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Film > Ghostbusters II > Ghostbusters II Press Kit

A press kit is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials for a movie distributed to members of the media for promotional use. All movie studios put together press kits for their major motion pictures releases, and Ghostbusters II is no exception. I own the press kit for the film and it is my pleasure to be able to share it with you, exclusively on Spook Central. The Ghostbusters II press kit consists of nine stapled documents and a few numbered 8x10 b&w glossy photographs.
The reason that there are so many documents is because each person's biography is stapled separately, whereas they were all stapled together in the Ghostbusters press kit. For the sake of organization and conformity, all biographies have been gathered together into one PDF.
In addition to text documents, a press kit also comes with a few numbered 8x10 b&w glossy photographs. I do not know how many each press kit is supposed to come with, but it probably won't come with the complete set of photos. It seems to me that there are 102 photos in the Ghostbusters II promo photo set, as I've never seen any above that number. My copy of the press kit contains photos #2, #5, #9, and #16. I also own photos #16, #59, #60, #62, #63, #74, #84, #85, #99, #100, #101, and #102. Below is the entire collection of Ghostbusters II promo photos.
NOTE: Alex Newborn bought a copy of the press kit off eBay, and his copy also came with photos #2, #5, #9, and #16. So, those may be the only photos that come with each press kit.
CREDITS: The scans of the aforementioned photos were done by me, Paul Rudoff, from the photos in my personal collection. All of the other photos were downloaded from the internet (hence the watermarks on them) or were contributed by the following: GB Fans user "beardedbuster", eBay seller "jomms", eBay seller "movie-material-store", eBay seller "dtacoll", eBay seller "pino001poste", eBay seller "nico.rose". Some photos found by: Matthew Jordan. If you have any that are missing and can provide high-quality high-resolution scans, please e-mail me.
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