLD HOUSE! We don't know when he's gonna do it, but it would be best to get our stuff out ASAP.
December 1, 2012:
Some good news: my father is out of the hospital. Just in time to come with us tomorrow to the realtor's office. I'm still coughing fairly often thanks to a mild case of bronchitis, but it's more annoying than anything else.
I realize now that I forgot to publically thank Doreen Mulman for the $50 cash gift she gave me last week on Thanksgiving. I truly appreciate it, Kitten :-)
December 6, 2012:
I'd like to thank Katrina Lynn and all of the guys and gals from EctoCon for holding an auction on my behalf. They raised $128 from eight donated items. Thank you so much everyone.
December 8, 2012:
My family has a new home in Valley Stream, NY.
Papers were signed (we still need to do a formal lease), monies were exchanged, and we have the keys in our possession. The landlord will be there tomorrow to meet LIPA to have the electricity turned on. We will be leaving the shelter Monday morning.
The new landlord is *very* nice. He offered to give us free furniture that belonged to his late father if we can find someone who could transport it from his late father's place in Queens (Briarwood) to the new place in Valley Stream. I've reached out to a few of my online friends for help. One has met us already the other day and was one of the nicest people I have ever met.
I'll keep everyone posted on how things progress.
Hope your father has a speedy recovery, Paul. Glad to see you’ve had some progress with a real estate broker helping out.
Nov. 25, 2012 @ 22:10
godspeed for your father recovery.
Keep thinking good thoughs, I am sure things will get better.
Nov. 26, 2012 @ 02:59
Good luck Paul with everything, as a fellow Long Islander, I feel your pain, if there is anything I can do for you or your family, drop me a line, since I am in the area.
Best Wishes.
Nov. 26, 2012 @ 09:15
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