Shot On Site - Mulaney Apartment Building
By Paul Rudoff on Feb. 12, 2015 at 8:30 PM in Filming Locations

For the 2014-2015 television season, Fox premiered a show called Mulaney based on the stand-up routines of its star and creator, John Mulaney. Although the show is still airing as I write this, I doubt that it will last past the season. I stopped watching after the first five episodes, but not before I could identify the location of the apartment building Mulaney and his friends live in.
Right there in the shot itself part of the location is given: First Avenue. Popping over to Google Maps, I found the building at the corner of 1st Ave. & E. 1st St., New York, NY. As you look at the shot from the show (above), and the shot from Google Maps (below), you'll notice that the people making the show digitally altered/cleaned out lots of building signage.

(Google Maps photography, January 2013)
In some episodes, there's a nighttime shot that is actually the same building.
It's halfway up 1st Avenue, between 1st and 2nd Streets.
What's interesting is that Mulaney is clearly using stock footage of the building that was filmed years apart. In the daytime shots (such as the first one in this article), there's a bus shelter and a store with a silver front and big red letters named "First & First Finest Deli". In the nighttime shots, the bus shelter is gone and there's a store with a green awning named "Garden" (digitally-altered from "Roger's Garden") in that same spot. The nighttime footage used in Mulaney was filmed sometime between September 2007 and June 2011, while the daytime footage was filmed later. Google Maps' archive of photos shows the green awning "Roger's Garden" store and no bus stop shelter in 2007, and that the "First & First Finest Deli" store was there by 2011 (and the bus stop shelter added in late 2012).

As a bonus... In the fifth episode of the series, entitled "In the Name of the Mother, the Son, and the Holy Andre", John visits a church. The church is shown in the following piece of stock footage:
That's the Middle Collegiate Church (sanctuary entrance) at 112 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10003. The building on the right says "SELF RELIANCE F.C.U. [russian text]", which is the Self Reliance Federal Credit Union at 108 Second Ave., which serves the financial needs of the Ukrainian American community in the area.
[UPDATE - 12/7/2020]
This 128-year-old Middle Collegiate Church caught on fire in the early morning hours on Saturday December 5, 2020. Fire officials described the church as heavily damaged. For more information on the fire, please read the articles on the NPR and CBS News websites.

For more information about non-Ghostbusters filming locations, be sure to check out the rest of this site/blog's Shot On Site articles. For Ghostbusters filming locations, check out Spook Central's Filming Locations page (Shot on Site articles are linked off the individual pages).
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