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Television > Real Ghostbusters > Scripts > The Real Ghostbusters Script: Ain't NASA-sarily So (August 13, 1986)
THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS "Ain't NASA-sarily So" by Craig Miller and Mark Nelson August 13, 1986 Final Draft transcribed by Paul Rudoff FADE IN: EXT OUTER SPACE -- SPACE PLATFORM In the cold darkness of space, in orbit around the Earth is a space platform. It's shaped something like a child's jack with a large center pod and six arms radiating out from the center, each arm ending in a smaller pod. Attached to the end of one arm is a solar collector. We hold on this image for a few beats and then: KIROV (o.s.) Captain's Log, Friday, the 13th of June. Experimental Space Platform Galileo has just completed the first full day of its mission. All systems completely operational. INT SPACE PLATFORM BRIDGE -- WIDE ANGLE A round room at the center of the platform, filled with blinking lights and consoles. This is the control center of the Space Platform Galileo. On a raised dais near the center of the room is the Command Chair, where Captain Kirov is dictating his log. Kirov speaks with a Russian accent and is a slight, dark-haired man. He looks a little like the character Chekov from the television series STAR TREK. In fact, we notice several familiar seeming characters standing on the bridge: the black female communications officer, LT. IRAHQUA; the genial, burly Scottish engineering officer, LT. McTAVISH; and the Asian computer and navigation officer, LT. SATO. We hear the opening bars of the "Star Trek" music. KIROV The crew of the Galileo are in good spirits, and are mentally and physically prepared to set a new space endurance record. ANGLE ON KIROV KIROV Tomorrow we will begin the series of experiments designated in the mission profile. In the meantime, we are looking forward to smooth sailing. ANGLE ON BRIDGE Suddenly the bridge seems to ROCK WILDLY, pitching the crew from left to right. SPARKS FLY from the consoles. A KLAXON blares. ON KIROV KIROV Dostoevski! What was that? ON SETO Punching up information on a computer viewscreen. SATO I think we've been hit, sir! ON KIROV KIROV By what? ON SATO SATO I ... I don't know. ON KIROV KIROV Well, find out! ON SATO SATO Yes, sir! ON IRAHQUA Holding a large earphone in place as she turns from her console. IRAHQUA Sir. Unable to raise Base Command. We're receiving interference on all hailing frequencies. ON McTAVISH He's scanning several dials and readouts and looks worried. McTAVISH We're losing energy rapidly. I dinna know if the engines can stand the strain! WIDE ANGLE As McTavish dashes down a corridor, heading for Engineering, a female crewmember, WHITNEY, with an elaborate basket-weave hairdo dashes in from that corridor. WHITNEY Commander Kirov! ON KIROV He spins in his command chair to face Whitney. KIROV What is it, Yeoman Whitney? ON WHITNEY WHITNEY I know this sounds ridiculous, sir, but ... ON KIROV He leans forward. KIROV Spit it out, Yeoman! ON WHITNEY WHITNEY I could swear I've just seen a ghost, sir! Just after we were hit. Floating down the corridor! ANOTHER ANGLE -- KIROV AND WHITNEY KIROV Pull yourself together, Yeoman! WHITNEY (adamantly) I know what I saw, sir; WIDEN TO INCLUDE McTAVISH He dashes in from the corridor. McTAVISH Commander! I just saw a ghost in the engine room! ON KIROV KIROV (incredulous) Not you, too? Kirov spins to face Irahqua. KIROV How are communications chanrels? ON IRAHQUA IRAHQUA Hailing frequencies clearing, sir. ON KIROV KIROV Patch me into one of the local telephone satellites. And turn off that darn siren. ON IRAHQUA IRAHQUA Yes sir. The ALERT KLAXON slows down like an old Victrola running out of steam. ON KIROV As he punches in a phone number on his command chair console. WIDEN TO INCLUDE SATO Who leans over the Commander's shoulder. SATO Sir? Who you gonna call? CUT TO: INT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- RECEPTION AREA Janine is sitting at her desk, the phone to her ear. JANINE Ghostbusters! CUT TO: EXT CAPE CANAVERAL -- DAY A Space Shuttle stands ready for blast off. TECHNICIAN (o.s.) 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... LIFT OFF! With a roar, the mighty rocket lifts off. CUT TO: EXT OUTER SPACE -- SPACE SHUTTLE We quickly move in on and into the Shuttle. VENKMAN Hot diggedy! A government contract. Big bucks, here we come. ANGLE ON RAY STANTZ I don't know, Peter. I'm still concerned about how the equipment will function in zero gravity. WIDEN TO INCLUDE EGON SPENGLER I've trying some modifications on this extra equipment I brought, but they may not be totally effective. ON PETER VENKMAN Don't worry. No company with a Government contract ever knows what it's doing. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE What if the stuff doesn't work? ON PETER VENKMAN If it doesn't work, you just charge more and do it again. Peter squirms in his seat, looking around. Don't they serve lunch on this flight? CUT TO: EXT SPACE PLATFORM The Space Shuttle pulls up along side the much larger Space Platform and docks at one of the pods. After a few beats, we see the Shuttle pull away. CUT TO: INT SPACE PLATFORM BRIDGE -- WIDE ANGLE The four Ghostbusters, dressed in full busting regalia and carrying extra equipment, tromp onto the bridge from one of the corridors. The four officers are at their posts. ON PETER He snaps off an exaggerated salute. VENKMAN Request permission to bust some ghosts, sir! ON KIROV He rises from his Command Chair. KIROV Welcome aboard Space Platform Galileo, Dr. Venkman. TWO-SHOT -- VENKMAN AND KIROV They shake hands. KIROV We appreciate your willingness to come all the way up here to help us deal with our little ... uh ... problem. VENKMAN Hey! Neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night, nor even depth of space can keep us from our expensive rounds. ANOTHER ANGLE -- KIROV AND OFFICERS KIROV Meet my command officers: Lt. Sato, Lt. Irahqua, and lt. Cmdr. McTavish. The officers smile and nod in greeting. KIROV They'll help you with anything you need. ANOTHER ANGLE -- RAY AND WINSTON Winston leans over to Ray. ZEDDMORE Do these people look familiar to you? STANTZ (nodding) I was about to ask you that. ZEDDMORE (to Kirov) Pardon me, Captain, but have we met before? ON PETER VENKMAN (broadly) Don't be ridiculous, Winston. These people are astronauts .. space explorers. They've been out exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations! ANOTHER ANGLE -- THE GALILEO CREW IRAHQUA Actually, this is only our second day. SATO And some new life has seeked us out. McTAVISH "Seeked?" ON KIROV he steps in front of his officers, waving a hand. KIROV I'll handle this. I'm the Kiptin. ON McTAVISH McTAVISH "Kiptin?" ON KIROV AND PETER KIROV It seems some new life has seeked us out, Dr. Venkman. Some of the crew have reported seeing a ghost. ON RAY His enthusiasm shows as he brings out hie computerized Tobin's Spirit Guide. STANTZ Wonderful! What variety? Class-one poltergeist? Free form floater? Ghost of Launchings past? ON McTAVISH McTAVISH Really more of a slimy ball of ooze, if ye want to know the truth. TWO-SHOT -- PETER AND RAY Ray enters the information on his portable computer. He shakes his head. STANTZ Tobin's Spirit Guide comes up blank. VENKMAN Have you considered calling Oozebusters? ON EGON Who has been taking readings with his PKE meter. SPENGLER Peter, I am getting a heavy reading of ectoplasmic activity from that general direction. He points down a corridor. ON McTAVISH McTAVISH (nodding) Aye. That's the way to Engineering. That's there we saw the ghost. ON EGON Staring at the PKE Meter and looking puzzled. SPENGLER It's empty ectoplasm. There's no psychokinetic energy accompanying it. ON PETER VENKMAN What's that mean? ON EGON SPENGLER The logical conclusion is that it isn't a real ghost. ON McTAVISH McTAVISH It was real enough for me! WIDE ANGLE The lights dim as a KLAXON sounds. Sato turns. SATO Captain! The ghost has tapped directly into the Solar Energy Convertor. It's draining power faster than the ship can convert it. ON McTAVISH McTAVISH With that kind of drain, our emergency batteries will only last a few hours! Artificial gravity won't last long. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE A ghost hungry for power? ON PETER VENKMAN Maybe he used to be a politician. ON KIROV KIROV Perhaps, gentlemen, a closer look is in order. McTavish, go with them. WIDE ANGLE McTAVISH Aye, sir. McTavish and the four Ghostbusters head down the corridor toward the Engineering section. For the rest of the episode, the light level keeps going up and down. ON PETER VENKMAN You guys ever consider paying your electric bill? CUT TO: INT CORRIDOR OUTSIDE ENGINEERING McTavish and the Ghostbusters stand in the corridor. McTavish pushes a wall switch and the door to Engineering opens with a SWISH. ON McTAVISH His jaw drops. McTAVISH Leapin' comets! The thing's gotten bigger! REVERSE ANGLE The far end of the room, which has distinctive pipes, cables, tubing, meters, and readouts visible along the walls, is filled with an ameboid blob of ectoplasm, pulsing with little sparkles throughout its slowly shifting shape. ON PETER He makes a face. VENKMAN Remind me never to put marshmallows in my hot cocoa again. ON EGON He studies the PKE meter. SPENGLER Same basic ectoplasmic makeup as a Class Four Free-Floating spirit. Fascinating. WIDEN TO INCLUDE McTAVISH Smiling, McTavish puts his hand on Egon's shoulder. McTAVISH Ach, when ye talk like that, ye remind me of an old shipmate! Egon studies McTavish over the top of his glasses. ON EGON Who raises one eyebrow. SPENGLER Indeed? INT ENGINEERING ROOM The Ghostbusters and McTavish cautiously enter the room, Winston and Ray in the lead. They level their ion rifles at the 'ghost'. PETER Go ahead, boys. We're right behind you. ON WINSTON He looks over his shoulder. ZEDDMORE Go ahead and what? How do we know our ion rifles will work on that? ON THE CREATURE It extends a tentacle-like adjunct, wrapping it around one of the cables along the wall, snapping it. It begins draining the power, making milkshake sounding SLURPS. ON EGON SPENGLER I'm fairly certain with the modifications we've made, the ion streams will have an effect. ON RAY STANTZ We'll know in a minute. Ready ... aim ... ON McTAVISH McTAVISH Careful, boys. Don't rupture the hull of the ... ON RAY STANTZ FIRE!! WIDE ANGLE The four Ghostbusters open fire. ON CREATURE The 'ghost' is sucking in energy from the platform and slowly growing in size. Then the four ion streams hit the creature dead-on and the ectoplasmic blob starts to swell much more rapidly. ON McTAVISH McTAVISH It ... it ... it's getting bigger! Hold your fire! ANGLE FROM BEHIND GHOSTBUSTERS They cease fire. The huge blob, now three times its original size, continues to grow until it seems to fill the room. The Ghostbusters backpedal back into the corridor. INT CORRIDOR -- ON RAY Stantz studies the glowing creature through the doorway. STANTZ Hungry little stain, isn't it? ON EGON SPENGLER Hmm. Apparently feeding off the energy in our proton packs. ON McTAVISH He wipes his hand across his forehead. McTAVISH If that creature keeps growing, it'll fill the entire platform! WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER VENKMAN Reminds me of Fats Marinero, back in Elementary school. He did the same thing in the cafeteria. We gave him a medal .. saved us from fish sticks. McTavish looks at Peter, not quite comprehending. ON EGON SPENGLER Obviously, conventional entrapment methods are not going to be effective in immobilizing this ectoplasmic lifeforce. ON McTAVISH McTAVISH (quizzical) Are you sure you've never served as a Science Officer? WIDE ANGLE Suddenly, all five begin floating. The artificial gravity has cut out. From a wall speaker we hear: KIROV (o.s.) McTavish! Report! ON McTAVISH Who makes his way over to the speaker. He hits the button. McTAVISH Aye, sir? KIROV (o.s.) What's going on down there? We've lost gravity. ANOTHER ANGLE McTAVISH Well, sir ... um ... we seem to have encountered a wee setback. The ghost has gotten bigger and has started tapping into the gravity unit. KIROV (o.s.) Well, take care of it. At once! WIDE ANGLE Suddenly, as if on command, the five drop to the ground with a THUD. VENKMAN Nice work, McTavish. ON EGON Picking himself up. SPENGLER If the gravity's come back on, it must be because it's stopped tapping the power from the gravity unit. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE That stands to reason. ON RAY STANTZ So it must have found a more interesting source of energy. Something it likes better. Something that will make it grow faster. ON PETER VENKMAN Like Wonder Bread? ON EGON SPENGLER (shaking his head) No. Like the energy from a portable nuclear accelerator. WIDEN TO INCLUDE ALL VENKMAN (brightens) Well, then we're in luck. It'll never find anything like that around here ... Ray stops suddenly, as the meaning of Egon's answer hits home. RAY Please tell me you don't mean what I think you mean. Not our Proton Packs. ON EGON STANTZ Sorry to break it to you. ON McTAVISH Pointing back toward the Engineering doorway. McTAVISH LOOK OUT! ON ENGINEERING A dozen tentacles stretch from the doorway toward our heroes. One of tentacles is wrapping around Winston's backpack. END ACT ONE ----------- ACT TWO ------- INT SPACE PLATFORM CORRIDOR A dozen tentacles stretch from the doorway toward our heroes. One of tentacles is wrapping around Winston's backpack. ANOTHER ANGLE The Ghostbusters and McTavish start to flee down the hall. ON PETER Who suddeniy extends his arms and stops. VENKMAN Hold on! WIDE ANGLE As the others skid to a halt. ON PETER VENKMAN We're missing somebody! ANOTHER ANGLE Winston is held in the air by the tentacle of the "ghost", which is tightly gripping his backpack. ZEDDMORE Hey guys! Help! TWO-SHOT -- RAY AND McTAVISH McTAVISH By the Lochs of Loman! It's got him! Ray cups his hands to his mouth and shouts. STANTZ Winston! Slip out of your proton pack! That's what it wants! UPSHOT -- WINSTON AND GHOST We hear the creature 'sucking' the energy from Winston's power pack with the milkshake SLURPING sound. Winston dangles from the creature's tentacle like a yo-yo with no place to go. EXTREME CLOSE SHOT -- PROTON PACK BUCKLE Winston finally manages to work the release. The buckle opens and the two ends separate. UPSHOT -- WINSTON AND GHOST Winston falls to the floor of the corridor with a THUD. He looks over his shoulder as the ectoplasmic creature continues to grow. ZEDDMORE Bon Appetite! Winston ZIPS out of the shot. The "ghost" continues to SLURP on the proton pack. DISSOLVE TO: INT SPACE PLATFORM BRIDGE Commander Kirov paces up and down angrily. Peter, Ray, and Winston are standing in a line at attention. Egon is in the background with McTavish, tinkering with one of the spare proton packs. KIROV Rachmaninoff! Gentlemen, this wiil not do at all. Not only haven't you gotten rid of the creature, you've made things worse! Now, when my people invented the art of ghostbusting .. ON PETER He shuffles forward, out of the line. VENKMAN Calm down, little Ivan. We've just gotten started! Hey, we're government contractors, man. You've got to allow us a couple of muffed chances. It's in the fine print. WIDEN TO INCLUDE KIROV The Commander is dubious but softening at Peter's pitch. VENKMAN Besides, things could be worse. We've still got lights. WIDE ANGLE -- ENTIRE BRIDGE The whole platform SUDDENLY GOES DARK. Only a few TWINKLING LIGHTS illuminated the control room. ANGLE ON SATO Whose face is illuminated with GREEN LIGHT from his data screen. SATO Commander! The ghost has started to tap into the life-support system. Lights, air supply ..... ON KIROV Illuminated with a SOFT RED GLOW that emphasizes his building anger. He cuts off Sato's report. KIROV I know what life support systems are! I'm the captain! WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER KIROV Well, Mr. Ghostbuster? VENKMAN I suppose this means a coffee break is out of the question. Kirov lunges at Peter, but Peter steps out of the way just as DIM LIGHTS come up on the scene. Kirov winds up grappling with the back of his command chair. ON McTAVISH At his Engineering Console. McTAVISH Sir, I've bypassed Engineering and got us patched into the emergency reserve. But we've only got four hours maximum. ANGLE ON THE GHOSTBUSTERS VENKMAN Got that reserve proton pack ready, Egon? Terrific! Let's get back to work, men! The Ghostbusters head for the bridge entrance. Peter turns back to Commander Kirov. ON PETER VENKMAN Been nice talking to you. We've got to get back to work now. ON KIROV Doing a slow burn. KIROV (muttering) Pravda Izvestia! CUT TO: INT ENGINEERING CORRIDOR Nearing the Engineering area, the Ghostbusters discuss their plan of attack. STANTZ I don't know what we're going to do. The creature's gotten so big, he won't fit into one of the traps. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE We should try to communicate with it. It might be intelligent. ON PETER Who snorts. VENKMAN If it were intelligent, would it be here sucking sun out of a wire? No, it would be in Bermuda soaking up rays directly. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE I'm going to try, anyway. ANOTHER ANGLE Winston moves toward the creature. ZEDDMORE Uh ... Hi there, fella. What's happening? ON PETER VENKMAN Good, Winston. Why don't you ask if it comes here often? ON WINSTON Who turns back towards Peter. ZEDDMORE (dryly) Don't help. ANOTHER ANGLE He turns back toward the creature. ZEDDMORE I know you must be hungry after your trip, but we need some of that energy to run the platform. Maybe you'd like to lie down and nap for a while? ON CREATURE As if in answer, the creature extends a tentacle which tentatively feels Winston out. ON WINSTON Calling out to the others. ZEDDMORE This is kind of embarrassing, guys. ON PETER, EGON, AND RAY STANTZ It's looking for another energy source. You should be perfectly safe. VENKMAN Don't worry. If he decides to eat you, we'll notify your next of kin. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE I don't have a next of kin. ON PETER VENKMAN Too bad. I'll sell you mine. ON CREATURE TENTACLE AND WINSTON Deciding Winston isn't a good source of energy, the tentacle shoves Winston away and withdraws from the shot. ZEDDMORE Guess you were right! It wants energy, not us. WIDE ON CORRIDOR From the wall speaker comes Kirov's voice. KIROV (o.s.) Well, do you have him? ANOTHER ANGLE Peter moves over to the speaker and hits the switch. VENKMAN Not yet, but don't worry. We have it all under control. CUT TO: INT BRIDGE KIROV What is your plan? VENKMAN (o.s.) Well, er ... um ... just a second. CUT TO: INT ENGINEERING CORRIDOR VENKMAN Well, guys, any ideas? STANTZ Let me try. ANOTHER ANGLE As Ray comes over to the speaker. STANTZ Can you shut off the flow to the energy convertor? McTAVISH (o.s.) Aye. But it means goin' outside the platform. ON RAY STANTZ Do it. We'll do the rest. He hits the speaker switch, turning it off. ON PETER Looking inquisitive. VENKMAN You've got an idea? ON RAY STANTZ (smiling broadly) Trust me. CUT TO: EXT SPACE PLATFORM A space-suited McTavish moves out of the air lock and toward the solar collector. CUT TO: INT ENGINEERING CORRIDOR The Ghostbusters in a huddle. Ray is down on one knee like a football quarterback. You almost expect to see him draw lines on the floor. STANTZ Okay. We've got to be ready as soon as McTavish turns off the energy flow. ZEDDMORE Ready for what? ANGLE ON PETER VENKMAN Ready to run. ON RAY STANTZ No! Ready to lure that big blob to the center of the platform. ON PETER Who beams at Ray with pride. VENKMAN Very good, Ray! Well thought out. Satisfying and less filling. But I think I missed one part. How are we going to lure that slug? ON RAY Who rolls his eyes. STANTZ That's why McTavish is turning off the juice, Peter! We'll use our ion rifles. The creature will move towards the only available source of energy. ON WINSTON He holds up a cautionary hand. ZEDDMORE Wait! Hold it! Just who is going to serve as the bait, here? ANOTHER ANGLE -- PETER, EGON, AND RAY They look at Winston with broad grins on their faces. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE I don't think I want to play with you guys anymore. WIDEN TO INCLUDE RAY Ray slips his arm around Winston's shoulder. STANTZ After all, Winston, it knows you. You already have a relationship with it .. Winston shakes his head firmly, folds his arms across his chest. ZEDDMORE Not unless I know what's going on. ON RAY STANTZ (pouting) C'mon, Winston; Peter never has to tell his plans! ANGLE ON EGON Who is scratching his head and staring upwards, pondering the situation. SPENGLER It seems logical that the creator of the plan might in fact be the best person to act as the lure. That way he has direct control over the operation. ON RAY His lower lip protrudes even further. STANTZ Egon! Peter never has to carry out his plans! WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER He throws a playful punch at Ray's arm. VENKMAN Hey, now, big guy! Don't be like that! You're the star of the show! We'll follow your lead! Ray pulls in his lip and squares his shoulders, straightening up. STANTZ Ohhh, all right. But it's not fair. CUT TO: EXT SPACE PLATFORM -- CLOSE ON McTAVISH McTavish's gloved hand closes on a big, old-fashioned, House of Frankenstein-type switch and throws it. CUT TO: INT ENGINEERING CORRIDOR The four Ghostbusters begin to float weightlessly as the gravity is shut off. McTAVISH (o.s.) Okay, lads! Solar panels disconnected! ON PETER VENKMAN Your move, Ray. ANOTHER ANGLE -- ON RAY As he struggles weightlessly, trying to move down the corridor towards the still-growing "ghost". STANTZ Wish I'd taken those swimming lessons instead of clarinet. He twists and squirms, and manages to move a few inches down the corridor. Finally he takes a mighty leap and flings himself down the corridor to the Engineering doorway where he continues to float. WIDE ANGLE -- RAY AND CREATURE STANTZ Now to get your attention. Ray fires a short burst from his ion rifle at the creature. The Newtonian reaction sends him crashing against the wall of the corridor with a THUD. ON RAY He rubs his sore head. STANTZ Qwww. ON CREATURE Who starts moving out of the Engineering area and into the corridor. WIDEN TO INCLUDE RAY STANTZ That's right, baby, come to papa. He fires another short burst at the creature, pushing himself backwards down the corridor toward the bridge. ON CREATURE Who starts moving faster, gaining on Ray. ON RAY Who fires burst after burst. He keeps moving faster and faeter. STANTZ Come on. Come on. ON CREATURE Who starts moving faster than anyone thought it could. It's almost on top of Ray. ON RAY STANTZ Hokey smokes! Ray fires a continuous burst at the creature in a last ditch attempt to outdistance it. ANOTHER ANGLE Ray jets backwards down the corridor. STANTZ (screaming) IT'S COMING!!! ON CREATURE In hot pursuit. INT CENTER HUB OF PLATFORM Peter, Winston and Egon are floating in the interior of the hub, a ball-shaped room with corridors leading in different directions. VENKMAN Well, I'm glad to see we're in control of the situation. ANOTHER ANGLE Down the Engineering Corridor, we see Ray blasting towards the center hub, the huge "ghost" looming behind him. TWO-SHOT -- WINSTON AND EGON Winston gestures to Egon, calling him over. ZEDDMORE Egon! Grab my hands! Egon and Winston catch hold of each others' wrists and prepare to catch Ray. ON PETER VENKMAN This is no time for dancing, men. ANOTHER ANGLE - ENGINEERING CORRIDOR ENTRANCE Ray zips out through the corridor entrance like a human cannonball. STANTZ Whoooa, Nellie! ANOTHER ANGLE -- WINSTON AND EGON They prepare themselves for impact. Ray squirts across the room and SLAMS into their grasp. Unfortunately, in their weightless condition, they don't slow him in the least. Ray's momentum carries them against the far wall of the central hub, where all three stop with a CRASH and VIBRATE to a halt, shaking their heads to clear them. ANGLE ON ENGINEERING CORRIDOR The huge, ectoplasmic being has almost made it to the hub. ON RAY Who quickly scrambles to a standing/floating posture. STANTZ Yikes! He gives rapid-fire instructions, pointing as he does so. STANTZ Peter! Ouick! Down that corridor! Egon! You go the other way! Winston! Down there! Keep your weapons ready! WIDE ANGLE -- THE CENTER HUB The four Ghostbusters each scramble down a separate corridor, then turn and face the center hub. Just as they turn around .. ANOTHER ANGLE -- ENGINEERING CORRIDOR ENTRANCE The space "ghost" oozes out into the center hub area. ON RAY STANTZ Quick! Drop a trap and open fire! He levels his ion rifle and FIRES! ON PETER Venkman opens fire. ON EGON Who very carefully aims before FIRING. ON WINSTON Who FIRES, floating on his knees, a la Rambo. ANGLE ON CREATURE It starts to surge in all four directions, surrounded by the FLASHING ION BEAMS, hungrily lurching for the power sources, trying to absorb all the energy pouring towards it. ON RAY Still firing short bursts. STANTZ Now! Open the traps! ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE All of them? ON RAY STANTZ All of them! Quick! A series of four quick cuts: ON TRAP #1 As Ray's foot hits the release. ON TRAP #2 As Winston's foot hits the release. ON TRAP #3 As Egon's foot hits the release. ON TRAP #4 As Peter's foot hits the release. WIDE ANGLE ON CREATURE The creature, spread wide across the hub, slowly begins to be drawn inextricably, inescapably toward all four of the traps. ON RAY STANTZ It's working. It's working! ON CREATURE Its massive bulk dwindling as it is pulled in four directions at once. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE Attaboy, Ray! ON CREATURE As its central mass finally dwindles to nothing and splits into four trails headed toward the traps. ON EGON SPENGLER That's it; A MONTAGE of four very quick cuts: ON TRAP #1 As it snaps shut with a GURGLE on the last wisps of ectoplasm. ON TRAP #2 As it snaps shut with a SLURP on the last wisps of ectoplasm. ON TRAP #3 As it snaps shut with a WHOOSH on the last wisps of ectoplasm. ON TRAP #4 As it snaps shut with a PHFFFT on the last wisps of ectoplasm, too. ON PETER VENKMAN Good plan, Ray! We got 'em! I knew you could do it! WIDE ANGLE As the four Ghostbusters move back to the center of the hub. STANTZ Gee, thanks, guys. Winston playfully ruffles Ray's hair and Egon slaps him on the back, causing Ray to spin weightlessly towards the wall, as Peter floats over to the intercom. ON PETER He punches the intercom switch. VENKMAN Ghostbusters to bridge! Kirov's voice crackles through the intercom. KIROV (o.s.) What have you done now? VENKMAN Mission completed, sir! Your space ghost is now space dust. We'll sweep it under the carpet when we get back to earth. CUT TO: INT BRIDGE Kirov, in the Command Chair, shakes his head. KIROV I can't believe it. VENKMAN (o.s.) Believe it, bubbala! You can tell McTavish to reconnect the solar panels. Your mission is saved! ANOTHER ANGLE KIROV Excellent, Dr. Venkman. Thank you. VENKMAN (o.s.) Oh, and Captain? You might give Houston a call and tell them to have a check ready for us when we get down. WIDEN TO INCLUDE IRAHQUA As Kirov swivels towards his communications officer. KIROV Lieutenant, give Houston a call and relay Dr. Venkman's wishes. (beat) And tell them to deduct transportation expenses. ON IRAHQUA IRAHQUA Do you want me to call collect? CUT TO: INT CENTER HUB The Ghostbusters are floating in the center of the hub, exchanging a celebratory four-way handshake. VENKMAN Government contracts! I love 'em! We've only just begun to tap the vast financial resources of our great nation! ANOTHER ANGLE ZEDDMORE Yeah! VENKMAN There's no place to go but up! WIDE ANGLE At that moment, the power and artificial gravity come back on. The hub lighting BRIGHTENS, and all four Ghostbusters fall to the floor with a CRASH. CUT TO: EXT SPACE PLATFORM The Space Shuttle glides up alongside the platform. CUT TO: INT DOCKING BAY A large sterile room with a huge hangar door at one end. A rack of space suits hangs along one wall. The Ghostbusters prepare to transfer from the Platform to the waiting shuttle. The four ship's officers are there to see them off. VENKMAN Well, hope the rest of your stay is less exciting. SATO Thanks. Why not come back and visit sometime? We could use the company. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE How long are you going to be up here? ON KIROV KIROV We're on a 5 year mission. ON EGON SPENGLER Hmmmn. Fascinating. TWO-SHOT -- IRAHQUA AND McTAVISH IRAHQUA You're right. He does remind me of a certain pointy-eared Science Officer. CUT TO: EXT SPACE PLATFORM As the Space Shuttle moves away from the Platform and moves toward the Earth. THE END script copyright © 1986 Columbia Pictures Television All rights reserved. |
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