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Television > Real Ghostbusters > Scripts > The Real Ghostbusters Script: Camping It Up! (August 21, 1987)
THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS "Camping It Up" by Michael Reaves August 21, 1987 Revised Final Draft transcribed by Paul Rudoff ACT ONE ------- FADE IN: EXT. GHOSTBUSTERS GARAGE - WIDE - DAY EGON, RAY, PETER, WINSTON and JANINE are loading ECTO 1 down with camping gear -- backpacks, sleeping bags, propane stoves, etc., into the back. WINSTON (through above) Man, I am definitely lookin' forward to this vacation! FAVOR PETER He's tying down a huge pile of luggage that's stacked on the roof amidst all the detection equipment mounted there. PETER Yeah -- I don't wanna hear the word "ghost" for a whole week! ON EGON Standing by the wall where the proton packs, traps and other Ghostbusting stuff are stacked. He's fiddling with a PKE meter. EGON I still don't think we should leave all our equipment. I feel naked without it. Ray ENTERS SHOT and puts a reassuring hand on Egon's shoulder. RAY Egon, relax, okay? We'll have a great time. ON ECTO 1 Everyone piles into the car. Janine, the last to get in, suddenly pauses, looks back inside the station. JANINE Wait a minute guys -- aren't we forgetting someone? (BEAT; CALLS) Sliiiimerrr!! ON DOORWAY TO FIREHOUSE SLIMER comes flying into view, weighted down with several bulging satchels. SLIMER ("Cominggg!") PAN WITH him as he hurls them into the back of the ghostmobile where they land with a heavy THUD. ON FRONT OF CAR - GHOSTBUSTERS AND JANINE Other luggage is shoved forward by Slimer's bags, squeezing Peter, Egon and Janine forward. PETER Hey! Cool out, Slimer! ANOTHER ANGZE Slimer scoots into the car and settles into his car seat with a big grin. SLIMER ("Okay, let's go!") He twists his toy wheel enthusiastically and HONKS the horn as Winston STARTS Ecto-l. SLIMER (makes motor revving SOUNDS) ON RAY He SNIFFS the air, smelling something suspicious. RAY (SNIFFS) Hold it, Winston. (turns to Slimer) Slimerrr! Slimer grins, then looks away and starts WHISTLING nonchalantly. SLIMER (nonchalant WHISTLING) RAY (CONT) Let's have a look in your bags. He gets out of the car and goes O.S., toward the rear. Slimer looks after him. SLIMER (worried SQUEAL) He shoots OS toward rear also. ON REAR OF ECTO 1 Slimer ZIPS INTO SHOT, hovering anxiously as Ray UNZIPS one of the little spud's bulging satchels. CLOSE ON SATCHEL. It's crammed with leftovers from the fridge, plus junk food -- bags of potato chips, Twinkies, beef jerky, a watermelon, etc. RAY (VO) Just as I thought! TWO SHOT - RAY AND SLIMER Ray looks disapprovingly at Slimer, who hangs his head in shame. RAY (Reprovingly) Slimer! (points OS) Put it back! ON SLIMER He's on his "knees" in mid-air before Ray, praying for mercy. SLIMER (pleading SOUNDS) RAY (still pointing) It won't work! Go! Slimer looks at Ray for a BEAT, then SLIMER (RAZZBERRY) Slimer grabs the satchels and heads OS. EXT. GARAGE DOOR - DAY - CLOSE ON DOOR HANDLE As Peter's hand comes INTO SHOT and hangs a large sign on handle that reads "CLOSED." A car door SLAMS OS. REAR VIEW ON ECTO-1 As it heads off down the street, loaded to spring-busting excess with camping gear. QUICK DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NEW ENGLAND COUNTRYSIDE - ESTABLISHING - DAY Autumnal colors beginning to show. A two lane highway winds its way among the hills. ECTO-1 MOTORS INTO SHOT, heading down the road. RAY (VO) This is gonna be fantastic! WINSTON (VO) Yeah, I can't believe we're actually moving! A BEAT, then: SLIMER (VO) ("I gotta go"!) PETER (VO) Slimer, I told you to go before we left! EXT. ECTO 1 - MOVING It turns off the main drag onto a dirt road. ON DIRT ROAD - PANNING The ghostmobile bounces up the rutted road, which quickly narrows to a trail. A hubcap falls off and RATTLES into the brush. PETER (looking at Ray) Hey, Ray -- You're the ex-Boy Scout -- any idea where we're going? FAVOR RAY He nods confidently. RAY No problem -- I know these woods like the back of my hand! EXT. ECTO 1 - MOVING As the car suddenly plunges hubcap-deep into a muddy bog with a SPLAT and slowly starts to sink. CLOSE ON CAR - THROUGH MUD-SPLATTERED WINDSHIELD - GHOSTBUSTERS, JANINE, SLIMER As they all turn to glare at Ray. Through the windows we see the muddy water level rising, as car continues to sink. RAY (sheepishly) It's just a little puddle, no big deal. JANINE, SLIMER, EGON, PETER & WINSTON (incredulously) A little puddle??!? WIPE TO: EXT. ECTO-1 - DAY As the four Ghostbusters, Slimer and Janine, standing waist deep in the mud, push from the back of the car, which reluctantly moves forward OS. JANINE, SLIMER, GHOSTBUSTERS (GRUNTS of effort) WINSTON (straining) C'mon, just a little more. PETER (straining) That's what you said an hour ago! ANOTHER ANGLE As Ecto-1 rolls onto (relatively) dry land. The Ghostbusters and Janine are covered with mud as they sag against car, exhausted. JANINE, SLIMER & GHOSTBUSTERS (out of breath PANTING) WINSTON (dryly) This camping trip hasn't been all that great so far, Ray. RAY Hey, it could be worse. There's a THUNDERCLAP, and a hard RAIN begins to fall. Everyone is promptly soaked. They all glare at Ray. He flashes a smile. RAY Look at the bright side. It's nature's way of washing off the mud. WIPE TO: EXT. CAMPSITE - ESTABLISHING - DAY The rain is gone as ECTO-1 pulls INTO SHOT at a picturesque clearing on the shore of a small lake. Woods surround the site. RAY (VO) Here we are! ANOTHER ANGLE ON ECTO-1 Everyone is crowded around the windows for a look at the scenery. Slimer is like a little kid trying to get a place to see the parade, but no one will let him in. JANINE & GHOSTBUSTERS (Ad lib WALLA as they comment on scenery) ON SLIMER Frustrated, he finally goes right up through the car roof and outside. SLIMER ("Smell that air!") (Takes a DEEP BREATH and starts to COUGH) JANINE (VO) Okay -- everyone together for a group picture! Slimer smiles and zips O.S. ANOTHER ANGLE Slimer and the guys all hit very macho poses. (Slimer holds his head up in profile) as Janine stands before them aiming her Polaroid-type camera. JANINE Say "cheese". GUYS & SLIMER Cheese! The FLASH WHITES OUT FRAME. ON JANINE The camera extrudes the picture; she pulls it out, looks at it. CLOSE ON PICTURE The guys are smiling somewhat uncomfortably, with Slimer's tail draped down over Peter's face. ON JANINE She's delighted. JANINE Perfect! ANGLE INCLUDES WOODS She turns and aims her camera at the woods. IN THE WOODS - POV SHOT - JANINE Aiming the camera at us. PUSH IN, as though we're moving toward her. HEAVY FOOTSTEPS and SNAPPING TWIGS. BIGFOOT (VO) (HEAVY BREATHING) ANOTHER ANGLE - JANINE Occupied with focusing her camera. A large, SHADOWY SHAPE moves toward her from within the dark trees. EGON (VO) Janine! Time to set up camp! JANINE (calls) Cominggg! CLOSER ANGLE Janine looks back O.S. as she SNAPS the picture. The menacing shadow flows along the ground toward her just as she does so; she doesn't see it. The FLASH goes off, WHITING OUT FRAME. BIGFOOT (VO) (GROWLS) O.S. THUD! Janine looks back, somewhat puzzled. The camera extrudes the picture. She pulls it out, looks at it. CLOSE ON PICTURE IN JANINE'S HAND Showing the woods, with a large, blurred shape that can just barely be made out, falling backwards and holding both hands over its eyes. JANINE (VO) Hmm . . . must be something wrong with the film. WIPE TO: EXT. CAMPSITE - WIDE ANGLE - DAY The Ghostbusters and Janine are unloading their gear from Ecto-1. FAVORING SLIMER He pulls a rolled-up sleeping bag from the back, glances from side to side surreptitiously, then UNZIPS the bag a bit and pulls out a bag of peanuts. He GOBBLES a mouthful, still looking about. SLIMER (Surreptitious CHEWING) He pulls several bags of snack food from the bag, zips it back and SHOOTS OS. A TREE on the edge of the clearing. Slimer ZIPS up into it with his stash, hiding in the branches. After a BEAT we hear: SLIMER (VO) (CHOMP-CHOMP-CHOMP!) ON CAMPSITE Winston, Janine, Ray and Peter are setting up their one-person tent, all arranged in a semi-circle around a stone campfire pit. Everyone's shelter looks like something you'd buy at a sporting-goods store. The exception, of course, is Egon, who hasn't put his up yet. WINSTON Hey, Egon -- it'll be dark soon. Better get your tent pitched. FAVOR EGON He sets a small suitcase down on an empty spot of ground. EGON Excellent idea, Winston. WINSTON That's your tent? EGON Correct. CLOSER ON EGON He pulls out what looks like a TV remote control from his pocket, aims it at the suitcase and presses a button. ON SUITCASE With APPROPRIATE EFX AND SFX, a very weird high-tech shelter that's sort of a portable geodesic dome, complete with windows, doors and even a small BUBBLING jacuzzi, rapidly UNFOLDS from it. ON THE OTHERS Who are still struggling with theirs. They stop to watch in disbelief. JANINE Egon, that is absolutely brilliant! EGON (Modestly) Thanks. It was just something I put together in my spare time. WINSTON Can I try out the jacuzzi? PETER (Distainful) I can't believe this. I thought we were supposed to be roughing it. ANOTHER ANGLE Ray ENTERS SHOT, holding a "blaster"-sized portable A-V system, complete with CD deck, mini-TV, radio and even a VCR slot. He holds it out to Peter. RAY Speaking of "roughing it" -- this fell out of your knapsack, Peter. CLOSER ANGLE Peter grabs it, looking sheepish. PETER Hey, c'mon -- you can't expect me to miss "Moonlighting". WIPE TO: EXT. CAMPSITE - ON CAMPFIRE - NIGHT Everyone, including Slimer, is sitting around the FIRE getting ready to roast marshmallows. PETER This is what I like best about camping -- roasting marshmallows. SLIMER (VO) ("Me, too!") ANOTHER ANGLE Peter looks around as Slimer drifts into SHOT holding a ridiculously long stick with about a thousand marshmallows crammed onto it. He holds the stick over the fire, the "mallows" flare into flame. PETER Slimer, you're not going to eat all -- He stops in mid-sentence and watches in disbelief as Slimer holds one end of the stick to his open mouth like a sword swallower, then sucks all the roasted marshmallows off, his cheeks bulging. SLIMER (SLURP!) PETER (CONT) A dumb question. ON BIGFOOT Watching from the woods, spying on the group at the FIRE. ANOTHER ANGLE Slimer squirms uncomfortably, then leans over and WHISPERS to Winston. SLIMER (Embarrassed WHISPER) Winston looks at Slimer and grins. WINSTON (CHUCKLES) I don't think they have a little ghosts' room out here, Slimer. But there's plenty of trees. He points toward the woods. Slimer follows his point. SLIMER'S POV Of the dark, forbidding woods. BACK TO SHOT Slimer turns to Winston, eyes wide, pointing at the woods. SLIMER ("O-out there?") Winston nods. Slimer tugs on his sleeve, indicating a desire to be accompanied. Winston rises, Slimer grabs his hand. WINSTON Okay, Slimer. Come on. (BEAT) Man, the things I gotta do in this job ... REVERSE ANGLE As Winston and Slimer head into the darkness hand in hand. EXT. WOODS - WINSTON AND SLIMER Dark and spooky. Winston points to a large tree. WINSTON Go behind that tree, Slimer. I'll wait here. SLIMER ("Promise?") WINSTON Yeah, I promise. SLIMER (raises right hand) ("Scouts honor?") PETER (nods, raises right hand) Scouts honor. Slimer glides behind the tree. A BEAT, then: SLIMER (VO) (terrified YELL) ANOTHER ANGLE Slimer comes rocketing back INTO Winston's arms, almost knocking the latter off his feet. SLIMER ("A monster! A monster!") WINSTON What monster? Slimer points a trembling finger toward tree. SLIMER ("Behind tree!") ANGLE BEHIND TREE Winston steps around tree, Slimer peering cautiously from behind him. Winston pushes a branch aside to see better, and reacts in surprise. WINSTON (GASPS) REFIELD TO INCLUDE what looks like a shadowy monstrous shape in the darkness. Winston shines his flashlight on it, revealing it to be an old gnarled tree with knothole eyes and bare branches for arms. WINSTON (relieved) There's your monster, Slimer. CLOSE ON SLIMER He wipes his forehead in exaggerated relief. SLIMER ("Whew!") ANOTHER ANGLE Neither Winston or Slimer see two hairy arms reach toward them from O.S. behind. WINSTON C'mon, let's get back to camp. They head O.S., Winston releasing the branch, which springs back, once again KNOCKING Bigfoot on his ass. We catch a glimpse of the hairy figure as he lands behind a bush. BIGFOOT (GRUNTS as he hits) ON BUSH BIGFOOT sits up in a patch of moonlight and we get our first good look at him as he rubs his head dazedly. He's not really all that horrific -- the sort of creature that could look menacing or cuddly, depending on his mood. Not unlike the creature in "Harry and the Hendersons." BIGFOOT (GROANS) EXT. CAMPSITE - WIDE ANGLE - NIGHT Everybody's sitting around the FIRE -- Slimer's curled up in his floating sleeping bag -- listening to Ray tell a scary story. (His narration should be appropriately spooky and atmospheric.) RAY There was this little town, see, and one night, during a full moon ... ON SLIMER He looks up. SLIMER'S POV A full moon overhead. SLIMER (VO) (GULPS) ON RAY Really into his story. RAY (CONT) These two kids, brother and sister, were taking a short-cut through a spooky graveyard on their way to visit a friend. ANGLE FAVORS OTHERS They look at each other apprehensively, and cuddle closer. Emphasize the blackness of the woods beyond the firelight. RAY (VO CONT) All of a sudden they hear this eerie howl that sounded like a wolf. ON EDGE OF WOODS We see two eyes reflecting the firelight. PUSH IN as Bigfoot parts some bushes and looks out, listening to Ray curiously. Bigfoot's eyes grow bigger. BIGFOOT (frightened WHIMPER) ON OTHERS Spooked by the story as well. Slimer dives deep into his sleeping bag, then his hand comes right through the bag and zips it shut around him. SLIMER (frightened SQUEAL) RAY (CONT) Then they heard footsteps coming toward them -- FAVOR EGON AND JANINE Egon snuggles closer to Janine, who puts a protective arm around him. RAY (VO CONT) And they started to run, and the thing behind them -- ON BIGFOOT He's trembling now and biting his nails. Chips fly like grass from a lawnmower. RAY (VO CONT) -- started running too ... BIGFOOT (WHIMPERS) LOW ANGLE - ON RAY Really into it now. The firelight limns his features in an appropriately spooky way. RAY (CONT) And they ran to the cemetery gate, but it was locked -- WIDE ANGLE - ALL Everyone is looking at Ray with wide eyes now. Peter in his sleeping bag. All we can see are his eyes and the top of his head. Slimer's bag, floating beside Peter, trembles heavily. RAY (CONT) And the footsteps got closer . . . and closer . . . and closer . . . ON BIGFOOT He leans forward mesmerized by the story, listening intently. RAY (VO CONT) And then, around the corner came the cemetery night watchman. ON GHOSTBUSTERS, JANINE, SLIMER They all react in relief. GHOSTBUSTERS, JANINE, SLIMER (SIGHS of relief) ON RAY The firelight flickers eerily across his face. ON GROUP Everyone is leaning closer to Ray, listening intently. RAY (CONT) And the night watchman said, (Dramatic PAUSE) ROAAWWWWWRRRRR!!! On the last line, Ray leaps up, doing a creditable werewolf imitation. The others jerk back in exaggerated fear. ON BIGFOOT ON THE CUT he reacts in fear as well, and: BIGFOOT (SCREAMS!) ON GROUP They react to Bigfoot's SCREAM with: GROUP (SCREAM!) And they all jump together, clutching each other and staring fearfully out into the dark woods, Slimer's head sticks out of his floating sleeping bag. JANINE Wh-what was that? PETER I dunno! EGON Perhaps we should discuss it inside! RAY Good idea, Egon! ANGLE FAVORS EGON'S QUONSET HUT As one, they all break and dash for Egon's hut. Slimer is left in his bag as the others charge inside and SLAM the door. We hear a bunch of DEADBOLTS CLICK into place. SLIMER ("Hey, wait!") ANOTHER ANGLE He zips out of his bag and charges full blast at the tent door, going right THROUGH it with a SPLOOSH of slime. INT. EGON'S TENT - WIDE It's very crowded, especially considering that place is outfitted like a mini-RV, complete with wet bar and entertainment center. JANINE Shouldn't we see what's out there? PETER Good thinking, Janine. EXT. HUT - ON WINDOW The Ghostbusters, Janine and Slimer move into view and press their faces to the glass and look out at the dark, scary woods. WINSTON I don't see anything. PETER Me either. They pull back from window, Slimer leaving a smear of slime on the glass. PAN TO the woods, where Bigfoot cautiously emerges toward the camp. INT. HUT Everybody still looks nervous, though not as much so. EGON Perhaps it was just a case of hyperactive imagination, induced by Ray's story. ANGLE FAVORS RAY Who nods and grins. RAY Yeah. Happens all the time. WIDE ANGLE Everyone relaxes slightly save Slimer, who's still agitated. He peers worriedly at the window. Peter notices this. PETER Relax, Spud, there's nothing out there. ANGLE FAVORS WINDOW Slimer hesitantly approaches window and peers anxiously out into the night. As he does so, Bigfoot rises up and presses his hairy face against the window -- for an instant they're face to face, then: BIGFOOT & SLIMER (SCREAM!) They both backpedal O.S. ON PETER Slimer rockets into Peter's arms with sufficient force to spin him completely about. SLIMER (another SCREAM) PETER What's wrong, Slimer? He huddles there, shivering, pointing toward window. EXT. HUT - ON DOOR It opens, and everyone looks out. Slimer floats up above them, eyes wide as he looks around. WINSTON Nothin' out there. You probably just saw another tree, Slimer. Slimer shakes his head "no" emphatically. SLIMER ("Uh-uh!") ANOTHER ANGLE Winston plays his flashlight over the ground. WINSTON See? Nothing here. SLIMER ("Oh, yeah?") He points O.S. with a trembling finger. Winston aims the flashlight O.S. ON FOOTPRINTS Flashlight illuminates a pair of humongous footprints beneath the window. A BEAT, then the group ENTERS SHOT for a closer look. JANINE What could have made footprints that big? CLOSER ANGLE Egon kneels down for a close look, then: EGON Sasquatch! PETER Gesundheit. ANOTHER ANGLE Egon straightens INTO SHOT. EGON No -- I mean these tracks may have been made by a Sasquatch. RAY More commonly known as a Bigfoot. They're supposed to be harmless. Peter eyes the tracks dubiously. PETER Yeah -- long as you don't dance with him. ANGLE INCLUDES WOODS Winston sweeps his light toward the woods, following the tracks. WINSTON Let's check out the woods. ON EDGE OF WOODS The group approaches the dark edge of the forest. PETER I dunno about you guys, but I'd feel a lot more comfortable with a proton pack on my back. ON EGON He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a PKE meter, which he activates. ANGLE INCLUDES OTHERS Who look at him in amusement. PETER Egon, you sly devil -- you had to bring at least one piece of equipment, didn't YOU? CLOSER ANGLE Egon grins, then looks serious as he studies the readings. EGON Hmm . . . I'm getting very odd readings. From O.S. comes the RUSTLING of leaves. Everyone freezes and looks toward the sound. Ray points. RAY There! WIDER ANGLE A tree near the edge of the forest is SHAKING VIOLENTLY. Leaves fall from it. ON TREE The group approaches cautiously. END ACT ONE ----------- ACT TWO ------- FADE IN: EXT: CAMPTSITE - NIGHT THE GHOSTBUSTERS, SLIMER, JANINE AS BEFORE. Winston shines his light up into it, illuminating Bigfoot, who's farther under the tree, crouched among the foliage, obviously scared silly. RAY (excited) Incredible! A real Sasquatch! CLOSER Egon aims the PKE meter at Bigfoot and it BEEPS rapidly. Bigfoot cringes back. EGON Strange. He's giving off some very strong PKE readings. RAY But why? He's not a ghost. EGON I don't know, Raymond. ON PETER He's disgusted. PETER I knew we couldn't go a whole week without somethin' weird happening. I knew it. ON WINSTON Looking up at Bigfoot. WINSTON He looks more afraid of us than we are of him. FAVOR PETER AND SLIMER Slimer cowers behind Peter's back, trembling. Peter glances at him. PETER I wouldn't bet on that, Winston. WIDE ANGLE Janine steps up to the tree. JANINE (gently) C'mon down, Bigfoot. BIGFOOT (shakes his head) ("Uh-uh!") JANINE We won't hurt you. ON BIGFOOT He shakes his head. BIGFOOT ("Uh-uh.") ANGLE FAVORS SLIMER As he comes out from behind Peter, somewhat charmed by the Big Guy. SLIMER ("Awww . . .") PAN WITH him as he floats up toward the Bigfoot, stopping at a safe distance. He plunges a hand deep into the gelid mass of his body and pulls out a candy bar, which he extends toward Bigfoot. SLIMER ("Here ya go!") CLOSER - BIGFOOT He looks at the candy, slowly extends his hand toward it, then snatches it from Slimer's hand and crams it into his mouth, wrapper and all, SWALLOWING it whole. BIGFOOT (SWALLOWS and BURPS) ON SLIMER He smiles, obviously impressed. He drops down near the ground, pulls out another candy bar and holds it up. SLIMER ("More?") WIDER ANGLE As Bigfoot smiles, then jumps from the tree and lands with a SCENE SHAKING THUD beside Slimer. He grabs the candy bar and stuffs it in his mouth. BIGFOOT (CHOMPING SOUNDS) ON JANINE JANINE He must be starved. Let's take him back to camp and feed him. She takes Bigfoot by the hand. CLOSE ON PETER PETER Something tells me this is a big mistake. WIPE TO: EXT. CAMPSITE - NIGHT - CLOSE ON FOOD CONTAINERS Several empty freeze-dried and campout dinner containers, milk cartons, etc., all empty. PAN ALONG them -- there are a lot of them -- until we reach one of Bigfoot's big feet. PULL BACK to show Bigfoot sitting near the ashes of the fire, obviously satiated, surrounded by empty food wrappers and containers. BIGFOOT (Satisfied BELCH) ANGLE INCLUDES The others are looking at the decimated food supply in disbelief. PETER We're lucky he didn't eat the tents. JANINE (proudly) I've never had anyone like my cooking that much. ON BIGFOOT He stretches his long arms out to the sides (inadvertently KNOCKING over one of the tents and YAWNS mightily. BIGFOOT (major YAWN) ANGLE INCLUDES OTHERS Janine, Slimer and the Guys all YAWN and stretch, too. SLIMER, JANINE & GHOSTBUSTERS (big YAWNS) PETER I vote that we all hit the sack. All campers opposed raise your hands. He looks around. No one moves. PETER (CONT) My kind of campers. FAVOR PETER AND SLIMER Peter rises and Slimer tugs at his sleeve, simultaneously pointing at Bigfoot. He WHISPERS in Peter's ear. SLIMER (WHISPERS) PETER Slimer wants to know where Bigfoot's gonna sleep. FAVOR RAY AND EGON Also on their feet. Behind them, Bigfoot lumbers O.S. RAY In the woods, where else? EGON Sasquatch aren't accustomed to civilized comforts. They prefer to be at one with nature and -- A loud SNORE interrupts Egon. PAN TO his tent, where, through the open doorway, we can see Bigfoot comfortably sacked out on Egon's bed. BIGFOOT (SNORES) ON GHOSTBUSTERS, JANINE AND SLIMER looking at Bigfoot, whose SNORES shake the tent. PETER Looks like he'd rather be at one with your bed, Egon. (LAUGHS) WIPE TO: EXT. CAMPSITE - MORNING Everyone's asleep in their tents. GHOSTBUSTERS, JANINE & SLIMER (VO) (SNORES) ANGLE INCLUDES SKY STRANGE BLACK LIGHTNING suddenly CRACKLES across the sky. It almost looks like the vault of heaven itself is cracking open. The THUNDER shouldn't sound normal. ANGLE ON TENTS One by one, tent flaps are opened as Janine, Slimer and the Ghostbusters look out, still half-asleep. They're all in their nightclothes. PETER I don't remember ordering a wake-up call. ANOTHER ANGLE - INCLUDING SKY THUNDER BOOMS and the black LIGHTNING STITCHES across the sky again. FAVOR GHOSTBUSTERS, SLIMER AND JANINE They look at the sky, then at each other. WINSTON I've never seen lightning like that before. SLIMER ("Me neither!") FAVOR EGON He aims his PKE meter at the sky. SFX: RAPID BEEPS. Egon scratches his head. EGON Hmm . . . readings of Cherenkov radiation. It could represent damage to the space-time continuum. ON PETER AND WINSTON They look at each other. WINSTON I hate it when he says things like that. WIDE ANGLE Everyone comes out of their tents, looking up at the sky. Another bolt of black LIGHTNING ARCS across it. This time, the sky momentarily ROILS with colors in its wake, as though a rainbow has leaked from horizon to horizon. FAVOR JANINE AND SLIMER A BOLT OF BLACK LIGHTNING suddenly STRIKES a tree next to them, DISINTEGRATING it. Janine jumps back, and Slimer loses it completely; he antics O.S. in a mad panic. SLIMER ("Aiiiieee!!!") ON GOPHER HOLE Slimer dives straight into a gopher hole, squeezing his bulk in in a spray of slime. A BEAT later he POPS back out again, looking somewhat surprised and chagrined, as an angry GOPHER sticks its head out and CHATTERS angrily at him. GOPHER (Angry CHATTER) ON OTHERS Egon crosses quickly to Janine, putting a protective arm around her. EGON Are you all right, Janine? JANINE Yeah -- thanks, Egon. ANGLE INCLUDES EGON'S HUT As Bigfoot sleepily sticks his head out, looking about in puzzlement. BIGFOOT ("What's goin' on?") KA-ZAP! Another LIGHTNING BOLT STRIKES right next to the hut, causing it to begin to compress back into the box with much CREAKING and GROANING. Unfortunately, Bigfoot is still inside. The result is that the tent sort of COLLAPSES about him like a folding beach umbrella, trapping him inside. BIGFOOT (VO) (Muffled GRUNTS, etc.) WIDE ANGLE - COLLAPSED TENT The others rush to the tent and begin trying to free Bigfoot. Slimer antics frantically behind them. SLIMER ("Hurry up!") PETER Okay -- ready, set -- heave! ANOTHER ANGLE They give a gargantuan tug. Bigfoot POPS out of the hut, which continues its COLLAPSE into its compact form. Bigfoot, the Ghostbusters and Janine all go sailing O.S. past Slimer. BIGFOOT & GHOSTBUSTERS Whooaahh!! O.S. CRASH! PUSH IN on Slimer, who winces in sympathy, then hustles O.S. after them. ON BIGFOOT, PETER, JANINE AND EGON Lying in an awkward heap together. Slimer streaks INTO SHOT and SKIDS to a mid-air stop. Everyone untangles themselves and gets to their feet. WINSTON This is no way for a grown man to make a living. FAVOR BIGFOOT He's shivering in obvious fear; his teeth are CHATTERING and his eyes roll apprehensively this way and that. Janine steps up to him. JANINE Poor baby! The lightning scared him! Egon steps up on the other side and aims his PKE meter at him. The meter goes crazy. EGON Of course! It all makes sense now! FAVOR SLIMER He SCRATCHES his head. SLIMER ("It does?") WIDE ANGLE Before Egon can explain, another BLACK THUNDERBOLT ZAPS down right next to Bigfoot, scaring the holy living guano out of him. He antics frantically and runs O.S. BIGFOOT ("Wah-hoo-hoo!") ON EGON He reacts in distress. EGON Don't let him get away! ANGLE FAVORS WINSTON AND RAY Who dive for Bigfoot and just miss him as he tears up a towering pine tree and out of sight. LOW ANGLE POV UP TREE Way up near the top we can see the trembling Bigfoot, holding onto the tree for dear life. FAVOR EGON As Winston and Ray rise up INTO SHOT. WINSTON Egon, what's going on? Egon holds up the PKE meter. EGON The readings indicate that Bigfoot is the nexus of the space-time disturbances! WIDE ANGLE Everyone ducks for cover as MORE THUNDERBOLTS CRACKLE this way and that. RAY You mean Bigfoot's the cause of all this? ON EGON We see the BLACK LIGHTNING reflected in his glasses. EGON Not intentionally, I'm sure -- but somehow he's directly connected to it. (BEAT) And if we don't find out how to stop it, the buildup of cosmic forces could be disastrous! ON PETER AND SLIMER Slimer reacts to this and hides behind Peter. SLIMER ("Yike!") PETER Well then, we'd better get him down -- fast! Lightning flashes across the sky and more THUNDER RUMBLES. ON EGON Looking skyward with concern. EGON We don't have much time. ON PETER Getting pretty fed up with it all. He stands under the tree, hands on hips, looking up O.S. PETER We don't have time for this, you big ape! Now come down from there! As Peter speaks, VERT. PAN up the tree to FRAME Bigfoot, crouched on a branch over their heads, shivering in fear and looking pretty pathetic. Suddenly the branch he's sitting on CRACKS and sags alarmingly. RESUME GHOSTBUSTERS, JANINE AND SLIMER They REACT in alarm as they hear another CRACK. JANINE Gangway! ANOTHER ANGLE Everyone dives in different directions save Slimer, who's momentarily confused as to which way to go. He looks up just as Bigfoot and the branch he was sitting on plummet INTO SHOT, SQUASHING Slimer into a spray of green globules. BIGFOOT (GRUNT as he hits) SLIMER ("Wak!!") CLOSER ANGLE Bigfoot sits in the slight earth crater he made, looking dazed, as the green droplets squeeze out from under him and coalesce back into Slimer. He glares at Bigfoot, then: SLIMER (RAZZBERRY) ANGLE INCLUDES OTHERS As they run back into SHOT. RAY (To Bigfoot) You okay, big guy? SLIMER (Insulted) ("Is he okay?") WIDE ANGLE More LIGHTING AND EFX. Egon whips out his PKE meter and the BEEPS MERGE INTO HIGH-PITCHED WHINES. EGON The disturbances are reaching critical level. PETER How is Bigfoot connected to this light show? FAVOR EGON He pushes his glasses back up his nose. EGON I would theorize that Bigfoot comes from another dimension, and that he came here through a time warp. RAY (nods) Right! So we have to find the dimensional rift and get him back to it! FAVOR PETER Who reacts sarcastically to this. PETER Oh, that's all?! Heck, for a minute there I was worried! ANGLE FAVORS BIGFOOT Who looks very sad and begins to CRY, shedding huge tears. BIGFOOT (CRIES) Slimer puts a comforting arm around him. SLIMER ("Aw, whatsa matter?") CLOSER ANGLE BIGFOOT (GRUNTS & CHATTERS) Slimer nods in understanding. SLIMER ("Uh-huh!") WIDER ANGLE Slimer turns to Ray. SLIMER (JABBERS) RAY (To others) Slimer says that Bigfoot came from "a hole in the noisy water." ON JANINE AND PETER They look perplexed. JANINE How can water have a hole in it? Peter shrugs. PETER Maybe it's hard water. ANGLE INCLUDES RIVER Bigfoot points downstream. EGON It appears he lives down river. ON WINSTON Looking down river. WINSTON Looks like we're gonna get wet looking for that "hole" he came out of. ON EGON He raises a finger. EGON Not necessarily. WIDE ANGLE Egon holds up a small rubber packet, presses a button on it, and everyone steps back as the thing INFLATES into a full-sized rubber raft. WIPE TO: ANGLE ON RIVER With the raft racing along in the current, carrying the Ghostbusters, Janine, Slimer and Bigfoot (the latter very nearly capsizing the craft). CLOSER ON RAFT - MOVING Egon is studying his PKE meter. MORE LIGHTNING AND SKY EFX. The raft's speed has picked up considerably; Bigfoot, Peter and Egon hang onto the sides of the raft for dear life, and Slimer can barely keep up. PETER (points) Trouble ahead! SLIMER covers his eyes SLIMER ("I can't look!") THEIR POV - RIVER AND TOP OF WATERFALL PUSH IN on the WHITE WATER ROARING over the cliff's edge. A huge tree has fallen across the river just before the drop. PETER (VO CONT) This is worse than busting ghosts! ON RAFT - MOVING Bigfoot stands up -- his height is sufficient for him to grab the log as the raft sails under it. The others all grab onto him as the raft shoots over the falls and O.S. Slimer checks his forward momentum by grabbing a branch on the log. ON BANK Bigfoot climbs off the log and onto the bank, followed by the Ghostbusters, Janine and Slimer. Bigfoot looks quite excited. He points down O.S. They all have to SHOUT to be heard. BIGFOOT (GRUNTS, ETC.) PAN as Slimer turns to Ray. SLIMER (BABBLES) PAN as Ray turns to Egon. RAY He says this is the "noisy water". EGON Then where is the hole? ON EDGE OF CLIFF Bigfoot points at a precarious trail that leads over the cliff. The others look at it dubiously. PETER I was afraid he'd say that. (SIGHS) Okay, let's go. He starts down the trail, followed by the others. ON WATERFALL PUSH IN as the Ghostbusters, Janine and Slimer make their way down the trail, which leads under the WATERFALL. One by one they disappear into the mist. ON CAVE ENTRANCE Behind the THUNDERING curtain of falling water, there's a cave in the cliff face. It should be dark, but it's not -- instead, a golden light -- Very Spielberg -- pours forth from it. The group regards it in awe. EGON It's a bridge between our world and another. FAVOR PETER AND BIGFOOT Peter turns to Bigfoot. PETER Well, I can't say it hasn't been interesting, Bigfoot. He CLAPS Bigfoot on the back, pushing him toward the cave. Bigfoot cowers back. BIGFOOT (WHIMPERS; GRUNTS) ON SLIMER He turns to Ray. SLIMER (JABBERS) RAY He's afraid to go in by himself. He wants us to take him. ON PETER He looks resigned. PETER Why aren't I surprised? (BEAT) C'mon, furface. Let's go. WIDE ANGLE They all enter the cave and are lost to view in the glowing light. INT. CAVE A luminious, misty, other-worldly location. PAN TO the Ghostbusters, Janine, Slimer and Bigfoot, walking through the mist, looking about. Suddenly the SCENE SHAKES and BLACK LIGHTNING STABS THROUGH SHOT. Slimer dives into the ground mist, poking his head cautiously up a BEAT later. SLIMER ("Mama!") ON EGON He looks concerned. EGON We have to get Bigfoot back to his world and return to our own to restore the cosmic balance! ON WINSTON He points O.S. WINSTON Over there! THEIR POV - MIST The mist clears, to show a glowing, arching portal behind them, through which can be glimpsed a beautiful alien landscape. ANGLE INCLUDES OUR GUYS Bigfoot reacts in happiness and points O.S. BIGFOOT ("Home!") Everyone staggers as the SCENE SHAKES again. MORE LIGHTNING EFX. ANGLE INCLUDES PORTAL Which begins to shrink in size. EGON The portal is closing! FAVOR PETER AND BIGFOOT PETER No time for long goodbyes, Bigfoot! WIDE - ALL Bigfoot turns to Slimer and grabs him up in a bear hug, squeezing him momentarily out of shape. BIGFOOT (sad GRUNTS) SLIMER ("So long!") ON PORTAL Bigfoot steps through the portal. He turns and waves at them as the portal shrinks. BIGFOOT ("Bye-bye!") ANGLE INCLUDES OTHERS Who wave, as the portal shrinks to a dot and vanishes. JANINE, GHOSTBUSTERS, SLIMER (Ad lib) So long, big guy! Don't forget to write! Take care! Etc. FAVOR JANINE She looks over her shoulder as she waves and reacts. JANINE Uh-oh . . . HER POV - OTHER PORTAL Showing the WATERFALL beyond it. The portal is rapidly shrinking. JANINE (VO) Time to go! WIDE ANGLE They all turn and see the disappearing gateway. EGON Come on! Or we'll be trapped in limbo forever! They dash toward the closing portal. CLOSE ON PORTAL One by one they leap through it. Slimer is the last; the portal closes just as he goes through, shaving a glop of green off his tail. SLIMER ("Yeowtch!") EXT. WATERFALL - WIDE Everyone comes BURSTING through the WATERFALL. TRACK WITH them as they land with a SPLASH! in the lake at the foot of the falls. CLOSE ON WATER Everybody BOBS to the surface. SLIMER (SPUTTERS) JANINE We made it! Egon lifts his PKE meter out and activates it. SFX: SLOW BEEPS. EGON Everything's back to normal -- whatever that is. PETER (Wearily) Great. Now can we go back to camp? Ray looks disappointed. RAY Aw -- I thought as long as we were here, we could get in some fishing! The others stare at him, as we: DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CAMPSITE - WIDE - DAY The guys and Janine are loading their gear onto ECTO 1. FAVOR PETER The car is crammed to bursting with gear. Peter picks up the last piece -- Egon's compressed hut. As he does so, the remote control unit falls to the ground, unnoticed by him. EGON Be careful with that, Peter. PETER Relax, Egon. I know what I'm doing. CLOSE ON HIM As he steps forward and shoves the "suitcase" into a niche in the back of ECTO 1, he accidentally treads on the unit, ACTIVATING it. WIDE ANGLE The ghostmobile begins to SHAKE and RUMBLE as the collapsed hut begins to EXPAND within the car. EGON Look out! Everyone dives O.S. as the camping gear EXPLODES out of the rear of ECTO 1, scattering camping gear everywhere. When the dust clears, the campground is littered with all the paraphenalia of the trip. ON GHOSTBUSTERS, JANINE AND SLIMER They all stare at Peter accusingly. WINSTON Way to go, Peter. Peter shrugs. PETER Well, since we're unpacked again -- why don't we stay for another few days? Everyone else GROANS in unison at this suggestion. ALL (SAVE PETER) (GROANS) FADE OUT THE END script copyright © 1987 Columbia Pictures Television All rights reserved. |
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