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(an Extreme Ghostbusters/Movie fan fiction)
copyright © 1998 Paul Rudoff.
All rights reserved.
"Movie Madness" was an idea I had a long time ago. Granted it's not an entirely original idea, but I made an original story out of it. Since I don't consider myself to be much of a writer, in early 1998 I asked several Ghostbusters fan fic writers to help me out with this story. My intent was to have each of them write a section and I'd place all the sections together to make the complete story. Unfortunately, the story got diluted in the process and I called the project off.
What you see below are my random notes, the general plot/outline of the story, and the third draft of the beginning scenes. Whether this story will be completed or not is unknown at this time. So, enjoy what I have here.
** This story and all related notes in regards to the story are © 1998 Paul Rudoff. As the author, I request that my story and all related materials be EXCLUSIVE to Spook Central. **
- The EGBs will be in the first "film segment" together. Then, they will be split up (either in two teams of 2, or two teams of 3 and 1, or three teams of 1 - with Garrett being "missing" - they have to rescue him).
- Remember, these film segments are just that - segments. The EGBs get put into the films at pivotal moments (moments where their life is in danger), but get taken out after that threat is gone or subsided.
- Also, the EGBs work alongside the existing film characters - they don't replace them.
- The EGBs get transported much in the same way that Sam Beckett teleports in "Quantum Leap" (except they DON'T enter other people's bodies). They instantly appear and disappear in the segments (sometimes they appear in the most inconvenient places). The main villain, "Der Filmmeister" (a tentative name), teleports them into the different films in an effort to kill them. After the four film segments, he sees that his plan isn't working, so he decides to "take care of them" himself (thus, the start of the final confrontation).
It's a Friday night. Janine finally convinces Egon to go to the movies with her to see "Il Postino." Halfway through the film, a huge Red-colored creature appears on the screen. It creates a whirlwind of wind that sucks all of the movie-goers into the screen, including Janine and Egon. Egon, being the consummate scientist he is, couldn't just leave his work at the Firehouse. As we see a PKE Meter he had in his pocket fall out amist all the ruckus and get accidentally turned on when it his the floor. The PKE valences appear on a monitor back at the firehouse, where it gets noticed by Slimer. Knowing not to interrupt Janine on her date with Egon, he frantically flies a few blocks to the nightclub Club Climax, where the EGBs have been partying, to tell them of the sudden, unusually high PKE readings that were on the monitor at the firehouse. They all reluctantly rush back to the firehouse and warn Slimer that this better not be a joke. At the firehouse, they look at the monitor and realize the readings are coming from Egon's PKE Meter. Realizing something is wrong, they rush to the theater. Inside they find Egon's PKE Meter lying on the floor. They pick up the meter and scan the room. They notice a dimensional breach on the movie screen. It's pretty small and closing fast. Realizing Egon, Janine, and the other movie-goers must be on the other side, they know what they have to do. Using their Proton Blasters, they blast the portal, making it big enough for them to enter through it. What awaits them is a world which follows the logic and rules of movies ("Filmworld").
There will be at least four major "film scenes" in the Filmworld based on these movies: "Alien" (I got a Sigourney Weaver reference ready and waiting), "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (one of the EGBs get cloned; pod people - "Oh man, Garrett got cabbage-patched ... again!"), "Poltergeist" (some really mean ghosts), and "Jurassic Park" (how do GBs handle dinosaurs?). In the end, they find out that their equipment isn't strong enough in the Filmworld to bust the villain ("Der Filmmeister"). Then Kylie realizes that since this world consists of movies, they can use that to their advantage. They call upon the movie Ghostbusters to help them.
by Paul Rudoff
based on characters created by Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, & Fil Barlow
(with help from Dr. WAV and Crispin Tobey)
(3rd Draft)
copyright © 1998 Paul Rudoff.
All rights reserved.
We see the outside of the firehouse we then go in to see the main lobby of the fire house to see Janine casually, but impatiently pacing back and forth.
(yelling) |
Come on Egon. The movie starts at eight o'clock. |
(yelling) |
Egon, put that thing away. We're going on a date. |
We're just going to the movies, Janine. I'd hardly call it a date. |
(to Slimer) |
Slimer, I want you to watch over the firehouse while we're gone. We'll be at the old Biltmore Theater down the block. If anything happens, get me immediately! |
(to Janine) |
I'll go warm up the car. |
(to Slimer) |
Don't you DARE interrupt our date, no matter what happens! |
Here, be a good little ghost. |
Eduardo crouches lightly with his fists ready. He starts jumping around and throwing punches. Other people smash into him, he smashes them back. A partyier goes flying into Eduardo flailing his arms like a pin wheel. Eduardo throws him back into the crowd. Kylie watches from the bar with on eyebrow raised. Another partyier goes surfing past on the crowd. Eduardo stands up and busts his way out of the mosh pit over to Kylie.
(huffing) |
Some show huh? |
What, the band or your little gladiator arena? |
Uh... The band! |
They're ok, but have you checked the bathrooms?! |
Dance club rule #3! Never go into a club's bathroom. |
And what are rule #1 and 2? |
Never cross a skin head, and watch for flying body parts. |
Garrett is only a few rows up from the basketball court. He yells and cheers.
Egon and Janine are taking their seats as the previews begin.
You're going to love this movie. |
Perhaps. |
What is that?! |
I don't know! |
Meanwhile at the Firehouse.
A flashing light is noticed by Slimer on Egon's main computer it's displaying the same readings as Egon's PKE meter did. Being with the Ghostbusters for over 15 years he has learned how to read a PKE meter and understands the danger Egon and Janine are in. Realizing this he goes to find Eduardo and Kylie at Club Climax.
Slimer gets to the club and floats around the ceiling were no one can see him. He spots Eduardo in the mosh pit and floats down. Just as he's about to confront Eduardo, a partyier comes flying in from the stage.
Yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!!!! |
Gross man! Someone lost their cookies! |
Aw man! I thought I got away from you! |
Edauaudrdo! |
Slimer! |
This better be good slime-ball! |
C'mon Eduardo he wouldn't come all the way here unless it was. |
Egadaon akunad Janninane scuaucked inntaiton traannons-dimanensninnonal varotexu!! |
Egon and Janine got sucked into a trans-dimensional vortex? |
You understood that? |
Eduardo and Kylie go over to the computer screen to analyze the readings from the PKE meter.
Good thing Egon believes all PKE data should automatically be sent back to the main computer. |
Why did Egon bring a PKE meter with him to the movies anyway? |
Once a scientist always a scientist. |
We have to get to the theater NOW! |
As they arrive they notice the area is very quiet. As they enter there is not a person to be seen. As they enter the theater, they feel a slight wind pulling them towards the vortex, not even close to strong enough to pull even a squirrel through but enough to create a stir.
Listen! ... You feel that? |
What?! |
Right here. There's a small opening. This must be the trans-dimensional portal. I'm sure Egon, Janine, and the rest of the movie-goers are in there. |
So, let's go in and take care of business. |
Easy Eduardo, this is too big to handle all by ourselves. We better get Garrett and Roland. |
Right! |
I'll stay here and try to keep the portal open with my Proton Pack. You go beep Roland and pick Garrett up from Madison Square Garden. |
I'm on my way. |
Meanwhile at Lincoln Center...
Roland's beeper begins to beep. People start to look at him he smiles and turns it off. He looks down at the screen. It reads: '666-ECTO'.
(whispers) |
(whispers) |
Pardon me.. Sorry.. Excuse me... |
What's going on? |
We've got a major disturbance at the Biltmore Theater. |
Isn't that where Egon and Janine were going to tonight? |
Yes. Get to the firehouse, put on your jumpsuit, and bring two Proton Packs to the Biltmore. |
Roland hangs up the phone and quickly drives to the firehouse.
Eduardo arrives at Madison Square Garden. He successfully sneaks in, slipping past the security, and gets to the basketball court.
He, rather easily, finds Garrett and manages to quickly get out without being caught. Garrett was more than willing to go out and bust some heads (in a spiritual sense, of course), rather that watch the game because he was taping it at home on his VCR, in case he got on TV.
They get into Ecto-1 and head back to the Biltmore.
Roland quickly gets into his jumpsuit and grabs two Proton Packs, as well as other equipment. He gets back into his Mustang and drives to the theater.
Outside, Ecto-1 and Roland's Mustang arrive at the same time. They all get out, quickly put on their packs and grab some equipment, and enter the theater.
I'm glad you're all here. I can't hold it open much longer. |
So, what's the plan? |
We have to go in there and rescue Egon, Janine, and the rest of the movie-goers. |
This should be an easy, quick and simple job. |
Eduardo, it's not gonna be that simple. Once we all go in there, this portal will slowly close. That means, there's a chance we may never come back. We also don't know what we're gonna face in there. |
Oh, THAT's all! |
Well let's go. I didn't walk out on a Knicks game just to stare at some hole in the wall. |
Let's do it! |
One by one, they all jump through the portal into the unknown dimension.
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