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Television > Real Ghostbusters > Scripts > The Real Ghostbusters Script: Robo-Buster (June 24, 1988)
THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS "Robo-buster" by Francis Moss June 24, 1988 transcribed by Paul Rudoff ACT ONE ------- FADE IN: EXT. NEW YORK STREET - FEATURING A HIGH-RISE - DAY It's snowing lightly. Ghostly lights flicker on and off in various windows, and WE HEAR a LOUD, FIENDISH CHUCKLE, o.s. DEMON (VO) Hooo-hoo-hah-hah! LAUGHTER CONTINUOUS as WE PUSH IN to -- INT. HIGHRISE - A HALLWAY - ON GHOSTBUSTERS, SLIMER - MOVING Blasters ready, they RUN toward bank of elevators. The hallway walls and floor are covered in slime; office doors have been ripped off their hinges; and huge claw marks have slashed through the walls, exposing the beams underneath. STOP PAN as they arrive at elevators. Slimer hovers behind EGON and RAY. AT ELEVATORS - FEATURING EGON eyeing the PKE METER intently. A large splotch of slime drools down the doors. EGON It's definitely a Class Five ... and it's in the elevator shaft. CLOSER - ON WINSTON WINSTON Not for long. Winston pulls a small electronic device from his utility belt and SNAPS it magnetically over the call-button panel for the elevator. INSERT - ELECTRONIC DEVICE Winston's finger deftly punches out a brief code, with TOUCE-TONE BLEEPS. A QUICK BUZZ indicator success. INT. DARK ELEVATOR SHAFT - THE ELEVATOR DOORS open with a HUM. WE SEE only the empty hallway for a beat, then the Ghostbusters' heads peer around the jamb -- Slimer's hanging upside down from the top. A GHOSTLY HOWL reverberates within the shaft. DEMON (VO) (echo EFX) Haaaa-haaaaa-haaaaaaah! RAY Boy, sounds like he enjoys his work. ANGLE ON DOOR - FROM CORRIDOR The guys lean in and look up, holding onto door for balance. POV UP SHAFT The elevator hangs a few floors above. Beneath it, severed electrical cables dangle, SPARKING. We hear erratic BANGING and RATTLING ECHO up and down the shaft. A red glow from an unseen source somewhere above the elevator car fills the shaft. It grows BRIGHTER. Then, with a WHIR and a CLANK, the elevator starts to descend. WINSTON (VO) Heads up -- here it comes! INT. CORRIDOR As Ghostbusters pull back from door and aim their throwers at the opening. Slimer hides behind Peter, peering up over his shoulder. PETER Let's give it a warm welcome, boys. ANOTHER ANGLE As top of car descends into view in doorway -- carrying a large BLACK, PIG-SNOUTED DEMON with four legs (somewhat like the Terror Dog) and glowing RED EYES. Elevator stops midway and Demon crouches to spring! DEMON (challenging ROAR) REACTION - PETER PETER This is your floor, sucker! He opens fire. GHOSTBUSTERS'S POV - OVER THEIR SHOUZDERS Guys open FIRE with their blasters. ANGLE - THE DEMON SCREAMS with rage as beams strike it -- DEMON (enraged SCREAMS) WINSTON ducks under a swipe of the ghost's claws, and pops open an ECTO-TRAP. WINSTON Trap open! WIDEN as spiraling energy from trap slowly pulls in the red-eyed spook. EGON, RAY AND PETER keep their thrower beams trained on the diminishing ghost, until -- THE TRAP -- closes with a SNAP. Peter's hand reaches INTO SHOT and lifts trap OUT by its cable. ANGLE ON GROUP Peter lifts trap up to display it. It SPARKS briefly. PETER Nice work, guys. ON WINSTON He retrieves his automatic door opener. WINSTON Another case ... (elevator doors SLAM shut) ... closed. Slimer ZIPS IN with a bumper sticker, gives it an enormous LICK with his tongue, and sticks it to closed doors. It reads: "Compliments of the Ghostbusters" and bears their famous circular logo. CAMERA PUSHES IN on logo and -- MATCH DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FIREHOUSE - CLOSE ON GHOSTBUSTERS CIRCULAR SIGN - DAY TILT DOWN to reveal rest of building. Snow blows in flurries and is piled in drifts against the curb and firehouse as a long white limo pulls up in front. ANGLE ON STREET CORNER UP THE BLOCK - ECTO-1 Rounds corner and heads toward CAMERA. INT. ECTO-1 - MOVING - THE GUYS See firehouse ahead. (NOTE: They all wear seatbelts.) RAY Hey ... get a load of that limo! SLIMER Woweee!! WINSTON Can't be anybody we know. ANGLE ON LIMO An overcoated DRIVER opens rear door. JANINE steps out. ANGLE ON FIREHOUSE DRIVEWAY Hood of limo IN FOREGOUND. Ecto-1 pulls into driveway and stops before closed garage doors. The four Ghostbusters and Slimer stare out the windows, toward the limousine. EGON (surprised -- and a little jealous) Janine! RESUME LIMO A nattily-dressed man in expensive suit, camel-hair overcoat, and slicked-back hair like the Gordon Gekko character in Wall Street, steps out behind Janine. She turns to him and purrs: JANINE Thanks for a wonderful lunch, Paul! PAUL (KISSES her hand) My pleasure, Janine. ANOTHER ANGLE Ghostbusters cross to limo. Janine gestures, making introductions. Egon scowls throughout. JANINE (CONT) Hi, guys! I'd like you to meet Paul Smart, president of Grossjuck Industries. Paul, these are the Ghostbusters: Egon, Ray, Winston and Peter. Slimer POPS up behind Peter: SLIMER (clears his throat exaggeratedly) JANINE (LAUGHS) Oh, and Slimer. FEATURING PAUL He holds out his hand, shakes Peter's hand. PAUL (charming) It's an honor to meet you, gentlemen. ON RAY They shake hands. RAY Grossjuck Industries! You're in that brand-new high-rise off 40th, right? PAUL AND JANINE she stands beside him, looking up at him adoringly. PAUL (nods) Yes. It's nothing fancy, but we call it home. ON EGON Looking very displeased. EGON (curt) And what do you call that --? He points o.s. with one thumb. NEW ANGLE Featuring tailfins of the limousine IN FOREGROUND. EGON (CONT) -- your "jalopy"? JANINE (mildly chastising) Egon! ON ECTO-1 - BY DOOR Car phone RINGS. Winston leans, picks up receiver. WINSTON Ghostbusters Central. (a BEAT as he listens, then:) On our way! (looks up) We've got another one, guys! ON PETER, JANINE, PAUL SMART PETER What can I say? When you're the best, you get no rest. WIDE SHOT As Egon and Ray run back to Ecto-1, Peter hands trap to Janine. PETER (CONT) Dump this ghost in the containment chamber, will ya, Janine? FEATURING JANINE She takes the trap and nods as she gazes dreamily at Paul. JANINE Sure thing. WIDE SHOT - THE SCENE Ecto-1 ROARS off as Janine and Paul head for firehouse. INT. FIREHOUSE - RECEPTION As Janine and Paul ENTER. She heads for the basement. JANINE Excuse me, while I take care of this. ON PAUL His expression is calculating as he watches her go. JANINE (VO) (CONT) I'll only be a minute. PAUL (phony coughing fit) Darned dry throat ... could I trouble you for some water? (more phony COUGHS) ANOTHER ANGLE - JANINE puts trap down on her desk. JANINE (through above) Of course! She hurries upstairs. ON PAUL When Janine is gone, he grabs the ecto-trap, stashes it under his overcoat, then opens a file cabinet drawer. CLOSER Paul lifts various files from drawer, holding them open while he hurriedly photographs them with a Minox camera, then showing them back in. ANGLE ON STAIRS Janine hurries down stairs, carrying a tray with a seltzer bottle and two glasses. JANINE (calls out) Will seltzer water be okay? PAUL shoves last file folder back in cabinet, closes drawer, pulls a cellular phone from his coat pocket and puts it to his ear. PAUL (into phone) -- what do you mean they moved the meeting up? WIDER As Janine comes up, carrying tray. PAUL (CONT) (beat; then, with mock-resignation into phone) All right, I'll be there. JANINE Something wrong? PAUL (nods) I'm afraid so. They need me back at the office. Big emergency. Janine sets tray down on desk, looking disappointed. JANINE (crestfallen) Oh. PAUL takes her hand, kisses it. Backing out the door: PAUL Sorry to run, but I'll call you. And he's gone. TIGHT ON JANINE As she takes hand Paul has kissed and holds it to her cheek, smiling. HOLD ON this, then -- DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FIREHOUSE - DAY Snow is gone and sun is shining ... in other words, time has passed. PUSH IN as Ecto-1 arrives and swings into garage. INT. FIREHOUSE - GARAGE Winston and Ray get out. Ray waves to o.s. Janine. RAY Hi, Janine! ON JANINE She sits glumly at her desk, doodling on a piece of paper. Looking up: JANINE (unenthusiastic) Hi, guys .... WINSTON crosses to Janine, pats her sympathetically. WINSTON (sympathetic) Still no word from Paul, eh? JANINE (shakes her head) It's been three weeks! ANOTHER ANGLE Slimer ENTERS FRAME and strokes her head. He's sad, too. SLIMER Aww ... poor Janine. PHONE RINGS. Janine answers it. JANINE (CONT) (flat) Ghostbusters Central ... (suddenly excited) Paul! (catches herself, gets cool and businesslike) Uh, what can I do for you? INT. PAUL'S OFFICE - ON PAUL He's on phone behind large glass desk, signing papers that his SECRETARY places in front of him. PAUL (smooth) Janine, I'm sorry I haven't called, but I'd like to make it up to you ... INT. FIREHOUSE - ON JANINE PETER (VO) (CONT) (filtered through phone) ... by inviting you and the Ghostbusters to a press conference. INT. PAUL'S OFFICE Secretary walks away with the signed papers and Paul leans back in his chair. PAUL (CONT) My company's introducing the latest in Ghostbusting technology. INT. FIREHOUSE The Ghostbusters stand around Janine, listening curiously. JANINE But ... ghostbusting is our field. INT. PAUL'S OFFICE SLOW PUSH-IN on Paul as -- PAUL Exactly why you and your friends should find this most interesting. He hangs up with a smug smile, in E.C.U., and we -- WIPE TO: EXT. GROSSJUCK BUILDING - DAY Flags and banners decorate the 80-story glass-and-steel facade which fronts a large plaza filled with people facing the building expectantly, APPLAUDING. ANGLE ON GROSSJUCK MAIN ENTRANCE A large dais sits athwart the entrance. Rows of folding chairs, most occupied by the press, face the dais. PUSH IN ON Paul Smart at speaker's podium, behind which is a large, paper screen, bearing the "G.I." logo of Grossjuck Industries. APPLAUSE dies out as: PAUL (amplified EFX) Thank you for coming, ladies and gentlemen. Now, without further ado, I give you the future of Ghostbusting! Paul turns and gestures toward the large screen behind him. CLOSER ON PAPER SCREEN The paper RIPS apart and out strides a 7-foot tall, gray-armored ANDROID. There's a METALLIC CLANK and a WHIR of SERVO-MOTORS as it walks, turning its head from side to side. (NOTE TO STORYBOARD: Do not make this a dead-on Robocop clone.) PAUL (vo) (amplified EFX) Grossjuck Industries own ROBO-BUSTER X-1! ANGLE ON THE AUDIENCE PAN TO SHOW jaws drop, eyes widen. CROWD (awed wallas) At edge of crowd, Ecto-1 pulls up to a stop. CLOSE ON 'BUSTERS, JANINE & SLIMER staring out of Ecto's open windows. RAY Looks like some kinda silly promotional stunt. EGON Silly is right. RESUME ROBO-BUSTER It stops at front edge of platform. ROBO-BUSTER (terse, efficient, cooly professional) I am Robo-buster, a fully automated, mobile, ghost eradication unit. ANGLE ON ITS BACKPACK As it CLICKS ON with a HUM and a panel of lights FLASH. ROBO-BUSTER (CONT) I am armed with 600,000 volts of proton stream firepower ... CLOSE ON GHOSTBUSTERS, SLIMER AND JANINE Now out of Ecto, standing beside the car. ROBO-BUSTER (VO) (CONT) ... and 20 megabytes of onboard memory. PETER (to others) What kind of a joke is this? Egon folds his arms, grumbling. EGON (scowling) A bad one. Slimer adopts a similar scowl and folds his arms, too. SLIMER Yeah, a bad one. ANGLE ON ROBO-BUSTER'S HEAD Rotating sensors, like small dish antennas, pop out of its temples. PUSH IN during following to end with FULL SHOT ON its face: glowing video lense eyes, blinking sensors and gleaming metal skin. ROBO-BUSTER My energy sensors have an effective radius of 5 miles. (sensors snap closed in a blink, leaving smooth metal skull) I am every ghost's nightmare. REACTION - GHOSTBUSTERS PETER Oh, gimme a break. WINSTON (chuckles) That tincan really takes itself seriously. ON PAUL AND ROBOT Paul still at the podium, Robo-Buster standing beside him. PAUL (into microphone) Now, since seeing is believing, Robo-Buster will make believers ... Paul lifts the stolen ecto-trap into view, deangling from its cord. PAUL (VO) (CONT) ... out of all of you. REACTION - GHOSTBUSTERS RAY Hey, that's one of our traps! CLOSE ON JANINE JANINE (puzzled) But ... how did Paul get it? RESUME ON PAUL He drops trap on floor, steps on button and trap springs open. FROM CROWD'S POV As TV NEWS cameras WHIR Paul jumps aside and the red-eyed, pig-snouted Demon wells up from behind podium and leaps out onto center stage, landing on all fours with a menacing ROAR. CROWD (collective GASP of shock) DEMON (ROARS) ON PETER Surrounded by the gaping crowd, he points angrily: PETER (ticked off) And that's our ghost! SLIMER (pugnacious) Yeah! Our ghost! ON JANINE JANINE Omigosh! Paul must have stolen it from the office! FEATURING ROBO-BUSTER Twin PKE meters flip out from its temples as it whirls to face ghost. WIDER ON ROBO-BUSTER - TO INCLUDE DEMON The robot turns a half-step to the crouching Demon. ROBO-BUSTER You are an unauthorized entity. Stand fast. The Demon SHRIEKS, lashes out with a challenging swipe of one clawed forelimb -- SPLINTERING the podium into kindling. (NOTE: Kindling cannot spray toward people.) DEMON (angry SHRIEK) Then it turns and gallops off up the vertical facade of the building. ANGLE ON PETER AND JANINE PETER (YELLS) Cool move, metal-mouth -- you let it get away! WIDER - WINSTON, RAY AND EGON are grabbing their proton packs out of Ecto and hurriedly slipping them on. RAY Don't worry, Peter, we'll take care of it. DRAMATIC UPANGLE ON ROBO-BUSTER He crouches, the pistons on his massive legs HISSING little spurts of steam, then he leaps straight up with great velocity. CLOSE ON ROBO-BUSTER - MOVING As his leap carries him upward, waist-mounted rocket nozzles ignite with a ROAR, thrusting him OUT TOP OF FRAME. HIGH ANGLE - LOOKING DOWN FROM LEDGE OF GROSSJUCK BLDG. The Demon is galloping up the side of the building, toward CAMERA. Robo-buster rockets past the Demon, does a half-twist and lands on ledge IN FOREGROUND, his back to CAMERA, facing the ascending Demon. The surprised Demon brakes to a halt ON THE VERTICAL WALL, crouched and ready to spring. DEMON (eerie SNARLS) FRONT VIEW - ROBO-BUSTER ROBO-BUSTER Go ahead, spook, give it your best shot. ANGLE - RAY, WINSTON & EGON In the midst of aiming their proton wands, they suddenly lose their concentration and stare up in awe. WINSTON Wha...? RAY How did he do that?! RESUME ON HIGH ANGLE - OTS ROBO-BUSTER The Demon charges Robo-buster (vertically), HOWLING like a banshee. DEMON (enraged HOWL) CLOSE ON ANDROID'S ARMS Robo-buster lifts his arms, aiming his fists at the charging Demon. Twin proton blasters pop up out of concealment in the forearms and FIRE! Streams are wider than Ghostbusters' particle beams, and bright red. FEATURING THE DEMON as it springs, the twin streams hit it -- and it SCREAMS! DEMON (anguished SCREAM) It's vaporized into minute particles, which then vanish like a mist in the morning sun. REACTION - GHOSTBUSTERS AND JANINE Craning their necks to look up. Their mouths hang open in amazement. RAY Wowwww!! CROWD (amazed WALLA) ROBO-BUSTER leans forward on the ledge and falls away from the building. CROWD (VO) (GASPS and SCREAMS) WIDER SHOT As the robot falls, he slowly revolves end-over-end -- seemingly in a death-dive. But at the last moment, as he tumbles into an upright position, his waist-rockets IGNITE, immediately braking his fall so that he lands as gently as a leaf, on his feet beside a beaming Paul Smart. THE AUDIENCE bursts into APPLAUSE. ANGLE ON PAUL - ROBO-BUSTER IN B.G. Paul now holds a hand-mike, he pulls a remote control device from his pocket, aims it at robot and presses a button, Robo-Buster WHIRS to a stop, its lights flickering out. PAUL (amplified EFX) Thank you, Robo-Buster. The Ghostbusters and Janine stride INTO SHOT onstage, coming up on Paul's blindside. They're pissed. EGON (calls out over applause) That's impossible! Paul turns toward them as the APPLAUSE dies in response to Egon's accusation. CROWD (VO) (puzzled WALLA) PAUL (calmly) I beg your pardon? FEATURING EGON EGON Your machine violates a basic principle of ecto-plasmic physics: non-corporeal entities cannot be destroyed. ANOTHER ANGLE Paul turns to mike, cutting Egon off: PAUL (amplified EFX) You've seen the future; here is the past -- (gestures to Ghostbusters) -- the Ghostbusters! Dinosaurs of Ghostbusting! ON JANINE AND GHOSTBUSTERS Peter moves toward Paul with fists clenched. PETER I'll show you a dinosaur, pal -- Ray and Winston pull Peter back. WINSTON Whoa, Peter. Paul smiles contemptuously at them. PAUL Temper, temper, boys. ON JANINE JANINE You slimeball! She grabs pitcher of ice water off the podium and dumps it on Paul's head. CROWD (VO) (Collective SURPRISED GASP, then LAUGHTER) As Paul sputters, we -- WIPE TO: EXT. MANHATTAN STREETS - DAY Ecto-1 approaches and drives past. INT. ECTO-1 - ON JANINE IN BACKSEAT - MOVING She stares out window, arms folded, mad at herself. JANINE I can't believe I actually liked that lowlife! WIDER - TO INCLUDE RAY AND EGON BESIDE HER Egon is busy with his pocket computer. RAY Take it easy, Janine, he fooled all of us. ON EGON - MOVING working his computer. EGON (muttering) I still say it's impossible to destroy spirits that way. The kinetic energy buildup would be enormous. INSERT - ON COMPUTER As Egon's fingers fly over the keys. EGON (VO) (CONT) The flux in the etheric continuum will increase geometrically to dangerous proportions. ANOTHER ANGLE Peter looks askance at Ray as they stop beside Ecto-1. PETER (to Egon) Yeah, and I hate that. (then to Ray in a whisper) What did he say? RAY He says if that robot takes over, we're in deep dog food. And off the Ghostbusters' concerned looks, we -- WIPE TO: EXT. SIDEWALK SUBWAY ENTRANCE - NIGHT Ecto-1 parked at curb as thin fingers of smoke billow up the stairs, and several People come running out, SCREAMING. PEOPLE (SCREAMS) INT. SUBWAY STATION - CLOSE ON FIRE PHANTOM belching FIRE and SMOKE at CAMERA. PULL BACK TO SHOW the Ghostbusters ducking as flames spew past above them. FEATURING PETER - OTHER GHOSTBUSTERS IN B.G. He aims his thrower, angry. PETER Play with fire, pal, and you get burned! They try to activate throwers, triggers CLICKING futilely, but nothing happens. The guys look down. THEIR POV Their thrower tips are melted, drooping like wilted flowers. PETER (VO) Woops. WIDE SHOT As the Fire Demon blasts again, the Ghostbusters head for cover, just ahead of the flames, diving behind trash receptacles, support columns, anything handy. GHOSTBUSTERS (ad-lib) Look out! Move it! etc. FIRE DEMON - HEAD ON As he SPEWS a FRAME FULL of fire. Suddenly, Robo-buster walks out of the flames (remember that scene at the gas station in Robocop?) and extends his arms in front of him, the twin blasters poppoing up. WE HEAR the familiar BLAT! of a crimson proton blast and the flames disappear immediately, vaporizing into nothingness ... FIRE DEMON Yiiiiiaaaaah! ANGLE - THE GHOSTBUSTERS Singed and battered, their weapons ruined. Robo-buster CLOMPS past them, nods. ROBO-BUSTER Thank you for your cooperation. ANOTHER ANGLE - ROBO-BUSTER A crowd of adoring fans throngs around him. FANS (adoring wallas) He pulls a pack of 8 x 10 glossies from his back pack and hands them out. ROBO-BUSTER As a gesture of my appreciation, please accept these free 8 x 10 glossies. This offer void where prohibited. REVERSE ANGLE - FEATURING GHOSTBUSTERS As others run right by them to get close to Robo-buster. They stand there, ignored and discouraged. WIPE TO: INT. FIREHOUSE - NIGHT - CLOSE ON EGON - MOVING With Winston, Peter and Janine looking over his shoulder, he studies an 8 x 10 of Robo-buster under a magnifying glass. EGON (pondering) There's something about that robot's blaster that bothers me. PETER (sarcastic) Maybe because it's putting us out of business. TIGHT ON EGON Peering through magnifying glass, troubled. EGON No, there's something else ... ANGLE FROM BEHIND TV SET - ON RAY & SLIMER sitting on the couch watching TV. As a COMMERCIAL JINGLE is heard, Ray looks over back of couch. RAY Hey, get a load of this! Peter stops pacing and leans over back of couch to peer at TV. CLOSE ON TV - THE COMMERCIAL Robo-buster blasts ghost after ghost as the song comes on (perhaps an echo of our Ghostbusters' song). An ANNOUNCER intones: ANNOUNCER (VO) (rhyming) No haunt too huge! No sprite too small! Don't contain those ghosts, vaporize them all with -- ROBO-BUSTER! Robo-buster strides toward CAMERA, as the music comes UP, o.s. He tries snapping his fingers to the beat, but it's hopelessly off-tempo. ROBO-BUSTER (trying -- woodenly -- to be hip) I am not afraid of any ghost. Screen fills with familiar barred circle logo of the Ghostbusters -- but the Ghostbusters are behind the diagonal bar! ANNOUNCER (VO) Do the job the modern way! The barrel circle FLIPS over and is replaced by a heroic image of Robo-Buster. ANGLE - THE GHOSTBUSTERS, SLIMER AND JANINE All staring at screen, scowling. ANNOUNCER (VO) (CONT) Call Robo-buster today! JANINE That does it! That creep can't get away with this! EGON Janine? Where are you going? ANGLE ON DOOR Janine is pulling on her coat as she opens door. JANINE To settle a score with Paul Smart! She EXITS, SLAMMING door. Slimer ENTERS FRAME, flying after her. SLIMER Yeah, yeah! Me, too! He SPLOTS! through closed door, leaving a slime drool on it. WIPE TO: EXT. GROSSJUCK BUILDING - ESTABLISHING - DAY PUSH IN on top floor window -- a penthouse office. INT. PAUL'S OFFICE - ON TALL DOUBLE-DOORS High-tech, gray-and-black, glass-and-chrome, state-of-the-art. Double doors SLAM open and Janine and Slimer barge in fast, striding INTO CAMERA. An explosive entrance. ANGLE - THE ROOM Paul, seated behind his huge, onyx-topped desk, looks up from his paperwork, startled. PAUL (surprised, but never yells) Janine! How did you get in here? ANOTHER ANGLE Janine and Slimer confront Paul across the desk. JANINE Don't worry, Paul, we won't steal anything -- the way you did from our office. Paul gets to his feet. PAUL (a real charmer) Perhaps I did use faulty judgment, my dear, but ... CLOSE - JANINE AND SLIMER JANINE (interrupts, louder) No, what you used was me -- to swipe the Ghostbusters' secrets. And I'm going to expose you for the thief you are! ANOTHER ANGLE Paul points to door behind Janine and Slimer. PAUL (in total control) Then I suggest you get out before I have you thrown out. (points at Slimer) And take that thing with you. SLIMER reacts, giving the RAZZBERRY to Paul. SLIMER (RAZZBERRY) ANGLE ON THE DOORS BEHIND JANINE AND SLIMER Still open from Janine's entrance. Robo-Buster suddenly steps into view and stops, filling the doorway. CLOSER ANGLE - ROBO-BUSTER His rotating sensors turn, then point at Slimer! ROBO-BUSTER Please step aside, ma'am. WIDER ANGLE - INCLUDING JANINE AND SLIMER As they turn in surprise, see Robo-Buster. He raises his arms, deploying his blasters with metallic CLICKS as they snap into position. ROBO-BUSTER (CONT) This is official business. ROBO-BUSTER'S POV - AIMING DOWN FOREARMS - MOVING As it FIRES at Slimer! The little spud dodges, and the blast hits the remote on the desktop behind him. The remote is destroyed, the desk has a hole blown in it, and Paul is knocked to the floor. ANOTHER ANGLE Robo-buster FIRES at Slimer again, misses and shatters some furniture. SLIMER races toward an air vent high up on one wall as Robo-Buster FIRES again. SPLAT! Slimer is hit by twin blasts of red particle streams and vaporizes in green mist that dissipates in the air. ON JANINE aghast. JANINE Slimer! FADE OUT. END ACT ONE ----------- ACT TWO ------- FADE IN: INT. FIREHOUSE LOUNGE - NIGHT Janine stands before the guys, having just finished her tale. They are shocked and dismayed. RAY (disbelieving) Slimer -- gone? Janine nods sadly. WINSTON (drops heavily into chair) Poor little guy! PETER stares down at the remains of pizza, spaghetti, and salad on the coffee table. PETER (tenderly) This ... this was the spud's last meal! EGON is the calmest of all. EGON There's a high probability that Slimer's essence is still present somewhere in our space-time continuum. RAY RAY (excited) You mean he could still be alive ... or whatever he was before? ANOTHER ANGLE EGON Yes, but not in the form we knew him. JANINE (hopefully) Then how do we find him and put him back together? EGON I can't answer that, Janine. But I suspect Paul Smart could. WIPE TO: EXT. ECTO-1 - ON FIFTH AVENUE - MOVING - NIGHT moving through traffic. As CAMERA MOVES IN we hear: RAY (VO) What we need are the designs for Robo-Buster's blaster circuits. INT. ECTO-1 Ray, Janine and Egon in back seat, Winston and Peter in front. Egon is fiddling with his PKE meter. RAY (CONT) Then we can figure out how to reverse the process and bring Slimer back! ON JANINE JANINE (worried) I hope you're right, Ray. CLOSER ANGLE ON EGON Egon REACTS as the PKE meter's blinking detection wands are starting to extend with PING-PINGS. EGON (looks at meter) I'm getting an unusually strong reading due East of here. ANOTHER ANGLE JANINE Forget it! Let Robo-buster handle the ghosts -- (she scowls) -- and we'll take care of Mr. Smart! RAY No way, Janine. Robot or no robot -- we're still the Ghostbusters! THROUGH DRIVER'S WINDOW - ON WINSTON He reaches up to overhead switch and flips on the SIREN. Red roof lights begin flashing. WINSTON Yeah! Let's win this one for Slimer! PULL BACK as Ecto-1 accelerates OUT OF FRAME, SIREN BLARING. WIPE TO: EXT. CENTRAL PARK - NIGHT Ecto-1 sweeps around a curving path, lights flashing. Fallen leaves swirl in its wake. WINSTON (VO) Which way, Egon? EGON Straight ahead. INT. ECTO-1 - FEATURING EGON - MOVING He looks up from his meter and points to the right: EGON Now turn right, thirty degrees. Winston cranks the wheel right. Egon frowns as he studies PKE meter. EGON (CONT) No ... to the left. Winston turns left. EGON pushes glasses up and he looks at PKE meter. EGON Strange ... now the signal is behind us. Stop the car, Winston. FRONT VIEW OF ECTO - ON PETER AND WINSTON THROUGH WINDSHIELD As Ecto jolts to a sudden stop, practically giving Peter whiplash. PETER Uh, Egon, you wanta give us a hint? Are we getting warm or what? EXT. THE PARK - ON ECTO-1 - NIGHT Janine and the guys get out, shouldering their proton packs. PUSH IN on Egon, studying PKE meter. EGON (CONT) Whatever it is ... He turns this way and that, trying to pinpoint the signal's sources. EGON (CONT) ... it's all around us. ANOTHER ANGLE As sparks of ectoplasmic energy begin to flash all around. THE GHOSTBUSTERS cluster back-to-back in a tight circle of defense, looking warily around at the sparks. Then a huge black SHADOW rises up -- surrounding them. They're in the center of a large, undulating ring about fifty feet across. WINSTON What is this thing? EGON It's precisely what I feared. CLOSE ANGLE - EGON EGON (CONT) (looking at his PKE meter) The etheric continuum has reached critical mass. ON PETER Eyeing the surrounding Shadow Phantom, his thrower clutched tightly. PETER That's bad, right? ON RAY, WINSTON AND JANINE Crouching with their throwers, eyeing the growing wall of ectoplasmic activity sparking and flashing before them. RAY Right! All those ghosts that Robo-Buster supposedly destroyed -- (points at Phantom) -- are right there! CLOSE ON WINSTON Staring up in awe at the thing. WINSTON (amazed) In one humongous ghost! ON JANINE JANINE Then Slimer's in there, too! (spreads her arms out to the sides to ward off her friends' throwers) Don't shoot! UP ANGLE - ROBO-BUSTER Drops toward CAMERA feet-first, his waist-rockets FIRING to brake his fall as he FILLS FRAME. ANGLE ON GHOSTBUSTERS AND JANINE As Robo-Buster JETS down into the ring of spectral energy, lands with a WHOOSH in front of the Ghostbusters and Janine. ROBO-BUSTER Stand back, please. CLOSER ON ROBO-BUSTER He quickly turns his back to the Ghostbusters, raises his arms and his blasters SNAP out into firing position as the entity rears up in front of him like a black wave. JANINE No! Don't! ON THE SPECTER Stalks shoot out of its mass, with glowing red eyes at their tips. The Specter descends on Robo-buster, ready to envelop him. SPECTRAL MASS (BIG ROARS) ROBO-BUSTER takes aim and FIRES! Wide red beams BLAST into the black specter and it SCREAMS, as -- SPECTRAL MASS (SCREAMS) ON THE SPECTER -- huge chunks of its mass are vaporized by the beams. ANGLE OUTSIDE THE SHADOW CIRCLE - FEATURING ECTO-1 Another BLAST cuts through the vaporized hole in the Spectral Mass, hits Ecto-1, lifts it in the air and it turns over, coming down with a huge CRASH on its roof. The roof caves in, and the SIREN makes a SOUND like a DEFLATING BALLOON. THE GHOSTBUSTERS watch is dismay as Robo-buster continues firing. WINSTON Ecto! Peter aims his thrower at Robo-buster's back. PETER There's only one way to stop this fruitcake ... A major blast from Robo-buster vaporizes a large part of the Spectral Mass -- and the resultant concussion knocks Janine and the guys unceremoniously on their butts. JANINE & GHOSTBUSTERS (GRUNT as they land) ROBO-BUSTER dispatches the last of the entity with alternating BLASTS from his throwers, ceases fire and locks down his weapons in their forearm recesses. LOW ANGLE ON GHOSTBUSTERS Sitting on ground. Robo-buster turns to them. ROBO-BUSTER Have a good evening. And drive safely. ANOTHER ANGLE ON GHOSTBUSTERS - FEATURING WRECKED ECTO-1 They glumly survey their wrecked vehicle. PETER Right! We wouldn't wanna scratch the paint. Robo-buster ZOOMS skyward. WIPE TO: INT. PAUL'S OFFICE - NIGHT Paul sits at desk working when door bursts open and Janine (wearing coveralls and wearing proton backpack) and the guys storm in. PETER All right, Smart -- we want those robot blaster designs! JANINE Which you stole from us anyway! PAUL turn, smiles thinly. PAUL Give it up, people. Robo-buster has been working perfectly and nothing terrible has happened. Okay? ANOTHER ANGLE Winston points out picture window. WINSTON Then how do you explain that? EXT. SKY OVER CITY - NIGHT Just down the street, the great bulk of the Spectral Mass reforms out of particles -- right before our eyes. Its bulk practically blots out the skyline. SPECTRAL MASS (ROARS) FRONT VIEW - GHOSTBUSTERS, JANINE, PAUL SMART Staring out window. EGON You see, Mr. Smart? You can't destroy spirits -- you can only contain them. CLOSE ON PAUL SMART PAUL (shaken) Well ... I'm sure Robo-buster will prove you wrong. ON PETER PETER There he is now. POV - LOOKING DOWN ON STREET BELOW Robo-buster fights hard, but it's a losing battle, as the huge ghost keeps coming. PETER (VO) (CONT) And I'd say he could use a little help! The Spectral Mass extends a pseudopod the size of a freight train and takes a SWIPE at Robo-buster, who ducks. INT. PAUL'S OFFICE PETER Okay lady and gentlemen -- power up! Standing before the now glass-less window, Janine and the Ghostbusters POWER UP -- and open FIRE. EXT. THE SKIES - NIGHT - ON GHOST The BLASTS from the throwers hit it -- and are absorbed! PULL BACK to SHOW the entity two blocks away from the Grossjuck building. FEATURING ROBO-BUSTER - AERIAL SHOT FIRING BLAST after BLAST at the enormous thing. Then, two pseudopods from ghost surround android, enveloping it in blackness. SPARKS and LIGHTNING flash. ROBO-BUSTER (VO) (malfunctioning) I order you -- to stop. You are -- you are -- you are ... (pitch drops like slowing record) Yoooouuuu aaarrreee .... CLOSER ANGLE The mass opens its "arms" and Robo-buster flies out -- GLOWING with an evil GREENISH light. The robot turns its weapons on the office building. INT. PAUL'S OFFICE As several RED BLASTS from the robot's throwers strike. The Ghostbusters scatter and take cover. ON EGON looking out from behind a file cabinet. EGON The entity has possessed Robo-buster! ANGLE ON THE GAPING OUTER WALL A glowing, demonic-looking Robo-buster flies in through shattered window and lands in the office. Motors WHIRRING, it looks around and speaks in a different, "possessed" voice: ROBO-BUSTER I want Paul Smart! He looks around the room. WINSTON Take a number, man! There're a lotta people ahead of you. ANGLE BEHIND OVERTURNED DESK Paul tries to sneak away. WIDEN as Robo-buster spots him. ROBO-BUSTER Halt! He raises his arms to fire. JANINE FIRES her thrower, hitting Robo-buster in leg, and a metal panel pops off, exposing SPARKING circuitry. He takes a step -- then crumples to the floor! PAUL sees his chance and takes it, running out the door. ON EGON As he dashes over to fallen Robo-buster, who is struggling to sit up. PUSH IN as he quickly opens panel on the robot's chest, hits a few switches -- and the android's lights go out. ROBO-BUSTER (DEMONIC SCREAM) ANGLE Egon is knocked back as the red glow rises up out of the deactivated robot, coalescing into a grinning DEMON, which flies out the shattered wall. EXT. GROSSJUCK - ON HUMONGOUS GHOST The red Demon flies up to main body of ghost, and disappears into it. INT. PAUL'S OFFICE The Ghostbusters stand at gaping hole in wall, blasters trained, preparing for final assault. Outside, the monster is almost upon them. Ray looks over at Eoon. worried. RAY Egon, we can't hold that thing off with our throwers! EGON True, ... (bends down to examine Robo-buster) .. but if we had his power and ours ... He pops open panels on Robo-buster's arms and chest, yanking out circuit boards. He looks at the others, o.s.: EGON (CONT) I'll need your proton packs. THE OTHERS look at Egon incredulously ... but hand them over. RESUME EGON pulling wire and tools out of his belt. The others look on. EGON I'm going to convert the robot's throwers into negative ionizing ones. RAY (to the others) He means he's making Robo-buster's throwers like ours. ON JANINE worried. JANINE This isn't going to hurt Slimer, is it, Egon? ON EGON working away. EGON Not if I can help it! EXT. GROSSJUCK BUILDING - NIGHT The massive entity clings to the side of the building and oozes up toward the shattered 40th floor. INT. PAUL'S OFFICE - ON EGON He buttons up Robo-buster. The five proton packs are now wired to it. Egon picks up his. EGON (gestures toward packs) Gentlemen, shall we? ANOTHER ANGLE The Ghostbusters grab up their packs. ON ROBO-BUSTER The android comes to life, gets up. His head turns, WHIRRING. ROBO-BUSTER An unlawful entity is nearby. PETER (sarcastic) Incredible! How does he know this stuff? WIDE SHOT - THE OFFICE The Ghostbusters ready their throwers, all wired together, and connected to the now-activated Robo-buster. Suddenly the Creature shoots three fang-jawed heads up into view through the window and the Ghostbusters open fire, combined with Robo-buster's FIRE, now yellow. ON THE GHOST Its heads are caught in the proton streams and the creature YOWLS as it writhes about. GHOST (YOWLS) ANOTHER ANGLE Winston and Peter toss out two ecto-traps and stomp them open. WINSTON Traps open! FEATURING ROBO-BUSTER It concentrates its fire and the three fanged heads dissolve - and metamorphose into several different ghosts, which are quickly sucked into the traps! RAY (elated) It's working! EXT. GROSS-JUCK BUILDING The Ghost oozes down the building, toward the street. INT. PAUL'S OFFICE It's suddenly quiet. The Ghostbusters exchange looks. Egon checks his PKE meter. EGON I'm getting readings from all sides. WIDER The Ghostbusters and Robo-buster take up positions facing every direction. A BEAT of strained silence ... then -- GHOST (ROARS) -- red-eyed blackness comes in the hole, from the other corner window, and from the entrance and hallway behind them, SMASHING through the walls! The Ghostbusters open fire, blasting a steady stream in all directions. The entity keeps coming. They're surrounded. ON RAY firing and backing up as slavering mouths open. He turns his head: RAY We can't concentrate our fire! ROBO-BUSTER nods, stepping toward center of room. ROBO-BUSTER Allow me. He hits a switch on his chest plate, then raises his arms, with their throwers ready. His midsection separates from his legs, rising up to expose a swivel. Robo-buster starts to spin and FIRE in all directions, like a pinwheel! HIGH ANGLE - DOWN SHOT on Robo-buster and the Ghostbusters, surrounded by the Ghost. As they CROUCH AND FIRE, and Robo-buster spins, firing over their heads, the huge Ghost begins to disperse into separate entities! GHOST (ad lib ROARS) PETER (YELLS over firing) More traps! JANINE ducks under the fire and scatters traps on the floor. WIDER ANGLE Dozens of smaller ghosts are sucked into the traps. ANGLE ON HUGE GHOST Now getting smaller and smaller. The last of it oozes into Paul's office, ROARING. GHOST (ROARS) It raises a tree-trunk sized pseudopod and lashes out at - ROBO-BUSTER -- flinging him with a CRASH into a corner of room! A BEAT, then: SLIMER (VO) (faintly, distorted) Janine!! Janine!! PUSH IN as Janine snaps a look around. JANINE Slimer! (to the others) He's in there somewhere! Can we get him out? FEATURING PETER He nods. PETER I'll switch to a lower setting! Call him and he can ride the proton stream out! ANOTHER ANGLE The black entity is almost upon Peter when he FIRES. PETER Now! JANINE (YELLS) Slimer! Look for the beam! CLOSE ON THE ENTITY As Peter's proton stream hits it. From out of the blackness of the entity, a large, amorphous green blob forms at the end of the blaster stream, slowly shrinking and coalescing into the recognizable shape of Slimer! SLIMER Peter! A pseudopod reaches out for the little spud, but ... PETER redirects his fire, dissolving the arm into so many ghosts, which are drawn into a waiting trap. As he does so -- PETER (YELLS) Go for it, spud! SLIMER pops free of the entity and ZOOMS o.s. ON GHOSTBUSTERS They train their FIRE on the entity. RAY Let's put this puppy to bed! ON ENTITY Still large enough to fill half the room, but with a gaping hole where Slimer left it. With a last ROAR, the entity breaks up into a dozen or so discrete ghosts, which are drawn into the traps. QUICK SERIES OF SHOTS GHOST (last ROAR) As CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! Traps slam shut. ON JANINE as Slimer slimes her with hugs and kisses. SLIMER Janine! Janine! WIDER ANGLE Then, one by one, he hits the guys with big slimy hugs and kisses. SLIMER (CONT) I missed youuuu! Hi, Peter! (kiss) Hi, Egon! (kiss) Hi, Winston! (kiss) Hi, Ray! (kiss) GHOSTBUSTERS (ad lib GREETINGS to Slimer) ON THE GHOSTBUSTERS standing in the now quiet, wrecked office. They look around, then react to flurry of sparks from low and o.s. ANGLE ON ROBO-BUSTER which has been reduced to a pile of smoldering rubble. CAMERA WIDENS to reveal Slimer, Janine and the guys looking down at the Robot's remains as a final spark sputters and all goes quiet. EGON I guess he had heart after all. JANINE A lot more than Paul Smart ever had. EXT. GROSSJUCK BUILDING - GARAGE ENTRANCE - DAY Paul's white limo, Paul at the wheel, creeps out. Its rear has been smashed flat by a huge chunk of masonry (which it's still carrying), it's BUCKING, WHEEZING and smoking, but Paul is still trying to drive it away. ANOTHER ANGLE Ghostbusters approach, walking alongside the crawling vehicle. Paul glares straight ahead. JANINE I just love what you've done with your car, Paul. WINSTON Trying to make your getaway, huh? (snickers) PETER How about a ride, Mr. Smart? (he hops up onto sitting position atop front fender) It's hard work being a dinosaur, ... catching all those ghosts, ... The limo WHEEZES one last time, then stops, steam HISSING from its radiator. Paul grinds on the starter. PETER (hops off fender) On second thought, thanks for the lift, Mr. Smart. (leans close to the fuming Paul) But we'd rather walk. He mockingly pinches Paul's cheek and winks. ANOTHER ANGLE As Janine, Slimer and the Ghostbusters walk off, we -- FADE OUT THE END script copyright © 1988 Columbia Pictures Television All rights reserved. |
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