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Stylized Version Collectibles Data
This is the table printed on pages 100-105 of Prima's official game guide, but with the correct level names. Feel free to print this out to replace the mis-named version in the guide. For easy sorting, I added numerical references to the levels in the format of "Location.Level" and removed excess wording in the level columns. I also put in the missing Library level (the Prima guide left out 3.3 "Shhhhhhhhh..."), added the Tobin's page numbers (from the book in the firehouse basement), and much, much more.
The "First Scan" columns tell you when you get the first chance to scan that entity. Most entities appear on more than one level, so you'll get a few chances to scan them. Also, you can get both firehouse art pages early if you use the Firehouse menu option to go back there after you start the second level ("Slimer's Mitzvah").
PLAYSTATION 2 NOTES: (1) Level 5.1 "Under New Management" is one level on the Wii, but is broken up into three parts/levels on the PS2. The table below references it as one level, but makes note of what's in the individual parts on the PS2. For the benefit of PS2 owners I'll tell you that the lobby is Part 1, the ballroom and kitchen is Part 2, and the brief Malevolent Echoes fight in the lobby is Part 3. There are no art pages or scans in Part 3, unless you didn't scan the Malevolent Echoes in parts 1 or 2. (2) The two art pages in level 5.4 "Lair Of The Spider Witch" are given to you automatically as you are never taken back to the ballroom in the PS2 version.
Click on the headers to sort by Page, Name, Art Page Level, and First Scan Level (the two Hint columns are unsortable).
Click on a name to view the illustration of it from the in-game Tobin's Spirit Guide book.
Page | Name | Art Page Level | Art Page Hint | First Scan Level | First Scan Hint |
38 | 13th Floor Effect | 5.3 - Hotel (2nd), "The 13th Floor" | In a hallway to your right, just as the level begins. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
23 | Abyss, The | 3.5 - Library, "Wrath Of The Collector" | Bookshelf in the left alcove of the area at the bottom of the very long staircase. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
5 | Allies | 0.0 - Firehouse (after Times Square) | In the firehouse basement entryway. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
46 | Animated Objects | 1.1 - Hotel (1st), "On The Job Training" | Twelfth floor hallway, just after forcing Slimer out of his table. | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | In the main hallway while chasing the Sous Chef. |
86 | Azetlor, The Collector | 3.5 - Library, "Wrath Of The Collector" | Far left in the Azetlor boss encounter arena. | 3.5 - Library, "Wrath Of The Collector" | Azetlor boss encounter arena. |
91 | Black Slime Behemoth | 6.3 - Island, "Black Slime Beast" | Hidden in a crate in the main Orrery chamber, on second floor. | 6.3 - Island, "Black Slime Beast" | Main Orrery chamber; Black Slime Behemoth encounter. |
76 | Black Slime Elementals | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | In the final encounter area after draining the slime completely. | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | Just before the second (gold) slime pump room. |
64 | Black Slime Floaters | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | Hidden in a dark crystal just after the Civil War exhibit, when you reunite with Peter. | 4.2 - Museum, "Opening Night" | Just after the Possessor encounter at the main exhibit. |
55 | Black Slime Scuttlers | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | Hidden in a drainage grate next to where the first platform puzzle begins. | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | Just after the first Black Slime Spawn horde encounter. |
57 | Black Slime Spawn | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | Hidden in a crate in the dead end hallway just after the first Black Slime Spawn horde. | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | Just after the first room of the level. |
45 | Book Bats | 3.1 - Library, "A Quick Detour" | Hidden in a bookshelf on the second-floor balcony above the main reading room. | 3.1 - Library, "A Quick Detour" | Main reading room. |
74 | Book Centurions | 3.3 - Library, "Shhhhhhhhh..." | Hidden inside a grandfather clock near where you attempt to scan the Gray Lady. | 3.3 - Library, "Shhhhhhhhh..." | Just after the level begins. |
75 | Book Golem | 3.3 - Library, "Shhhhhhhhh..." | Hidden inside a small stack of books in the Book Golem encounter arena; back left behind the bookcase. | 3.3 - Library, "Shhhhhhhhh..." | In the Book Golem encounter arena. |
10 | Charged Destructor Manifestation Residue | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | Inside a molten-looking marshmallow pile just after the Spirit Lock encounter. | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | In the main hallway just after the Spirit Lock encounter. |
82 | Chef Sargossa | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | In the kitchen, hidden inside an object to the left of the oven. | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | In the kitchen area. |
65 | Civil War Ghosts | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | Hidden in a uniform display case just before the Civil War exhibit. | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | Civil War exhibit. |
39 | Cold Spots | 3.2 - Library, "Call Of The Gray Lady" | In the bookshelf maze. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
60 | Construction Ghosts | 2.2 - Office, "Going Up" | In the bathroom after the first arcade machine encounter. | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | During the Spirit Lock encounter, just after the Boson Darts are unlocked. |
67 | Cultist Ghosts | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | In the final encounter area after draining the slime completely. | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | Room you begin the level in. |
14 | De-Ionized Ectoplasmic Secretions | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 2 on PS2) | Hidden in a spider web between the ballroom and the kitchen. | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 1 on PS2) | Right in front of you when the level begins. |
7 | Destined, The | 2.4 - Office, "Puffy White Menace" | Opposite side of the raised building you start next to. | 2.3 - Office, "A Sticky Situation" | When Stay Puft attacks through a broken wall on the side of the building. |
9 | Destructor Manifestation Residue | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | Inside a plain looking marshmallow pile, just after Boson Darts are unlocked. | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | Just after Boson Darts are unlocked. |
52 | Docile Echoes | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 1 on PS2) | Hidden in a table in the lower part of the hotel's main lobby. | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 1 on PS2) | Main hotel lobby area. |
22 | Ectoplasmic Debilitation | 1.2 - Hotel (1st), "Slimer's Mitzvah" | Hotel lobby, hidden in television in the lower waiting area. | 1.2 - Hotel (1st), "Slimer's Mitzvah" | Hotel lobby: Allow one of the other Ghostbusters to get slimed and scan them. |
36 | Ectoplasmic Material Bonding | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | Hidden in soda machine to far left of blocked door. | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | Just outside the bar where you fight the Sous Chef. |
19 | Ectoplasmic Residue | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | In a corner of the missing pump wheel room. | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | Small green slime tanks in the room you begin the level in. |
50 | Egyptian Mannequins | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | Hidden inside an Egyptian statue in the hallway to the Egyptian section. | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | In the Egyptian exhibit. |
28 | Electrokinetic Absorption Event | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | Hidden in an object just to the right of the entrance to the elevator room. | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | First battery puzzle. |
69 | Electrokinetic Spectres | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | Hidden in an object in the small room you start in; back left corner. | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | During the second battery puzzle encounter in the elevator room. |
42 | Electronic Wisps | 2.2 - Office, "Going Up" | Hidden inside a beanbag chair in the looping hallway where a Construction Ghost hides in various objects. | 2.2 - Office, "Going Up" | In the first arcade machine encounter room at the end of the first hallway. |
27 | Entropic Bias | 5.2 - Hotel (2nd), "Splitting Up" | Hidden inside a bench near a crystal gate. | 5.2 - Hotel (2nd), "Splitting Up" | Mobile crystal gate. |
35 | Ethereo-Spatial Rift | 3.5 - Library, "Wrath Of The Collector" | Hidden inside a bookshelf in the area where you begin the level. | 3.4 - Library, "Dark And Damp" | In the lowest part of the basement after defeating the Transmogrified Gray Lady. |
8 | Extraplanar Obelisk | 4.2 - Museum, "Opening Night" | Hidden in an object in a corner of the main exhibit room. | 4.2 - Museum, "Opening Night" | Main exhibit area. |
51 | Flaming Skulls | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | Hidden inside a very small animal statue at the top of the stairs, just after the skull room en route to the Egyptian section. | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | In the Egyptian exhibit. |
44 | Gargoyles | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Right after emerging from the underground area, Hidden inside a monument near a Gargoyle attack. | 2.4 - Office, "Puffy White Menace" | On the roof during the attack. |
11 | Ghost Snares | 3.2 - Library, "Call Of The Gray Lady" | Hidden in a bookshelf in the maze area before the sorting room. | 3.2 - Library, "Call Of The Gray Lady" | In the book maze. |
15 | Gozerian Codex, The | 3.4 - Library, "Dark And Damp" | At very start, turn left and shoot bookshelf; in hidden room. | 3.4 - Library, "Dark And Damp" | Lowest point of the Library's basement, before triggering the Transmogrified Gray Lady encounter; the book is sitting on the desk. |
81 | Gozerian Servitor | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Hidden in a small monument in the Gozerian Servitor encounter arena. | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | In the Gozerian Servitor encounter arena just after the Spirit Lock puzzle. |
78 | Grave Golem | 7.2 - Cemetery, "The Necropolis" | In a corner of the first (from the entrance of the level) hallway leading away from the mausoleum. | 7.2 - Cemetery, "The Necropolis" | Gravedigger-Imp-Grave Golem door piece encounter arena. |
47 | Grave Scuttlers | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Hidden in a coffin in the underground tunnels, near a Grave Scuttler ambush. | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | In the underground tunnel just after the dancing skeleton puzzle. |
68 | Gravedigger Ghosts | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | In a red side room off of the maze area, hidden inside a monument where Imp Demons and Gargoyles attack you. | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Spirit Lock maze after the underground tunnel section. |
84 | Gray Lady, The | 3.1 - Library, "A Quick Detour" | Hidden inside a bookshelf in a room just before the second stairwell leading down. | 3.4 - Library, "Dark And Damp" | Lowest point of the Library's basement, before triggering the Transmogrified Gray Lady encounter. |
59 | Hotel Phantasms | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 2 on PS2) | Hidden in a supply shelf at the start of the kitchen area. | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 2 on PS2) | Spirit Lock at the ballroom entrance encounter. |
79 | Hound Demons | 4.4 - Museum, "Ilyssa Found" | Hidden in an object in a corner of the main exhibit room, on your right as you enter the room. | 4.4 - Museum, "Ilyssa Found" | Main exhibit area. |
80 | Imp Demons | 7.2 - Cemetery, "The Necropolis" | Hidden inside a monument in the green area where you encounter the Imp and Grave Golem. | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Red Gravedigger encounter during the Spirit Lock puzzle. |
33 | Imbued Spirit Vessel | 0.0 - Firehouse (after Times Square) | In the firehouse basement. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
41 | Kitchen Wisps | 1.2 - Hotel (1st), "Slimer's Mitzvah" | In the kitchen, hidden inside the table blocking the exit. | 1.2 - Hotel (1st), "Slimer's Mitzvah" | In the kitchen area. |
61 | Library Phantasms | 3.2 - Library, "Call Of The Gray Lady" | Hidden inside a stack of books in a corner of the sorting room; DUE LEFT of the exit door. | 3.1 - Library, "A Quick Detour" | Main reading room. |
73 | Literature Page Zombies | 3.3 - Library, "Shhhhhhhhh..." | In a computer room in the children's section. | 3.2 - Library, "Call Of The Gray Lady" | Microfiche reader room just after the book maze. |
53 | Malevolent Echoes | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 1 on PS2) | In the stairwell where the manager is hiding, but only after the manager's cinematic. | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 1 on PS2) | Main hotel lobby area, after finding the manager. |
16 | Mandala | 5.4 - Hotel (2nd), "Lair Of The Spider Witch" | Hidden in a table in the center of the normal ballroom. (Don't be slow!) | 4.4 - Museum, "Ilyssa Found" | On the center of the floor of the main exhibit area, before the T-Rex boss fight begins. |
43 | Marshmallow Minions | 2.3 - Office, "A Sticky Situation" | Hidden inside a crate in the generator room. | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | In a small room just after the Spirit Lock encounter. |
49 | Mayan Mannequins | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | Hidden inside a display case in the Mayan Pyramid room; the room with four hoops. | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | In the Mayan exhibit. |
20 | Negatively Charged Ectoplasmic Residue | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | Near Black Slime pools in the next open room you reach after leaving the basement vehicle entrance. | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | Just after leaving the basement vehicle entrance. |
17 | Negatively Charged Ectoplasm Source | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | Next to a low bench in the room where you reassemble the sundered Egyptian well cover. | 4.3 - Museum, "Hot Pursuit" | In the Egyptian exhibit, well, and sun disk room. |
31 | Non-Anthropomorphic Conglomerate | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | In the rolling ball's room. | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Rolling ball tunnel just after the Gozerian Servitor encounter. |
2 | Paranormal Investigator: Egon | 6.2 - Island, "The Slime Labs" | Hidden inside a science table on the second floor of the room Egon is being held in. | 1.1 - Hotel (1st), "On The Job Training" | Second visit to the hotel lobby. |
3 | Paranormal Investigator: Peter | 6.2 - Island, "The Slime Labs" | Hidden inside a locker on the second floor of the room Peter is being held in. | 1.1 - Hotel (1st), "On The Job Training" | Second visit to the hotel lobby. |
1 | Paranormal Investigator: Ray | 6.2 - Island, "The Slime Labs" | Hidden inside a locker inside the small side room Black Slime Scuttlers ambush you from on the way to Peter's room. | 1.1 - Hotel (1st), "On The Job Training" | Second visit to the hotel lobby. |
4 | Paranormal Investigator: Winston | 6.2 - Island, "The Slime Labs" | After freeing Winston and cells open, inside the far left empty cell. | 3.1 - Library, "A Quick Detour" | In the library lobby after player gains control. |
13 | Phantom Architectural Remnants | 4.2 - Museum, "Opening Night" | Hidden inside a low bench in a room with a hidden door and red and purple paintings, just before the end of the level. | 4.2 - Museum, "Opening Night" | "Dead end" room after the Possessor encounter at the main exhibit. |
18 | Phantom Craftwork | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | Hidden in an object in a corner of the kitchen to the right of the oven. | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | In the center of the kitchen when you enter. |
37 | Phantom Labyrinth | 5.2 - Hotel (2nd), "Splitting Up" | As you exit the elevator, go down the hall straight ahead to the end, turn right. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
32 | PKE Resonant Motility | 5.3 - Hotel (2nd), "The 13th Floor" | Hidden inside a chandelier on the "floor" of the upside-down room with moving platforms and giant, demonic masks. | 3.4 - Library, "Dark And Damp" | Flooded room. |
26 | Plasmic Resonance | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | In a crate next to an arcade machine in a storage area. | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | Storage room after the first encounter with the Wayward Possessor. |
30 | Poltergeist Effect | 3.3 - Library, "Shhhhhhhhh..." | Hidden inside a crate slightly behind where you begin the level. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
48 | Possessed Objects | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | Main hallway, in an alcove to your right side as you move forward to the bar where you fight the Sous Chef. | 1.3 - Hotel (1st), "And The Kitchen Sink, Too" | In the bar during the Sous Chef battle. |
72 | Printer Paper Zombies | 2.2 - Office, "Going Up" | Inside a marshmallow pile in the second arcade machine encounter room. | 2.2 - Office, "Going Up" | Room you begin the level in. |
40 | Psychokinetic Atmospheric Influence | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Hidden inside a monument in the first area with the dancing skeleton puzzle. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
34 | Psychokinetic Biological Inhabitation | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | Hidden in a crate in a corner of the hallway after the second Wayward Possessor encounter. | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | Beginning of the second Wayward Possessor encounter. |
25 | Psychokinetic Door Manipulation | 1.2 - Hotel (1st), "Slimer's Mitzvah" | Hidden in a potted plant in a corner of the ballroom to the right of the exit. | 1.2 - Hotel (1st), "Slimer's Mitzvah" | Ballroom exit, before defeating Slimer. |
21 | Psychomagnatheric Ectoplasm | 6.2 - Island, "The Slime Labs" | Hidden inside a locker in the room Peter is being held in. | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | Small slime tanks that aren't green or black. |
93 | Shandor, Ascendant | 7.4 - Cemetery, "The Destructor" | Behind you when you start the level. | 7.4 - Cemetery, "The Destructor" | If you need a hint for this one, I don't know what to say. |
92 | Shandor, Gozerian Sorcerer | 7.3 - Cemetery, "The Architect" | Behind a pillar just to the right of Ilyssa's altar. | 7.3 - Cemetery, "The Architect" | This shouldn't be a challenge. |
6 | Skeptic, The | 4.2 - Museum, "Opening Night" | Hidden inside a couch just after where you begin the level. | 4.2 - Museum, "Opening Night" | Main exhibit area. |
77 | Slime Lab Elementals | 6.2 - Island, "The Slime Labs" | Hidden in a science table on the second floor of the Slime Lab Elemental encounter arena. | 6.2 - Island, "The Slime Labs" | In the Slime Lab Elemental encounter arena. |
58 | Slimer | 1.2 - Hotel (1st), "Slimer's Mitzvah" | Hidden in a couch in a corner of the ballroom to the left of the exit. | 1.1 - Hotel (1st), "On The Job Training" | Second visit to the hotel lobby. |
63 | Snot Hags | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | In an alcove in the room where you first encounter a Snot Hag. | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | Shortly after finding and releasing the Curator. |
66 | Sous Chef Ghosts | 1.2 - Hotel (1st), "Slimer's Mitzvah" | In the hotel lobby, behind the front desk. | 1.1 - Hotel (1st), "On The Job Training" | Second visit to the hotel lobby. |
12 | Spectral Spawning Husks | 5.3 - Hotel (2nd), "The 13th Floor" | Hidden inside a couch in a corner of the first large room in the level. | 5.3 - Hotel (2nd), "The 13th Floor" | Inside the first large room after the start of the level. |
54 | Spider Scuttlers | 5.3 - Hotel (2nd), "The 13th Floor" | Hidden in a bench in the second hallway after the start that leads to a 90-degree rotated (upward) dead end. | 5.1 - Hotel (2nd), "Under New Management" (Part 2 on PS2) | Hallway between ballroom and kitchen. |
89 | Spider Witch | 5.2 - Hotel (2nd), "Splitting Up" | In the last room, to the right, near the bed. | 5.4 - Hotel (2nd), "Lair Of The Spider Witch" | Spider Witch boss encounter, Phase 3. |
24 | Spirit Locks | 2.3 - Office, "A Sticky Situation" | Hidden in a molten-looking marsh-mallow pile in the encounter after opening the generator-locked gate. | 2.1 - Office, "Marshmallow Hunt" | Just after Boson Darts are unlocked. |
83 | Stay Puft | 2.3 - Office, "A Sticky Situation" | Inside the copying machine in the broken-walled room Stay Puft tries to grab Ilyssa from. | 2.3 - Office, "A Sticky Situation" | When Ilyssa is attacked. |
56 | Stone Cherubs | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Hidden in a torch in the room with the rolling ball. | 7.1 - Cemetery, "The Coming Storm" | Rolling ball tunnel, after the ball is freed. |
71 | Stone Elementals | 7.2 - Cemetery, "The Necropolis" | Hidden in a bench in the blue area where you encounter the Stone Elementals. | 7.2 - Cemetery, "The Necropolis" | In the Stone Elemental door piece encounter arena. |
29 | Symmetrical Stacking | 3.2 - Library, "Call Of The Gray Lady" | Hidden in a Microfiche reader in the room just before the sorting room; lots of stacked books are nearby. | 3.2 - Library, "Call Of The Gray Lady" | Microfiche reader room just after the book maze. |
85 | Transmogrified Gray Lady | 3.4 - Library, "Dark And Damp" | Pile of smoldering logs in the Transmogrified Gray Lady encounter arena; use boson dart. | 3.4 - Library, "Dark And Damp" | During the Transmogrified Gray Lady encounter. |
90 | Transmogrified Spider Witch | 5.4 - Hotel (2nd), "Lair Of The Spider Witch" | Hidden in a table in the center of the normal ballroom (don't be slow!). | 5.4 - Hotel (2nd), "Lair Of The Spider Witch" | Spider Witch boss encounter, Phase 1. |
87 | T-Rex, Black Slimed | 4.4 - Museum, "Ilyssa Found" | Hidden in a potted plant in a corner of the main exhibit room. | 4.4 - Museum, "Ilyssa Found" | T-Rex boss fight in main exhibit area, Phase 1. |
88 | T-Rex Skull, Black Slimed | 4.4 - Museum, "Ilyssa Found" | Hidden in a large Gozerian statue in a corner of the main exhibit room. | 4.4 - Museum, "Ilyssa Found" | T-Rex boss fight in main exhibit area, Phase 2. |
70 | Vigo, the Carpathian | 6.1 - Island, "Rivers Of Slime" | In a back corner of the room you start the level in. | None | Given to all new profiles. |
62 | Wayward Possessors | 4.2 - Museum, "Opening Night" | Hidden inside a locker in a security room before the main exhibit area. | 4.1 - Museum, "Dr. Rutherford, I Presume?" | After second set of Black Slime pools. |
If you add up all of the Tobin's Spirit Guide entries in the table above, you'll get 93. That's because the number 103 that's been going around is a bit of a miscalculation. Yes, there are 103 entries in the in-game Tobin's Spirit Guide (the book in the firehouse basement), but there are only 93 that you need to find and/or scan. The remaining 10 are equipment data that you're given automatically when you are given that piece of equipment in the game. Here are the in-game illustrations for the remaining 10 pages, numbered as they are listed in the book. (Yes, "Blast Stream" and "Capture Stream" use the same illustration.)
It appears that the main guide (pages 53-56) that covers Library levels 3.2 and 3.3 leaves out mention of one page on each level (apparently the "Library Phantasms" and "Book Golem" pages, respectively).
- Azetlor, The Collector (hint was wrong)
- Black Slime Behemoth (added the "on second floor" note)
- Black Slime Floaters (added "when you reunite with Peter" note)
- Book Centurions (level was wrong)
- Book Golem (level was wrong, added "back left behind the bookcase" note)
- De-Ionized Ectoplasmic Secretions (changed "kitchen and the ballroom" to "ballroom and the kitchen")
- Ectoplasmic Debilitation (changed "an object" to "television")
- Ectoplasmic Material Bonding (hint was wrong)
- Electrokinetic Spectres (added "back left corner" note)
- Gargoyles (added the "right after emerging from the underground area" note)
- Gravedigger Ghosts (rearranged words, added the "red" note)
- Imp Demons (added note about it being the green area)
- Library Phantasms (added "DUE LEFT of the exit door" note)
- Literature Page Zombies (level was wrong)
- Mayan Mannequins (added "the room with four hoops" note)
- Negatively Charged Ectoplasm Source (changed "hidden inside" to "next to")
- Paranormal Investigator: Winston (added better hint)
- Phantom Labyrinth (added better hint)
- Poltergeist Effect (level was wrong)
- Psychokinetic Atmospheric Influence (changed "room" to "area")
- Psychokinetic Door Manipulation (changed "an object" to "a potted plant")
- Shandor, Gozerian Sorcerer (changed "Illysa's" to "Ilyssa's")
- Slimer (changed "an object" to "a couch")
- Spider Witch (added better hint)
- Stay Puft (changed "an object" to "the copying machine" and changed "Illysa" to "Ilyssa")
- Stone Elementals (added note about it being the blue area)
- The Gozerian Codex (level was wrong & added better hint)
- Transmogrified Gray Lady (level was wrong & added the "use boson dart" note)
- T-Rex, Black Slimed (changed "potted planet" to "potted plant")
- Book Centurions (level was wrong)
- Book Golem (level was wrong)
- Ectoplasmic Debilitation (level was wrong)
- Ethereo-Spatial Rift (level was wrong)
- Gargoyles (level & hint were wrong)
- Paranormal Investigator: Egon (hint was wrong)
- Paranormal Investigator: Peter (hint was wrong)
- Paranormal Investigator: Ray (hint was wrong)
- PKE Resonant Motility (level was wrong)
- The Gozerian Codex (level & hint were wrong)
- The Gray Lady (level was wrong)
- Transmogrified Gray Lady (level was wrong)
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