« Ghostbusters Deleted Scene: Peter's Qualifications | Ghostbusters Deleted Scene: Nobel Prize Aspirations » |

[Scene continued from "Nobel Prize Aspirations"]
As they enter, janitorial and maintenance personnel are busy dismantling their apparatus and equipment. DEAN YAEGER is supervising. Venkman confronts him.
(shocked) |
I trust you're moving us to a better space somewhere on campus. |
No, we're moving you OFF CAMPUS. The Board of Regents has decided to terminate your grant. You are to vacate these premises immediately. |

This is preposterous! I demand an explanation. |
Fine. This University will no longer continue any funding of any kind for your group's activities. |
But why? The students love us! |
(with optional English subtitles)
(A copy has also been uploaded to the official Ghostbusters YouTube channel)
(A copy has also been uploaded to the official Ghostbusters YouTube channel)
Dr. Venkman, we believe that the purpose of science is to serve mankind. You, however, seem to regard science as some kind of "dodge" or "hustle." Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy and your conclusions are highly questionable. You're a poor scientist, Dr. Venkman, and you have no place in this department or in this University. |
I see. |
(to Venkman) |
You said you floored 'em at the Regents' meeting. |

(righteous) |
Ray, I apologize. |
I guess my confidence in the Regents was misplaced. They did this to Galileo, too. |
It could be worse, Dr. Venkman. They took the astronomer Phileas and staked his head to the town gate. |
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