PlayStation 2 Stuff
By Paul Rudoff on Jan. 1, 1999 at 9:32 PM in Miscellaneous
This is a list of software programs to be used with Sony PlayStation 2 video games and cheat devices. (For files to be used with the PC versions of the "Grand Theft Auto" series of game, go to the PC Gaming Stuff page.) A few of the documents I've written at GameFaqs require programs listed on this page. I did not write any of these programs, so don't ask me any questions about them. Please don't link directly to any files on this page; just link to this page itself. Thanks.

The Codebreaker cheat device uses codes that modify positions in the PlayStation 2's memory. You can enter these codes into the Codebreaker manually with the controller, or using a USB drive and a .CBC file (aka a "Day 1" file). A CBC file contains all of the codes for a single game.
It used to be that there was no one program that would allow the reading/writing/editing of CBC files. There was a program that wrote unsigned/v7 files (CBCMaker), and a command-line program that read them (CB2Util). Advances in CB2Util have allowed it to write unsigned/v7 (and possibly signed, with a modded Codebreaker?) CBC files. However, I have not been able to get a working batch-convert script made, and being that CBCMaker has a GUI, it's still the ideal program to use to create CBC files.
Both programs are listed below, along with some info about CBCMaker from the old website (which used to be the official Codebreaker site when it was called CMGSCCC). To make matters worse, the Code Twink site is now the official Game Genie site, and the CBC files were deleted when the changeover was made (probably because the Game Genie PS3 game save editor doesn't use the CBC files). So now you'll DEFINITELY need to make your own CBC files! In an effort to help, I am also providing the entire 1,114 file set of official Codebreaker CBC files converted to plain text files.
Since the Codebreaker and the CBC files are no longer being made/supported, I think it's about time the digital signature for the CBC file format was released so the people who still own Codebreakers can make digitally-signed CBC files compatible "as is" with Codebreaker versions 8+, so that the update.bin file isn't needed. I really have no idea why the CodeBreaker folks never released a program for their users that reads/writes/edits the CBC files. It's not like the CBC files could be used with any other cheat device. This added user-ability would have resulted in more people buying CodeBreakers (since the competition didn't have such tools). At least that's what I think.
CodeTwink Cheats Site 5/23/2012 (7-zip file) - The entire cheats section as of May 23, 2012. Just the html files and nothing else. Will give you cheats for PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, Game Boy Advance, and Game Boy/GBC. The PS1 codes are for Action Replay and Game Shark, PS2 is for CodeBreaker, I have no clue about the rest but likely Action Replay or Game Shark (of CodeBreaker if it was made for non-PS2 systems) as those were the two well-known devides for those old systems. This file is the one created by root670 (zip, 7-zip), which was a mirror he made of with Offline Explorer. There are over 19,000 html files (each named default.htm), each in its own folder. I deleted all of the extraneous/garbage files, leaving just all html files and one css file. I'm sure this could be fixed up better, but it works, and that's the point. Wes Castro put up a live backup of the site that is worth checking out if you want to find a code now, and don't want to download the whole site. Of course, the original site is still live at This is just a backup in case that site is down, or closes at some point.
Official Codebreaker Code Files: CBC v7 Format [GoodCBC r3] (with upgrade.bin) - The entire 1,113 file set of official Codebreaker CBC files decrypted into unencrypted raw hexidecimal format. This should cover all games that aren't already listed on the Codebreaker disc - excluding any games from circa 2008/2009-present for which no official codes were ever created (e.g. Ghostbusters). The file set was originally archived and converted by Bfoos at
CBCMaker v1.01 (with upgrade.bin) - Used to write/create Codebreaker .cbc/Day1 files. These contain a list of codes for a game, which can be transferred to your CodeBreaker if you have a USB pen drive. This program writes .cbc files, but it CAN NOT READ OR EDIT them. Use CB2Util to "read" .cbc files.
NOTE #1: The .cbc files this program creates do not contain the digital signature that is required in order for CodeBreaker v8+ to read/see them. These .cbc files can be natively used in Codebreaker v7, but in order to use them in v8.0, v8.1, v8.2, v9.0, v9.1, and v9.3 (does NOT work on v9.2, v10.0, v10.1), you need a special update.bin file that removes the signature check (that file and the program are both available on that page - along with a tutorial on how to use the program).
NOTE #2: The Upgrade.bin file must stay on your USB drive and be in your PS2 when the CodeBreaker loads everytime you want to add unsigned Day1 files, otherwise the CodeBreaker won't see the unsigned Day1 files.
NOTE #3: From my experience, when writing a description of a code, 54 characters is the maximum amount that will fit onto a TV screen. Anything longer will trail off the edge of the TV screen. You experience may vary if you have a larger TV.
CB2Util v1.7 with batch convert script - homepage - Extract (and optionally decrypt to unencrypted hexidecimal format) and compile all cheats from/to CodeBreaker code files (.cbc), encrypt or decrypt PCB files, convert PCB files into ELF files, and check digital signature on CBC and PCB files. The program supports unsigned (V7) and signed (V8) Day1 code saves (.CBC), PCB files (upgrades/homebrew/etc), and more formats in the future.
NOTE: This is a command-line program, and thus does not have a graphical user interface. Once you're in the command prompt and have navigated to the directory containing the program, you can then pass commands to it. Here are a few common examples:
• Extract the contents of a v7 code file to a text file (for v8, remove the "-7" part):
cb2util.exe cbc -7 gta3.cbc > gta3.txt
• Extract and decrypt (to unencrypted hexidecimal format) the contents of a code file to a text file:
cb2util.exe cbc -d -7 gtavcs.cbc > gtavcs.txt
• Compile the codes in a text file to a v7 code file (for v8, remove the "-7" part):
cb2util.exe cbc -c -7 gta3.txt gta3.cbc
NOTE: I have created a .reg file that will allow you to do batch conversions from CBC to TXT from the Windows Explorer right-click menu. You can download it with the program file above. A readme file and an uninstall file are included.
• Old Versions: v1.0 with batch convert script - this version can't write CBC files; also, it uses different command parameters:
• Extract the contents of a code save file to a text file:
cb2util.exe gta3.cbc > gta3.txt
• Extract and decrypt (to unencrypted hexidecimal format) the contents of a code save file to a text file:
cb2util.exe -d gtavcs.cbc > gtavcs.txt

Back in 2006, on the now-defunct official Codebreaker website, were two emulators that allowed you to play SNES and Genesis game ROMs on your PlayStation 2 via your Codebreaker cheat device (v7.1 and higher). These were emulators that were modded by the Codebreaker crew to be bootable by the Codebreaker and run on a PlayStation 2. I saved these files, and am archiving them here on my website for others to enjoy. I'm including what little notes I had typed up about them. I make no guarantees that any of these will work for you, and, of course, you'll need to find your own game ROM files.
• SNES Station - v0.2.4 HDD (818 Kb) - SNES Emulator.
Now-Defunct Official Homepage:
• PGEN - v1.4 (1.3 Mb) - Genesis Emulator. (MAY NOT WORK)
Now-Defunct Official Homepage:
• CodeBreaker PlayStation 2 Cheat Device v7.1 Or Higher
• USB Flash Device/Pen Drive.
1. Transfer the pelican.bin file to your USB drive's root folder. Also put your game ROMs on there, too.
2. Insert your USB drive into your PlayStation 2 and boot up the CodeBreaker.
3. Soon after you see the CodeBreaker logo, it should start reading the USB drive, and then boot up the emulator instead of the CodeBreaker main menu.
To go back to the CodeBreaker, you simply just boot the CodeBreaker without the USB drive plugged in, or delete the pelican.bin from your USB drive. In no way does the emulator modify anything on your system to stop you from using the CodeBreaker.
• The CodeBreaker can be very temperamental and sometimes won't read a valid .bin file with no rhyme or reason as to why. The only consistent way to get it to work, I think, is to extract the .bin file directly to the USB drive from your hard drive.
• Apparently you can only use one emulator at a time as the files probably each need to be named "pelican.bin".
• Put game ROMs on the USB drive with the emulator file, as I would see no other way to play them.
- Joker Commands (archived website) - Just put checkmarks in the boxes for the buttons you want to use to trigger your code, and get the four digit value from the column in the middle. Of course, you actually need a joker code for your game in order for these digits to be useful (you put the four digits into the last four spots in your game's joker code). The Grand Theft Auto games used the Reverse Joke Hex digits. This site is not recommended for novices. You need to, at least, have a basic understanding of codes, as I am not providing any technical support for this site.
- ADXUtil - Ver. 2.2.1 (Win32/GUI version) (230 Kb) - Take ADX audio files on PS2 game discs (usually stored in AFS files) and convert them to wav and mp3 files (mp3 encoding requires lame_enc.dll). It can create and extract AFS archives; add, delete and order streams on existing AFS archives; batch encode/decode; and encode/decode "on-the-fly" when adding or extracting files on AFS archives. It should be noted that it doesn't give the true file names of the ADX files (it renames them based upon the order they are in the AFS file), but usually this doesn't matter anyway.
- AFS Explorer (Ver. 3.7) - Browse and extract the contents of the AFS files on PS2 game discs (usually graphic and audio files are contained in them).
- GTA Censor Remover (Online Version) - Allows you to remove the censor in GTA: San Andreas and unlocks the removed 'Hot Coffee' interactive scene found after a successful date with one of your girlfriends. It can also be used to change the region of your Xbox save. This program supports PS2, Xbox and PC saves. Please note, this program is only compatible with the original version of the game. It will NOT work on the re-released "Special Edition."
- GTA: San Andreas Gallery Viewer - View and save your Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas gallery pictures on your PC. You must first use PS2 Save Builder to extract the GALLERY.DAT file from your save so you can use it in this program.
- MFAudio - Ver. 1.1 (60 Kb) - Take a variety of audio files on PS2 game discs and convert them to wav files (or just play them).
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
- WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth
- WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It
- OmniConvert (v1.1.1) - Can encrypt and decrypt codes for all commercially available cheat devices available in North America, and most (if not all) cheat devices available in Europe and Asia. That includes all encryption formats for CodeBreaker, Game Shark, Action Replay Max, and Xploder; and unencrypted hexidecimal format, of course. The converted codes can be outputted to one of these file types: Text, Action Replay Max (.bin), CodeBreaker (.cbc), and Xploder/Game Shark (.p2m). This program is the successor to MAXConvert and also replaces CB2Crypt.
NOTE: The .cbc files this program creates do not contain the digital signature that is required in order for CodeBreaker v8+ to read/see them. These .cbc files can be natively used in Codebreaker v7, but in order to use them in v8.x, v9.1, and v9.3, you need a special update.bin file that removes the signature check (see the CBCMaker section above).
AR2v2 KEY CODES: I don't know very much about code converting, but a while back I picked up this information on converting to and from Game Shark/Action Replay v2 format. For the most part, anytime Action Replay 2 version 2 (aka Game Shark 2 version 2) codes are involved you will need to use a key code. It doesn't matter if you converting to or from, you need a key code. Here are the three different Action Replay 2 encryptions, so you'd know which key codes to use for which codes. In OmniConvert, you can change the key code by going to Options - Set AR2 Key Code.
Encryption: 1456E7A5
Key Code: [not needed]
Codes that use this encryption method usually have a one line Master Code (Enabler/Must Be On/M Code), which looks like this:
xxxxxxxx 14xxxxxx
Final Fantasy X-2 (JAP)
M Code
EC879A34 142F7D74
Encryption: BCA99B83
Key Code: 1853E59E
Codes that use this encryption method usually have a two line Master Code (Enabler/Must Be On/M Code), which looks like this:
0E3C7DF2 1853E59E
xxxxxxxx BCxxxxxx
Encryption: F8FCFEFF
Key Code: 1645EBB3
Codes that use this encryption method usually have a two line Master Code (Enabler/Must Be On/M Code), which looks like this:
0E3C7DF2 1645EBB3
xxxxxxxx F8xxxxxx
You can also convert Action Replay 2 Master Codes to any other format, just like it was a regular code. Note: If you're converting Action Replay 2 Master Codes, you do not convert its keycode.
Example Final Fantasy X-2 M Code 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E <- DO NOT CONVERT THIS EE8EE582 BCD845DA <- Convert This
EE8EE582 BCD845DA <-> FA767F87 32AC4CB8 <-> F010190C 002FAA57 (Action Replay 2), (Code Breaker), , (Hexidecimal)
Thanks to Azagthoth0666, Tommy24, and anyone else who wrote the reference material I used to put this together. - PS2 Cheat Code Encryption Look-Up - Find out what encryption your cheat device codes are in. Only does one line codes. Doesn't handle CBv7+, GSv3&4 (new encryption), and GSv5. (As of 4/26/2006, they put v1 back on the site, in place of v2 [81Kb].) I'd love to find a new program that does what this one does, but has been updated more recently to include ALL formats.
- PS2 Save Builder - Create, extract, and convert between many popular game save formats (AR Max, CodeBreaker, nPort, XPort, Sharkport, and more).
USEFUL INFO: You can even use this program to delete and rearrange saved games in your GTA: Vice City save file, since the game makers left out a Delete option. You could probably also use it to rearrage the saved games (change the number in the title of each save to something from 1 through 8) in GTA3 and San Andreas as well (both of those games have a built-in delete option, so you don't need this program to do that). - Puyo Tools - Ver. 2.0.4 - A collection of tools and libraries used to access the contents of various game files. Although its main focus is to handle files used in Puyo Puyo games, it can handle files used in other games as well. Supported Formats:
* Compression: CNX (Read-only), COMP (Puyo Puyo Chronicle), CXLZ, LZ00, LZ01, LZ11, LZSS/LZ10, PRS.
* Archives: ACX, AFS, GNT, GVM, NARC (Partial read-only support. Use another app such as Narchive to handle these archives.), PVM, SNT, MRG (Puyo Puyo Fever 2), ONE (Sonic Storybook series), ONE (Sonic Unleashed for Wii & PS2) (Read-only), SPK (Puyo Puyo Fever 2), TEX (Puyo Puyo Fever 2), TXD (Sonic Storybook series).
* Textures: GIM, GVR, PVR, SVR. - San Andreas Radio - Do audio extraction from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (presumably for all PlayStation 2 versions). Be sure to follow the instructions in the program's Help menu. This program will not work on the PC version of the game.
- SFD to MPG Converter - As the name implies, lets you convert .sfd video files into standard .mpg video files.

Codebreaker .CBC/Day 1 Code Files
The Codebreaker cheat device uses codes that modify positions in the PlayStation 2's memory. You can enter these codes into the Codebreaker manually with the controller, or using a USB drive and a .CBC file (aka a "Day 1" file). A CBC file contains all of the codes for a single game.
It used to be that there was no one program that would allow the reading/writing/editing of CBC files. There was a program that wrote unsigned/v7 files (CBCMaker), and a command-line program that read them (CB2Util). Advances in CB2Util have allowed it to write unsigned/v7 (and possibly signed, with a modded Codebreaker?) CBC files. However, I have not been able to get a working batch-convert script made, and being that CBCMaker has a GUI, it's still the ideal program to use to create CBC files.
Both programs are listed below, along with some info about CBCMaker from the old website (which used to be the official Codebreaker site when it was called CMGSCCC). To make matters worse, the Code Twink site is now the official Game Genie site, and the CBC files were deleted when the changeover was made (probably because the Game Genie PS3 game save editor doesn't use the CBC files). So now you'll DEFINITELY need to make your own CBC files! In an effort to help, I am also providing the entire 1,114 file set of official Codebreaker CBC files converted to plain text files.
Since the Codebreaker and the CBC files are no longer being made/supported, I think it's about time the digital signature for the CBC file format was released so the people who still own Codebreakers can make digitally-signed CBC files compatible "as is" with Codebreaker versions 8+, so that the update.bin file isn't needed. I really have no idea why the CodeBreaker folks never released a program for their users that reads/writes/edits the CBC files. It's not like the CBC files could be used with any other cheat device. This added user-ability would have resulted in more people buying CodeBreakers (since the competition didn't have such tools). At least that's what I think.
How to Make Your Own Day 1 Files Using CBCMaker
Written by Pyriel on January 7, 2009
Here's what you need:
- An official copy of CodeBreaker.
- Currently, only versions 7.x, 8.x, 9.0, 9.1, and 9.3 can be used.
,- You will not be able to use versions 9.2, 10.0, and 10.1 for this purpose.
,- A PS2 console capable of booting CodeBreaker normally, and that the CodeBreaker can use USB with. Any "fat" PS2 will work, but if you have a slim PS2 it may not. In the US any PS2 model 75001 or higher has USB hardware that the CodeBreaker cannot communicate with.
- A USB drive that is compatible with CodeBreaker.
- A copy of CBCMaker v1.01 with the upgrade.bin file. The upgrade.bin file must be placed on either the memory card in slot 1, or on a USB drive. This media must be present when the CodeBreaker is loaded, so that it can retrieve the upgrade file.
- You may need the files in to run CBCMaker. If you receive an error about missing DLLs when you try to run it, just unzip the contents of into the directory where CBCMaker.exe resides (or to a folder in your system path, such as the system32 directory in your Windows folder).
If you meet the requirements, and once you have everything setup, all you need to do is start pasting codes. Your input should look something like what follows.
"My Game Name" Enable Code $901516F8 00832021 Infinite Money $6026BA30 00001027 $00010001 0001F44A !Character 1 Codes Max/Infinite HP $2026BA30 00000098 Max/Infinite MP $2026BA34 00000063 // 1 Total Games
The prefix tags can be used to explicitly identify a line as a code ($), as a green divider (!), or as a comment (//), but they are not required. Generally the tool does a good job determining what is a code, and what is a divider based on context.
CodeTwink Cheats Site 5/23/2012 (7-zip file) - The entire cheats section as of May 23, 2012. Just the html files and nothing else. Will give you cheats for PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, Game Boy Advance, and Game Boy/GBC. The PS1 codes are for Action Replay and Game Shark, PS2 is for CodeBreaker, I have no clue about the rest but likely Action Replay or Game Shark (of CodeBreaker if it was made for non-PS2 systems) as those were the two well-known devides for those old systems. This file is the one created by root670 (zip, 7-zip), which was a mirror he made of with Offline Explorer. There are over 19,000 html files (each named default.htm), each in its own folder. I deleted all of the extraneous/garbage files, leaving just all html files and one css file. I'm sure this could be fixed up better, but it works, and that's the point. Wes Castro put up a live backup of the site that is worth checking out if you want to find a code now, and don't want to download the whole site. Of course, the original site is still live at This is just a backup in case that site is down, or closes at some point.
Official Codebreaker Code Files: CBC v7 Format [GoodCBC r3] (with upgrade.bin) - The entire 1,113 file set of official Codebreaker CBC files decrypted into unencrypted raw hexidecimal format. This should cover all games that aren't already listed on the Codebreaker disc - excluding any games from circa 2008/2009-present for which no official codes were ever created (e.g. Ghostbusters). The file set was originally archived and converted by Bfoos at
CBCMaker v1.01 (with upgrade.bin) - Used to write/create Codebreaker .cbc/Day1 files. These contain a list of codes for a game, which can be transferred to your CodeBreaker if you have a USB pen drive. This program writes .cbc files, but it CAN NOT READ OR EDIT them. Use CB2Util to "read" .cbc files.
NOTE #1: The .cbc files this program creates do not contain the digital signature that is required in order for CodeBreaker v8+ to read/see them. These .cbc files can be natively used in Codebreaker v7, but in order to use them in v8.0, v8.1, v8.2, v9.0, v9.1, and v9.3 (does NOT work on v9.2, v10.0, v10.1), you need a special update.bin file that removes the signature check (that file and the program are both available on that page - along with a tutorial on how to use the program).
NOTE #2: The Upgrade.bin file must stay on your USB drive and be in your PS2 when the CodeBreaker loads everytime you want to add unsigned Day1 files, otherwise the CodeBreaker won't see the unsigned Day1 files.
NOTE #3: From my experience, when writing a description of a code, 54 characters is the maximum amount that will fit onto a TV screen. Anything longer will trail off the edge of the TV screen. You experience may vary if you have a larger TV.
CB2Util v1.7 with batch convert script - homepage - Extract (and optionally decrypt to unencrypted hexidecimal format) and compile all cheats from/to CodeBreaker code files (.cbc), encrypt or decrypt PCB files, convert PCB files into ELF files, and check digital signature on CBC and PCB files. The program supports unsigned (V7) and signed (V8) Day1 code saves (.CBC), PCB files (upgrades/homebrew/etc), and more formats in the future.
NOTE: This is a command-line program, and thus does not have a graphical user interface. Once you're in the command prompt and have navigated to the directory containing the program, you can then pass commands to it. Here are a few common examples:
• Extract the contents of a v7 code file to a text file (for v8, remove the "-7" part):
cb2util.exe cbc -7 gta3.cbc > gta3.txt
• Extract and decrypt (to unencrypted hexidecimal format) the contents of a code file to a text file:
cb2util.exe cbc -d -7 gtavcs.cbc > gtavcs.txt
• Compile the codes in a text file to a v7 code file (for v8, remove the "-7" part):
cb2util.exe cbc -c -7 gta3.txt gta3.cbc
NOTE: I have created a .reg file that will allow you to do batch conversions from CBC to TXT from the Windows Explorer right-click menu. You can download it with the program file above. A readme file and an uninstall file are included.
• Old Versions: v1.0 with batch convert script - this version can't write CBC files; also, it uses different command parameters:
• Extract the contents of a code save file to a text file:
cb2util.exe gta3.cbc > gta3.txt
• Extract and decrypt (to unencrypted hexidecimal format) the contents of a code save file to a text file:
cb2util.exe -d gtavcs.cbc > gtavcs.txt

Codebreaker Bootable Emulators
Back in 2006, on the now-defunct official Codebreaker website, were two emulators that allowed you to play SNES and Genesis game ROMs on your PlayStation 2 via your Codebreaker cheat device (v7.1 and higher). These were emulators that were modded by the Codebreaker crew to be bootable by the Codebreaker and run on a PlayStation 2. I saved these files, and am archiving them here on my website for others to enjoy. I'm including what little notes I had typed up about them. I make no guarantees that any of these will work for you, and, of course, you'll need to find your own game ROM files.
• SNES Station - v0.2.4 HDD (818 Kb) - SNES Emulator.
Now-Defunct Official Homepage:
• PGEN - v1.4 (1.3 Mb) - Genesis Emulator. (MAY NOT WORK)
Now-Defunct Official Homepage:
• CodeBreaker PlayStation 2 Cheat Device v7.1 Or Higher
• USB Flash Device/Pen Drive.
1. Transfer the pelican.bin file to your USB drive's root folder. Also put your game ROMs on there, too.
2. Insert your USB drive into your PlayStation 2 and boot up the CodeBreaker.
3. Soon after you see the CodeBreaker logo, it should start reading the USB drive, and then boot up the emulator instead of the CodeBreaker main menu.
To go back to the CodeBreaker, you simply just boot the CodeBreaker without the USB drive plugged in, or delete the pelican.bin from your USB drive. In no way does the emulator modify anything on your system to stop you from using the CodeBreaker.
• The CodeBreaker can be very temperamental and sometimes won't read a valid .bin file with no rhyme or reason as to why. The only consistent way to get it to work, I think, is to extract the .bin file directly to the USB drive from your hard drive.
• Apparently you can only use one emulator at a time as the files probably each need to be named "pelican.bin".
• Put game ROMs on the USB drive with the emulator file, as I would see no other way to play them.
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