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Official Ghostbusters Creative Assets
By Paul Rudoff on Feb. 20, 2017 at 11:30 PM , Categories: Ghostbusters 1, Ghostbusters 2, The 2016 Parody Remake
It was all supposed to be simple. It was never supposed to be a lot of work.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, back in October 2016, Ghost Corps and Sony released a bunch of "creative assets" for the Ghostbusters franchise on the official site at ghostbusters.com/creative-assets/. Thankfully, I stumbled upon that page just a few weeks ago, because it's since been taken down.
The files included a whole slew of images, sound effects, and effects video files, most of which have been used on official Ghostbusters merchandise and as part of the style guides for both the original movies and the 2016 parody remake. These were high-quality, print-ready, multi-layer files in .psd, .eps, .wav, .pdf, .mov, and .tif formats. Here's the blurb from the page to explain why they were so gracious to make these assets available to the fans.
Hi Ghostbusters fans and content creators! Over the past years, we have noticed and loved all of the amazing videos, art, stories, and more that you have created out of sheer passion for the Ghostbusters franchise. We wanted to say thank you and add some fuel to the fire by providing official source materials to help you create even more amazing Ghostbusters creations. You can explore the containment unit below that includes official Ghostbusters art, graphics, sound effects, 3D effects, and more! Let's see what you've got by using the hashtag #CreativeGB! Brought to you by Ghost Corps.Being that I'm not graphics-proficient, I asked my compadre, Matthew Jordan to convert the images from the print-ready formats (.psd and .eps) to something more accessible to the average computer user, like me (such as .png or .jpg). I thought he could batch run them through one of his programs and have them outputted lickety-split. I thought wrong. Here's Matt to explain more...
Probably the most stunning thing is finding errors in one of the files. (I'm looking at ga_ca2.psd) Little dots towards the top going across. And a minute later I find more dots. All in the two base layers. I hope to god this was only a mistake for the website and not the whole campaign. There is a lot of money on the line, it would be BS to see this as the standard.Okay, so after a tremendous amount of work, Matthew made them into space-saving transparent PNGs. I then figured that I'd share the images by tossing them up on the Spook Central Facebook page as a gallery. Transparencies were lost, which is not a surprise, and no great loss for Facebook viewing. Unfortunately, the nicely formatted gallery description I included, turned into a big jumbled mess of text. I noticed Facebook doing this months ago, but I thought it was just a problem on my end. Matthew confirmed that it's one of Facebook's many screw-ups.
I must say this was one heck of a project. It turns out that really at the end of the day, you're are going to have to find someone else if you want the 4 large psd in actual size. I struggled at 3200 X 2--- size. The main image was made rendered at full res in jpg form. I then shrink them down and then made them tif files (to save them as transparent) as png's can't be in color setup cmyk (Photoshop won't allow me to change it to rgb either). I then cheated them into a blank png file in rgb by dragging them in. So yeah, it was a weird bitch. Had photoshop crash a large number of times while figuring out that it can't save those files as rgb pngs.
Had one computer freeze as well at the end. Mostly from over working it and running out of hard drive space (those things require many gigs if you want them in full size).
Weird little treasure I found in the one file, they had the video game version Logo in there in a turned off layer. Had a bit missing on the left side of the logo, but I fixed her up with the cloning tool. Both Slimers (one without any work, the other with a bit of work) have movable iris' so yeah if you want his eyes a different way it can be done.
Since my gallery text was a mess, and since the original images are still available on Sony's servers (even though the Creative Assets page has been deleted), and because Matthew has made his transparent PNG conversions available on the Ghostbusters Wiki, I felt it would be best if I put in a little effort and wrote a Spook Central blog post to help straighten this all out and point you to everything.
Matthew deserves a BIG ROUND OF THANKS for going above and beyond the call of duty to do these conversions.
ORIGINAL FILES - Direct links to the files are in the list at the end of this post. PLEASE BE AWARE that these files are VERY LARGE! You will need over 2 GIGABYTES of space and bandwidth if you want to download them all.
TRANSPARENT PNGS - On the Ghostbusters Wiki, on the Ghostbusters Official Website article. For a VERY LIMITED TIME, Matt uploaded the entire set into this 413 Mb rar file. This file can, and likely will, be deleted without notice. For permanent access to the assets, visit the Ghostbusters Wiki.
PREVIEW IMAGES - On the Spook Central Facebook page.
- Character Art: Slimer Smiling (gb_ca2.psd) (38.3 Mb)
- Character Art: Slimer Scared (gb_ca3.psd) (29.8 Mb)
- Character Art: Stay Puft Angry (gb_ca6.psd) (27.8 Mb)
- Character Art: Ecto-1 Front (gb_ca8.psd) (244 Mb)
- Character Art: Ecto-1 Front Left (gb_ca9.psd) (234 Mb)
- Character Art: Ecto-1 Rear Left (gb_ca10.psd) (322 Mb)
- Character Art: Ecto-1 Front Right (gb_ca11.psd) (209 Mb)
- Ghostbusters Title, No Ghost Logo, City Border (gb_cover.psd) (28.2 Mb)
- Color Pallette: Slimer (GB_Color_Callouts_Slimer.pdf) (709 Kb)
- Color Pallette: Stay Puft (GB_Color_Callouts_StayPuft.pdf) (415 Kb)
- Color Pallette: Ghostbusters Suit (GB_Color_Callouts_Suit.pdf) (10.6 Kb)
- Blueprint: Proton Pack (GB_Icon_08.psd) (37.5 Mb)
- Blueprint: Containment Grid (GB_Icon_09.psd) (37.6 Mb)
- Blueprint: Particle Flow (GB_Icon_10.psd) (37.7 Mb)
- No Ghost Logo & Title (GB_Logo_01.eps) (237 Kb)
- Title (GB_Logo_02.eps) (219 Kb)
- Ghostbusters II Titles & Logo (GB_Logo_03.eps) (294 Kb)
- Nametag: Spengler (GBC_Spengler.eps) (237 Kb)
- Nametag: Stantz (GBC_Stantz.eps) (574 Kb)
- Nametag: Venkman (GBC_Venkman.eps) (580 Kb)
- Nametag: Zeddemore (GBC_Zeddemore.eps) (582 Kb)
- Beveled No Ghost Logo (CGB%20Classic%20Logo.psd) (32.5 Mb)
- Proton Beam Vertical (CGB%20Classic%20Proton%20Beam%20BOP.psd) (4 Mb)
- Hazard Strip (CGB%20Hazard%20Strip%20BOP.psd) (3.2 Mb)
- Proton Beam Horizontal (CGB%20proton%20beam.psd) (3.8 Mb)
- Silhouette: Three Guys (GB_Silhouette_01.eps) (136 Kb)
- Silhouette: Ray (GB_Silhouette_02.eps) (106 Kb)
- Silhouette: Peter (GB_Silhouette_03.eps) (241 Kb)
- Silhouette: Egon (GB_Silhouette_04.eps) (243 Kb)
- Silhouette: Ray With Trap (GB_Silhouette_06.eps) (1 Mb)
- Silhouette: Terror Dog (GB_Silhouette_07.eps) (270 Kb)
- Silhouette: Stay Puft (GB_Silhouette_08.eps) (98.1 Kb)
- Silhouette: Slimer (GB_Silhouette_09.eps) (236 Kb)
- Silhouette: Ecto-1 (GB_Silhouette_10.eps) (254 Kb)
- Slime Short Drip (GB_Slime_02.psd) (8.7 Mb)
- Slime Long Drip (GB_Slime_03.psd) (9 Mb)
- Photo: Ecto-1 Front Left (GB_Ecto1_01.psd) (21.6 Mb)
- Photo: Ecto-1 Right (GB_Ecto1_02.psd) (13.8 Mb)
- Photo: Ecto-1 Front (GB_Ecto1_03.psd) (16.7 Mb)
- Photo: Ecto-1 Front Right (GB_Ecto1_04.psd) (20 Mb)
- Photo: Ecto-2 (GB_Ecto2_01.psd) (17 Mb)
- Photo: Ghost Trap Opened (150820_PROP_PLATES_106.psd) (106 Mb)
- Photo: Ghost Trap Closed (150820_PROP_PLATES_111.psd) (76.3 Mb)
- Photo: PKE Meter On (150819_PROP_PLATES_004.psd) (56.1 Mb)
- Photo: PKE Meter Off (150819_PROP_PLATES_003.psd) (34 Mb)
- Photo: Proton Pack (150820_PROP_PLATES_092.psd) (110 Mb)
- Dimensions: Proton Pack (pack%20dimensions.jpg) (51.4 Kb)
- Dimensions: Proton Gun (proton_gun%20dimensions.jpg) (45.5 Kb)
- Proton Pack Stickers (FJ_Gen3_proton_pack_stickers%20copy.jpg) (1.3 Mb)
- Sound Effect: Ecto-1 Siren (ECTO%20SIREN%202016.wav) (7.2 Mb)
- Sound Effect: Ghost Trap Sequence Combined Open Suction Close (Trap%20Sequence%20Combined%20Open%20Suction%20Close.wav) (6.6 Mb)
- Sound Effect: PKE Meter Device Beeps On Steady Detect Off (PKE%20Meter%20Device_Beeps_On%20Steady%20Detect%20Off.wav) (14.5 Mb)
- Sound Effect: Proton Pack Beam, 3 Versions (Proton%20Pack%20Beam_3%20versions.wav) (7.1 Mb)
- Sound Effect: Proton Pack Cocking (Proton%20Pack%20Cocking.wav) (826 Kb)
- Sound Effect: Proton Pack Power Up Quick Version (Proton%20Pack%20Power%20Up%20Quick%20Version.wav) (826 Kb)
- Alpha Channel: Stay Puft Balloon (.tif, zipped) (Stay%20Puft%20Alpha%20Channel%201_2.zip) (87.6 Mb)
- Alpha Channel: Stay Puft Balloon (.mov, zipped) (Stay%20Puft%20Alpha%20Channel%201.zip) (87.3 Mb)
- Alpha Channel: Slimer Fly-By (.tif, zipped) (Slimer%20Alpha%20Channel%204%20Fly-by_2.zip) (116 Mb)
- Alpha Channel: Slimer Fly-By (.mov, zipped) (Slimer%20Alpha%20Channel%204%20Fly-by.zip) (111 Mb)
- Alpha Channel: Slimer Driving (.tif, zipped) (Slimer%20Alpha%20Channel%205%20Fly-by_2.zip) (10.2 Mb)
- Alpha Channel: Slimer Driving (.mov, zipped) (Slimer%20Alpha%20Channel%205%20Fly-by.zip) (LINK NEVER WORKED)
- Alpha Channel: Slimer Hovering (.tif, zipped) (Slimer%20Alpha%20Channel%208%20Hovering_2.zip) (84.2 Mb)
- Alpha Channel: Slimer Hovering (.mov, zipped) (Slimer%20Alpha%20Channel%208%20Hovering.zip) (127 Mb)
- Alpha Channel: Blue Ghost Flying (.tif, zipped) (Blue%20Ghosts%20Flying%20Alpha%20Channel_2.zip) (17.1 Mb)
- Alpha Channel: Blue Ghost Flying (.mov, zipped) (Blue%20Ghosts%20Flying%20Alpha%20Channel.zip) (97 Mb)
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