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McBusters - The Ghostbusters/McDonald's Crossover You Never Knew You Wanted

What do you get when you cross Ghostbusters with McDonald's? Well, you get a set of school supplies, tray liners/placemats, and bicycle accessories. That's true, of course, but you also get the McBusters!
What are the McBusters, you may ask? Simply put, it's a trilogy of short videos created by Myke Chilian in 2010 that re-create bits and pieces of both Ghostbusters films using the characters and paraphernalia of the McDonald's fast food universe.
Most of the cast and crew you will likely have never heard of. The most well-known, at least in geek circles, is Chris Hardwick, who voices Morgan Spurlock in parts 2 & 3. Chris hosts "The Talking Dead" and "At Midnight", and has been heard as Otis (the world's only transsexual cow) on "Back at the Barnyard" and as Craig the snake on "Sanjay and Craig". Eric Bauza (who voices Hamburglar, Grimace, Walter Peck and others) is another familiar name to me, though I only knew the name and couldn't place it to any roles without looking him up. I've heard him in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (as Tiger Claw), "The Looney Tunes Show" (as Marvin the Martian), and "The Fairly OddParents" (as Foop). He's also popped up in some of those Lego Star Wars shorts as Luke Skywalker. While I've never heard of the other cast and crew, the IMDB's McBusters page shows that they've done other high-profile projects in the field of animation. A lot have gone on to work on "Uncle Grandpa", it seems.
Below are all three videos (click on each to play), which form one continuous story. WARNING - The language is a bit crude at times, most of it used unnecessarily. I would definitely give this a PG-13 rating for language, though the MPAA would give it an R rating since they have that "only one F-bomb" rule for PG-13.
They bust food goblins and turn them into delicious McDonalds food. They're the McBusters.
Eric Bauza ... Hamburglar, Walter Peck
Myke Chilian ... Ronald McDonald, Janine Melnitz
Vatche Panos ... Mayor McCheese
Demorge Brown ... Mac Tonight
Amy Roiland ... Cashier, Lady At Restaurant
Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock tries to get in the way of the McBusters.
Eric Bauza ... Hamburglar, Grimace
Myke Chilian ... Ronald McDonald
Chris Hardwick ... Morgan Spurlock
Richard Lee ... Burger King
Vatche Panos ... Mayor McCheese
Demorge Brown ... Mac Tonight
Vivian Badashian ... News Anchor
Tommy Meehan ... Bathtub Monster
The McBusters wrap it up in their tasty 12-minute finale.
Myke Chilian ... Ronald McDonald
Eric Bauza ... Hamburglar, Grimace, Announcer, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Jury Foreman, Frymer
Vatche Panos ... Mayor McCheese
Demorge Brown ... Mac Tonight
Richard Lee ... Burger King
Chris Hardwick ... Morgan Spurlock
Dave Brockie ... Oderus Urungus
Craig Kellman ... Judge
Jenny Goldberg ... Prosecutor, News Woman
Ryan Ridley ... Street Thug
Tommy Meehan ... Car Crush Guy
Lilo Papikyan ... Cereal Girl
David Yegorian .. Cereal Boy
Mary Papikyan ... Neighbor Girl
Suren Yegorian ... Neighbor Boy
Now that you've seen the entire trilogy, go to the Spook Central Facebook page for a large gallery of images. Then go to Ghostbusters News for the McBusters intro & outro themes and an interview with creator/animator Myke Chilian.
Finally, here's a little fun bit of trivia for you. In part 3, when Mayor McCheese's dream starts (at 4:15) there's a little guy hiding on the pathway in the background wearing an orange vest atop green clothes with yellow gloves on; he's got brown hair and really large glasses and possibly buck teeth. I asked Myke who it was, and he said that it's his musician friend, DJ Embryonic Petit Sac. Also, at 10:05, are all of Myke's friends that worked on the show with him. Neat!
1 comment
The only thing missing from this is that creepy Happy Meal mascot. (This is because it hadn’t come out in America when the video was created, though.)
Aug. 22, 2015 @ 11:13
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