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Television > Real Ghostbusters > Home Video > TimeLife Complete Collection DVD Box Set > Time-Life's The Real Ghostbusters: Complete Collection - Complete Set Breakdown
Complete Set Breakdown
Episode production numbers are in parenthesis, episode runtimes are in brackets.
Introductions are marked in Blue, some episodes have two introductions.
Visual Commentary Tracks are marked in Yellow [runtimes listed in brackets].
Isolated Music & Effects Tracks are marked in Grey.
Isolated Music & Effects Tracks are alternate audio tracks for each episode that has one. As they run the same duration as the episode itself, I will not list separate runtimes for them. Since intros are attached to a second "copy" of the episode, the intro runtimes are solely for the chapter that contains the intro, and not for the intro and episode combined.
30 episodes - 5 commentaries - 31 intros - 5 music&effects
30 episodes - 5 commentaries - 31 intros - 5 music&effects
--------DISC 1-------- (6 eps + 2 commentary + 9 intros = 187 minutes)
1. GHOSTS R US (original voices) (75002) [23:41]
* Introduction by Len Janson. [0:23]
* Visual Commentary Track with Len Janson, Kevin Alteri, Dan Riba; hosted by Andy Mangels. [23:38]
2. KILLERWATT (no title card) (75001) [23:41]
* Introduction by Marsha Goodman. [0:27]
3. MRS. ROGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD (original voices) (75004) [23:51]
* Introduction by Everett Peck. [0:27]
* Introduction by Brad Rader. [0:25]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
4. SLIMER, COME HOME (original voices) (75006) [23:42]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:52]
* Introduction by Brad Rader. [0:34]
* Visual Commentary Track with Brad Rader & Gabi Payn; hosted by Andy Mangels. [23:45]
5. TROLL BRIDGE (original voices) (75007) [23:54]
* Introduction by Kevin Altieri. [0:36]
6. THE BOOGIEMAN COMETH (original voices) (75008) [23:55]
* Introduction by Michael C. Gross. [0:30]
* Introduction by Maurice LaMarche. [0:27]
--------DISC 2-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 9 intros = 186 minutes)
7. MR. SANDMAN, DREAM ME A DREAM (original voices) (75009) [23:53]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:48]
* Introduction by Everett Peck. [0:25]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [1:07]
9. LOOK HOMEWARD, RAY (75003) [23:51]
* Introduction by Marc Scott Zicree. [0:49]
10. TAKE TWO (75011) [23:51]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:37]
* Visual Commentary Track with J. Michael Straczynski, Joe Medjuck and Michael C. Gross; hosted by Andy Mangels. [23:46]
11. CITIZEN GHOST (75012) [23:53]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:57]
12. JANINE'S GENIE (75005) [23:53]
* Introduction by Laura Summer. [0:39]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
13. XMAS MARKS THE SPOT (75013) [23:52]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:39]
* Introduction by Everett Peck. [0:29]
--------DISC 3-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 5 intros = 185 minutes)
14. KNOCK, KNOCK (Series Music Version) (76001) [22:28]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:36]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
15. STATION IDENTIFICATION (76002) [22:28]
* Introduction by Marc Scott Zicree. [0:47]
16. PLAY THEM RAGTIME BOOS (Tahiti Music Version) (76003) [22:22]
17. SEA FRIGHT (76004) [22:22]
* Introduction by Kevin Altieri. [0:27]
18. THE SPIRIT OF AUNT LOIS (76005) [22:29]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:33]
19. CRY UNCLE (76006) [22:27]
* Introduction by David Gerrold. [0:36]
* Visual Commentary Track with David Gerrold; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:23]
--------DISC 4-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 5 intros = 185 minutes)
21. NIGHT GAME (76008) [22:27]
* Introduction by Kathryn Drennan. [0:54]
22. VENKMAN'S GHOST REPELLERS (Series Music Version) (76009) [22:29]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:36]
* Visual Commentary Track with Richard Mueller and James Eatock. [22:23]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
23. THE OLD COLLEGE SPIRIT (76010) [22:28]
24. AIN'T NASA-SARILY SO (76011) [22:28]
* Introduction by Dan Riba. [0:32]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:38]
26. A FRIGHT AT THE OPERA (Tahiti Music Version) (76013) [22:23]
27. DOCTOR, DOCTOR (76014) [22:28]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:39]
--------DISC 5-------- (3 eps + 2 intros + documentary extras = 93 minutes)
28. GHOST BUSTED (76015) [22:27]
29. BENEATH THESE STREETS (76016) [22:28]
* Introduction by Kevin Altieri. [0:36]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:32]
30. BOO-DUNIT (76017) [22:28]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:35]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
Featurette - "Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts: Creating The Real Ghostbusters" [25:06]
A spooky and fascinating look at the origins of television's most popular animated spook show, including revealing interviews with the producers, writers, animators, directors, voice over actors, and designers who worked behind the scenes to turn the worldwide hit Ghostbusters into the top-rated and groundbreaking The Real Ghostbusters series!
The Real Ghostbusters Image Gallery - Promotional and Development Art (19 images)
A Behind The Scenes Look at historic promotional art, development art, and advertising!
The Real Ghostbusters Design Gallery - Night Game (19 images)
Take a look at the spooky designs for this early episode!
DVD-ROM Material:
Episodic Scripts and Storyboards for The Real Ghostbusters in PDF format (Mac/PC compatible)
* MRS. ROGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD storyboard [192 pages, 60.7 MB]
* SLIMER, COME HOME script [41 pages, 2.7 MB]
* SLIMER, COME HOME storyboard [205 pages, 113.3 MB]
* WHEN HALLOWEEN WAS FOREVER storyboard Act II [113 pages, 51.3 MB]
* TAKE TWO storyboard Act II [79 pages, 13.4 MB]
* CITIZEN GHOST storyboard [181 pages, 101.8 MB]
* XMAS MARKS THE SPOT storyboard [219 pages, 124.1 MB]
* KNOCK, KNOCK script [40 pages, 2.9 MB]
* THE SPIRIT OF AUNT LOIS script [38 pages, 2.3 MB]
* AIN'T NASA-SARILY SO script [32 pages, 720 KB]
* A FRIGHT AT THE OPERA script [43 pages, 2.7 MB]
31 episodes - 4 commentaries - 19 intros - 5 music&effects
31 episodes - 4 commentaries - 19 intros - 5 music&effects
--------DISC 1-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 5 intros = 185 minutes)
31. CHICKEN, HE CLUCKED (76018) [22:26]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [1:02]
32. RAGNAROK AND ROLL (76019) [22:27]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
33. DON'T FORGET THE MOTOR CITY (76020) [22:28]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:38]
* Visual Commentary Track with Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [22:23]
34. BANSHEE BAKE A CHERRY PIE? (76021) [22:25]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:31]
35. WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD GHOST? (76022) [22:27]
36. HANGING BY A THREAD (76023) [22:27]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:33]
37. YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU (76024) [22:27]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:34]
--------DISC 2-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 5 intros = 185 minutes)
38. NO ONE COMES TO LUPUSVILLE (76025) [22:30]
39. DROOL, THE DOG-FACED GOBLIN (76026) [22:28]
* Introduction by Marsha Goodman. [0:27]
40. THE MAN WHO NEVER REACHED HOME (76027) [22:30]
* Introduction by Kathryn Drennan. [0:35]
41. THE COLLECT CALL OF CATHULHU (76028) [22:28]
* Introduction by James Eatock. [0:30]
* Visual Commentary Track with Marsha Goodman and James Eatock. [22:23]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
42. BUSTMAN'S HOLIDAY (76029) [22:31]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:33]
* Introduction by J. Michael Straczynski. [0:36]
--------DISC 3-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 4 intros = 184 minutes)
45. EGON ON THE RAMPAGE (76032) [22:31]
* Introduction by Marc Scott Zicree. [0:36]
* Visual Commentary Track with Marc Scott Zicree, Maurice LaMarche, and Laura Summer; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:26]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
46. LIGHTS! CAMERA! HAUNTING! (76033) [22:28]
* Introduction by Marc Scott Zicree. [0:50]
47. THE BIRD OF KILDARBY (Tahiti Music Version) (76034) [21:54]
* Introduction by Laura Summer. [0:34]
49. APOCALYPSE--WHAT, NOW? (76036) [21:53]
* Introduction by Michael Edens. [0:50]
50. LOST AND FOUNDRY (76037) [22:31]
51. HARD KNIGHT'S DAY (76038) [21:53]
--------DISC 4-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 4 intros = 184 minutes)
52. COLD CASH AND HOT WATER (76039) [22:30]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:38]
53. THE SCARING OF THE GREEN (76040) [22:24]
* Visual Commentary Track with Michael Edens and Michael Swanigan; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:22]
54. THEY CALL ME MISTER SLIMER (76041) [22:28]
55. LAST TRAIN TO OBLIVION (76042) [22:31]
* Introduction by Michael Edens. [0:39]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
56. MASQUERADE (76043) [22:27]
57. JANINE'S DAY OFF (76044) [22:29]
* Introduction by Laura Summer. [0:32]
58. THE GHOSTBUSTERS IN PARIS (76045) [22:29]
* Introduction by Maurice LaMarche. [0:37]
--------DISC 5-------- (3 eps + 1 intros + documentary extras = 92 minutes)
59. THE DEVIL IN THE DEEP (76046) [22:30]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
60. GHOST FIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL (76047) [22:30]
* Introduction by James Eatock. [0:27]
61. GHOSTBUSTER OF THE YEAR (76048) [21:55]
Featurette - "Animating The Real Ghostbusters" [23:45]
A retro-cool behind-the-scenes look at exactly how an episode of The Real Ghostbusters was created, as the production geniuses behind the series take you from script to voice-over, from character and monster design to storyboard, from animation art to cel ink & paint, and from backgrounds to final product!
The Real Ghostbusters Image Gallery - Background Art (8 images)
A textured look at designs and backgrounds for the animated series!
The Real Ghostbusters Image Gallery - Headquarters Art (23 images)
A closer look at the Key Art for the Ghostbusters firehouse!
The Real Ghostbusters Design Gallery - The Man Who Never Reached Home (8 images)
A behind-the-scenes view of the designs for this haunting episode!
DVD-ROM Material:
Episodic Scripts and Storyboards for The Real Ghostbusters in PDF format (Mac/PC compatible)
* DON'T FORGET THE MOTOR CITY storyboard [146 pages, 13.7 MB]
* BANSHEE BAKE A CHERRY PIE? script [42 pages, 2.6 MB]
* THE COLLECT CALL OF CATHULHU script [41 pages, 1.2 MB]
* THE HEADLESS MOTORCYCLIST script [42 pages, 1.1 MB]
* APOCALYPSE--WHAT, NOW? script [41 pages, 2.7 MB]
* THE SCARING OF THE GREEN script [37 pages, 2.5 MB]
* LAST TRAIN TO OBLIVION script [36 pages, 2.6 MB]
* MASQUERADE script [35 pages, 832 KB]
* THE GHOSTBUSTERS IN PARIS script [42 pages, 1.2 MB]
* GHOST FIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL script [36 pages, 2.3 MB]
31 episodes - 5 commentaries - 15 intros - 5 music&effects
31 episodes - 5 commentaries - 15 intros - 5 music&effects
--------DISC 1-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 6 intros = 186 minutes)
62. DEADCON I (76049) [22:26]
* Introduction by Michael Edens. [0:49]
63. THE CABINET OF CALAMARI (76050) [21:54]
* Visual Commentary Track with Michael Edens, Michael Swanigan, and James Eatock; hosted by Andy Mangels. [21:48]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
64. A GHOST GROWS IN BROOKLYN (76051) [22:25]
* Introduction by Michael Edens. [0:52]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:36]
* Introduction by Michael Swanigan. [0:30]
66. ROLLERGHOSTER (76053) [22:26]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:41]
67. I AM THE CITY (76054) [22:28]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:32]
68. MOANING STONES (76055) [22:26]
--------DISC 2-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 4 intros = 184 minutes)
69. THE LONG, LONG, LONG, ETC. GOODBYE (76056) [22:26]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:27]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
70. BUSTER THE GHOST (76057) [22:29]
71. THE DEVIL TO PAY (76058) [22:28]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:35]
* Visual Commentary Track with Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:23]
72. SLIMER, IS THAT YOU? (original voices) (76059) [22:30]
73. EGON'S GHOST (76060) [22:30]
* Introduction by Maurice LaMarche. [0:30]
74. CAPTAIN STEEL SAVES THE DAY (76061) [22:27]
75. VICTOR THE HAPPY GHOST (76062) [22:31]
* Introduction by Dan Riba. [0:31]
--------DISC 3-------- (6 eps + 2 commentaries + 4 intros = 185 minutes)
76. EGON'S DRAGON (76063) [22:31]
* Introduction by Kathryn Drennan. [0:25]
* Visual Commentary Track with Kathryn Drennan; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:24]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
77. DAIRY FARM (76064) [22:29]
78. THE HOLE IN THE WALL GANG (76065) [22:31]
* Introduction by David Gerrold. [0:31]
* Introduction by Dan Riba. [0:32]
80. BABY SPOOKUMS (140001) [23:07]
* Introduction by Michael Swanigan. [0:29]
* Visual Commentary Track with Len Janson; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:59]
81. IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE (140003) [23:08]
--------DISC 4-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 1 intros = 184 minutes)
82. THE BOGEYMAN IS BACK (140007) [23:10]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
83. ONCE UPON A SLIME (140008) [23:09]
84. THE TWO FACES OF SLIMER (140002) [23:11]
85. STICKY BUSINESS (140006) [22:25]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:30]
86. HALLOWEEN II 1/2 (140004) [22:30]
* Visual Commentary Track with Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:22]
87. LOATHE THY NEIGHBOR (140013) [23:10]
--------DISC 5-------- (4 eps + documentary extras = 112 minutes)
89. THE COPYCAT (140009) [23:11]
90. CAMPING IT UP (140010) [22:24]
91. THE GRUNDEL (140011) [23:09]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
(SEASON 3 ABC - Slimer & The Real Ghostbusters begins)
92. FLIP SIDE (175001) [22:25]
Featurette - "Who You Gonna Call? The Heroes of The Real Ghostbusters" [19:45]
Four men, one woman, and a green ghost are armed with proton packs and their courage and wit... when you call the Ghostbusters, they answer! Take a look at the creation of the indelible characters of Egon, Winston, Peter, Ray, Janine, and even Slimer. Witness their transition from big screen to world-renowned animation stars, with fascinating insight provided from the original Real Ghostbusters producers, writers, artists, voice actors, and others!
The Real Ghostbusters Image Gallery - Character Designs of The Heroes (51 images)
Your chance to view the Ghostbusters main characters from the original animation design sheets and style guides!
The Real Ghostbusters Image Gallery - Equipment Art (22 images)
A closer look at the key art for the Ghostbusters' ghost-trapping gadgets!
DVD-ROM Material:
Episodic Scripts and Storyboards for The Real Ghostbusters in PDF format (Mac/PC compatible)
* DEADCON I script [36 pages, 2.3 MB]
* THE CABINET OF CALAMARI script [36 pages, 2.4 MB]
* A GHOST GROWS IN BROOKLYN script [36 pages, 2.4 MB]
* THE LONG, LONG, LONG, ETC. GOODBYE script [40 pages, 2.7 MB]
* CAMPING IT UP script [41 pages, 1 MB]
* THE GRUNDEL script [42 pages, 1.1 MB]
32 episodes - 3 commentaries - 13 intros - 5 music&effects
32 episodes - 3 commentaries - 13 intros - 5 music&effects
--------DISC 1-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 4 intros = 185 minutes)
93. POULTRYGEIST (175002) [22:21]
94. THE JOKE'S ON RAY (175003) [22:55]
95. STANDING ROOM ONLY (175004) [22:59]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:34] [0:35]
96. ROBO-BUSTER (175005) [22:58]
* Introduction by Francis Moss. [0:28]
97. SHORT STUFF (175006) [22:59]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:32]
98. THE BROOKLYN TRIANGLE (175007) [22:58]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:29]
* Visual Commentary Track with Richard Mueller and Derdad Aghamalian; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:54]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
99. FOLLOW THAT HEARSE (175008) [22:59]
--------DISC 2-------- (8 eps + 4 intros = 185 minutes)
100. SOMETHING'S GOING AROUND (201001) [26:18]
* Introduction by Kath Soucie. [0:26]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
101. THREE MEN AND AN EGON (201002) [26:18]
102. ELEMENTARY MY DEAR WINSTON (201003) [26:19]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:37]
103. IF I WERE A WITCH MAN (201004) [23:33]
104. PARTNERS IN SLIME (201005) [26:16]
105. FUTURE TENSE (201006) [26:15]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:31]
106. JAILBUSTERS (201007) [26:18]
* Introduction by Kath Soucie. [0:31]
107. LIVE! FROM AL CAPONE'S TOMB (201008) [26:17]
--------DISC 3-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 4 intros = 185 minutes)
108. THE HALLOWEEN DOOR (75002) [23:19]
* Visual Commentary Track with J. Michael Straczynski; hosted by Andy Mangels. [23:15]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
109. TRADING FACES / TRANSCENDENTAL TOURISTS (201009 / 201010) [26:21]
110. SURELY YOU JOUST / KITTY-CORNERED (201011 / 201012) [26:19]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:36]
111. SLIMER'S CURSE / TIL DEATH DO US PART (201013 / 201014) [26:21]
112. IT'S ABOUT TIME / THE RANSOM OF GREENSPUD (201015 / 201016) [26:19]
113. REVENGE OF THE GHOSTMASTER / LOOSE SCREWS (201017 / 201018) [26:21]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:31]
114. VENK-MAN! / SLIMER STREAK (201019 / 201020) [26:22]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:38]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:29]
--------DISC 4-------- (7 eps + 1 commentary + 1 intros = 184 minutes)
115. JANINE, YOU'VE CHANGED (140-504) [23:23]
* Introduction by Kath Soucie. [0:28]
* Visual Commentary Track with J. Michael Straczynski, Marsha Goodman, and Kath Soucie; hosted by Andy Mangels. [23:20]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
116. RUSSIAN ABOUT (140-501) [23:25]
117. THE HAUNTING OF HECK HOUSE (140-502) [23:26]
118. YOU CAN'T TEACH AN OLD DEMON NEW TRICKS (140-503) [23:24]
119. MEAN GREEN TEEN MACHINE (140-505) [23:20]
120. SPACEBUSTERS (140-506) [22:59]
121. GUESS WHAT'S COMING TO DINNER (140-507) [23:24]
--------DISC 5-------- (3 eps + documentary extras = 89 minutes)
122. VERY BEAST FRIENDS (140-508) [23:24]
123. GHOSTWORLD (140-508) [23:25]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
124. AFTERLIFE IN THE FAST LANE (140-510) [23:25]
Featurette - "Something Strange In Your Neighborhood: The Creatures of The Real Ghostbusters" [17:25]
When you gotta call the Ghostbusters, you know something's weird, and it don't look good! Ghosts, monsters, goblins, trolls, ectoplasmic disturbances, poltergeists, demons... even the spirit of Halloween incarnate! The Real Ghostbusters have faced them all with proton packs at the ready and ghost traps open! Now, take a look at the most fearsome foes and gruesome ghouls that our heroes have ever faced, with chilling interviews from the original Real Ghostbusters producers, writers, artists, voice actors, and others!
The Real Ghostbusters Image Gallery - The Creature Designs of Everett Peck (43 images)
A look at original designs for some of the creepiest monsters and ghouls that the Ghostbusters ever faced!
DVD-ROM Material:
Episodic Scripts and Storyboards for The Real Ghostbusters in PDF format (Mac/PC compatible)
* POULTRYGEIST script [47 pages, 1.1 MB]
* ROBO-BUSTER script [49 pages, 2.6 MB] (contains two versions of page 5-19, my script only contains the first page - this is why my script is one page less)
* REVENGE OF THE GHOSTMASTER storyboard Act I [34 pages, 4.7 MB]
* SLIMER STREAK script [34 pages, 2 MB]
* THE HAUNTING OF HECK HOUSE storyboards [191 pages, 67.6 MB]
* YOU CAN'T TEACH AN OLD DEMON storyboards [304 pages, 154.3 MB]
* JANINE, YOU'VE CHANGED storyboards [331 pages, 167.8 MB]
* AFTERLIFE IN THE FAST LANE storyboards partial [82 pages, 14.5 MB]
24 episodes - 3 commentaries - 10 intros - 4 music&effects
24 episodes - 3 commentaries - 10 intros - 4 music&effects
--------DISC 1-------- (7 eps + 3 intros = 185 minutes)
125. THE SLOB (140-511) [23:56]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:45]
126. BUSTERS IN TOYLAND (140-512) [23:24]
127. MY LEFT FANG (140-513) [23:29]
128. STAY TOONED (140-514) [23:24]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
129. THE MAGNIFICENT FIVE (140-516) [23:24]
130. DEJA BOO (half-hour version) (140-517) [23:35]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:38]
130. DEJA BOO (one-hour version) (140-517) [45:27]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:38]
--------DISC 2-------- (4 eps + 1 commentary + 2 intros + document = 136 minutes)
131. THE TREASURE OF SIERRA TAMALE (140-603) [23:16]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:35]
132. NOT NOW, SLIMER! (140-602) [23:16]
133. ATTACK OF THE B-MOVIE MONSTERS (No Bridge Version) (140-605) [23:04]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
134. 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE STREET (140-601) [23:04]
* Introduction by Richard Mueller. [0:35]
* Visual Commentary Track with Richard Mueller; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:58]
Featurette - "He Slimed Me! The Green World of Slimer And The Real Ghostbusters" [18:17]
He's green and gooey, can fly through walls, will eat just about anything, and resembles a large vegetable. How did Slimer go from a minor character in the Ghostbusters films to the star of his very own animated series? This documentary goes green, showcasing interviews with the original Real Ghostbusters producers, writers, artists, voice actors and more, all telling you about Slimer's rise to fame... and what twists and turns his life... and death, might have taken!
The Real Ghostbusters Image Gallery - Slimer! Character Designs (83 images)
The gooey green ghost gets a closer look with the original designs and model sheets!
DVD-ROM Material:
Episodic Scripts for Slimer in PDF format (Mac/PC compatible)
* REAL GB - STAY TOONED storyboards partial [97 pages, 75.1 MB]
* REAL GB - ATTACK OF THE B-MOVIE MONSTERS script [44 pages, 1.1 MB]
* SLIMER - DOCTOR DWEEB, I PRESUME script [17 pages, 1 MB]
* SLIMER - DON'T TEASE THE SLEAZE script [33 pages, 2 MB]
* SLIMER - CLASS CLOWN script [16 pages, 448 KB]
* SLIMER - RAINY DAY SLIMER script [17 pages, 1 MB]
--------DISC 3-------- (7 eps + 2 intros = 162 minutes)
(Slimer! series)
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
2. A MOUSE IN THE HOUSE / CASH OR SLIME / DOCTOR DWEEB, I PRESUME (166003A / 166010A / 166002A) [23:02]
4. STICKY FINGERS / DON'T TEASE THE SLEAZE (166011A / 166004B) [23:04]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:44]
5. ROOM AT THE TOP / TEA BUT NOT SYMPATHY / SPECIAL DELIVERY (166016A / 166025A / 166008A) [23:01]
6. OUT WITH GROUT / DR. STRANGEDOG (166001B / 166018A) [23:00]
* Introduction by Darrell McNeil. [0:41]
--------DISC 4-------- (6 eps + 2 commentaries + 3 intros = 185 minutes)
8. BEACH BLANKET BRUISER / CLASS CLOWN / DOG DAYS (166023A / 166019A / 166026A) [21:41]
* Introduction by Francis Moss. [0:24]
* Visual Commentary Track with Francis Moss and Darrell McNeil; hosted by Andy Mangels. [21:37]
9. THE DIRTY HALF-DOZEN / MOVIE MADNESS (166002B / 166021A) [23:03]
* Introduction by Darrell McNeil. [0:43]
11. UP CLOSE AND TOO PERSONAL / SWEET REVENGE (166027A / 166003B) [23:02]
12. RAINY DAY SLIMER / SLIMER & THE BEANSTALK / SPACE CASE (166024A / 166028A / 166015A) [23:02]
* Introduction by Dennys McCoy & Pam Hickey. [0:32]
* Visual Commentary Track with Dennys McCoy, Pam Hickey and Darrell McNeil; hosted by Andy Mangels. [22:58]
* Isolated Music & Effects Track.
13. SCAREFACE / MOUSE IN THE HOUSE (repeated and retitled) (166001C / 166003A) [23:06]
Promo Pilot [3:51]
The find of the century for Ghostbusters fans is an exclusive in the Real Ghostbusters Collectors Set! The original four-minute pilot for The Real Ghostbusters - never before aired - contains astonishing footage and a look at early development.
Promo Pilot Visual Commentary Track [3:48]
Director Kevin Altieri and artist Dan Riba provide a fast-paced visual commentary, telling all about the never-aired pilot!
Extended Interviews
Want to hear more from the creators of The Real Ghostbusters? Here are the significantly longer extended interviews, as excerpted for the featurettes!
* Joe Medjuck, Executive Producer [26:25]
* Michael C. Gross, Executive Producer [18:38]
* J. Michael Straczynski, Writer & Story Editor [33:22]
* Kevin Altieri, Director & Storyboard Supervisor [26:17]
* Maurice LaMarche, Voice of "Egon Spengler" [22:03]
* Laura Summer, Voice of First "Janine Melnitz" [8:16]
* Kath Soucie, Voice of Second "Janine Melnitz" [13:16]
DVD Promo Trailer [0:56]
The trailer for the Complete Collection, as created for the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con International.
Alternate Series Credits [1:34]
Two versions of the closing credits without text on top of them.
Title Card Gallery (174 images)
A dazzling gallery of every title card for every The Real Ghostbusters and Slimer! story. Broken down as follows:
* Season One #1-13 [13 images]
* Season One Syndicated #14-78 [65 images]
* Season Two #79-91 [13 images]
* Season Three #92-99 [8 images]
* Season Four #100-114 [21 images]
* Season Five #115-130 [16 images]
* Season Six #131-134 [4 images]
* Slimer #1-13 [34 images]
DVD-ROM Material in PDF format (Mac/PC compatible)
* PDF: Promo Pilot Storyboards [60 pages, 63.7 MB]
* PDF: Promo Pilot Storyboards (Alternate Ending) [8 pages, 7.8 MB]
* PDF: ABC Season One Bible (1986) [15 pages, 888 KB]
* PDF: Syndicated Series Bible (1986) [22 pages, 744 KB]
* PDF: ABC Season Two-Three Bible (1988) [18 pages, 1 MB]
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