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Television > Real Ghostbusters > Home Video > TimeLife Complete Collection DVD Box Set > Time-Life's The Real Ghostbusters: Complete Collection - Episode Masters
Episode Masters
An episode master, to put it very simply, is the master recording of an episode that resides in Sony's vaults. The masters were professionally duplicated onto the DVDs, so that you could have the episodes to watch and own in your video library. James Eatock, who you see all over the set in interviews and commentaries, worked with producer Andy Mangels in just about all aspects of the set - from conducting interviews, to going through the episode masters with Andy in order to find the best ones, to writing up the episode guide and doing the screenshots you see inside of it, and just about everything in between. To help James do his many jobs, he was given a copy of all of the episode masters, which were transferred onto 51 DVD-Rs, usually containing three episodes each. (I assume Andy also got a copy of these DVD-Rs, as I can't imagine that the special features producer of the set would have been left high and dry. I don't know who else would have gotten a copy.)
These DVD-Rs contain quick copies of the masters, complete with tone and color bars, the front end video duplication cards, and minutes of blackness and/or commercials in each of the commercial break spots (where available). There's lots of blackness between each episode, which plays as one long video; and the chapter marks are placed every X number of minutes, instead of at the commercial break spots, like in the final set. Interestingly, the new Sony Pictures Television logo screen appears at the end of every episode - so I guess these weren't exactly "quick" copies, if they took the time to replace the Columbia Pictures Television logo, even on these discs.
James sold me his 51 DVD-Rs back in May 2009. On top of that, he even made my life easy by doing screen caps of all of the Video Duplication Cards for me. It is these Video Duplication Cards that are linked to the episode titles below. These cards give you some information about each master that was used in the set. What's most interesting is that a lot of the masters are dated from 1996, five years after the series' first run ended. I would surmise that these masters were used in prepping the series for syndication, though I'm not saying that they are edited syndication copies. I just don't know what else to think. I know for sure that they aren't original first-run masters, though you will find some in the set. As you go through the cards, keep in mind that runtimes close to 30 minutes are for masters that include blackness and/or commercials in the commercial break spots - hence the longer runtimes.
Please note that "Ragnarok and Roll" (#32) is incorrectly numbered on the card, and three episodes are missing from the Masters DVD-Rs: "Ghostbuster of the Year" (#61), "Victor the Happy Ghost" (#75), and the one-hour version of "Deja Boo" (the half-hour version is included, which is why there is a card for it below - #130).
The Real Ghostbusters series
- Ghosts 'R Us
- Killerwatt
- Mrs. Rogers Neighborhood
- Slimer, Come Home
- Troll Bridge
- The Boogieman Cometh
- Mr. Sandman, Dream Me a Dream
- When Halloween Was Forever
- Look Homeward, Ray
- Take Two
- Citizen Ghost
- Janine's Genie
- X-Mas Marks the Spot
- Knock, Knock
- Station Identification
- Play Them Ragtime Boos
- Sea Fright
- The Spirit of Aunt Lois
- Cry Uncle
- Adventures in Slime and Space
- Night Game
- Venkman's Ghost Repellers
- The Old College Spirit
- Ain't NASA-Sarily So
- Who're You Calling Two-Dimensional?
- A Fright at the Opera
- Doctor Doctor
- Ghost Busted
- Beneath These Streets
- Boo-Dunit
- Chicken, He Clucked
- Ragnarok and Roll
- Don't Forget the Motor City
- Banshee Bake a Cherry Pie?
- Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Ghost?
- Hanging By a Thread
- You Can't Take it With You
- No One Comes to Lupusville
- Drool, the Dog Faced Goblin
- The Man Who Never Reached Home
- The Collect Call of Cathulhu
- Bustman's Holiday
- The Headless Motorcyclist
- The Thing in Mrs. Faversham's Attic
- Egon on the Rampage
- Lights! Camera! Haunting!
- The Bird of Kildarby
- Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster
- Apocalypse -- What, NOW?
- Lost and Foundry
- Hard Knight's Day
- Cold Cash and Hot Water
- The Scaring of the Green
- They Call Me MISTER Slimer
- Last Train to Oblivion
- Masquerade
- Janine's Day Off
- The Ghostbusters in Paris
- The Devil in the Deep
- Ghostfight at the O.K. Corral
Ghostbuster of the Year(NO CARD AVAILABLE)- Deadcon I
- The Cabinet of Calamari
- A Ghost Grows in Brooklyn
- The Revenge of Murray the Mantis
- Rollerghoster
- I Am the City
- Moaning Stones
- The Long, Long, Long, Etc. Goodbye
- Buster the Ghost
- The Devil to Pay
- Slimer, Is That You?
- Egon's Ghost
- Captain Steel Saves the Day
Victor the Happy Ghost(NO CARD AVAILABLE)- Egon's Dragon
- Dairy Farm
- The Hole in the Wall Gang
- Baby Spookums
- It's a Jungle Out There
- The Bogeyman Is Back
- Once Upon a Slime
- The Two Faces of Slimer
- Sticky Business
- Halloween II 1/2
- Loathe Thy Neighbor
- Big Trouble With Little Slimer
- The Copycat
- Camping it Up
- The Grundel
- Transylvanian Homesick Blues
- Flip Side
- Poultrygeist
- The Joke's on Ray
- Standing Room Only
- Robo-Buster
- Short Stuff
- Follow That Hearse
- The Brooklyn Triangle
- Something's Going Around
- Three Men and an Egon
- Elementary My Dear Winston
- If I Were a Witch Man
- Partners in Slime
- Future Tense
- Jailbusters
- Live! From Al Capone's Tomb
- Trading Faces / Transcendental Tourists
- Surely You Joust / Kitty-Cornered
- Slimer's Curse / Til Death Do Us Part
- It's About Time / The Ransom of Greenspud
- Revenge of the Ghostmaster / Loose Screws
- Venk-Man! / Slimer Streak
- The Halloween Door
- Russian About
- The Haunting of Heck House
- You Can't Teach an Old Demon New Tricks
- Janine, You've Changed
- Mean Green Teen Machine
- Spacebusters
- Guess What's Coming to Dinner
- Very Beast Friends
- Ghostworld
- Afterlife in the Fast Lane
- The Slob (with Deja Boo)
- Busters in Toyland
- My Left Fang
- Stay Tooned
- The Magnificent Five
- Deja Boo (with The Slob)
- The Treasure of Sierra Tamale
- Not Now, Slimer!
- Attack of the B-Movie Monsters
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Street
- Slimer For Hire / Cruisin' For A Bruisin' / Nothing To Sneeze At
- A Mouse In The House / Cash Or Slime / Doctor Dweeb, I Presume
- Quickslimer Messenger Service / Pigeon-Cooped / Go-Pher It
- Sticky Fingers / Don't Tease The Sleaze
- Room At The Top / Tea But Not Sympathy / Special Delivery
- Out With Grout / Dr. Strangedog
- Slimer's Silly Symphony / Little Green Sliming Hood / Monkey See, Monkey Don't
- Beach Blanket Bruiser / Class Clown / Dog Days
- The Dirty Half-Dozen / Movie Madness
- Show Dog Showdown / The Not-So-Great Outdoors / Unidentified Sliming Object
- Up Close And Too Personal / Sweet Revenge
- Rainy Day Slimer / Slimer & The Beanstalk / Space Case
- Scareface / Mouse In The House
Slimer! series
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