« The Real Ghostbusters Script: The Headless Motorcyclist (May 15, 1986) | The Real Ghostbusters Script: Camping It Up! (August 21, 1987) » |
Television > Real Ghostbusters > Scripts > The Real Ghostbusters Script: The Grundel (July 17, 1987)
THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS "The Grundel" by J. Michael Straczynski July 17, 1987 First Draft transcribed by Paul Rudoff FADE IN: EXT. STREET - NIGHT PANNING the empty street (a FAST pan, please) to the corner of a building -- as a JABBERWOCK comes SCREAMING around the corner right PAST CAMERA, pursued a moment later by the Ghostbusters in Ecto-1, running lights and sirens. (Design note: please refer to the original Alice drawings for the best Jabberwock -- bat-winged, dragon-like, with catfish-like mustache, elongated limbs, etc.) REVERSE As the chase continues AWAY FROM CAMERA under: WINSTON (VO) I can't believe we're actually chasing a Jabberwock down the middle of sixteenth street. INT ECTO-1 - GHOSTBUSTERS, SLIMER Where Winston is leaning out the window, trying to get a clear shot at the thing. Peter's driving. Egon and Ray are in the back, watching, with proton guns ready, whilst Slimer holds on to the back of the front seat. PETER It's not my fault. I wasn't the one chased him through the Alice in Wonderland display back at the library. RAY How was I supposed to know it could read? Most ghosts aren't smart enough to read. ANGLE - FAVORING SLIMER Who takes umbrage at this, glares at Ray. SLIMER (oh, really?) RAY Don't get cocky, Slimer. I've been watching, and you still move your lips when you read. EXT ALLEY - INTERSECTION - DOWNSHOT As the Jabberwock peels off at an angle, heading down a side alley too narrow for the car, which comes to a screeching halt. EGON There it goes! They pile out of the car and follow on foot into the alley in hot pursuit. ANGLE - STREET - DUMPSTER Near the alley where the Ghostbusters just ran in. Something in the shadows behind the dumpster moves -- two small eyes (normal). INT ALLEY - GHOSTBUSTERS spread out, duck-running up the alley, proton guns at the ready, looking for the Jabberwock, which is nowhere in sight. Peter goes BEHIND A BUILDING with Slimer trailing along. He approaches a bunch of closed trash cans -- PETER (quietly) Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! DURING THIS, and taking this as inspiration, Slimer contorts himself into something that sorta/kinda looks like a Jabberwock. Peter turns, looks at him, shakes his head. PETER Not even close, Slimer. (moving on) Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch! ANOTHER ANGLE Right on Bandersnatch, a trash can lid under Slimer shoots up, knocking him UP and OS -- and there, slowly but menacingly rising from the trash can behind Peter, is the Jabberwock, growing, growing. PETER And as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came. (snicker) What's a burble, anyway? The Jabberwock lets loose a HOWL/ROAR/SCREAM that could curdle milk across three states. Peter looks up into its eyes, which are looking down at him from behind his back. He smiles wanly. PETER Oh. Well, ask a silly question -- (beat, then, a la Benny) Oh, guyyyyyyyys! WHOOSH! He runs back as fast as he can, and now the Jabbewock is in hot pursuit. INT MAIN ALLEY Slimer comes on the run, followed by Peter and the JABBERWOCK. SLIMER (yaagggghhhhh!) PETER Hit it! THE GUYS Raise the proton guns, FIRE! THE JABBERWOCK Swoops through the air, the blasts pinning its wings and parts of its torso to the opposite wall. Jabberwock ROARS throughout scene. PETER tucks-and-rolls and comes up FIRING as well. ANGLE - EGON, RAY Fighting to keep the thing under control. EGON Quick, Ray! The trap! RAY How? It's taking all three beams to control that thing! I shut off to set up the trap and we'll lose him! SLIMER sensing an opportunity, races to Ray's side and grabs the ghost trap. TRUCK WITH HIM as he brings the trap beneath the Jabberwock and positions it beneath the thing. He backs up -- but not very far. WINSTON Okay, Slimer! Get clear! Hit it, Ray! Slimer again doesn't move terribly far, caught up looking at the huge thing above/beside him. RAY'S FOOT comes crashing down on the control for the trap. THE TRAP POPS open. WIDEN As it catches the Jabberwock, which struggles in its grip. But the trap's beam also snares Slimer, who has strayed too close to its range. Both are fighting to get away -- JABBERWOCK (roars) SLIMER (screams bloody murder) RAY Slimer! ANOTHER ANGLE PAN DOWN as the two are dragged down into the trap, and now Slimer's almost free -- when the Jabberwock grabs him in a move of "If I have to go, so do you!" They get into a whirling dervish struggle, inching closer and closer, until at the last possible second Slimer yanks free of its claws and gets out just as the trap doors close with a SLAM. SLIMER is lying on the ground, PANTING furiously, its widda heart beating like a triphammer, tongue hanging out from here to Nebraska, as Peter kneels INTO FRAME PETER Nice job of sheep-dogging that thing into the trap. Good technique. Maybe we'll have you do that all the time from now on. And with that, he walks on. Slimer has just enough energy to lift his head, focus on Peter, and shoot a raspberry in the general direction of him and all his future descendants -- SLIMER (fainting raspberry) -- before collapsing once more. EXT STREET - INTERSECTING ALLEY They emerge from the alley, Ray carrying the smoking trap -- RAY Well, now it's back to the station and a good night's -- (at something o.s.) -- on, no. THEIR POV - ECTO-1 Which is now up on blocks. The tires have been pulled from the car, along with much of the equipment, ladders, lights, anything that wasn't nailed down or on fire. EGON (os) I don't believe it. WINSTON (os) Somebody boosted Ecto-1! ANOTHER ANGLE They surround Ecto-1, shaking their heads and surveying the damage. EGON Have to hand it to them -- they're efficient. Stripped down everything they could sell in three point five minutes. ON PETER Who shoulders his pack and turns away, saying PETER I'll think about that a lot on the long walk home. All right, boys, move 'em out. When suddenly his attention is caught by: COP (OS) That won't be necessary, gentlemen. WIDEN As a Cop comes toward them from down the street, moving out from the cover of a dumpster, dragging a young boy (maybe 12 or so) with him. COP I was on patrol when I saw him helping himself to your car. (indicating behind him) Your stuff's back there, behind the dumpster. Ray looks to Egon and Slimer. RAY We'd better get it before someone else does. C'mon, guys. And the three of them head OS back the way the cop just came. ANGLE - FAVORING KID Looking surly, unrepentant, brooding as we PULL BACK to include Peter, Winston and the Cop UNDER: COP Too bad, really. Third time this month -- which means back to Juvenile Hall. KID Get stuffed. COP That'll be enough of that. Come on, Larry. ANOTHER ANGLE As the Cop and the Kid head AWAY FROM CAMERA, Winston and Peter look on. Winston shakes his head. WINSTON Y'know, I've seen that kid around town before. Seemed like an okay kid. They turn and head OS. CAMERA DOES NOT FOLLOW. PETER Yeah. Makes you wonder what makes a good kid go bad. HOLD on the empty street for just a BEAT as it starts to rain -- then push in on the far end of the street. And in the darkness of a doorway, we see two eyes -- not human eyes. Still in shadow, it sneaks around the back of the building to THE OTHER SIDE where the thing, which we still can't see very clearly, watches the squad car with the kid drive by as the rain starts to come down harder now. We push in on the darkness where the thing hides. The screen is TOTALLY BLACK -- and then: sshhhrrraAAAAACKKKKKK! A LIGHTNING BOLT illuminates the scene -- and we are in an EXTREME CLOSE UP of the GRUNDEL. Pale, with sallow cheeks, gaunt; red glowing eyes, feral little teeth; and over it all, a slouch hat (reminiscent of the Shadow). It shields its eyes against the light -- and then all is dark again. Against that darkness we hear the voice of the Grundel. And the voice is paper-thin, dry and whispery; a voice at once conspiratorial and dangerous and inviting and obscene. It says: GRUNDEL (VO) Gone. Oh, yes, gone. Long time. Find another. Oh, yes, another. INT ALLEY As the Grundel begins to move, illuminated in the flickerflash of more lightning, like an image caught in strobes as it moves like oil down the alley. We hear its BREATHING, and it is a thick, unpleasant sound. ITS HAND grazes along a stone-brick wall, and where its steel-like nails click against stone, they FLASH and SPARK. EXT. ALLEY Where it comes around the corner, stands in the mouth of the alley. Looks around. Sniffs -- as if on a scent. GRUNDEL (sniffing) Need -- fresh. Untouched. Pure. Fressssssh. Suddenly, the sniffing STOPS. It smiles. DOWNSHOT - GRUNDEL'S SHADOW And the shadow begins to extend, to elongate. It bends and angles around the corner of the alley, up across a building. We PAN AHEAD of the shadow to an apartment building, one of those six-story walk-ups with a fire escape and laundry line on the roof. PUSH IN on the windowframe -- ALEC (OS) I mean -- I just don't get it. INT. ALEC AND LEE'S BEDROOM where the dim light from outside streetlamps, broken occasionally by bits of lightningflash, dimly illuminates the bedroom: ALEC, about 13 or so, is in the twin bed nearest the window, so the shadow of the windowframe falls across it. In the next bed over, across the room, is LEE, about 12. During the following, Lee puts his pillow over his head, tosses and turns, wraps himself up in the blanket -- all the signs of someone who wishes the other person would just shut up so he can get some sleep. ALEC (cont'd) Why should I have to do homework if I don't want to do homework? Huh? I mean, it's a free country, right? But noooo, it's no homework, no TV, and off to bed an hour early. LEE Good night, Alec. ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING LEE More of the same. Wishing Alec would be quiet. ALEC It's not fair, y'know? LEE (more firmly) G'night, Alec. ALEC (OS) And that's another thing -- how come we can't stay up as late as we want? I -- And Lee's had it. He sits up in bed, eyes wide -- LEE Alec! And looks OS at the sound of: FATHER (OS) Lee -- be quiet up there and get to sleep! LEE Looks about ready to kill -- but only dives back into his pillow, pulling it up over his head -- LEE (resignedly) Arrrrghhh! ALEC Turns from looking at Lee and rolls over so that he FACES CAMERA, the dim glow from outside filtering in past the window. He grimaces. ALEC (half to himself) Not fair. And he closes his eyes. Give it a BEAT. A LIGHTNING FLASH from outside throws the shadow of the windowframe into high relief. Then all is dark. Then: another flash of lighting, only this time there's something new: the shadow of the Grundel, just outside the window. During this, we PUSH IN on Alec's face UNDER: GRUNDEL (VO) They don't understand, do they? No, grown-ups never do. ANGLE - ON WINDOW Through which we SEE the slouch-hat silhouette of the Grundel. GRUNDEL (cont'd) They just like to push kids around, that's all. If you had the chance, you'd show them, wouldn't you? ON ALEC Asleep -- but he nods. ALEC (in his sleep) Yeah -- show 'em. GRUNDEL (OS) You should be able to do whatever you want -- anything, if it's what you want to do. ON WINDOW - GRUNDEL PUSHING IN on the Grundel's shadow on the glass as we HEAR: GRUNDEL (cont'd) And what you really want to do -- is to open this window. Open the window, Alec, let me in -- and oh, the things we will do together -- ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING ALEC As, almost in his sleep, he gets out of bed, staggers his way toward the window -- GRUNDEL (cont'd) -- the things I will show you. We will have fun, Alec, oh, so much fun, if you just open the window -- and let me in. TIGHTEN As Alec reaches the window. He grasps the base, tugs. It gives an inch. Then, with one final tug, it shoots UP. Instantly, the shadow VANISHES from the window -- in its place is a cold, bitter wind that rushes into the room with a MOAN. LEE Sits up in bed, the wind rustling his hair. He looks around. LEE Alec? What're you doing? Alec, it's cold. ALEC Turns back from the window, shakes his head, as if awakening from a dream. ALEC Huh? I, uh -- what? Oh, yeah. He closes the window. The wind STOPS. He heads back to his bed. ANOTHER ANGLE - FROM FOOT OF BED As Alec climbs back into bed, rolls up in the covers. Give it a BEAT. Then PAN UP the bed to the patterned wallpaper -- and as we watch, the pattern in the wallpaper above Alec's head shifts, and the pattern forms a disturbingly familiar smile. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FIREHOUSE - EARLY MORNING PUSH IN on the Firehouse UNDER the OS sound of electronic ZAPPING and ZETZING and SPARKING -- INT. FIREHOUSE - BUNKROOM All the Ghostbusters are abed -- except Egon, who's nowhere to be seen. Ray and Winston are sleeping well enough, but Peter is tossing and turning with each OS ZAPPING. It's obviously keeping him from sleeping. Finally, his patience at an end, he sits up, stands, and heads OS to INT. EGON'S LAB Peter, eyes at half-mast, trying to keep from waking up all the way, wanders into the room like the walking dead. Inside, Egon is working at a machine on his workbench, adjusting a dial with each ZETZ of electricity, completely intent on what he's doing. PETER (bleary-eyed) Egon, do you know what time it is? EGON (without looking up) Yes. PETER Ah. TIGHTEN As Peter approaches Egon and looks over his shoulder at the device. PETER And what, pray tell, is this, Prince Mishkin? EGON A sub-etheric multichannel differential analyzer. PETER Hmm. And what does it do? CLOSE - EGON Adjusting dials. Moving levers. It makes a loud ZAP. EGON I don't know. Yet. But it makes a great ZAP, doesn't it? Suddenly there's a drop in the POWER WHINE and the device shuts down with a spark. Egon sits back, frowns. EGON Well, that's curious. I wonder what could have caused it to shut down? He starts taking the device apart. ON PETER Standing by the door, YAWNING -- and in one hand, he has the power cord for the device, which he's just unplugged, and is swinging back and forth. EGON (os) Maybe the variable core went out -- or the phase-lock interociter -- I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out. PETER (yawning) Oh, I'm sure I'll hear about it, all right. And with that, he drops the plug and heads back out of the lab. INT. BUNKROOM - FAVORING DOORWAY As a still-bleary-eyed Peter comes inside again -- PETER (half to himself) I am going back to sleep now, and nobody's gonna stop me. Then, abruptly, he stops. Looks crestfallen. PETER'S POV - HIS BUNK Where Slimer is now sleeping, wrapped up in Peter's blankets, SNORING and utterly at peace with the world. SLIMER (snoring) PETER shakes his head. PETER No way am I that tired. He turns, starts out the door again -- and stops. Turns back. PETER Yes I am. And he heads PAST CAMERA TO PETER'S BUNK Where he climbs in, nudging Slimer over and pulling up the sheets as best he can. CUT TO: INT. EGON'S LAB Where Egon is working away at the non-zapping device . . . as suddenly there's an OS BEEPING. He looks across the lab to the PKE meter, which is on a table next to the window. He gets up, goes over to the window, and the meter. TIGHTEN He picks up the meter, looks at it. Suddenly, it stops beeping. EGON Hmm. Curious. Wonder what made it go off. He looks out the window to -- EXT. STREET - THROUGH WINDOW - OVER EGON'S SHOULDER Nothing unusual. Except a SCHOOL BUS wheezing its way down the street. He shrugs, turns away. As he leaves, we PUSH IN ON AND TRACK WITH the school bus. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL BUS Which is a zoo, as are all school buses: paper airplanes flying back and forth, kids nudging and boxing with other kids, noise and confusion and laughing and scratching. Amid the chaos the CAMERA FINDS Alec and Lee, sitting together on the same seat, Alec near the window. KIDS (playful walla) Alec is looking out the window, and his face is thoughtful -- but in a dark sort of way. Lee glances over at him, looking a little concerned, but saying nothing. For a moment, we get a flicker of red eyes just beyond the window -- then it's gone. Alec looks ahead of them to ANOTHER SEAT directly in front of them, where a largish boy leans over the seat in front of him, and his wallet tumbles out of his back pocket. TWO-SHOT -- ALEC, LEE Where Alec smiles, nudges Lee, points to the OS wallet. ALEC (conspiratorially) Look! C'mon, let's grab it! Lee looks OS, is horrified by the very thought. LEE What, are you kidding? No way! ALEC Suit yourself. ANOTHER ANGLE As Alec reaches forward and snatches the wallet just before the large kid sits back. He hides the wallet in his shirt, looks over at Lee, smiles. It's not pretty. LEE Alec! What're you -- ALEC It's cool. Loosen up, Lee. With that, he turns back to the window. Lee looks around, hoping no one's seen them. PUSH IN ON ALEC, PAST LEE to the window, where in the glass we see the reflection of the Grundel. It nods approvingly, smiles. GRUNDEL Good, very good indeed, Alec -- oh, we'll have such fun, we'll -- LEE (gasps) Then, suddenly, the reflection's gone -- and we REVERSE quickly to see Lee, who's spotted the reflection, just barely. Alec spins in the seat, confronts Lee. ALEC Whaddya think you're looking at? LEE (subdued) Nothing. Nothing, Alec. ALEC Keep it that way. And with that, he turns back to the window. RACK FOCUS on Lee, who is looking more than a tad nervous right now. CUT TO: EXT. BUS - WINDOW Pulling back from a shot of Alec through the window to REVEAL the school bus as it drives into a circular driveway in front of the school. And hanging across the front of the school (a four-story old school, lots of brick and wood) is a banner proclaiming GHOSTBUSTERS DAY! RALLY AT NOON! DISSOLVE TO: INT. SCHOOL - CORRIDOR Where the Ghostbusters walk along the hall, with lockers lining either side, taking it all in. They are escorted by COACH CARLSON, a real no-neck kind of guy. WINSTON So this is your old junior-high school. RAY Bring back any old memories, Peter? PETER Sure. I left my heart here. CARLSON You also left your gym socks here. CLOSE - COACH CARLSON Walking along, not looking at Peter. CARLSON You know, when you were a student here, I was sure you'd come to a bad end. PULL BACK as Peter leans into frame, wraps an arm around Coach Carlson's shoulder. PETER And now you find you were wrong, eh? CARLSON So far. Still, it's something to hope for, isn't it? Peter removes the arm, stops as Carlson moves on. He shakes his head. PETER I'm starting to remember why I never liked this school. As he then continues on we DISSOLVE TO: INT. GYMNASIUM - WIDE SHOT And it looks like all the kids in the school are here, packed into the bleachers on either side of the gym. Ghostbuster logos are all over the place. At the far end are the Ghostbusters, on a raised platform, flanked by large speaker. Egon is at the front of the stage, holding a ghost trap. (Note: the area directly in front of the stage doesn't have kids, only the bleachers.) EGON -- so the ghost catching itself is actually done by this device. We call it a ghost trap. We activate it by throwing it out under the ghost, like this. He pitches the ghost trap out into the open area before the stage. INSERT - GHOST TRAP Clattering to the floor. EGON (os/cont'd) We get it into position, and when we're ready -- ANGLE - EGON'S FOOT Above the ghost trap pedal. EGON (os/cont'd) -- it's showtime! ANGLE - GHOST TRAP As it shoots open, emitting brilliant beams of flickering light. WIDEN To include the whole gym bathed in the ghost trap's light. KIDS (oohs and aahs) ON ALEC, LEE Sitting in the bleachers, side by side. Lee's enraptured. Alec looks sullen, annoyed. Both are bathed by the trap's light. LEE Boy, they're neat! Wouldn't it be great if we had them for friends? Alec looks terminally unimpressed. TIGHTEN ON LEE, looking os, UNDER: ALEC I like my friend better. Lee forces himself to look away from the display of light -- LEE What'd you -- QUICK REVERSE ANGLE - TOWARD BLEACHERS To reveal Alec's gone. Lee frowns, looks around. LEE Alec? Alec? ON THIS, we PAN DOWN the bleachers and PUSH IN UNDER: EGON (os) Another device we use is called a PKE Meter . . . . DISSOLVE THROUGH TO: WIDE - UNDER BLEACHERS Where we find Alec amid the shadows beneath the bleachers. He looks around, and a moment later, the Grundel appears beside him. ALEC I heard you call me. What d'you wanna do now? TIGHTEN As the Grundel leans in close to Alec, whispers into his ear. GRUNDEL (whispering) And Alec smiles. Moves away, nods. Then heads OS. GRUNDEL (only half to Alec) Such fun! We'll show the grownups a few things, won't we, Alec? (more to self) So fresssssh. So purrrrre. But not for long. ZOOP! He disappears. CUT BACK TO: THE STAGE - EGON The PKE meter BEEPS for just a moment, then stops. PULL BACK to reveal Egon and, beside him, Ray. Egon eyes it curiously. Their proton packs are at the edge of the stage behind them, near the wall. EGON Curious. Just like before. If flashed, then stopped. RAY Loose wire? Suddenly, Peter comes INTO FRAME, nudging them forward again. PETER C'mon, we've still got the grand finale ahead! They head OS. Give it a BEAT, then we see a small hand come feeling its way around the back of the stage from beneath. The hand flops onto one of the proton packs. Starts tugging. OVERSHOULDER SHOT - PETER, GYM As he looks out onto the crowds. PETER Okay -- this is the part we know you've all been waiting for. You've heard about our Proton Packs; well, now you're going to see them for yourselves. REVERSE - FAVORING WINSTON, RAY, EGON Who go to the packs we saw being handled a moment ago and put them on as we HEAR: PETER (os) Naturally, since this is just a demonstration, we've lowered the proton packs so they'll just produce a simple but gorgeous light show. Perfectly harmless. ANOTHER ANGLE As Egon, Ray and Winston come up behind Peter, packs ready. PETER Okay, guys. Let's rock. They arm the proton packs. POWER WHINE. Then point up -- ON PROTON PACKS - WANDS Suddenly bursting to life with energy, full-tilt power. GHOSTBUSTERS Whooaahhh! UPSHOT - ROOF As the proton beams slice through basketball division banners, Ghostbuster logos, shorting out lights, generally making a mess. RAY (os) Shut 'em off! Shut 'em off! There's a small BLAM -- and smoke briefly fills screen. ANOTHER ANGLE As the smoke clears -- revealing the Ghostbusters standing on stage amid a mountain of fallen banners and bits of debris. Peter smiles as disarmingly as he can. PETER (through tight lips) Anybody see Coach Carlson? RAY No. PETER Good. (louder, quickly) And this concludes today's performance thank you all for coming good afternoon and now we have to be going don't we guys right bye all! Swoop! They start picking up their stuff. CUT BACK TO: UNDER BLEACHERS - ALEC LAUGHING, trying to hold it in, without much success. The Grundel appears next to him, smiling and nodding his approval. GRUNDEL You see, Alec? Such fun we'll have. ALEC Oh, man, you're great! I wanna be just like you! And as the Grundel responds, we PUSH PAST THEM and look through the bleachers -- and SEE Lee peeking through the bleachers at them, reacting with horror to: GRUNDEL Oh, you will, Alec. You will. HOLD on his look of horror as we FADE OUT: END ACT ONE ----------- ACT TWO ------- FADE IN: EXT. SCHOOL - LONG SHOT - DAY The Ghostbusters are packing up their gear into Ecto-1. As they do so, we PULL BACK TO REVEAL Lee watching them from behind some bushes. This UNDER: EGON I just don't get it. The proton packs were adjusted to be harmless. Someone must have tampered with them. It's the only explanation for what happened. WINSTON Yeah -- but who'd do that? And why? DOWNSHOT - GHOSTBUSTERS As Lee comes toward them from behind, rather tentatively. LEE 'Scuse me. Can I -- talk to you? They turn, see him. Ray stoops down to Lee's height. RAY Sure. What can we do for you? ON LEE Not quite sure how to start, looking around, nervous. LEE It's -- it's my brother, Alec. He's -- well, he's been doing a lot of bad things lately, and I don't know what to do about it. WIDEN To include the rest, who gather around him. PETER Probably just a phase he's going through. All kids get a little out of hand once in a while. Get rude, obnoxious, a real pain in the neck. EGON Peter's right. And he should know. During the following we PUSH IN on Lee, who looks quite uncertain. LEE No, I -- I think there's something making him do bad things. I've seen it. Dressed all in black, with this funny hat like they used to wear in old gangster movies, red eyes and claws -- REVERSE ANGLE - PAST LEE To the Ghostbusters, who are exchanging a "never heard of it" look. LEE You don't believe me, do you? WINSTON Nobody said that. We've just -- never heard of anything that fits the description you gave. If you could give us some more -- Suddenly he's cut off by the SOUND of the school bell ringing. LEE Fourth period. I gotta go. Sorry to've bothered you. ANOTHER ANGLE As he heads forlornly away, Ray takes a step forward. RAY Look, if -- if you see anything else, call us, okay? We'll see what we can dig up. (louder) What's your name -- so we can get hold of you? LEE Lee. Lee Meredith. ANGLE ON SCHOOL DOOR Lee pauses, looks back, then steps inside, closing the door. ON GHOSTBUSTERS Looking after him. Give it a BEAT, then they continue packing. PETER What d'you think, Egon? EGON Probably nothing. But it couldn't hurt to check a few references anyway. PUSH PAST them, to a shadow beside a building -- and there we see Alec spying on them. He smiles, unpleasantly. CUT TO: EXT. FIREHOUSE - DAY Just long enough to ESTABLISH where we are, UNDER: JANINE (vo) Nope. No calls, no mail, no nothing. INT. FIREHOUSE - CAR BAY/FRONT OFFICE Where the guys are stowing their stuff, changing into their civvies. RAY Guess that means nobody loves us. EGON Honestly, Ray, to depend on people loving you for your personal satisfaction with a job well done -- really. ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING JANINE As she goes back to her desk. JANINE It's okay, Ray. I love you. I love you, too, Winston. I even love Dr. Venkman here -- sort of. She sits, opens a newspaper, loses herself in it. Peter, Ray and Winston exchange a knowing, superior look, knowing who's been left out of her list. With an equally superior glance at Egon, they head off, WHISTLING. ON EGON Who just sorta stands there, looking like a kid who wants a cookie but doesn't quite know how to ask for it. EGON (clears throat) ANGLE -- FAVORING JANINE Who doesn't look up from her paper. JANINE Yes, Dr. Who-Needs-Love Spengler? Something I can do for you? EGON No, not -- well, I mean -- I was just -- have you seen my copy of "Who's Who and What's That?" CLOSE - JANINE, NEWSPAPER She doesn't look out from the paper, not yet. JANINE Library. Second bookcase. Third shelf. Dead center. EGON (os) Thanks. ANGLE -- FAVORING STAIRCASE As Egon lingers at the bottom of the stairs, in case more might be forthcoming. More isn't. Resignedly, he starts climbing the stairs. Just as he's halfway up the steps -- JANINE Oh, Egon? ON JANINE Peeking around the edge of the newspaper, she smiles. JANINE You most of all. EGON Smiles this big grin -- then catches himself. Straightens up. EGON (clearing throat) Yes, well, such displays of emotion are only needed by the insecure. Thanks for the thought, though. And he continues up. JANINE Digests this as he heads OS, then: JANINE Umm, hmm. With the toe of her shoe, she opens a drawer. Slimer pops out. JANINE Get him, Slimer. SLIMER (aye aye, cap'n!) ANOTHER ANGLE ZOOM! He shoots OS as she goes back to her newspaper, flicking it open. JANINE Nobody messes with Melnitz. And from OS: a SPLISH! followed by: EGON Oh, YUUUCCCKKKKK! And Janine smiles. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. ALEC AND LEE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT PUSHING IN on the lower floor, a window, UNDER: MR. MEREDITH (vo) Stealing comic books, getting into fights all day at school, kicking Mrs. Faversham's cat -- INT. ALEC'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM Mr. Meredith stands in the middle of the room, looking with astonished, confused eyes at Alec, who lounges in an arm chair with utter disinterest. MR. MEREDITH (cont'd) You've been on a twenty-four hour rampage, Alec. Why? Was it something we said? Something we did? ALEC (shrugs) Naw. Slow day, that's all. CLOSE - ALEC Whose face twists into a secret, sinister, knowing smile at: MR. MEREDITH (OS) Slow day?! Honestly, I -- I just don't know what's gotten into you, Alec. ALEC (half to himself) Oh, wouldn't you be surprised, Dad. WIDEN As Alec shrugs out of the chair, stands, heads OS -- MR. MEREDITH What did you say? ALEC Nothing. Just burped. When's dinner? ANGLE - DOORWAY TO KITCHEN Where Lee stands just around the corner, listening to the exchange as Alec comes to the doorway. They see each other. Lee swallows hard. Alec smiles a ruthless, cold smile. In FAR BG, Mr. Meredith throws up his hands in despair. MR. MEREDITH Dinner? Well, young man, you can forget all about dinner tonight. I want you to go upstairs and sit there until you're ready to tell us what's going on here. ALEC (without looking from Lee) Sure. I'm game. We'll see who can last longer. He winks at Lee, heads back the way he came. INT. LIVING ROOM - FACING STAIRS As Alec crosses the room to the stairs and begins to climb them, Mr. Meredith coming to stand just below him, shaking his head. MR. MEREDITH (wearily) Alec, Alec . . . why can't you be more like your brother? DOWNSHOT -- STAIRS As Alec climbs TOWARD CAMERA, a shadow on the staircase wall moves like oil. Within the darkness we SEE the eyes of the Grundel, who whispers into Alec's ear -- GRUNDEL Question is -- why can't your brother -- be more like you? PUSH IN QUICKLY on Alec's face. For once, it shows doubt. ALEC Lee? But -- I mean, he's my brother -- ANGLE ON WALL Watching as the eyes precede Alec up the stairs, sliding ahead of him, inviting him to follow. GRUNDEL Yes -- it'll be fun. He'll be more like you -- you'll be more like me -- one happy family. Do it. You want to do it, don't you? ON ALEC As the moment of doubt passes. He smiles, and now his face begins to definitely remind us of the Grundel. His eyes GLOW like the Grundel's, and the shadow on the wall behind him, Alec's shadow, begins to smear . . . as the shadow of a slouch hat appears on his shadow's head. A very familiar looking slouch hat. ALEC Sure. Let's do it. REVERSE angle as he makes it to the top of the stairs and goes into his room at the top of the steps. As he closes the door to his room, we HEAR: GRUNDEL (low, soft chuckle) Yes, yes, more like me every minute. FWOOSH! The spectral eyes DISAPPEAR with a swirl of EFX, and all is dark. DISSOLVE TO: SERIES OF SHOTS DISSOLVING from one to the other -- UNDER some ominous, building music: INT. FIREHOUSE - REC ROOM Where Egon is at the table, going over a pile of books in front of him, flipping from picture to picture. The rest of the guys look back, indicate the TV, which is on in BG. Egon shakes his head, no, keeps reading. INT. ALEC'S ROOM Half in shadows, the rest poorly lit. Alec is doing absolutely nothing. He is sitting on his bed, facing the window. Hands in his lap. Waiting. PUSH IN slowly. His face begins to look more and more like the Grundel -- not excessive, not yet, just a deepening of lines and a shadowing of features. Waiting. INT. ALEC'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM Where Lee is stomach-down on the floor beside the staircase, reading a comic. He glances up -- HIS POV - THE BEDROOM DOOR at the top of the stairs looms ominously, a single thin stream of light slipping out under the door. INT. FIREHOUSE - STUDY - CLOSE ON EGON PUSH IN on him, the book before him reflected in his glasses as he turns pages. CLOSE - THE BOOK Pages and pages of illustrations of one kind of creature after another, none of them the one we're familiar with. PUSH IN and THROUGH the book to -- END SERIES OF SHOTS with INT. ALEC'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM Where Lee is half-dozing on the floor, an open comic before him, as Mr. Meredith's feet come INTO FRAME. MR. MEREDITH (OS) (gently) Come on, Lee. It's past your bedtime. Better head on up. And his feet head back OUT OF FRAME. Lee nods, though he looks more than a trifle nervous. Then gets up, starts up the stairs. INT. STAIRCASE - LEE'S POV - BEDROOM DOOR Slowly, slowly moving up the stairs toward the door, which looks as big as the Grand Canyon to Lee right now. INT. BEDROOM - TOWARD DOOR BEAT as the door edges open. The room is lit only by the light coming in from the lamps outside. Lee sticks his face in the door. Puzzled, he pushes the door open a little further as we PULL BACK to reveal that Alec . . . ain't there. He takes a step or two into the room, closing the door after him. He looks around. LEE (quietly) Alec? Let it build a second -- then there's a FLASH OF OS LIGHTNING -- and a SHADOW falls across the room. Someone outside the window -- ANGLE ON WINDOW Where Alec is standing just outside the window, on the fire escape, looking in silhouette not that different from the Grundel, who stood in just that place one night ago. ALEC C'mon, Lee. Wanna have some fun? Then zoom! He races away from the window. ON LEE Utterly aghast. LEE Alec?! EXT. APARTMENT - DOWNSHOT - PAST WINDOW Where below us, Lee sticks his head out the window to see Alec, far below, jumping off the fire escape and heading OS. LEE (not wanting to wake folks) Alec! Cut it out! ALEC (distantly) Got someone I want you to meet, Lee. You'll like him. Come on! INT. BEDROOM - LEE Looks back at the door, not sure what to do, then finally grits his teeth and charges out of the window and onto the fire escape, going after his brother. CUT TO: INT. FIREHOUSE - NIGHT Where Peter is reading, Ray and Winston are playing chess, and Egon is still going through books, and now there's a stack of 'em beside him. We PAN the rest, and END PAN on Egon, PUSHING IN UNDER: LEE'S VOICE (VO) I think there's something making him do bad things. I've seen it. Dressed all in black, with this funny hat like they used to wear in old gangster movies, red eyes and claws -- And suddenly Egon turns a page and REACTS with shock. EGON Ohmigosh. EGON'S POV - THE BOOK - SHOCK CUT And there on the ancient, yellowed page is an illustration of the Grundel, a column of text lining the page on one side. EGON (vo) A grundel! Of course! Why didn't I see it before? REVERSE - WIDEN As Winston, Ray and Peter come over to Egon's desk. WINSTON Got something? Egon's barely aware of the question. EGON (ominously, half to himself) A grundel -- oboy. PETER Okay, Egon, I'll bite -- what's a grundel? ON FLOORBOARDS As Slimer comes up through the floorboards, stretching like a cat, and gradually coming up towards the others UNDER: EGON A supernatural creature, a parasite. It appears to young kids, tries to turn them bad. The more the kid falls under the influence of a grundel, the more he looks like a grundel, until -- ANOTHER ANGLE As Ray catches on. His eyes widen. RAY Until he becomes a grundel. WINSTON And he goes off and gets another kid, right? Egon nods, closing the book. TRACK WITH HIM to the window as he looks out at the night. EGON (nodding) On and on and on . . . there's a lot of them out there. It's just the luck of the draw we haven't run into one before. ON PETER Pulling on a coat, looking determined. PETER Well, we've run into one now, and we've got to stop him before it's too late. Nobody picks on a kid in my part of town. Winston ENTERS FRAME. WINSTON Thing is, how're we gonna find him? RAY snaps his fingers, Slimer coming up alongside him. RAY Coach Carlson! He'll know! We've got to get his number, fast! (to Slimer) Quick, Slimer! Go through the phone book! SLIMER (aye, aye!) ZOOM! He speeds toward A PHONE BOOK on a wall rack. He -- well -- goes through the phone book with a splish, emerging out of the other side with a phone number on his tummy. He points at it with pride. SLIMER (taa-daaa!) RAY (os) Thanks, Slimer! THE GHOSTBUSTERS Start out of the room, Peter holding his head and looking at Ray. PETER "Go through the phone book, Slimer." You've been waiting all week to do that, haven't you? RAY (terribly satisfied) How could you tell? PETER You had that look. EXT. FIREHOUSE - NIGHT As Ecto-1 bursts through the firehouse doors and speeds down the street, running lights and siren. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - NIGHT Nothing. Deserted and silent. Then Lee comes around the corner, looks around. LEE Alec? Alec? ALEC (OS) (distantly) Over here. He looks to LONG SHOT - STREET Where an abandoned warehouse-like building (note: no sign) hunkers at the far end of the street. Far above, a streak of lightning splits the night sky. Down below, on the sidewalk, Lee walks tentatively toward the deserted building. INT. BUILDING Huge, cavernous. Lee enters through the front door, which barely hangs on its hinges, and which SQUEAKS noticeably as he enters. LEE Alec? Where are you? ALEC (OS) Up here. UPSHOT - CATWALKS The place is honeycombed with old catwalks. At first we see nothing, then there's a flash of light. Alec is on one of the catwalks, holding a flashlight under his chin to illuminate his face. He looks more like the Grundel with every passing minute. ALEC Are we having fun yet? WIDEN TO INCLUDE BOTH As Lee takes a step or two further into the building, the door still open behind him. LEE No. C'mon down, Alec. I don't like this. And on that, the door SLAMS shut behind him, all by itself. LEE (startled cry) WIDE - PANNING SHOT Panning across the darkness here in the building -- and suddenly there's a whirling, a sudden rush of color that bleeds off into the ultraviolet. ALEC (os) Want you to meet a friend of mine. And now, with a rush and a roar, the Grundel appears. He clicks his fingernails together on one hand. They SPARK. GRUNDEL Hello, Lee. I've heard -- so much about you. Pleased -- to meet you. REVERSE ANGLE As the Grundel draws near, holding out his hand. Lee backpedals. ALEC (os) Go ahead, Lee. Shake his hand. Tell him you want to be his friend. Then you'll be just like me. And you'll be my friend, too. GRUNDEL Don't you want to be -- friendsssss? RACK FOCUS on Lee's face -- as he decides: LEE Nooooooo! WIDEN As Lee races away from the Grundel, heading for the nearest catwalk and ascending, trying to put as much distance as possible between him and the Grundel. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - ECTO 1 races down the nighted streets. WINSTON (vo) Okay, they weren't home. Now what do we do? INT. ECTO 1 Peter driving, Egon beside him, Ray and Winston in the rear seat. EGON If the Grundel is making its move tonight, it'll have to appear directly. I should be able to pick it up on the PKE meter. CLOSE - PKE METER As it begins BEEPING. EGON (vo) Speak of the devil. Now we just have to track it down. WIDEN TO INCLUDE ALL As Ray leans over the front seat. RAY They can't have gotten far. They've only been gone for twenty minutes. EXT. ECTO 1 Speeding AWAY FROM CAMERA. PETER (vo) Yeah. What can happen in twenty minutes? EGON (vo) (internal groan) Why do you say things like that? PETER (vo) Because I know it bothers you. It's one of the few joys in life left to me. Hang tight! ZOOM! Ecto-1 squeals around a corner and OUT OF FRAME as we HEAR: RAY/WINSTON/EGON Whooooooaaaahhhhh! BEAT -- and then: PETER (vo) That's another one. CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - CATWALKS Where Lee makes his way frantically down one catwalk -- and suddenly Alec jumps down from a catwalk above, landing right in front of him. ALEC Why fight it, Lee? Don't you understand? He'll let you do anything you want. He understands. You can stay up late, steal, lie, and it's all okay. He likes it, Lee. CLOSE - ALEC And now, with each step, the resemblance to the Grundel grows more pronounced. His clothing starts to change. Darkness like tendrils begins to surround him. ALEC (cont'd) But first you have to invite him in. You have to ask him. Then it just -- starts to happen. You'll see. ON LEE Backing up toward an intersection of two catwalks. ALEC (OS) You'll be just like me. ON ALEC And the transformation is almost entirely complete. ALEC (his voice changing) And I'll be just like him. It'll be great, Lee. Trust me. ON LEE - CLOSE Spinning around and away -- LEE No! -- and backing up right into the Grundel, who holds out his hand. GRUNDEL Fresssh. Purrrrre. (extending hand) Shake? LEE Aaaggghhhhh! And he runs off, down the intersecting catwalk. DOWNSHOT - DOOR As it's suddenly blown off its hinges, and the Ghostbusters enter the warehouse. They swing flashlights around -- LEE (as before) Aaaaghhhhh! WINSTON Over there! UPSHOT - CATWALKS As the flashlights pierce the darkness, revealing the Grundel, and beside him, Alec. Alec rushes off after Lee, while the Grundel looks down at the Ghostbusters. PETER There he is! ON GHOSTBUSTERS Peter raises his proton gun -- but Egon knocks it out of the way before it can fire. EGON No! You saw the boy, Peter! He's almost finished the transformation into a grundel. The two are linked. You hit the grundel, you'll hurt Alec. WINSTON So what're we supposed to use, bad language? ANOTHER ANGLE Shooting PAST the Ghostbusters to the catwalks above. RAY If we can't fire because they're linked, and they're linked because Alec invited the Grundel in, then all we have to do is get Alec to send the Grundel away again. And from the darkness above them: GRUNDEL (OS) Too late! Too late! Too late! Too late! (laughs) DOWNSHOT - LADDERS LEADING UP TO CATWALKS The Ghostbusters split up and start climbing different ladders. PETER Hey, I love a challenge. CUT TO: ELSEWHERE IN CATWALKS Where Lee is running his heart out -- and suddenly stops. His brother is in front of him, blocking the way. ALEC It's the best way, Lee. It's the only way. He starts to back up. And the Grundel's right behind him, blocking the way. He tries the intersecting catwalk, but this time -- CLOSE - THE CATWALK Gives way under Lee's feet. LEE (cries out) ANOTHER ANGLE As Lee catches himself before falling all the way through the hole. He's scrabbling to pull himself out, but can't. He looks to Alec. LEE Alec -- help me! But Alec, now almost completely identical to the Grundel, with just a few remaining traces, shakes his head. ALEC Sorry. Alec -- doesn't live here anymore. If you want help, you'll have to ask -- him. He gestures over his shoulder to the waiting Grundel. They both turn at the sound of: PETER (os) Alec! ANOTHER ANGLE - INCLUDES PETER coming up the ladder to the catwalk they're all standing on. ALEC Alec doesn't -- PETER Yeah, I heard that part. And I don't believe it. Alec's inside there, all right. And I think that Alec still cares for his brother. ON ALEC, GRUNDEL As the Grundel SNARLS at this. He leans close to Alec. GRUNDEL Do it. Now. As I showed you. Alec nods, raises one hand, and shoots a BOLT of energy out of it right at PETER Who side-steps it . . . and keeps right on coming, never taking his eyes off Alec. PETER Think, Alec. Remember all the good times you've had with Lee. Remember how much you care for him. DOWNSHOT - ANOTHER CATWALK Where Egon, Ray and Winston are gathered below, watching this. Winston raises his proton gun, Egon shakes his head, no, not yet. PETER (os) He's your brother. He's your friend. He loves you. ON ALEC, GRUNDEL And Alec's distraught, confused, angry. He fires of a BOLT, this time without even having to be told. ALEC No! That's not true! I only have one friend, him! Nobody else understands me! WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER Still advancing, unwilling to abandon them. PETER No, Alec. That thing isn't your friend. It's using you. It's all alone, and it wants you to be just like it is -- cold, and hard, and alone. CLOSE - GRUNDEL And now there's no disguising the hatred it feels. A truly ugly, frightening sight. PETER (OS) Look at it, Alec. See it for what it is. Is that what you want to be like? Is that what you want to do to Alec? CLOSE - ALEC Mouth open, caught, unsure -- PETER (os) Is it? ON LEE Half-in, half-through the hole, hanging on for dear life. PETER (os) Is it? QUICK SHOTS -- PETER, THE GRUNDEL, ALEC, THE GHOSTBUSTERS -- THEN: ALEC Puts hands to head and yells out: ALEC (primal) Noooooooooooooo! WIDEN TO INCLUDE GRUNDEL Who SNARLS, and starts to advance on Alec -- who is rapidly turning back to his normal self. ALEC You're not my friend! You're not! Leeeee! He dives past the Grundel, who tries to snatch at him, without success. TRACK WITH HIM as he slides across the catwalk to Lee, grabs his hand -- and suddenly the catwalk starts to collapse further, threatening them both. ALEC/LEE (cry out) PETER starts after them, but the Grundel blocks the way. GRUNDEL No! If I can't have them, neither can you! PETER Take your best shot. THE GRUNDEL dives through the air, landing on Peter, just as he moves forward, toward the kids. They tumble on the catwalk, ENERGY crackling around them both, threatening to spill over the sides. But Peter hangs on, and starts crawling, on hands and knees, toward the kids. GRUNDEL (growling, snarling) PETER (to kids) Hang on -- I'm coming! ON RAY, WINSTON, EGON Proton wands at the ready, but -- RAY Can't get a clear shot as long as he's on Peter! EGON Stay ready -- ON KIDS Starting to fall further -- ON PETER Crawling forward, the Grundel swinging at him, claws flashing sparks on the catwalk. GRUNDEL No! I won't let you! I won't! Then, finally, with tremendous exertion: PETER Mister -- GET -- OFF -- MY -- BACK! He flips the Grundel, who somersaults away and lands on its feet -- ON REMAINING GHOSTBUSTERS Raising weapons -- WINSTON Now! Get it! They FIRE! THE GRUNDEL Trapped in the beams, twisting, changing. GRUNDEL (trapped fury) THE KIDS Slipping further just as Peter's hand reaches INTO FRAME and catches them, pulling them to safety. PETER Gotcha! WIDE - WHOLE WAREHOUSE As the Grundel is drawn into the ghost trap, its hat flying off in the process. GRUNDEL No! You can't! I won't -- OH, NO! ZWOOP! It's trapped. EGON Oh, yes. And on the trap we DISSOLVE TO: EXT. ECTO-1 - STREET Moving AWAY FROM CAMERA UNDER: ALEC (VO) I'm -- I'm sorry, Lee, I didn't mean it. INT. ECTO-1 Where the two kids sit on the front seat between Egon and Peter. LEE It's okay. I know you didn't mean it. ALEC Am I still your brother? TIGHTEN As Lee smiles, cuffs him gently. LEE Forever and ever. WIDEN As Ray leans over the front seat, scruffs their hair. ALEC (to Ray) Can I -- can I run the siren? RAY Alec, tonight, you can do anything you want. ANGLE - FAVORING ALEC Who shakes his head as he reaches for the siren. ALEC Thanks, but -- I've heard that one before. EXT. STREET - ECTO-1 Racing AWAY FROM CAMERA, siren wailing. A BEAT, and then we see a slouch hat rustling THROUGH FRAME in the street. It swirls in a vagrant breeze -- when an incoming LIGHTNING BOLT strikes it, and when the dust clears, the hat's gone. Forever. And on that we FADE OUT; THE END script copyright © 1987 Columbia Pictures Television All rights reserved. |
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