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This is Ghostbusters as originally broadcast on ABC on Sunday January 29, 1989 (presumably at either 8:00 or 9:00 PM EST). It is the "edited for television" 4:3 pan-and-scan version of the movie, which contains all of the alternate footage, presented here with all of the original commercials that aired with it on that night. For more information on this broadcast, see my blog post, or read the fact list at the bottom of this page. Check out this blog post to read about Spook Central's special 20th anniversary live online event of this broadcast. Promos for this event are found on the GB1 Multimedia page.
You have two viewing options below. First, you can watch the broadcast as one complete video. Second, you can watch the broadcast broken up into 15 files, which might work better for those of you on slower internet connections. If you enjoy the low-quality, edited copy of the movie presented here, be sure to buy the high-quality original on DVD or Blu-ray from the Store.
- Originally broadcast on ABC on Sunday January 29, 1989 (presumably at 8 or 9 PM EST). Runtime is two hours.
- Scrolling end credits cut off after 10 seconds, the rest of the broadcast is complete, including commercials.
- The movie is edited, time-compressed (sped-up), panned and scanned, has commercials, and is from a horrible film print in which some bright areas are blown-out & unnaturally white.
- Tape defect during the first set of commercials (at roughly 28:00).
- Two brief instances where audio goes low a few times: during the Ray/Winston car scene (1:15:10-1:15:25), and during the end credits (1:59:30-1:59:50).
- The only ABC promo for the movie is the one right before the movie.
- Seven Commercial Breaks: 0:27:45, 0:41:44, 0:53:15, 1:09:15, 1:22:10, 1:37:33, and 1:52:25.
- In the last commercial break (after the rooftop explosion), look for Judith Hoag in a Burger King spot (at 1:53:40). My generation will remember her as April O'Neil in the first live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie in 1990. The current generation probably knows her best as the mom in the Halloweentown movies on the Disney Channel.
- All known alternate footage is in the broadcast, plus there are five newly-discovered bits of alternate footage: one completely different line, one shorter line, one new shot (to cover dialog removed), and two instances where dialog was removed but the background audio remains.
0:05:25 - Omission of Male Student's "It's pissing me off" line, new shot to cover dialog removal. (NEW)
0:44:25 - What a knockabout of pure fun that was!
0:52:55 - I'll sue your funny face for wrongful prosecution.
1:01:08 - Oh No!
1:06:44 - I Want You. (It's not an edit of "I want you inside me".) (NEW)
1:20:08 - Where's the Keymaster? (Omission of "Oh Shit!", new shot to cover dialog removal)
1:20:27 - Omission of Egon's "Your mother!" line, though background audio remains. (NEW)
1:30:50 - Wally Wick
1:32:00 - I have seen stuff that will turn you white!
1:45:35 - Ten Hut! (NEW)
1:48:25 - Omission of Winston's "Oh Shit!" line, though background audio remains. (NEW) - Other cuts of note:
0:07:13 - "Running your asses off" was cut out, but it's a real cut, not an alternate line.
0:47:10 - The ghostly BJ was cut out.
1:09:14 - The carriage driver's opinion that possessed Louis is an "asshole" was cut out at the commercial break.
1:18:12 - "Wise ass" was cut out.
1:50:05 - The fictional profanity "Mother pussbucket!" was cut out.
1:50:35 - The "We get this guy laid" conversation was cut out.
1:57:34 - "The superintendent's gonna be pissed" line was cut out. - In spite of removing the innocent "Your mother!" and the FICTIONAL profanity "Mother pussucker", the "prehistoric bitch" line was left in!
- For a more complete and detailed list of changes, check out the MovieCensorship.com report.
- Also be sure to check out Alex Newborn's video comparison of the alterations.
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