Lego Dimensions Teen Titans Go! Team Pack Review
By Paul Rudoff on Nov. 4, 2017 at 12:00 PM in Video Games

The Lego Dimensions Teen Titans Go! Team Pack includes two figures and two vehicles/accessories, plus an "exclusive episode" of the series. The figures are Raven and Beast Boy, and they are accompanied by Raven's Spellbook and the T-Car.

Raven is the only character who can use the new purple Raven Portals. You may have seen one in The A-Team World, which can now be obtained since Raven has finally been released (from the dark dimension). Raven's full range of abilities includes Drone Mazes, Electricity, Flying, Hazard Protection, Intelligence, Laser, Lantern Constructs, Magic, and Raven Portals.

Her spellbook can transform from the Spellbook of Azarath into Raven Wings and then into the Giant Hand. Its special ability is conjuring up the My Little Pony knock-off "Pretty Pretty Pegasus", but that involves moving the toy on the toypad for some insane reason.

Depending on what other characters you have, Beast Boy will either be very useful or very useless to you. His full range of abilities includes Acrobat, Atlantis Pools, Boomerang (not listed on abilities screen), Dig, Dive, Drone Mazes, Flying, Mini Access, Tracking, and Slurp Vent Access. I have other characters that can do all of this, which I prefer to use, so Beast Boy won't see much action under my watch.

His car can transform from the T-Car into the T-Plane and then into the T-Forklift.
I am happy to report that both Raven and Beast Boy are both voiced by their real actors, Tara Strong and Greg Cipes, respectively. All of the other voice actors from the show are present, including Scott Menville (as Robin), Khary Payton (as Cyborg), Hynden Walch (as Starfire), and Ashley Johnson (as Terra). You'll also find Rose Wilson, Mammoth, and the Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna in the Teen Titans Go! world. The only downside is that Tara only recorded one line of dialog for certain situations, so you'll hear Raven repeating herself WAY too often. When she travels through portals, she ALWAYS comments about the "Make-Me-Want-To-Hurl Dimension". Every time she picks up a collectible, she says, "Yes. I mean, I'm fine. I'm fine."

The Teen Titans Go! world is Jump City, which is rendered in bright and colorful, cel shaded graphics like The Simpsons and Adventure Time worlds. You enter through a portal right next to Titans Tower, which is one of many iconic locations from the series populating the city. Look around and you'll find the Jump City Museum, Jump City Juvenile Correctional Facility, Industrial District, Jump City High School, The Brain's Headquarters, H.I.V.E. Tower, Jump City Cinemas 12 showing Happy Sink 3, Wackadoodles Floating Amusement Park, and even Future Jump City.
Of course there's a jukebox to repair in the adventure world, which contains the following tracks: Adventure World Theme, Prison, Fairground, Hive, Titans Tower, The Future, Battle Arena. I don't recognize any of these tracks, but I'm not really familiar with the Teen Titans music, other than the Puffy AmiYumi theme to the previous series.

In addition to the figures from the Teen Titans Go! packs (Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire [Fun Pack]), when you enter the world with Cyborg [DC Fun Pack] or Robin [Lego Batman Story Pack] on the toypad, they will appear as their Teen Titans Go! counterparts instead of their normal appearance.

All of the Year 2 worlds include 10 collectibles to find, signified by blue markers on the minimap. In the Teen Titans Go! world, they are Pretty Pegasus statues. However, if you go inside a building, you lose your blue marker collectible progress. The game developer still has not added a map to the Select button (Back on Xbox) in each of the worlds. You're stuck with this stupid little minimap that is often hard to see. Some of the individual stand-alone Lego games had the maps on the Select button, yet that feature was removed from Dimensions. Furthermore, it seems that now completed quests still appear on the map, only the icon is changed to a purple stud. This makes things more annoying as, in the past, clearing off the map made it easy to find what you still needed to do. If you can't clear off the map anymore, you'll go around aimlessly looking for what's left.

Players that purchase either Teen Titans Go! pack can access an exclusive, original animated episode to discover how the team stumbled upon the Lego Dimensions multiverse and embarked on adventures with new friends. I think this "episode" was originally the cutscenes for a dropped Level or Story Pack. It was reported that two level spaces on the in-game menu screen were removed with an update a few months ago, and no episodes were made for any other packs, which confirms to me that that is what this is. To access the episode, you need either Raven, Beast Boy, or Starfire on the toypad. Then head to The Shard area in the main Vorton hub and visit the Teen Titans Go Portal for the Adventure World, but don't go in it. Instead, stand in the circle in front of the TV next to the portal and press Circle (B on Xbox) and enjoy the 10 minute show. You can't pause the episode, and if you back out of it with Circle/B, you will have to watch it from the beginning again.

In order to use the Lego Dimensions Teen Titans Go! Team Pack in the game, you will also need one of the Starter Packs, which are available for a variety of systems: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and WiiU. Of course, if you just want to play with it as a physical toy, you're free to do that without a Starter Pack :-)

Check out the complete list of Lego Dimensions packs to buy that I posted in my review of the Ghostbusters 2016 Story Pack. Also be sure to check out all of my Lego Dimensions reviews here on The Corner Penthouse and the Ghostbusters items on Spook Central.
(Images used in this review came from these videos: Official TTG Trailer, Official Raven Spotlight, Official Beast Boy Spotlight, and Wave 9 New Character Interactions. Product was provided for review by WB Games.)
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