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Television > Real Ghostbusters > Home Video > TimeLife Complete Collection DVD Box Set > Time-Life's The Real Ghostbusters: Complete Collection - Behind The Scenes
James Eatock's Behind The Scenes Photo Diary
James Eatock was one of the key members of The Real Ghostbusters: Complete Collection production team - though you should have known that already seeing as how he's in the featurettes and commentaries! James, did a very cool thing: he documented in photos the week (June 16-24, 2008) he spent in California working on the featurettes and commentaries. Everything from his plane ride from the U.K. to the U.S., each and every day spent conducting interviews, backstage moments with The Real Ghostbusters cast and crew, the actual video tape that the promo pilot was recorded on (which he gleefully posed with!), the promo pilot's intro tag which gives its completion date (this was left off of the DVD), the outside of the animation studio where they filmed the interviews, his visit to Lou Scheimer's house (he's the founder of Filmation - you know, those other Ghostbusters), his plane ride back home, and just about everything else in between!
I have uploaded all 134 very large high resolution original images to an ImageBam gallery. Since they have already deleted a few of the images, they have also been uploaded to the Spook Central Facebook page. Facebook resized and recompressed them, so get what you can from ImageBam first.
The images below are available in two sizes. The thumbnails are linked to resized copies that are no larger than 700 pixels in either width or height. These resized images, as with all images on this site, are displayed using a Lightbox script, which will display the images over this webpage. Depending on your screen depth, some of the vertically orientated images may be scaled down to fit your screen. If you see a magnifying glass in the upper left corner of the image, you can click on the image to see the normal size.
Below each thumbnail is an "original image" link that points to the super high quality original images straight out of James' digital camera. Depending on the orientation, they are either 2592x1944 or 1944x2592 in displayed size, and roughly 2.5 Mb each! As such, I don't recommend you try to view them if you're on a slow connection.
The 97 regular images have captions, the 37 extra images do not. A Caption Index is available for you to read. Oh, yeah...these images are not to be used elsewhere without James' permission.
Regular Images
Extra Images
- 16th June 2008 - On the flight, writing down all the questions to ask and areas to cover when conducting the interviews...
- Always have the window seat, that's what I say...:)
- Waiting for the chauffeur-driven limousine to take me to the hotel...:)
- 17th June 2008 - The FIRST interview - Writer Marc Scott Zicree getting ready to be interviewed by Andy Mangels...
- Marc Scott Zicree has done this all before...:)
- This was an amazing moment - Meeting Maurice LaMarche! :) - I grew up with him as the voice of Egon Spengler, but many know him as The Brain from Pinky and the Brain. In this photo: Maurice LaMarche, James Eatock
- LaMarche, Eatock and Zicree - We may be all smiles now, but say anything negative about The Real Ghostbusters and we won't be responsible for our actions...:)
- Kady appears to make sure that Maurice looks his best on camera! :) In this photo: Kady Alatriste, Maurice LaMarche
- It gets even better - Maurice and I are joined by Janine Melnitz herself, Laura Summer! :)
- After his interview veteran storyboard artist Mike Swanigan and I pose for the camera - I actually don't know of a show that this guy didn't work on...
- Writer Francis Moss was getting ready to leave, but I insisted he keep the motorcycle helmet on for dramatic effect! :)
- My bed was often covered with notes of what we had filmed and what still needed to be done...:)
- Here I am just watching the rushes of that day - Maurice waxes lyrical...
- 18th June 2008 - The second day of filming kicks off with an interview with the superb designer of monsters and ghosts Everett Peck! :)
- Everett Peck and I pose - My hair is looking particularly ridiculous on this fine morning...
- Reed preps the camera, Andy preps Gaby, and Kady Alatriste checks that she applied the correct color! :)
- Gaby's interview explaining the process of character design takes place... In this photo: Kady Alatriste
- Reed gets in closer to Gaby's drawing of Slimer...
- After he showed me a pile of old animation sequences from a variety of cartoons, animator Rich Arons and I strike a pose...
- Dramatically lit Reed checks everything is going as planned...:)
- Storyboard artist Brad Rader readies himself at the drawing board...:)
- Brad practices drawing Slimer before filming begins...
- In the kitchen of the animation studio we had piles of Ghostbusters-related material...
- I was utterly fascinated by this model sheet cel, depicting the characters still in the process of being finalized...:)
- Again, I was utterly fascinated by this piece - This was the first time I had seen this posted unedited...:)
- While Reed films Andy interviews Derdad Aghamalian...
- While Derdad prepares to show the process involved of painting an animation cel, Reed and Andy attempt to find the light under the table! :)
- Background artist David Karoll shows off some of his favorite backgrounds...
- David demonstrates how a cel works against a background...
- David and I stand ready for the camera after an incredibly long day of filming...
- 19th June 2008 - Pamela Hickey and Dennis McCoy are a writing partnership that have worked on numerous shows...
- This is the view from the chair - Two cameras both filming in high definition (one is the backup camera)...
- Dennys, Pam and I smile for the camera - Though I do look slightly alarmed at the plant growing out the back of my head! :)
- Writer and Producer Len Janson was such a lovely mild-mannered guy - I had the pleasure of interviewing him myself for the DVD documentaries! :)
- Director Kevin Altieri arrives, while Dan Riba (another Director) and I look in wonderment at the original storyboards for The Real Ghostbusters pilot! :)
- Dan flicking through the pages of the storyboards for the pilot...:)
- Altieri, Eatock and Riba - As Andy was taken ill I had to interview both of these guys for the DVD documentaries...:)
- In the red leather case Kevin had brought along the first ever drawing of The Real Ghostbusters, but more importantly the pilot animation - Which I had not personally seen since 1989! :)
- I had waited 19 years to see this in its entirety! :)
- Yes, I was THAT happy that I was about to watch the pilot that I just had to record the moment - I'm a geek, it's what we do...:)
- The pilot begins...:)
- At this point in the pilot I was drooling...:)
- End of day three - Even more paperwork on the bed! :(
- 20th June 2008 - The great and mighty J. Michael Straczynski - Writer of numerous things...all of them good...except one particular episode of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe...
- I was sitting in the floor as Straczynski waxed lyrical...oh look, there are my feet...
- Whilst they were filming, Kady Alatriste and I pass the time by mocking each other...
- Kady only desires world peace...:)
- As Kady takes a call Mr. Stay Puft looms over her - How's that for special effects? :)
- This was a BIG and somewhat heavy camera...
- The big boys - Writer and Story Editor J. Michael Straczynski alongside Producers Joe Medjuck and Michael Gross (they also produced the original 1984 movie)...and me...:)
- 21st June 2008 - Michael Swanigan - So nice, I had to have my photo taken with him twice! :) - Andy steps makes an appearance...:)
- I haven't had a facelift - Kady gelled my hair back to make me look somewhat acceptable on camera! :) - Here I am with writer Kathryn M. Drennan, who was one of the loveliest people you could ever hope to meet! :)
- Writer Michael Edens and I pose after having just waxed lyrical on a commentary...:)
- Voice actress Kath Soucie (the second voice of Janine Melnitz) prepares for the interview - She has voiced many, many shows over the years; most notably characters in Rugrats...
- Before a commentary Kath Soucie loses a button, much to Mr. Straczynski's amusement - And (even though she had already been interviewed) this was the first appearance on my camera of voice director Marsha Goodman! :)
- Marsha wanted to adopt me, and I wanted her to be my second mother - Amazingly none of that came out during our commentary track together...:)
- Andy Mangels, Derdad Aghamalian, and writer Richard Mueller perform the commentary for an episode...:)
- One day I hope to have the power within myself to grow a beard like Derdad's! :)
- Richard Mueller and I after having performed the commentary on the episode "Venkman's Ghost Repellers"...:)
- 22nd June 2008 - Dan Riba and Kevin Altieri perform a very quick commentary on the promo...
- MIAMI VICE: The New Adventures! :)
- A sign on the door tells people to wait! :)
- David Gerrold was writing episodes of Star Trek (the original series) when he was twenty-two! :) - That just strikes me as really young...
- Pamela Hickey and Dennis McCoy perform episode commentary on a few episodes - They kindly invited me to take part, but I had a horrible cold at this point! :(
- This time there's no sign of a plant growing from the top of my head; though my hairstyle does look foolish...
- This is where it was all filmed - Gang of 7 Animation studios...
- The road outside Gang of 7 Animation was VERY quiet...
- 23rd June 2008 - This is the AMAZING house of Lou Scheimer, producer at Filmation studios back in the day...oh, and the voice of Orko! :)
- I took a LOT of photos of the house, both outside and in - So here are just a few...
- This is the drive leading up to Lou's house - It's a steep long private road, as Lou's house is on top of a hill overlooking much of the valley...
- What a view! :)
- The back of the house...
- Another gorgeous view - I need not tell you that I was sweating buckets; look at that sky! :)
- The swimming pool was on one level, and then further down were various pools and flowing water that actually went THROUGH the house...
- Another great view from ONE of the roofs...
- This is the view that many years of hard work and a few million dollars can buy! :)
- Breathtaking...
- Look at the tiny houses down there - I say tiny, yet those houses were also huge! :)
- This is actually Lou Scheimer's office! :) In this photo: James Eatock, I caught a fish, it was this big I tell's ya, it was like HUGE, and the it bit my lil' finger on the
- An amazing light fitting! :) - There were a few of these in the house...
- Michael Diederich and I pose - I think this was the most laid back guy I'd ever met...:)
- The next person to be interviewed...was ME! :)
- And that's a wrap! :) - It appears that Andy has his hand on Kady's face...
- Kady and I sure know how to strike a pose! :)
- Andy Mangels demonstrates that Kady is lighter than air! :)
- This was the exact minute we had cleared out all of our filming material - It's over! :)
- Outside Gang of 7 Animation's meeting room were two pretty cool Filmation-related posters - A lot of the staff once worked at Filmation...:)
- Ah, the red couch; where it all began - This is where we originally had the waiting area - But we were too loud and moved to the kitchen...:)
- In the hotel preparing to good home...
- Those images convince me that this product works! :)
- 24th June 2008 - I left for the airport VERY early in the morning - I think it was about 4am or something...
- Look, I am a giant in an airport - I am SO easily pleased when it comes to photography! :)
- This construction fascinated me...
- I love how quiet airports can be at times...:)
- Am I the only one catching a flight?! :(
- Look at all the water under the clouds...
- Back in the UK - Chocolate for everyone! :)
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