« The Real Ghostbusters Script: Ain't NASA-sarily So (August 13, 1986) | The Real Ghostbusters Script: The Headless Motorcyclist (May 15, 1986) » |
THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS "Masquerade" by Craig Miller and Mark Nelson July 14, 1986 Final Draft transcribed by Paul Rudoff FADE IN: EXT PARK -- DAY A large neighborhood park is filled with perhaps two dozen kids of all ages, shrieking, playing, having fun. The ones we're concerned with, a group of seven or eight, are around 12 years old. Most of these kids are male, although there are a two or three girls. They come in the usual assortment of shapes, sizes, and colors, with one, WILLIE, an oversized bully who is the self-proclaimed leader of the group; and one of the girls, CINDY, who is especially cute. WILLIE C'mon. Schools out for the weekend. Let's do something! Baseball, the beach ... CLOSE ON CINDY CINDY (pointing) Look what's coming! It's Fenderman. ANGLE ON KENNY KENNY FENDERMAN walks up. He's about 12, but a bit smaller than most of the other kids. He's wearing a home-made Ghostbuster outfit. It's pretty good, too. The suit's just right, with the proton pack made out of cardboard egg cartons and aluminum foil. A garden hose connects it with a foil-wrapped flashlight to form an ion rifle. KENNY Hi guys! Hi Cindy! ANGLE ON OTHERS Cindy is a little embarrassed that he's singled her out. The others are trying to hide their amusement. Except for Willie, who's openly laughing. WILLIE What're you 'sposed to be, Fenderman? A Martian janitor? He's upset and annoyed. He wanted to impress his friends. KENNY Shows what you guys know! I'm a Ghostbuster! He strikes a "Ghostbuster" pose, his 'weapon' at the ready. REVERSE ANGLE ON GROUP Willie stands at the forefront, his hands on his hips. WILLIE Sure, Fenderman! And I'm a Smurf! He strikes a "Ghostbuster" pose, his 'weapon' at the ready. REVERSE ANGLE ON GROUP Willie stands at the forefront, his hands on his hips. WILLIE Sure, Fenderman! And I'm a Smurf! The rest of the kids break up at this. They LAUGH loudly. TWO-SHOT -- WILLIE AND CINDY Willie starts to move toward Kenny but Cindy pulls on his shirt. She thinks Kenny's a clown, but she doesn't like roughhousing. CINDY Come on, Willie, let him alone. It's only Kenny! Besides, it's a pretty neat costume. ON KENNY He grips his 'ion rifle' tightly, facing Willie down. KENNY It's not a costume! It's a uniform! All official Ghostbusters wear it! ON MARK MARK Yeah? And what makes you official? ON KENNY A bit shaken at the question, Kenny feels backed into a corner. KENNY I'm a full-fledged Ghostbuster. I enlisted! ANGLE ON THE OTHERS They all laugh. ON KENNY KENNY I'll show ya! I'll prove it! I will! With that, he runs off, out of the park. The other kids continue to laugh as we CUT TO: EXT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- DAY PUSH IN on the firehall under: VENKMAN (VO) So what's this supposed to be? DISSOLVE THROUGH TO: INT. GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- LAB -- FAVORING DOOR Egon is bending over the cluttered workbench. Gadgets and gizmos of various sizes and shapes are strewn around in half-finished states. Egon is holding what appears to be an ultra modern soldering device in his hand. He is working on a large sliver box. FLASHES OF BLUE LIGHT come from the soldering device. Ray taps Egon on the shoulder, as he picks up a small box, about the size of a VCR remote control, with several buttons and small knobs on it. STANTZ Is this what you wanted to show Peter? SPENGLER Yes. If he ever gets here. ON EGON He is slightly irritated. SPENGLER It's an Ecto-Aroma Eliminator. You know that awful residue odor that's left behind by manifestations Class 3 and up? ON STANTZ STANTZ The stink? Yeah. So? ON EGON He points to the box Ray is holding. SPENGLER Well, this gets rid of those odors. ON STANTZ STANTZ (nods sagely) Oh, sort of a ghost room deodorizer. Ray starts to fiddle with the knobs on the EAE when Egon reaches across and takes the device away from him. ON EGON SPENGLER It'll be awhile before this prototype is ready, Peter. It's still experimental. It could be dangerous. VENKMAN (OS) Okay, okay -- here I am. They turn and look to ANGLE - PETER - DOORWAY Peter slouches into the room. VENKMAN I hope this is important. ANOTHER ANGLE -- INCLUDE ALL THREE EGON Staff meetings always are. Now, as I was telling Ray -- Egon's speech is interrupted yet again, this time by Janine's voice on the PA system. JANINE (o.s.) Dr. Venkman! Dr. Venkman! You have a visitor in the lobby! Peter claps them on the shoulders. VENKMAN Sorry, guys. A paying customer. Been nice seeing you. We should do this more often. Peter scurries up the stairs as Ray and Egon exchange a hopeless glance. INT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- RECEPTION AREA Janine is sitting behind her desk, smirking, when Peter arrives. Standing by her desk is Winston, deep in conversation with Kenny, still dressed in his home-made Ghostbusters outfit. JANINE Dr. Venkman, this is Mr. Fenderman. He's here to see you. ON KENNY who snaps to attention and salutes. KENNY (shaking his head) Ghostbuster Fenderman reporting for duty, Sir! Anything you want done? WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER AND WINSTON They exchange glances. ZEDDMORE He's serious, Peter. He wants to apply for a job. ON PETER VENKMAN I see. Step into my office, Mr. Fenderman. Peter ushers Kenny into his office. INT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- PETER'S OFFICE -- ON PETER AND KENNY Shoving a stack of empty pizza boxes off of a chair, Peter indicates that Kenny should take a seat while he settles in behind his desk. Kenny is obviously in hog heaven. VENKMAN What makes you want to be a Ghostbuster? Besides the wealth, the fame, and the chance to hobnob with the upper crust on several different dimensional planes. The boy's face is aglow with hero-worship. KENNY Because you guys are the best! All the other kids think so. Heck, everybody in the whole city thinks so! ON KENNY He leans forward, imploringly. KENNY Look, Dr. Venkman. I sorta told my friends I already was a Ghostbuster. They just made fun of me. Can't you give me some kind of assignment? Anything! Just give me a chance. Please! 0N PETER Who hides a smile behind his hand. Kenny is impressing him, reminding him of himself when he was that age. Finally he reaches a decision. VENKMAN I'll do better than that. TWO-SHOT -- PETER AND KENNY Peter scrounges around his desk, shoving around papers and scraps of food. Finally he stops and holds up what looks like a small bronze pin. It is actually an old tie-tack. Peter walks around the desk and pins the tie-tack on the front of Kenny's uniform. VENKMAN There you go, kid. This badge makes you an official member of the Ghostbusters Auxiliary! CLOSE ON KENNY He looks down at the bronze pin. LIGHT GLEAMS off the surface. Kenny looks up with a broad grin. KENNY Wow! WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER Who is also beaming, as he escorts Kenny out of his office. VENKMAN And, now, the first benefit you receive as a member of the Ghostbusters Auxiliary is a free guided tour of our Headquarters. WIPE TO: INT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- WORKSHOP Peter and Kenny walk into the Workshop. VENKMAN And this is where Dr. Stantz and Dr. Spengler put together most of our special equipment. Some of it even makes a rough kind of sense. CLOSE ON KENNY Who's experiencing sensory overload. The whole thing has him floating ten feet off the floor. KENNY Do you think I could have an actual piece of ghostbusting equipment? Since I am an Official Auxiliary Member and everything. ON PETER A bit wary. VENKMAN (reluctant) Weeellll, I guess so. WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER Looking around the Workshop. He reaches over and picks up the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator, turning to face the boy. VENKMAN This should be okay. ON KENNY He turns the EAE over in his hands, eyes aglow. KENNY Gee, thanks! CUT TO: INT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- RECEPTION/GARAGE AREA Peter and Kenny approach the slightly dented lines of the Ecto-l. VENKMAN And this is how we get around, kid. The Ecto-l. KENNY (impressed) It's great! Can I sit in it? JANINE (VO) Up and at 'em! ON VENKMAN Who considers Kenny's request for a moment. Suddenly, the Ghostbusters KLAXON BLARES! Peter is startled. WIDE ANGLE -- RECEPTION/GARAGE We see Winston, Ray, and Egon slide down the firepole in the background. Janine is leaning on the alarm button on her desk. LIGHTS FLASH. SIRENS BLARE. TWO-SHOT -- KENNY AND PETER Peter puts a hand on Kenny's shoulder. VENKMAN Okay, kid! Want to come watch us bust a few ghosts? ON KENNY He can't believe his good fortune. This'll show Willie and the others! KENNY Whadda we waitin' for? Let's go! ON RAY as he and the others pile into Ecto l. STANTZ Peter! Are you sure this is a good idea? ANGLE ON PETER VENKMAN Hey, it's okay. Kenny's an official member of the Ghostbusters Auxiliary. EXT. GARAGE Doors closed as we hear: EGON/WINSTON/RAY The What?! WHAM -- The doors are bashed open from within and ON ECTO-1 heads out of Ghostbusters HQ, sirens blaring. As they make the turn out of the garage, we hear: KENNY Wheeeee! CUT TO: EXT GALLERY -- DAY The Ecto-1 screeches to a halt outside a posh 5th Avenue gallery. There's a big crowd outside, and people running out the doors, followed by thrown vases, bottles, etcetera. A snooty-looking bald man dressed in a black suit, VINCENT VAN SWELL, runs up to the Ecto-l. ANOTHER ANGLE Peter, wearing his proton pack and with his ion rifle at the ready, pops out of the Ecto-l as Van Swell reaches the car. VENKMAN Afternoon, pal. Can you show us to the owner of this dime store? A vase SHATTERS at Venkman's feet. VENKMAN Say, we have one at home. Looks just like that. ON VAN SWELL His face is purple. VAN SWELL I'm the owner of this gallery! Vincent Van Swell! ON PETER VENKMAN (semi-apologetic) Of course you are. And a beautiful place it is, too. Peter DUCKS as another priceless vase HURTLES PAST. ON VAN SWELL VAN SWELL Those ghosts are ruining my opening! A priceless display of imported crystal! ANOTHER ANGLE -- PETER, RAY, WINSTON, EGON, KENNY They are all in Ghostbusting regalia, although Kenny is still in his home-made outfit. SPENGLER No problem, sir! (to others) Power up, men! ON VAN SWELL VAN SWELL Just be careful! Anything you break comes off of your bill!! ON PETER VENKMAN Aim high, fellas! ON ECTO-1 The four-and-a-half Ghostbusters start to move toward the gallery. VENKMAN You wait here. Protect the car. KENNY Aw, gee. Kenny glumly stays by the Ecto-1 as Peter moves out of frame. INT GALLERY -- DAY Our four heroes rush into the gallery. Three ghostly shapes are swooping and charging about, playing catch with valuable and fragile objects d'art. ZEDDMORE Don't startle 'em. WIDE ON ALL GHOSTBUSTERS VENKMAN Now!!! Our heroes open fire. ON GHOSTS Ion streams flash up and across, stampeding the three ghosts into a corner. ON RAY He heaves three traps toward the translucent shapes. STANTZ Move 'em in. ON THREE GHOSTS Who are being herded into the traps. STANTZ (o.s.) Slow. Slow. Careful. ON SPENGLER He stomps on the foot release of the traps. ON THE GHOSTS Caught in the GLOW from the traps, the shapes are sucked in with a SCREAM! SPENGLER (o.s.) Got them! ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE Look out! ON GHOST A previously unseen ghostly shape is diving and swooping, buzzing our heroes. It CACKLES a high-pitched laugh, and swoops past a display of crystal vases, knocking one vase off a high stand. ON WINSTON Thinking fast, Winston grabs a pillow from an empty display near him and tosses it forward. ZEDDMORE I've got it! CLOSE SHOT ON VASE As it just misses the thick pillow and shatters on the floor with a CRASH. ZEDDMORE (OS) Okay ... so nobody's perfect. ANOTHER ANGLE Ray and Egon stalk the final poltergeist. As they pass behind various crystal displays, their faces distort weirdly. REVERSE ANGLE The remaining ghost looks equally bizarre to Ray and Egon through the layers of expensive crystal. TWO-SHOT -- RAY AND EGON SPENGLER We'll never get a clear shot this way. STANTZ You're right. We'll have to surround it. READY, AIM ... REVERSE ANGLE Just as Venkman is about to give the final command, Kenny bursts through the doors under the spectre, aiming his flashlight/ion rifle at the giggling ghost. He's right in their line of fire. KENNY FIRE! ON THE GHOSTBUSTERS VENKMAN LOOK OUT! Peter leaps at Winston, knocking him into Egon, who bumps into Ray. Their ion streams go wild. The shop is FILLED WITH LIGHT. ON KENNY He hits the deck. ON THE CRYSTAL DISPLAY As wild ion streams pass through it, SHATTERING the display into a thousand shards. ON PETER Getting control, firing at the spirit. WIDEN TO INCLUDE EGON AND WINSTON Who are also firing. REVERSE ANGLE The giggling ghost is caught in the crossfire, flying in circles. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE We got 'em. Ray, get out a trap. ON STANTZ Who tosses another trap. WIDE ON GHOST The trap lands under him and the three beams push him into the open, glowing trap. CUT TO: EXT ECTO-1 -- DAY Winston, Ray, and Egon load the four steaming traps and the rest of the equipment into the Ecto-l. STANTZ He's a nice kid, but Peter should never have brought him along. This is too dangerous. ON ZEDDMORE ZEDDMORE Look, don't knock it when Peter starts acting human. ON SPENGLER SPENGLER Yes, the lad did seem to bring out a new side of Peter. And he really did want to help. ON STANTZ STANTZ I suppose. EXT GALLERY -- DAY Peter, in a foul mood, is talking to Kenny. VENKMAN I told you to stay with the car. You could have been killed. Why didn't you do what you were told? ON KENNY KENNY I ... I'm sorry. I guess I got too excited. I didn't mean to do anything wrong. WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER VENKMAN (angry) Well, sorry isn't good enough. Why don't you take your flashlight and get lost? With that, Peter stomps out of frame, leaving a shocked and dejected Kenny standing there, staring. From the best day of his life to the worst in just a few minutes. CUT TO: INT ECTO-1 -- DAY The other three Ghostbusters are already inside. Peter climbs into the backseat, slamming the door. ON WINSTON Looking over his shoulder at Peter from the front seat. WINSTON Aren't you being a little tough on the kid, Peter? After all, you did invite him along. ON RAY STANTZ Yeah. It's not as if we haven't ever done any damage before. WIDEN TO INCLUDE PETER Who's fuming. VENKMAN Ray? STANTZ Yes? VENKMAN You're not helping. ON ECTO-1 The engine of the Ecto-1 roars to life, and slowly the massive car moves toward Ghostbuster HQ. We move with it a short distance until we reach Kenny. We stop as the car moves into the distance. We move in on Kenny, standing alone, tears in his eyes. END ACT ONE ----------- ACT TWO ------- EXT STREET -- DAY A dejected Kenny is walking slowly down a neighborhood street. He's heading home, a study in sorrow. He SNIFFS once or twice, head down, kicks a pebble or two off the sidewalk and into the street. His 'ion rifle' bounces against his leg as he walks. EXT PARK -- DAY Kenny turns into the park, taking a shortcut home. He wanders down the park path. CLOSE ON KENNY As a shadow falls across his face. REVERSE ANGLE -- KENNY'S POV Willie, the bully, is standing in Kenny's way. He is flanked by Cindy and Jim. Cindy looks a little concerned, Willie and Jim are smirking. ANOTHER ANGLE Kenny tries to move past, but Willie plants himself directly in front of the boy. WILLIE (mocking tone) Look, it's a Ghostbuster! Help me! Save me, Mr. Ghostbuster! Willie reaches out and shoves Kenny. Hard. ON KENNY He hits the ground. Willie and Jim's LAUGHTER rings in his ears. He looks up, his face reddening. KENNY Go ahead and laugh, big mouth. But I am a Ghostbuster. I am! TWO-SHOT -- CINDY AND JIM Jim is helpless with LAUGHTER. Cindy is GIGGLING a little but is troubled by the turn of events. ON KENNY He wheels to face his tormentors. KENNY Look at this, wise guys! He indicates the pin Peter gave him. KENNY It's my Ghostbusters Auxiliary Pin; It's official! WIDEN TO INCLUDE ALL The other kids, suddenly impressed, lean in to examine the bronze pin. Jim reads the inscription aloud. JIM "New York World's Fair, 1964." Now all three, including Cindy, laugh uproariously. CLOSE ON KENNY He blushes, trying to read the pin upside down. In all the excitement of meeting the Ghostbusters, he'd never really looked at it. ON WILLIE WILLIE Official, huh? An official dope! Whadda ya fight ghosts with? This flashlight? ON KENNY He's burning with embarrassment. Suddenly his expression lightens. KENNY Oh, yeah? Well get a load of this! He whips out the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator that Venkman gave him as a souvenir. REVERSE ANGLE Cindy, Willie and Jim stop laughing as they study the strange piece of equipment Kenny thrusts forward. Cindy's eyes widen. This is obviously not a home made toy. She begins to take Kenny seriously. CINDY What is it, Kenny? What does it do? ON KENNY He's pleased with Cindy's reaction. KENNY It's top secret. I can't tell you anything about it except it'll really put away ghosts! ANOTHER ANGLE -- INCLUDE ALL Willie is doing a slow burn. He hates not being the center of attention, and, even more, he hates Cindy warming to Kenny. He takes a step towards Kenny, pointing his finger. WILLIE I don't believe you. If you're really a Ghostbuster, why don't you prove it? Let's see you spend the night in the old Halliwell place! Willie gestures to the end of the park. WIDE ANGLE -- HALLIWELL MANSION A dark, brooding, dilapidated Victorian ruin sites on a knoll at the end of the park. The place could be the ultimate haunted house. It looms ominously against the darkening sky. ON KENNY He reacts nervously, looking at the house. TWO-SHOT -- JIM AND WILLIE Jim grabs Willie by the arm. JIM (nervously) You're not serious, Willie. That place is haunted! Old man Halliwell's ghost is in there! Willie shakes Jim off. CLOSE ON WILLIE He stares down Kenny. WILLIE G'wan! He's an official Ghostbusters. You're not scared, are you, Fenderman? CLOSE ON KENNY He obviously is, but won't show it. Not too much. KENNY N-no. 'Course not. WIPE TO: EXT HALLIWELL MANSION -- DUSK Kenny, Willie, Jim, and Cindy arrive in front of the Halliwell mansion. WILLIE All right, Fenderman. In ya go. ON KENNY KENNY Okay, Okay. You don't have to push. He turns and moves nervously up the rickety steps to the front door. CUT TO: INT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- WORKSHOP Egon is on his hands and knees, crawling under the workbench, trying to find something. He reaches up to: CLOSE ON WORKBENCH His hand flops to a spot that is noticeably empty. WIDE ON EGON Who sits up, sees the empty spot, and rushes down the stairs EGON Uh, oh. INT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- PETER'S OFFICE Egon races in, awakening Peter from a nap. ON EGON SPENGLER Do you know where the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator is? I can't find it. ON PETER VENKMAN (shrugs) I gave it to Kenny. As a souvenir. WIDEN TO INCLUDE ECON SPENGLER I'm sorry to hear that, Peter. It means the boy is in serious danger. Peter looks confused. VENKMAN But it was just a little box, what's the harm? STANTZ Big booms can come in small packages, Peter. ON EGON SPENGLER If that boy pushes the wrong button, it could destroy an entire city block. CUT TO: INT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ RECEPTION AREA The Ghostbusters are gathered around Janine's reception desk. Ray and Egon look worried. Winston is pacing back and forth. Peter is sitting at Janine's desk, wearing a look of grave concern. VENKMAN So let me get this straight -- The isotope in the -- whatever it is -- is unstable. EGON Ecto-Aroma Eliminator. EAE. VENKMAN Don't quibble, Egon. You're the one about to give a whole new meaning to the word Boom Box. ANGLE ON RAY STANTZ The EKE starts out fine, but as ectoplasmic material is absorbed and the internal reaction builds, it could overload and explode. WIDEN TO INCLUDE EGON SPENGLER And once it's turned on, it can't be stopped. ON WINSTON He pauses in his pacing. ZEDDMORE Could we track it with a geiger counter? ON EGON SPENGLER It's possible. But the odds of finding it in a city this size before it blows-- ON PETER As he leads them off to Ecto-1. VENKMAN It doesn't matter. We've gotta try and find that kid! If anything happens to him ... CUT TO: EXT GHOSTBUSTERS HQ -- NIGHT The garage door opens and the Ecto-l screams out into the street, tires squealing! EXT. STREET -- NIGHT The Ecto-1 careens through the streets, its lights flashing. INT ECTO-1 Winston is at the wheel, Egon, to his side, stares intently at the geiger counter in his lap. Ray and Peter are in the backseat. SPENGLER (shaking his head) This machine isn't sensitive enough. ON PETER VENKMAN You mean you can't locate him? ON EGON SPENGLER Oh, we'll be able to find him certainly. As soon as the device explodes, we'll have no difficulty tracing the readings. WIDEN TO INCLUDE WINSTON ZEDDMORE Egon, sometime soon, you and I must have a chat about your sense of priorities. CUT TO: INT HALLIWELL MANSION FRONT ROOM - NIGHT Kenny is still wandering through the lower level of the mansion. He starts and turns at every sound. After a few seconds, he reaches the dilapidated staircase. ANGLE UP STAIRS KENNY Hmmmmm. ANGLE ON KENNY He thrusts the EAE out in front of him. KENNY Okay, take that! Nothing happens. He sits on the stairs and shines his 'ion rifle' at the EAE. CLOSE ON EAE It has three buttons, two small knobs, and a small readout screen. There's some illegible small print near each of the knobs and buttons. ANGLE ON KENNY He's staring at the EAE. KENNY Maybe it would help if I turned it on. He pushes the button and a LOW HUM can be heard coming from the EAE. CLOSE ON EAE A little display screen glows brightly. ON KENNY His face lights up. He starts to point the EAE around the house. Nothing happens. Shifting around, Kenny points the device up the stairs. CLOSE ON EAE The display screen starts to flash the number 4 on and off rapidly. ON KENNY He studies the face of the EAE intently. KENNY (to himself) Class four. Must mean there's a Class Four ghost here. (beat) So that means I set the 'Class' knob on 4! He twists the knob. The LOW HUM TAKE ON A HIGHER PITCH. KENNY Then when I spot the ghosts, I hit the 'intake' button and it sucks 'em in. ANOTHER ANGLE Kenny, filled with renewed confidence, stands and starts to climb the stairs to the upper reaches of the Halliwell house. KENNY I'll show 'em. I'll show that Willie Bradford! I'll bust me a whole bunch of ghosts. Then even Dr. Venkman will like me again! UPSHOT -- KENNY ON STAIRS As Kenny makes his way up to the top of the dilapidated stairway, we see an EERIE, RED GLOW start to form at the second floor landing. Kenny, intent on the humming EAE, doesn't notice. CLOSE ON EAE The lethal piece of equipment flashes ominously in Kenny's hand. CUT TO: INT HALLIWELL MANSION UPPER HALLWAY -- NIGHT Kenny is moving down the second floor hallway. The red glow is quite distinct at the end of the hall. The classic sounds of moaning, haunting spirits surround the boy. His 'ion rifle' is dangling unnoticed at his side, the EKE gripped tightly in both hands in front of him. KENNY All right, you ghosts! Come on out! I'm a Ghostbuster and I've got you cornered! ANOTHER ANGLE The walls of the upper hallway vibrate with otherworldly energy. ON RED GLOW RED GLOW (a deep, rumbling voice) GHOSTBUSTER! ON KENNY A supernatural wind of incredible force flows from the red glow and knocks Kenny off his feet. It blows him back toward the top of the stairs. ANOTHER ANGLE We wind continues to howl. Kenny is blown back into the rickety bannister. It is the only thing saving him from the long drop to the first floor. ANOTHER ANGLE KENNY Oh, yeah! Well take this! He pushes the 'intake' button on the EAE, but nothing happens. ON RED GLOW RED GLOW GHOSTBUSTER! GHOSTBUSTER!! ON KENNY Pushing the button frantically. ON RED GLOW The wind continues to howl and the light becomes intense. CUT TO: INT ECTO-1 -- NIGHT Egon notices a sudden change in the reading. SPENGLER Winston! Quick! Turn around. ANGLE TO INCLUDE WINSTON Egon holds up the geiger counter. SPENGLER Kenny must have turned on the EAE. I'm picking up a radiation increase. Winston YANKS the steering wheel. EXT -- STREET -- NIGHT The Ecto-1 nearly leaps off the pavement as Ray swings it into an impossibly tight U-turn and races off in the opposite direction. CUT TO: INT -- HALLIWELL MANSION UPPER HALLWAY -- NIGHT Kenny is bent almost backwards over the bannister railing, fighting against the ROARING supernatural wind. He almost loses his grip on the EAE, but brings it around to point it at the red glow once again. ANOTHER ANGLE The red glow is creeping up the walls of the hallway towards Kenny. MULTI-COLORED LIGHTNING FLASHES punctuate the glow. The ROAR of the wind is deafening. ANGLE ON STAIRWAY A sharp-clawed, glowing, green hand grips the banister railing. WIDEN ON GHOST The hand belongs to a hideous, grinning, ghoulish ghost, slowly creeping up the stairs towards Kenny. HIGH ANGLE -- KENNY AND GHOSTS Struggling to keep his balance, Kenny can't see the dozen sharp-clawed phantoms creeping up the stairway behind him. CUT TO: INT -- ECTO-1 -- NIGHT Winston guides the Ecto-1 through the streets. The car ROCKS from side to side. Egon studies his geiger counter. SPENGLER I'm getting very high readings. ZEDDMORE This must be the place! EXT HALLIWELL MANSION -- NIGHT The Ecto-1 SCREECHES to a halt in front of the old house four Ghostbusters pile out in full busting regalia. Peter looks up at the mansion. UPSHOT -- HALLIWELL MANSION -- PETER'S POV The old ruin looms ominously overhead. Through the windows can be seen multi-colored flashing light. INT HALLIWELL MANSION UPPER HALLWAY -- NIGHT Kenny is tiring fast. The HOWLING WIND buffets him. The grinning ghouls have just about reached the top of the staircase. The Red Glow now saturates the entire upper hallway. An EVIL CHORTLE fills the house. RED GLOW GHOSTBUSTER!!! ANOTHER ANGLE The supernatural wind blows fiercely as green talons reach for Kenny. CLOSE ON RAILING The old, wooden banister railing behind Kenny bends, CRACKS, and finally FALLS AWAY under the pressure of the wind. ANOTHER ANGLE The force of the wind flings Kenny off the upper landing and into space, out of the grasping clutches of the grinning green ghosts. ON KENNY Who flies across the room and catches hold of the ornate crystal chandelier over the entryway. It sways back and forth ominously. ANOTHER ANGLE -- FRONT DOOR The Ghostbusters burst through the doorway into the front room. Peter takes a few steps forward. VENKMAN (calling) Kenny! You in here? KENNY (o.s.) Dr. Venkman! Here I am! Up here! Peter looks up. UPSHOT -- GHOSTBUSTERS AND KENNY Kenny sways on the chandelier above the Ghostbusters. The red glow can be seen, angry and FLASHING, behind Kenny. VENKMAN Good! Stay there and be our lookout! WIDEN TO INCLUDE RAY, WINSTON, AND EGON VENKMAN Okay, men! Let's do some damage! Peter and Egon go one way while Ray and Winston go the other. All have their ion rifles at the ready. INT LIVING ROOM -- RAY AND WINSTON Who have chased four ghosts into the living room. ZEDDMORE Where are they? STANTZ We followed them in. They must be here. The Ghosts zip past them from behind, racing OS. INT UPPER HALLWAY -- PETER AND EGON They run up the stairs after three of the green ghosts. VENKMAN There they are! Get 'em! ON GHOSTS Who stand against the wall as two ion streams zip toward them. Just as the beams are about to cage them in, the ghosts fly up and pass through the wall in unison. The beams hit the wall causing plaster and wood splinters to fly. The disembodied voice of the red glow LAUGHS WICKEDLY; TWO-SHOT -- PETER AND EGON They react to the LAUGHTER. RED GLOW (o.s.) GHOSTBUSTERS! GHOSTBUSTERS! EGON I don't like the sound of this. Venkman nods agreement. VENKMAN As welcomes go, I've heard better. Warmer. More human ... INT LIVING ROOM -- RAY AND WINSTON Who are slowly sneaking up behind a lone ghost. RAY (whispering) One ... two ... three ... fire! ON GHOST Without turning, the ghost zips through the wall just as the two ion streams reach the spot where he used to be. Plaster and wood splinters fill the air. The Red Glow's LAUGHTER ECHOES through the room. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE How ... how ... how'd he know we were here? ON SPENGLER SPENGLER Something's funny. I better check this out in Tobin's Spirit Guide. ANOTHER ANGLE Spengler pulls out his computer interface to Tobin's Spirit Guide and punches in data. SPENGLER Uh, oh. This doesn't look good. (yelling) CONFERENCE!!! ANGLE ON STAIRCASE Peter and Egon race down the stairs. INT FRONT ROOM -- THE GHOSTBUSTERS AND KENNY The four Ghostbusters meet under Kenny's chandelier. The Red Glow's LAUGHTER seems to surround them. ON SPENGLER Who is holding his hand computer. SPENGLER There's a single intelligence directing the spirit activity in this house. ON KENNY Still hanging onto the chandelier. KENNY You mean like a ghost general? ON PETER VENKMAN So it's simple. Zap the commander and the rest of the army's easy. SPENGLER (o.s.) I'm afraid that's too dangerous, Peter. ON RAY STANTZ With that much psychokinetic energy at its command, we could be in serious trouble. It might be able to blow up the contaiment unit. WIDEN TO INCLUDE RAY, EGON, AND WINSTON SPENGLER But if a powerful enough kinetic force could blow it apart upon being trapped, the conditions in the containment unit would prevent it from reforming. ON WINSTON ZEDDMORE How powerful a force would it take to splatter this thing? ON RAY STANTZ Near atomic levels. ON PETER VENKMAN I have an idea. Kenny! Do you still have that souvenir I gave you? ON KENNY KENNY Yeah. I've got it right here. ON PETER VENKMAN Well, hang onto it. We're going to need it. ON RAY STANTZ What do you have in mind? ON PETER Don't ask. You'll only worry. C'mon! ANOTHER ANGLE Shoulder to shoulder, the Ghostbusters make their way up the stairs, ion rifles held in front of them. INT UPPER HALLWAY -- GHOSTBUSTERS They arrive at the upper story and start slowly down the hallway. VENKMAN Okay, boys. Careful now. ANOTHER ANGLE From behind the Ghostbusters as they move forward. The red glow becomes deeper, more menacing; the LIGHTNING FLASHES angrier and more frequent. The evil laughter has changed to a low pitched, ominous and continuous GROWL. TWO-SHOT -- PETER AND RAY He calls back over his shoulder. VENKMAN Stand by, Kenny! Hang in there! ON KENNY He clutches tightly to the chandelier, the EAE in one hand. CLOSE ON EAE Its display window flickers rapidly. ANOTHER ANGLE -- UPPER HALLWAY The Red Glow seems to coagulate at the far end of the hallway as the Majian gathers itself for an unleashing of supernatural power. Suddenly, like an ectoplasmic tidal wave, it gushes forward with a TERRIBLE ROAR! REVERSE ANGLE -- THE GHOSTBUSTERS Peter shouts an order. VENKMAN Ray! Winston! Egon! FIRE! The Ghostbusters FIRE THEIR ION RIFLES. The ION STREAMS FILL THE FRAME. ON THE MAJIAN Caught in the ion crossbeams, the Majian writhes and flashes. MAJIAN Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh;!!!! ON PETER He tosses a trap down the hallway. VENKMAN Kenny! Throw that gadget at the light! ON KENNY He throws the EAE down the hallway from the chandelier. ON THE GHOSTBUSTERS VENKMAN Duck! The Ghostbuster duck as the EAE sails overhead. CLOSE ON PETER As he falls on the trap release. ANOTHER ANGLE -- THE MAJIAN The EAE sails into the center of the swirling red glow .. a perfect strike! The trap doors spring open and the supernatural beast is sucked into the trap, carrying the EAE with it. CLOSE ON TRAP As the ectoplasmic horror is drawn in. The trap doors SNAP SHUT. At the same instant, there is a muffled POOMP! and the trap jumps about six inches in the air, then falls back again. ANOTHER ANGLE -- THE GHOSTBUSTERS They slowly get to their feet. The red glow is completely gone. The hallway is clear. Ray claps Peter on the back. STANTZ A brilliant plan, Peter! The blast totally discorporated the thing. I didn't know you had it in you! VENKMAN Hey, but I have to admit I couldn't have done it without Kenny. WIDEN TO INCLUDE ALL The Ghostbusters all look smilingly at Kenny, still hanging bravely from the chandelier. CUT TO: EXT HALLIWELL MANSION -- DAWN The neighborhood kids are arriving to see if Kenny's managed to make it through the night. As they gather, Kenny steps out the front door. His appearance meets with a mix of surprise and admiration. WILLIE So, Fenderman, you're still here. ON KENNY KENNY Sure. In fact, we're just wrapping up. Me and the guys just finished trapping a bunch of ghosts. ON WILLIE WILLIE Oh, yeah. Sure. WIDE ANGLE Just then, the Ghostbusters come out the door. STANTZ Thanks for all the help, Kenny. SPENGLER Yes. It was a good night's work. ON KENNY AND WILLIE Willie is dumbfounded. Kenny is really enjoying this. KENNY No problem, guys. Glad to help. ON THE OTHER KIDS Who are impressed as hell. Cindy is charmed. Her eyes are wide with interest and admiration. VARIOUS (ad lib) Wow. Gosh. Gee. Etcetera. ON KENNY AND PETER They shake hands. VENKMAN Why don't you come by sometime next week, Kenny? We'll have some fun. KENNY You bet. ANOTHER ANGLE -- WIDE With that, Peter walks down the stairs. He pauses as he reaches Cindy. ON PETER AND CINDY VENKMAN Great kid, that Kenny, huh? CINDY Mmm-hmmm. ON PETER AND KENNY Peter winks at Kenny, who smiles back. Peter than walks out of frame. ANOTHER ANGLE The kids run up the steps and congratulate Kenny as the Ecto-1 starts to move. WILLIE Do you think you could introduce me to them? KENNY We'll see. Kenny smiles and waves at the Ecto-1 as it speeds away. THE END script copyright © 1986 Columbia Pictures Television All rights reserved. |
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