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Miscellaneous > Ghostbusters: The Video Game - Game Saves

Game Saves
The games for which I have saves are those that I personally own and, thus, can verify the saves. I don't own the DS and PSP versions. All saves are for the North American versions (because that's all that I can personally test). You may be able to find saves for other regions at GameFaqs: PS3, PS2, Wii, PSP. If you can help provide a missing save, please feel free to e-mail me. ALL SAVES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO SUPPORT OR GUARANTEES.
The game stores its save files here:C:\Documents and Settings\[WINDOWS-USERNAME]\My Documents\GHOSTBUSTERS (tm)\
The game save is comprised of two files: GAME0.SAV and PROFILE.SAV. The names sort of tells you what data is in each file, but you'd be surprised to learn what's really in there. I ran a few tests with one file kept and the other deleted, so I know what data is pretty much in each file. GAME0.SAV contains the career/game progress. PROFILE.SAV contains the unlocked art galleries, unlocked videos, in-game scans obtained, in-game artifacts obtained, and *some* of your settings - the settings that aren't in settings.ini, such as music/effects/movie volume levels.
For the saves below, just put the GAME0.SAV and PROFILE.SAV files into the directory listed above.
- All Levels Unlocked (use Replay Mission), All Equipment Upgrades, Almost No Artifacts & Scans
(Only artifacts and scans needed for game progression were obtained. Marshmallow Mini scan was accidental and incomplete - you'll still need to do a full scan of one.)
You will need a USB storage device, such as a pen drive, in order to transfer game saves to/from your PS3 and your computer. On your USB storage device, PS3 game saves need to be stored in \PS3\SAVEDATA. If these directories don't already exist, you will need to create them. Each game save is comprised of a few files in its own subfolder, not a single file. The name of the subfolder is dependent on the game.• U.S. Ghostbusters: The directory is named "BLUS30307". This means that your gave save files will need to be on the USB device in \PS3\SAVEDATA\BLUS30307 in order for the PS3 to find it.
• European Ghostbusters: The directory is named "BCES00642". This means that your gave save files will need to be on the USB device in \PS3\SAVEDATA\BCES00642 in order for the PS3 to find it.
There will need to be five files in this directory: GAME0.SAV, ICON0.PNG, PARAM.PFD, PARAM.SFO, and PROFILE.SAV. These five files combined make up the one game save.
TROPHIES: All saves that are being hosted here on Spook Central are not account-locked. They can be used on any PS3 without having to resign them, and you can earn trophies with them.
SAVES ON OTHER SITES will likely need to be resigned to your specific PS3 system. I've tried a lot of different PS3 save resigner programs, but the only one that worked for me was PS3 Bruteforce Save Data (BSD). This one looks more complicated than it really is, and it also lets you add cheats to your save data (but I won't be covering that usage). To use BSD, you will first need the PARAM.SFO file from one of your legit game saves (from ANY game you have a game save for on your PS3; it doesn't have to be Ghostbusters). This file contains the info that identifies your PS3 as YOUR PS3. BSD will ask for this file, and then use it to create a profile for your system that it can save for future resignings. Once BSD has a profile saved for you, navigate to the folder of the downloaded Ghostbusters game save, to load the save in BSD. Press the blue "Rebuild" button on the far right above the data window, and select "Yes" when asked to rebuild with your saved profile. Now copy the resigned save to your USB device, then back to your PS3.
PATCHES: The retail version of the game was patched to v1.03 back on 8/26/2009. (You download patches by running the game while your PS3 is connected to the internet, and following the prompts on the screen that pops up when the game starts to boot up.) This patch supposedly fixes some bugs (like the slowdown in the library stacks), increases the resolution to match that of the Xbox 360, and fixes some minor localization issues and audio/subtitle mismatches. It also has the unfortunate side effect of ERASING ALL OF YOUR UNLOCKED ARTWORK AND VIDEOS. If you load a pre-patch save on a post-patch game, you will find that all of the artwork and videos you unlocked are locked back up again. This is why I decided it best to offer two sets of save files. It should be noted that since the multiplayer component of the game was taken offline in December 2012, you are not required to install the patch. Of course, if you want the bug fixes, you should install it.
- Final Boss, Casual Difficulty, -$100,000 Property Damage
(Equipment upgrades and artifacts & scans are irrelevant as this save is strictly provided to help you obtain the "We Came, We Saw..." and "Nice Shootin', Tex!" trophies.)
You will need a USB storage device, such as a pen drive, in order to transfer game saves to/from your X360 and your computer. On your USB storage device, X360 game saves need to be stored in ??????????????. If these directories don't already exist, you will need to create them. Each game save is comprised of a few files in its own subfolder, not a single file. The name of the subfolder is dependent on the game.TO BE ADDED AT A LATER DATE
The PS2 doesn't naively support save copying, so you will need third-party software/external device to transfer and use saves. One such piece of software is the Codebreaker cheat device. This is the device I have, so ALL FILES PROVIDED BELOW ARE IN THE CODEBREAKER SAVE FORMAT. Although this is the only format I will provide saves in, they can be easily converted to other formats using PS2 Save Builder, which is available on my PlayStation 2 Stuff page.Since the effects of all of the "unlock cheat" cheat device codes will save to a game save, thus allowing the cheats to be permanently unlocked, I decided to create brand new unplayed saves which have the cheats permanently unlocked (they can be turned on and off in the Options: Unlocks menu). In addition to the two copies hosted below, I also submitted them to GameFaqs, where you can also find them in the following North American formats: CodeBreaker, Max Drive, SharkPort 2, and X-Port. So you will, of course, need one of these devices (and also a USB pen drive) in order to transfer the saves from your computer to your PS2 memory card.
Unfortunately, since the PS2 isn't a current-gen system anymore, none of the required third-party software/external devices are being produced anymore. You'll need to search eBay or Amazon Marketplace for one of them.
- New Game, All Cheats Unlocked, Nothing Collected (Female Rookie)
- New Game, All Cheats Unlocked, Nothing Collected (Male Rookie)
You will need a SD Card and a USB card reader in order to transfer game saves to/from your Wii and your computer. On your SD Card, Wii game saves need to be stored in ??????????????. If these directories don't already exist, you will need to create them. Each game save is comprised of a few files in its own subfolder, not a single file. The name of the subfolder is dependent on the game.TO BE ADDED AT A LATER DATE
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