1,001 Classic Commercials DVD Review
By Paul Rudoff on May. 26, 2015 at 12:00 PM in Home Video

This review was originally written on May 26, 2015
Quite A Healthy Collection Of Vintage Commercials, With Only A Few Things That Don't Belong
Quite A Healthy Collection Of Vintage Commercials, With Only A Few Things That Don't Belong
This review of 1,001 Classic Commercials (Mill Creek Entertainment) (also available in a Collectible Tin) is dedicated to my father, Joel Rudoff. I started watching this DVD set with him back in January 2011. We got about halfway through Disc 1 when Hurricane Sandy struck at the end of October 2012. The storm destroyed a lot of our personal property, including lots of irreplaceable family photos and mementos, and also many items in our DVD and Blu-ray collection, such as this DVD. We repurchased it (again from Target for $5.00) in 2013 after we moved into a new house. Sadly, we never got back to watching it again before my father passed away in January 2014. Now, in May 2015, I finally was able to watch the entire DVD set with other family members.
This is a set of 1,001 (1,016 if you include all of the short films) classic black-and-white and color "commercials" from the 1950s to the 1970s, with one 1980s PSA thrown in just to be different. As far as I understand it, anything after 1976 is automatically copyrighted, and thus can't fall into the public domain. That's why you won't find anything after the 1970s in this set (save for the one PSA). Too many of these things are not standard commercials. Some are excerpts from shows where they would stop the show - namely game shows and variety shows - to do a live ad. Some are short films, a few of which don't belong here. Some are just the quick sponsor tags at the end of a show (for example, "Bewitched has been brought to you by Clairol"). Some of these "commercials" are TV show title sequences (Beverly Hillbillies and Annie Oakley), and some are sponsor spots from TV series (Petticoat Junction, Dick Van Dyke, Andy Griffith). In fact, you'll find a LOT of commercials with famous, and not-yet-famous celebrities. Be sure to look out for Kurt Russell and Billy Mumy as children, a pre-"Facts of Life" Charlotte Rae taking a shower, and a pre-"Good Times" John Amos as a cop.
The political ads were almost all for the Eisenhower-Nixon re-election campaign in 1956. I would have liked to have seen some variety there. I was hoping the infamous Lyndon B. Johnson 1964 "Daisy Girl" ad would have been included. I also would have liked to have seen one of Dinah Shore's "See The USA In Your Chevrolet" ads on the disc. There is one Dinah Chevrolet ad, but she isn't singing that song in it. Also missing, is the famous "Let's all go to the lobby" theater intermission spot. I was hoping it would have been in the Drive-In Ads section, though it's a theater commercial. Sadly, it's not here at all.
What is here, are a bunch of short films that are not commercials and have no business being here. You'll find the 1954 "Tobacco & The Human Body" educational short film from Encyclopaedia Britannica that eats up 15-minutes inconclusively trying to prove the harmful effects of tobacco on the human body. There wasn't enough evidence at the time to draw the conclusions we can now, but that didn't stop the scientists from mercilessly torturing poor, innocent rabbits in the name of "research". In the Cars section(!) is a 22-minute short about the residents and businesses of Levittown, Pennsylvania entitled "Our Home Town". Why it's here, much less in the Cars section, is beyond me. Both of the items in the "Holiday" section don't belong here: the "Christmas Brings Joy To Everyone" Universal Studios newsreel clip, and some unknown stop-motion Christmas clip that seems to serve no purpose at all.
This set spans three single-sided, dual-layer discs, with an approximate runtime of 16 hours (according to the packaging). Video format is 4:3 Fullscreen, with one commercial and one short film in letterbox. There is a Play All for each section on Discs 1 and 2, but no Play All for Disc 3. However, on Discs 1 and 2, even if you select each individual group of commercials, at the end it'll continue to the next group, instead of going back to the menu. So, even if you don't want to play all, it essentially does it anyway.

Disc 1 - Main Menu
Chapters are placed after each commercial, which is a nice touch. It shows that some effort was given to the presentation. The content is very well organized, and even sub-organized for the first two discs. All commercials for the same brand of product are grouped together - for example, all Coca-Cola or Marlboro ads are shown back-to-back - but they're not in chronological order, or even grouped by color format. If they didn't have the years, and thus couldn't put them in chronological order, they could have put the black-and-white commercials first and then the colors ones for each brand. This is much better than jumping back and forth between color formats. There are four John Wayne commercials for Great Western Savings that actually give the date they were filmed at the end, but they're not in chronological order, which is a shame since it would be *very* easy to do (just put a certain one before the others).
Quality is a very mixed bag. Some are quite good, some okay, some are standard public domain quality, and some are nearly unwatchable. As others have pointed out, it's mostly the color commercials that suffer the most. Since a bunch of the color commercials have the same poor quality, I get the feeling that they all came from the same source (very likely an old videotape). Some people have complained about the bad quality. Although it's understandable why they're upset, you can't go into a public domain DVD release expecting anything close to fantastic video and audio quality.
Some commercials have "SV" in the lower left corner, indicating that Mill Creek "stole" these commercials from another source that branded their releases with those initials. I know that some commercials were stolen from Catcom releases, as I caught a quick flash of one of their screens before one of the PSA's. All of the commercials from one of Catcom's Beverly Hillbillies releases are on here. However, there are no Mill Creek logos on any of the videos, so that's a good sign.
I rated this release 4 out of 5 stars. I took off half a star for Mill Creek's standard practice of cramming too much stuff onto each disc, thus resulting in some unnecessary compression artifacts and poorer quality. I took off the other half star due to the quality. Some of the videos are just a little TOO poor in quality. That said, for five bucks, the quality and variety (or lack thereof in some sections) is quite acceptable.
Below is a list of categories on the discs, the number of commercials in each category, the runtimes of each commercial set in minutes and seconds (one set on Disc 3 goes past an hour), and the brands/products covered. Most brands/products have multiple commercials. I'm also listing what are the notable highlights are to me.

Disc 1 - Food Menu
-- Beverages (46 coms) (36:19)
Coca Cola / 7-Up / Kool-Aid / Shasta Soda / Nestle Quik / Tang / Gallo Wine / Tea Counsel Inc. / Evaporated Milk / Prune Juice / Carnation Instant Breakfast / Dairy Prod. / Hawaiian Punch / Swiss Colony Italian Wines / Metrecal Shake / Pepsi Cola / Schweppes Seltzer Water / Hershey's Instant Chocolate Milk Mix / American Dairy Assoc. Milk / Alexis Lichine Wine / Beech-Nut Juice / Welchade / Funny Face Drink Mix (from Pillabury) / Ovaltine / V-8 Vegetable Juice / Mountain Dew /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 13 - Monkees & Bugs Bunny for Kool-Aid (1969) / ch 14 - Bugs Bunny & Elmer Fudd for Kool-Aid / ch 16 - Frankenstein Shasta with Tom Bosley voiceover & John Fiedler / ch 17 - Shasta with Tom Bosley voiceover / ch 19 - Paul Winchell & dummies for Nestle Quik / ch 20 - Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck for Tang / ch 27 - Annie Oakley series open presented by Carnation Milk / ch 42 - Flintstones for Welchade (1964) / ch 44 - Duke Schneider & Capt. Midnight for Chocolate Ovaltine /[end]
-- Bread (10 coms) (7:24)
Sunbeam / Fischer's Training Table Bread / Schmidt's Blue Ribbon / Wonder Bread / Hart's Bread /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 2&3 - Hopalong Cassidy mentioned in Sunbeam Bread (picture on wrapper) / ch 7 - New York Giants footage for Fischer's Training Table Bread / Snoopy & Peanuts for Hart's Bread /[end]
-- Candy/Gum (16 coms) (14:23)
BeechNut Gum / Almond Joy / Almond Cluster / Fruit Stripe Gum / Clark's Gum / Milky Way / Snickers / Mar's Almond Bar / Three Musketeers / Tootsie Roll & Pop / Sugar Daddy / Certs Mints / Clorets /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 2 - BeechNut Gum with Thurl Ravenscroft voice / ch 8 - Buster Keaton for Milky Way / ch 10 - Joe E. Brown for Three Musketeers /[end]
-- Cereal (52 coms) (37:18)
Monster Cereals / Grape Nuts & Flakes / Alpha-Bits / Maypo / Post Cereal / Post Toasties / Cheerios / Quaker Puffed Wheat & Rice / Quaker Instant Grits / Sugar Jets / Frosted Flakes / Quisp / Wheaties / Kellogg's Variety Pack / Kellogg's OK's / Kellogg's Corn Flakes / Rice Krispies / Apple Jacks / Cap'n Crunch / Cocoa Krispies / Country Corn Flakes / Kellogg's Raisin Bran / Post Raisin Bran / Sugar Crisp / Trix / Clackers / General Mills Goodness Pack /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1&2 - Monster Cereals feat. Frankenberry, Count Chocula, Boo Berry (poor color) / ch 3 - Andy Griffith Show for Grape Nuts / ch 11 - Andy Griffith Show bought to you by Post Cereal / ch 12 - Andy Griffith for Post Toasties / ch 14 - Make Room For Daddy for Post Toasties Corn Flakes / ch 17 - Wyatt Earp pistol promotion for Cheerios / ch 18 - Bullwinkle for Cheerios / ch 26&27 - Tony The Tiger for Frosted Flakes / ch 28 - Daws Butler as voice of Quisp for Quisp / ch 31 - Yogi Bear for Kellogg's OK's / ch 32 - Beverly Hillbillies for Kellogg's (end of opening theme) / ch 33 - Yogi Bear & Huckleberry Hound for Kellogg's Corn Flakes / ch 34 - "Breakfast Pals" Short Film feat. Snap, Crackle, and Pop for Rice Krispies (short film) / ch 35 - Snap, Crackle, and Pop for Rice Krispies / ch 36 - Woody Woodpecker for Rice Krispies (June Foray voice, too) / ch 39 - Captain Crunch (Jim Backus voice) for Cap'n Crunch / ch 40 - Snagglepuss for Cocoa Krispies / ch 41 - Peter Marshall for Kellogg's Corn Flakes / ch 42 - Yogi Bear & Friends for Kellogg's Corn Flakes / ch 43 - Top Cat for Kellogg's Corn Flakes / ch 46 - Pixie & Dixie for Kellogg's Raisin Bran / ch 49 - Sugar Bear for Sugar Crisp / ch 50 - Trix Rabbit for Trix / ch 52 - Rocky the Squirrel for General Mills Cereals /[end]
-- Condiments (10 coms) (5:35)
Cool Whip / A1 Steak Sauce / Heinz Worschestire Sauce / Hellman's Mayonaise / Hunt's Catsup / Reddi Whip / Clanky Chocolate Flavor Syrup /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 3 - Boris Karloff for A1 Steak Sauce (poor color) /[end]
-- Snacks (14 coms) (10:11)
Cracker Jack / Schnedder's Potato Chips / Jeno's Pizza / Screaming Yellow Zonkers / Ritz Crackers / Morton's Corn Chips / Pringles Potato Chips / Whix Bar / E-Z Pop Popcorn / Sealtest Ice Cream / Frito's Corn Chips / Kool-Pops /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - Jack Gilford for Cracker Jack / ch 3 - Bob Hope for Jeno's Pizza (poor color) / ch 4 - Lone Ranger & Tonto for Jeno's Pizza Rolls / ch 9 - Ben Vereen for Pringles / ch 11 - Thurl Ravencroft voice(?) for E-Z Pop Popcorn / ch 13 - Mel Blanc as voice of Frito Bandito for Frito's Corn Chips /[end]
-- More Food (43 coms) (39:09)
Heinz Pickles / Jell-O Instant Pudding & Gelatin / Kroger's Eggs / Der Wienerschnitzel Restaurant / Andersen Soup / Crisco / Dixie Cups / Snowdrift / Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup / Skippy Peanut Butter / Austex Beef Stew / Breast O' Chicken Tuna / Oscar Mayer Weiners / Pioneer Corn Meal / Salada Tea Bags / Dole Tropi-Kai Canned Fruit (Mixed Hawaiian Fruits) / Del Monte Zucchini Cans / Florida Grapefruit / Kentucky Fried Chicken / California Prunes / Rath Meats / Star-Kist Tuna / Jif Peanut Butter / Dole Bananas / Gold Medal Flour / Good Luck Margarine / Pillsbury Cake & Brownie Mix / Sweeta Artifical Sweetner / Green Giant Vegetables / Blue Bonnet Margarine / Mazola Corn Oil & Margarine / Chef Boyardee Pizza Mix /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 3 - Paul Benedict(?) for Jell-O / ch 5 - The Chipmunks for Jell-O / ch 6 - The Fifth Dimension for Jell-O / ch 16 - Arthur Godfrey Show for Lipton Soup / ch 21 - Henry Morgan for Pioneer Corn Meal / ch 26 - Colonel Sanders for Kentucky Fried Chicken / ch 28&29 - Louis Nye for Rath Meats / ch 31 - Charlie Tuna for Star-Kist Tuna / ch 39&40 - Jolly Green Giant for Green Giant Vegetables /[end]

Disc 1 - Toys Menu
-- Action Figures (11 coms) (14:30)
Billy Blast-Off / Ding-A-Lings / Great Garloo / King Zoar / Robert The Robot / Robot Commando / Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots / Zeroids / Mr. Machine / G.I. Joe / Navy Frogmen in Frosted Flakes /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 7 - Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots / ch 10 - G.I. Joe /[end]
-- Board Games (10 coms) (9:20)
Wrestle-Around / Pressman's Action Baseball / Veda Board / Mattel's Lie Detector / Sonar Sub Hunt / Funny Bones / Monkey's Uncle / Milton Bradley's Racko & Easy Money / Milton Bradley's Mystery Date / Milton Bradley's Allan Sherman: Camp Grenada Game /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 2 - Roger Maris for Pressman's Action Baseball / ch 4 - Mattel's Lie Detector / ch 8 - Milton Bradley's Racko & Easy Money (Monopoly rip-off) / ch 9 - Milton Bradley's Mystery Date / ch 10 - Allan Sherman for Camp Grenada Game /[end]
-- Cars/Planes/Boats (16 coms) (16:37)
Gilbert's Auto-Rama / Trik Trak / Remco Flying Airliner / Marx's Big Bruiser / Marx's Big Shot / Mr. Kelly's Automatic Car Wash / Flying Superman in Kellogg's Corn Flakes / Tiger Joe / Ideal's Toys of the Future / U.S.S. Battlewagon / Remco's Whirlybirds / Johnny Lightning Double Trouble from Cheerios / Ideal Shark Pack / Aurora Speedline / Thunderstreak /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 7 - Flying Superman in Kellogg's Corn Flakes / ch 9 - Mighty Mouse Hand Puppet & Other "Toys of the Future" by Ideal / ch 13 - Johnny Lightning Double Trouble from Cheerios /[end]
-- Dolls (18 coms) (19:51)
Barbie (with Ken & Dream House) / Betsy Wetsy / Chatty Cathy / Matty Mattel & Sister Belle & Casper The Friendly Ghost Talking Dolls / Patti Playpal / Shirley Temple Doll / Teeny Tiny Tears / Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head / Beautiful Crissy & Velvet / Suzie Cute /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch1 - Barbie / ch2 - Barbie & Ken / ch3 - Barbie's Dream House / ch4 - Barbie Mix & Match Outfits / ch5 - Barbie's Color & Curl / ch6 - Malibu Barbie (1971) / ch 7 - Betsy Wetsy / ch 8 - Betsy Wetsy (history) / ch 9 - Chatty Cathy / ch 10 - Matty Mattel & Sister Belle & Casper The Friendly Ghost Talking Dolls / ch 12 - Shirley Temple Doll / ch 14 - Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head / ch 18 - Louis Armstrong for Suzie Cute /[end]
-- Playsets (15 coms) (13:37)
Marx's Best of the West / Ideal's Deluxe Man in Space Set / Ideal's Missile Base "Count Down" / Mattel's Man in Space / Remcos' Project Yankee Doodle Missile Test Center / Remco's Voice-Controlled Kennedy Airport / Ideal's Steve Canyon Test Helmet / Marx's Carry-All Action Playsets / Colorforms / Remco's Movieland Drive-In Theater / Capt. Midnight Secret Squadron Fan Club / Super Spy Attache Case / Super Helmet Seven / Secret Sam Spy Kit /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 5 - Mattel's Man in Space / ch 7 - Remco's Voice-Controlled Kennedy Airport / ch 10 - Colorforms / ch 11 - Remco's Movieland Drive-In Theater / ch 12 - Capt. Midnight Secret Squadron Fan Club (1955) / ch 14 - Super Helmet Seven /[end]
-- Projectiles/Guns (12 coms) (11:16)
Roy Rogers Quick Shooter Hat / Agent ZeroM Sonic Blaster / Mattel Holster Shooting Shells Winchester in Frontier Set / Dick Tracy Power Jet Gun / Marx's Gung Ho Commando Outfit / Johnny Seven Micro-Helmet Phone Set & Gun / Multi-Pistol 09 / Mattel's Private Eye Snub-Nose .38 Gun / Sound-O-Power Military & Western Rifles / Mattel's Tommy-Burst in Detective Set / Zoom-It In Space Disc Launcher /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - Roy Rogers Quick Shooter Hat / ch 2 - Agent ZeroM Sonic Blaster feat young Kurt Russell / ch 5 - Dick Tracy Power Jet Gun feat. young Billy Mumy / ch 12 - Zoom-It In Space Disc Launcher (1971) /[end]
-- Trains (7 coms) (6:54)
Lionel Trains / American Flyer All-Aboard / Remco's Union Station /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 4 - Joe DiMaggio Show for Lionel Trains /[end]
-- Other Toys (25 coms) (34:44)
Space Patrol Promos / Gilbert Toys 1963 / Nabisco Toy Round-Up Contest / Gaylord The Dog / Ideal Electronic Fighter Jet / Jimmy Jet / Remco's Fascination / Remco Wheel Games / Remco Coney Island Penny Machine / Remco Transistor Radio / V-rroom! Hot Rodder Engine / Pressman Witch Doctor Head Shrinker Kit / Blaze Galloping Horse / Dick Tracy Two-Way Wrist Radio / Etch-A-Sketch & Magnasticks / Signal Wrist Flashlight from Nabisco / Silly Putty / Slinky / Magic Shrink Machine (aka Shrinky Dinks) / Creepy Crawlers Thing Maker / Wham-O's Hula Hoop & Frisbee / Loop-A-Lot / Penny's Toys / Whizzer / Smaxey Playball from Kellogg's /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 3 - Rin Tin Tin Cast for Nabisco Toy Round-Up Contest / ch 14 - Dick Tracy Two-Way Wrist Radio / ch 17 - Silly Putty / ch 18 - Slinky / ch 21 - Wham-O's Hula Hoop & Frisbee /[end]
-- Drugs/Drinking (5 coms) (4:20)
Drunk Driving (AAA Foundation For Safety) (audio off sync) / Crack-Cocaine Clint Eastwood (1980s) / Fast Driving Is Suicide (Nation Safety Counsel) / Drunk Driving (Cleveland Theaters) / Johnny Smoke (American Heart Assoc.) /[end]
* NOTABLES: Clint Eastwood against Crack-Cocaine (1980s) /[end]
-- Fiscal Responsibility (5 coms) (6:14)
National Assoc of Retired Persons (AARP) / National Treasury Service War Bonds / U.S. Savings Bonds / Guide To Federal Consumer Services / Victory Bonds Theater Ad /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - Jim Jordan-Fibber McGee for National Assoc of Retired Persons (AARP) / ch 2 - Bugs Bunny for National Treasury Service War Bonds ("Any Bonds Today" Song) / ch 3 - John Wayne for U.S. Savings Bonds / ch 4 - King Kong for Guide To Federal Consumer Services /[end]
-- Health (13 coms) (13:28)
Mental Health Assoc. / VD Is For Everybody / American Cancer Society / Christmas Seals / Variety Club of Northern California / March of Dimes / American Red Cross /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - Tab Hunter for Mental Health Assoc. / ch 2 - VD Is For Everybody / ch 3-5 - John Wayne for American Cancer Society / ch 6 - James Cagney for Christmas Seals / ch 7 - John Wayne for Christmas Seals / ch 8 - Gale Gordon for American Cancer Society / ch 9 - Danny Thomas for Variety Club of Northern California / ch 10 - Mark Hamill for March of Dimes (1977) / ch 12 - American Red Cross "You Are Not Alone" with Gary Cooper / ch 13 - Frank Sinatra in "Battlefield" for Christmas Seals /[end]
-- Social Responsibility (5 coms) (3:20)
National Assoc. of Broadcasters Television Code / Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles / Ducks Unlimited / Keep American Beautiful / Forest Fire Prevention /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 2 - Lloyd Bridges for Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles / ch 4 - Iron Eyes Cody "Crying Indian" Keep American Beautiful / ch 5 - Smokey The Bear Sexy Woman Forest Fire Prevention /[end]

Disc 2 - Cigarette Ads Menu
-- BelAir (18 coms) (14:41)
* NOTABLES: ch 15 - Very young Bob Barker in clip from unknown game show (Newlywed Game?) /[end]
-- Camel (38 coms) (32:41)
* NOTABLES: ch 2 - Ed Winn Show clip feat. Ed Wynn, William Fraley, and Three Stooges / ch 5 - Ann Southern / ch 8 - Brooklyn Dodgers & Ebbets Field / ch 15 - Dick Powell / ch 21&22 - Eva Gabor / ch 24 - Henry Fonda / ch 26 - Brooklyn Dodgers' Clem Labine / ch 30 - Maureen O'Hara / ch 35 - Robert Young /[end]
-- Capri (3 coms) (3:00)
-- Chesterfield (6 coms) (4:50)
* NOTABLES: ch 4 - Chesterfield presents Dragnet /[end]
-- Kent (9 coms) (5:47)
* NOTABLES: ch 2-4 - Dick Van Dyke Show Cast / ch 8 - Hennesy Cast /[end]
-- Kool (9 coms) (9:02)
* NOTABLES: ch 6-9 - Spanish Audio /[end]
-- Lucky Strike (3 coms) (2:57)
* NOTABLES: ch 1&2 - Stop-Motion Animation / ch 3 - Frank Gifford and wife Maxine /[end]
-- Marlboro (33 coms) (29:29)
-- Newport (10 coms) (9:26)
-- Phillip Morris (7 coms) (9:53)
* NOTABLES: ch 1-3 - Bob Shepard, shown during I Love Lucy / ch4-6 - I Love Lucy Cast (Ed Sullivan in last one) / ch 7 - Reed Hadley from Racket Squad (ends with I Love Lucy "Ricky Is Born" clip) /[end]
-- Raleigh (9 coms) (8:43)
-- Tareyton (4 coms) (2:38)
-- Viceroy (28 coms) (26:26)
* NOTABLES: ch 17 - Spanish Audio /[end]
-- Winston (13 coms) (7:50)
* NOTABLES: ch 2&3 - The Flintstones Cast / ch 10 - Love That Bob Cast /[end]
-- More Cigarettes (15 coms) (11:43)
Old Gold / Muriel Cigars / Robt. Burns Cigars / Pall Mall / Parliment / L&M / Montclair / Ronson Comet Lighter / Silva Thins / Tiparello Cigar / Paxton / Salem /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 9 - Boris Karloff for Ronson Comet Lighter /[end]
-- Tobacco & The Human Body (1954) (Encyclopaedia Britannica educational short film) (14:51)

Disc 2 - Health & Beauty Menu
-- Deodorant (5 coms) (2:47)
Ban / Mum / Right Guard /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 5 - John Amos as a Cop for Right Guard /[end]
-- Hair Care (25 coms) (16:18)
Clairol / Prom / Groom & Clean / Halo / Lustre-Cream / Vitalis / Alberto V05 / Hidden Magic Hair Spray / Johnson's No More Tangles / Ozon Fluid Net Hair Spray / Rinse Away / Code 10 / Brylcreem / Wildroot /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 6 - Bewitched's Elizabeth Mongomery for Clairol / ch 7 - Chico Marx for Prom / ch 24 - Brylcreem "A Little Dab'll Do Ya" /[end]
-- Medicine (27 coms) (24:26)
Bufferin / Alka-Seltzer / Dristan / Mentholatum Deep Heating Rub / Band-Aid / Anacin / Bactine / Fletcher's Castoria Laxative for Children / Vicks Tri-Span / Consant / Contac / Chocks Vitamins / Ben-Gay / Unguentine First-Aid Aerofilm / Allerest / Flintstones Vitamins / Rolaids /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 6 - Speedy Alka-Seltzer for Alka-Seltzer / ch 26 - The Flintstones for Flintstones Vitamins/[end]
-- Shaving (9 coms) (5:26)
Gillette / Remington Electric Shaver / Hai Karate / Noxzema Lime Shave Cream / Schick / Mennen Skin Bracer / Palmolive Rapid-Shave / Aeroshave /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 2 - Brooklyn Dodgers' Pee Wee Reese, Roy Campanella, and Don Zimmer for Gillette Razors /[end]
-- Skin Care (7 coms) (4:21)
Cover Girl / Deep Magic Dry Skin Conditioner / Jade East / Albolene Cream / Mennen Baby Magic / Pond's Angel Skin / Coppertone QT Quick Tanning Lotion /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - Cybill Shepard for Cover Girl /[end]
-- Soap (22 coms) (15:28)
Dial / Boraxo / Vel Beauty Bar / Camay / Ivory / Safeguard / Lava / Genteel Baby Bath & Shampoo / Soaky /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 3 - Ronald Reagan for Boraxo / ch 14 - Petticoat Junction Cast for Ivory / ch 21 - Alvin and the Chipmunks for Soaky (1964) / ch 22 - Dick Tracy for Soaky (1965) /[end]
-- Toothpaste/Mouthwash (34 coms) (25:15)
Colgate / Crest / Wernet's Dentu-Creme / Pepsodent / Gleem / Antizyme / Listerine / Scope / Ultra Brite / Macleans / Johnson & Johnson's Micrin / Ipana /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 16 - Mary Tyler Moore for Pepsodent/[end]

Disc 3 - Main Menu
-- Airlines (2 coms) (1:20)
United Airlines / Western Airlines /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - This Land Is Your Land animated for United Airlines /[end]
-- Appliances (11 coms) (28:58)
The Sheer Look Is Here (1957) (3:40) / Hotpoint / Southern California Edison / Westinghouse / General Electric /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 5 - Spokesperson Can't Open Westinghouse Fridge on Studio One / ch 8-10 - I Love Lucy Cast for Westinghouse on Desilu Playhouse /[end]
-- Beer (40 coms) (26:45)
Colt 45 / Simon Pure Beer / Ballentine's Brewer's Gold Ale / Hamm's Beer / Lucky Draft / Lucky Lager / National Bohemian / Carling Black Label / Falstaff / Olympia Beer / Rainier / Schlitz / Budweiser / Piel's Beer / Rheingold / Grain Belt / Old Milwaukee / Schmidt / Lablatt's / Alcoa Aluminum / Miller High Life /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 3 - Buster Keaton for Simon Pure Beer / ch 7 - Laurel & Hardy for Hamm's Beer (1970) / ch 17 - Addams Family Spoof for Falstaff / ch 27 - Ed McMahon for Budweiser / ch 32 - Tony Dow(?) for Old Milwaukee / ch 35 - Mike Farrell for Schmidt Big Mouth /[end]
-- Camera (9 coms) (32:13)
Polaroid (1965 Dealer Presentation Ad) (24 min) (audio off sync for second part) / Polaroid Swinger / Kodak /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 3 - Ozzie Nelson for Kodak / ch 4 - Dick Van Dyke for Kodak / ch 7 - Ozzie Nelson for Kodak Film /[end]
-- Cars (45 coms) (1:26:13)
Hertz Rent-A-Car / Volkswagen / American Motors / Chevrolet / Ford / General Motors / "Our Home Town" Levittown, Pennsylvania Short Film (22min) (not a commercial) / Chevrolet / Dodge / Renault / Chevrolet Camero / Datsun / Mercury Cougar / Etsel / Lincoln / DeSoto / Plymouth / Studebaker / Toyota /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 4 - King Kong for Volkswagen / ch 7 - Kevin McCarthy for American Motors / ch 9 - Dinah Shore & Pat Boone for Chevrolet (Oct. 1958) (no "See The USA..." Song) / ch 17 - My Three Sons Cast for Chevrolet / ch22&23 - Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz for Ford / ch 26 - General Motors "A Touch of Magic" Short Film (1961) (Letterbox) / ch 38 - Etsel / ch 39 - Ed Sullivan for Lincoln (clip from show) / ch 41 - Groucho Marx for DeSoto (You Bet Your Life opening) / ch 42 - Road Runner & Wyle E. Coyote for Plymouth / ch 43 - Mister Ed & Wilber (Alan Young) for Studebaker / [end]
-- Auto Parts (11 coms) (8:48)
Goodyear Tires / Delco Battery / Autolite / Wynn's Motor Oil / Bardahl Motor Oil / Instant J-Wax / Simoniz /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 11 - Three Stooges for Simoniz /[end]
-- Coffee (27 coms) (23:55)
Butter-Nut / Maxwell House / Wilkin's / Folger's / Sanka / None Such / Hills Bros. /[end]
* NOTABLES: Early Jim Henson Puppets for Wilkin's /[end]
-- Fashion (6 coms) (4:28)
Caperlan Nylon / Keds / Robert Hall Family Clothes / Chemstrand Corporation Pantyhose / Florsheim Shoes / Ponderosa Shoes /[end]
-- Financial (8 coms) (6:51)
Dreyfus Fund Inc. / Shearson, Hamill / Bank of America / American Express / Great Western Savings /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - Dreyfus Fund's Lion on Wall Street / ch 4 - Mel Blanc for American Express / ch 5 - John Wayne for Great Western Savings (filmed Oct. 28, 1977) / ch 6 - John Wayne for Great Western Savings (filmed Aug. 22, 1978) / ch 7 - John Wayne for Great Western Savings (filmed Oct. 25, 1977) / ch 8 - John Wayne for Great Western Savings (filmed Aug. 25, 1978) /[end]
-- Gas/Oil (15 coms) (12:01)
Shell / Amoco (American Oil Company) / Chevron / Phillips 66 / Esso / Speedway 79 / American Oil Company / Signal / DX Superclean / Standard Oil Station / Texaco / Bardahl Motor Oil / Marathon Super-M /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 4 - Tom Seaver for Phillips 66 / ch 5 - Gayle Sayers for Phillips 66 / ch 13 - Jack Benny for Texaco /[end]
-- Holiday (2 coms) (3:33)
"Christmas Brings Joy To Everyone" Universal Studios Newsreel Clip (not a commercial) / Unknown Stop-Motion Christmas Clip (not a commercial) /[end]
-- Household Items (82 coms) (56:35)
Colgate Stretch 'n' Seal / Dash Detergent / Dove Dishwashing Liquid / Dreft / Hi-Lex Bleach / Kleenex / Windex / Ajax / Raid Bug Killer / SOS Scouring Pads / Tide Clothes Soap / Mr. Clean / Pledge / Q-Tips / Northern Bath Tissue / Ortho Bug-Geta / Slip Away / Sputnik Fly Killer / Biz Clothes Soap / Bounty / Charmin / Cheer / Comet / Duz Dish Detergent / Gain / Hefty Bags / Ivory / Oxydol Plus / Puffs Tissues / Super Comet / Top Job / Bic Pens / Flair Pens / Scotties Tissues / 409 Bathroom Cleaner / Baggies Plastic Bags / Bounty Paper Towels / Joy Dish Soap / Klear Floor Wax / Pledge / Tupperware / General Electric Lightbulbs / Saran Wrap / Faultless Spray-On Starch (1965) / Handi Wipes / Wizard Bathroom Deodorizer /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 15 - Mel Blance voice for Raid Bug Killer / ch 16 - Gary Moore & Others for SOS Scouring Pads (game show clip) / ch 20 - Petticoat Junction bought to you by Tide / ch 21 - Mr. Clean with jingle / ch 29&30 - Nancy Walker as Rosie The Waitress for Bounty / ch 31-34 - Dick Wilson as Mr. Whipple for Charmin / ch 38 - Jane Withers as Josephine The Plumber for Comet / ch 42-52 - Jonathan Winters for Hefty Bags / ch 59-61 - Jane Withers as Josephine The Plumber for Super Comet / ch 66 - Jimmy Durante for Scotties Tissues / ch 78 - Mr. Magoo (Jim Backus voice) for General Electric Lightbulbs / ch 79 - The Jetsons for Saran Wrap /[end]
-- Industry/Communications (13 coms) (32:33)
"The Factory: How A Product Is Made" Short Film (Mattel Toys makes a Jack-in-the-Box) (13 min) / Telephone: St. Louis, Missouri / Telephone: Mount Washington, New Hampshire / Telephone History (1970) / National Oil Heat Institute / Live Better Electronically / PG&E Atomic Electricity (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) / KNBC Los Angeles News Service with Tom Brokow / Yellow Pages / Keep TV Free Theater Ad / KFWB News Radio / Dodge Chrysler "Fire At The Mine" Short Film (10 min) (should have been in "Cars" section) /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 5 - Young Charlotte Rae for National Oil Heat Institute /[end]
-- Military (2 coms) (1:56)
U.S. Air Force /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - Dick Williams (Baseball Manager) & Superman for U.S. Air Force (1974) /[end]
-- Music/Stereos (5 coms) (9:54)
Goodyear Tires' The Great Songs of Christmas Album Vol. 3 (1963) / RCA 16mm Sound Projector / RCA Victor Portable Radio / Fantastic Country Album / Zenith Natural Sound Stereo /[end]
-- Pet Food (5 coms) (3:58)
Rival's Burgers 'n' Gravy Dog Food / Purina Dog Chow / Purina Cat Show / Gro-Pup Bar-B-Chew Dog Food / Gravy Train /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 3 - Marvin Kaplan voice for Purina Cat Show / ch 5 - Rin Tin Tin for Gravy Train /[end]
-- Political (6 coms) (18:42)
Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon Re-Election (1956) / Dwight D. Eisenhower For President (1952) / Houston L. Flournoy For California State Controller Re-Election /[end]
-- Tourism (1 com) (1:00)
Marineland /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - The Munsters for Marineland /[end]
-- TV Promos (6 coms) (5:46)
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. / 9th Winter Olympic Games on ABC Sports (1964) / The Chevy Show & Dinah Shore Show / The Flintstones / Saturdays on ABC: Hootenanny & The Lawrence Welk Show / Lost in Space /[end]
* NOTABLES: ch 1 - The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (with Robert Vaughn & Stephanie Powers) / ch 3 - Bob Hope & Dinah Shore in The Chevy Show & Dinah Shore Show / ch 4 - The Flintstones on ABC / ch 6 - Lost in Space on CBS /[end]
-- Drive-In Ads (51 coms) (16:04)
BBQ Meat / Candy / Potato Chips / Cigarettes / Hot Coffee / Flavored Cold Drinks / Visit The Drive-In Often / Fish Sandwiches / Hamburger / Hot Chocolate / Hot Dogs / Ice Cream / Torn Speaker / Patronize Nearby Merchants / Milk / Come Early / Pickles / Pizza / Popcorn / Go To The Snack Bar / BBQ Meat / Items At Snack Bar / Sno-Cone / Thanks For Coming /[end]
-- Mortuary (1 com) (0:20)
Forest Lawn Mortuaries in Memorial-Parks /[end]
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