The Angry Video Game Nerd - AVGN: The BFG of Blu-rays Review
By Paul Rudoff on Mar. 24, 2020 at 7:44 PM in Home Video, Video Games

Screenwave Media recently released the Angry Video Game Nerd - AVGN: The BFG of Blu-rays (aka BFG Collection) 8-disc Blu-ray set. This set collects the previous X1, X2, X3, and Ready 4 Revenge releases, and adds in a new disc with the complete Seasons 11 and 12. What is contained in this massive set? Read on to find out...

The Angry Video Game Nerd (2004-present) is a comedy web series created by and starring James Rolfe. He reviews retro video games as "The Nerd", a character known for having a short-temper and a colorful language consisting of lots of profanity while playing games of poor quality. The Nerd has been known to make a Ghostbusters reference from time to time, including devoting three episodes to crappy Ghostbusters games (embedded further below).

This set contains 162 of the 164 episodes that comprise the first 12 seasons of the show (2004-2018). Episodes 18 and 19 are missing (only a short clip is present to represent both episodes) because they were a two part movie review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, and I guess Fair Use is dead. Other episodes have been edited/altered, as noted below, but for the most part, these are the episodes as currently available on the official Cinemassacre YouTube channel. A lot of the episodes don't have the show opening or end credits/logos, or the advertisements (in more recent episodes). This set does not include the Bad Game Cover Art episodes. Episodes are on Discs 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8. A complete episode list with details is presented after this review below.

This set is LOADED with special features, including multiple audio commentaries, and a few whole discs of just special features. Do be aware that on Disc 6, the Making of Jekyll & Hyde is only available in Chapter 3 of Play All. If you go to watch it individually in the menu, it will play the Outtakes video instead. This error was present on the original X3 release, and was not fixed here. Special Features are on Discs 2, 4, and 6; some episodes on Disc 1 have commentaries; one episode on Disc 2 has a commentary; other episode commentaries are on the Special Feature discs. The Season 11 & 12 episodes on Disc 8 have no special features. A complete special features list with details is presented after this review below, right after the episode list.

There are over 32 HOURS of episode content, plus many more hours of special features. The total (Play All) episode runtimes are: Disc 1 - 18:57:54, Disc 3 - 4:01:07, Disc 5 - 4:36:20, Disc 7 - 1:49:41, and Disc 8 - 4:48:53. All content is presented in English Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo. English subtitles are only available for the Season 11 & 12 episodes on Disc 8. Unfortunately, they are small and the words are not outlined, so they are not easy to see sometimes. The first 104 episodes and all special features on Disc 2 are in 720x480 Standard Definition. Starting with episode #105, all episodes and special features are in 1920x1080 HD. The first 99 episodes are 4:3 pillarboxed into a 16:9 frame, except for episode #62 which is 16:9 fullscreen. All Season 11 & 12 episodes on Disc 8 have a Screenwave Media logo and chime added to the end of them. These are not in the Youtube versions, as can be seen at the end of the Home Alone Games episode, for example.

Below is a (hopefully) complete list of episodes that differ from their original versions by removing movie clips, changing music, and removing movie reviews of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III and The Wizard. Honestly, all of the movie clips used in the context of review and commentary fall completely under the auspices of Fair Use. They could have put the original versions on the Blu-ray, but I guess they just went with the easier (and safer) option of using the "sanitized" YouTube versions. On a positive note, episodes #8 and #48 have had new content added to them. All of the original episodes for the list below can be watched and downloaded on the Spook Central Internet Archive account (includes DVD-ready files), as well as Wrath's IA account here and here, as well as the specific links given below. (You can download my self-made DVD-R ISO [4.3 GB] to supplement your purchase of this BFG Blu-ray set. It contains the original versions of eps 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 56, 57, 78, 90, and 100 with the original film clips and music.)
06. Back to the Future - Clips from the first Back to the Future film have been removed.
• Original Video: 6:42, 320x240 / 6:42, 320x240 sharper, but more artifacts
08. Wally Bear and the NO! Gang - An additional scene in which The Nerd calls the Wally Bear hotline has been added at the end.
• Original Video: 3:47, 320x240
10. Top Gun - The Kenny Loggins song "Danger Zone" has been removed. (In the original video, it's from 4:57 to 5:31)
• Original Video: 7:35, 320x240, 15fps
12. Friday the 13th - Music has been changed and movie clips from The Wizard of Oz (after The Nerd says that he's been following the Yellow Brick Road) and Friday the 13th Part 4 & Jason X have been removed. The original version also included scrolling end credits, during which "Man Behind The Mask" by Alice Cooper played.
• Original Video: 12:21, 480x360
13. A Nightmare on Elm Street - Contains new music in place of the Nightmare on Elm Street score.
• Original Video: 13:27, 320x240
15. Chronologically Confused About Bad Movie and Video Game Sequel Titles - Clips from movies in the following film series were removed: Halloween, Star Trek, Rocky, Rambo, Bruce Lee in The Big Boss, Zombie, and Dawn of the Dead. The disclaimers screen at the beginning has been removed. However, the section on Rambo movies has been slightly updated to mention that the 2008 movie was eventually called "Rambo" and not "John Rambo".
• Original Video: 11:33, 480x360 / 11:33, 320x240 / 11:33, 480x360 MP4 / 11:33, 480x360 OGV
16. Rocky - The opening scene in which the Nerd is playing the first five Rocky films on every TV in his house, as well as clips from the Rocky movies played throughout the review, have been removed. Also, new scenes showing the Nerd at the Philadelphia Museum of Art stairs have been added.
• Original Video with New Stairs Scene: 10:23, 1440x1080 / 10:23, 320x240
18&19. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III Parts 1&2 - The movie review episodes are not on the Blu-ray due to rights issues, though only the destruction of the VHS tape remains.
• Original Video: 22:18, 1440x1080 letterboxed
21. Ghostbusters - Clips from the movies and animated series have been replaced with new still images.
22. Ghostbusters: Follow-Up - The movie clips from Ghostbusters have been replaced with artwork by Mike Matei.
23. Ghostbusters: Conclusion - The Ghostbusters theme song has been replaced with a cover version, and Ghostbusters movie clips were replaced with still images.
• Original Video of Eps 21/22/23: 41:37, 480x360 / 41:37, 480x360 low audio bitrate
41. Rambo - When The Nerd shows a clip from a previous episode about the "John Rambo" title, the Rambo film clip has been replaced with a movie poster image. Since this is supposed to be a clip from Episode #15, this might indicate that that episode is edited, too.
• Original Video: 13:00, 480x360 / 13:00, 480x360 low audio bitrate
42. Virtual Boy - A clip from the movie "Waterworld" has been removed (at 12:16, right after The Nerd says the game "looks like shit", and again at the very end) and a scene with the game "Jack Bros." has been added near the end.
• Original Video: 15:03, 480x360
45. Double Vision: Part 2 - The theme from "2001: A Space Odyssey" ("Also Sprach Zarathustra" by Richard Strauss) has been replaced at the very beginning, though the credit for it still remains in the end credits.
• Original Video: 8:24, 480x360
46. The Wizard & Super Mario Bros. 3 - The review for the movie "The Wizard", including footage from the film, has been removed. After the introduction (the episode title card for "The Wizard" has been removed), the episode jumps right to The Nerd's review of Super Mario 3. Also, clips from the Super Mario Bros. 3 animated series have been replaced with a still image of the DVD box cover, the opening montage of fans covering the Angry Video Game Nerd theme song has been removed, and all end credits after the music credits are gone.
• Original Video: 17:17, 1440x1080
48. Indiana Jones Trilogy - A comparison of both NES cartridges of "Temple of Doom" has been added (at 6:19, right after seeing photos of both cartridges). Later, footage from the Taito edition of "Last Crusade" has been added at 11:40 (right after the heart is ripped out of the "Temple of Doom" game). Footage of the Game Gear version of "Last Crusade" is now shown within a Game Gear screen "frame", while it was fullscreen in the original version.
• Original Video: 17:24, 640x480
56. Dick Tracy - Movie footage has been replaced with still frames. Also, there is a newly added scene.
• Original Video with DVD Additions 15:12, 1440x1080 / 15:12, 640x480
57. Dracula - At the start of the "Dracula: Crazy Vampire" review, music clips from the game's title screen, "Phantom of the Opera", and Pink Floyd were edited out. Also, the "Coming Soon" screen promoting the second Halloween special at the very end has been removed, along with the end credits.
• Original Video: 11:58, 654x480
78. Wayne's World - The "Wayne's World" theme song over the title card and end card has been replaced with music from the "Wayne's World" video game. Footage from the movies "Wayne's World", "Wayne's World 2", and "Borat" have been removed.
• Original Video: 12:15, 640x480 / 12:15, 480x360
90. Action 52 - When the game is started up, The Nerd notices that the title screen music is similar to Rob Base and DJ EZ-Rock's "It Takes Two". This reference, and the song clip, have been removed.
• Original Video: 26:50, 640x480 / 26:50, 640x480 MP4 / 26:50, 640x480 OGV
100. R.O.B. the Robot - The music score has been changed. Some of the original music was from Roger Rabbit on the NES.
• Original Video: 18:50, 1920x1080 / Music Comparison

-- MENUS --
Since the first 7 discs are the same as previously released, they contain the same "X1", "X2", "X3", and "Ready 4 Revenge" titles and designs. This means that there is no consistency between all of the discs. The episodes on Discs 5 and 7 are not numbered in the Episode Selection menu, even though they are numbered on every other disc. If you started numbering them, you should continue to number them; don't change halfway through. If you're looking for release dates, so as to get proper historical context on the episodes, you're out of luck. Some dates are given on the Commentaries menu on Disc 1, but nowhere else.

Although these are Blu-rays, they do NOT use standard pop-up menus (those that show over the video), but rather standard menus screens like on a DVD. Pop-up menus can make episode and special feature selection very quick and easy, but here you have to go through page after page of episodes until you find what you want to see. It's made even more annoying by the tiny arrows at the bottom of the screen to take you back and forth between menu pages. I thought The Nerd hated tiny sprites? When you finally get to the proper menu screen, pray that you don't choose the wrong episode. You could press the "menu" on your remote, but then it takes you back to the main menu and not the previous episode menu screen, so you'll have to go page after page all over again. If you press the "next chapter" button on your remote, you won't instantly go to the end of the episode. You'll have to press the fast forward button instead, but that presents another problem. Finishing the episode will take you back to the previous episode menu screen, but like the complaint stated in the "Action 52" episode, the highlighted episode is NOT the episode you just watched or the next episode, but rather the episode at the top of the screen. What were they thinking?!?

The Glitch Gremlin rears his ugly head on Disc 6. The Making of Jekyll & Hyde is only available in Chapter 3 of Play All. If you go to watch it individually in the menu, it will play the Outtakes video instead. This has been an issue since this was Disc 2 of the original X3 release. They should have gone back and fixed it here, but they just simply used the same disc images without changing them at all.

(front and back of the outer slipcase)
Although it's an 8-disc set, it comes in a 10-disc thick plastic Blu-ray case, which slips inside a side-loading paperboard slipcase. It was purposely packaged in this higher capacity case, as stated on the back: "There's also two empty slots for future releases." That's all well and good, but I would expect for future releases to come in their own cases, which is likely what most people would keep them in. I would have preferred for this to have come in a 8-disc case, so I wouldn't have to pay an additional $15 to buy one. That $15 is on top of the $80 I paid for the set.

The inside of the case shows a collage of screenshots and some text and images showing the making of the new DOOM-esque artwork. That's all nice, but you know what would have been better? A FUCKING episode list! That would be useful given that there are OVER 150 EPISODES here!!!

As far as I can tell, all of the content on these discs is available online. This set is just a nice way to have it all in one set on physical discs without having to bother finding and downloading it all (and removing the advertisements from the more recent episodes, such as Season 13 - which isn't in this set). This set is a great way to save shelf space, and the best option for people who didn't pick up the individual Blu-ray releases or any of the previous DVD sets. From what I understand, there are a handful of DVD special features that weren't ported over to the Blu-rays, but since I don't have the DVDs, I can't make a list with links to online copies of those missing videos. (One of you, dear readers, can feel free to include a list in the comments below.) That said, I also read that the Blu-rays include new special features that weren't on the DVDs. Honestly, I think the Blu-ray set is the best single option for having the most-complete collection of the series. The Angry Video Game Nerd - AVGN: The BFG of Blu-rays (aka BFG Collection) 8-disc Blu-ray set is available right now from Amazon, where you can also order the Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Blu-ray.
Screenwave Media just released a Disc 9 Update Blu-ray Disc that includes Seasons 13 & 14 for $14.99 (plus shipping). The disc comes in its own illustrated cardboard sleeve, though it's meant to be placed in one of the empty spaces in the back of the BFG case. If you do that, then you'll be left with the empty illustrative sleeve, which seems rather wasteful. I think it would have been better if it was in a generic blank envelope or in its own illustrative Blu-ray case. Anyway, it's possible that Screenwave will release "Disc 10" in January 2024 with Seasons 15 & 16 on it. I guess we'll just have to wait two years to find out. Since they put the BFG set in a 10-disc case, who knows what they'll do by the time they get up to an 11th disc in four years.
I will not review Disc 9 separately, so I'm just going to give you some quick notes. Runtimes for both Seasons is 7:19:05, Season 13 is 3:38:32, Season 14 is 3:40:33. Individual episode runtimes are: #165 (9:16), #166 (14:46), #167 (21:13), #168 (22:56), #169 (17:45), #170 (21:23), #171 (15:27), #172 (23:14), #173 (12:03), #174 (20:59), #175 (39:27), #176 (22:31), #177 (20:31), #178 (20:59), #179 (16:55), #180 (17:43), #181 (16:35), #182 (14:52), #183 (15:00), #184 (15:03), #185 (14:45), #186 (33:20), #187 (12:13). There are English subtitles, which are not mentioned anywhere, so you need to turn them on manually. #165 is in 2 chapters, the rest are in their own chapters. These episodes don't appear to be edited, aside from episode #170 ("Life of Black Tiger") excluding Gilbert Gottfried's self-promotion and an outtake at the end. The only real change I've seen is that the credits text has been removed from the red Cinemassacre screen at the end of all of the episodes that originally had end credits: #167, #168, #171, #172, #173, #174, #175, #176, #177, #178, #179, #181, #183, #187. So, many contributors to these episodes - such as Xander Arnot as Pepsiman, Mike Butters as TV Game Guy, Crash Dummies song singer Elsie Lovelock, Evan Ferrante as Not Tom Cruise, and many more - are now uncredited. I have no idea why Screenwave would remove these credits. It was entirely unnecessary...but they sure had no problem adding their annoying logo with a chime at the end of every episode.
I just noticed that Screenwave Media released a Disc 10 Update Blu-ray Disc that includes Seasons 15 & 16 for $19.99 (plus shipping) - an increase in price since Disc 9 was released two years ago. Just like Disc 9, the disc comes in its own illustrated cardboard sleeve, though it's meant to be placed in one of the empty spaces in the back of the BFG case. If you do that, then you'll be left with the empty illustrative sleeve, which seems rather wasteful. I think it would have been better if it was in a generic blank envelope or in its own illustrative Blu-ray case. Since they put the BFG set in a 10-disc case, this now "completes" the set. So, what will they do for Seasons 17 and later?
I will not review Disc 10 separately, so I'm just going to give you some quick notes. The three "Play All" options are time-coded, but not the individual episodes. For some reason, if I watch an individual episode first, then go to any of the Play All options, they won't be time-coded anymore. Thankfully, my PlayStation 3 will give runtimes for the individual episodes, anyway. Runtimes for both Seasons is 6:58:23, Season 15 is 4:38:14, Season 16 is 2:20:09. Individual episode runtimes are: #188 (14:24), #189 (18:47), #190 (25:38), #191 (20:35), #192 (14:30), #193 (11:09), #194 (10:00), #195 (7:45), #196 (16:21), #197 (14:06), #198 (29:31), #199 (22:56), #200 (1:12:25), #201 (26:19), #202 (27:02), #203 (16:49), #204 (17:16), #205 (28:01), and #206 (24:39). Every episode contains just one chapter, even the lengthy "Every LJN Game" (#200) episode. These episodes don't appear to be edited, aside from the removal of the scrolling end credits from #188 ("Shrek Fairy Tale Freakdown"), which accounts for the 23-second time difference. Also, the credits text has been removed from the red Cinemassacre screen at the end of all of the other episodes. All of the contributors to these episodes have lost their credits for no real reason. I have no idea why Screenwave would remove these credits. It was entirely unnecessary...but they sure had no problem adding their annoying logo with a chime at the end of every episode.
All images were taken from the IMDB gallery of the show, except for the packaging scans, which I did myself. The Blu-ray set was purchased with my own money and was NOT provided to me by anyone involved in the production or distribution of it.

No episodes on Discs 2, 4, and 6.
No episodes on Discs 2, 4, and 6.
[SEASON 1 (2004-2006)]
1. Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (May 25, 2004) (9:22)
2. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (May 28, 2004) (6:29)
3. The Karate Kid (April 8, 2006) (4:29)
4. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (April 24, 2006) (3:46)
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (June 21, 2006) (7:04)
6. Back to the Future (July 21, 2006) (Edited Version) (6:24)
7. McKids (August 30, 2006) (7:07)
8. Wally Bear and the NO! Gang (September 1, 2006) (Updated Version) (4:32)
9. Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu (September 8, 2006) (4:19)
10. Top Gun (September 15, 2006) (New Music Version) (7:34)
11. Double Dragon 3 (September 22, 2006) (4:09)
12. Friday the 13th (October 13, 2006) (Edited Version) (11:00)
13. A Nightmare on Elm Street (October 31, 2006) (New Music Version) (12:36)
14. The Power Glove (November 15, 2006) (12:27)
15. Chronologically Confused About Bad Movie and Video Game Sequel Titles (November 28, 2006) (Edited Version) (11:06)
16. Rocky (December 14, 2006) (Edited Version) (6:55)
17. Bible Games (December 23, 2006) (21:28)
[SEASON 2 (2007-2008)]
18&19. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III - Parts 1 & 2 (January 25, 2007) (Clip Only) (0:40)
20. Atari 5200 (February 13, 2007) (9:32)
21. Ghostbusters (February 27, 2007) (Edited Version) (16:23)
22. Ghostbusters: Follow-Up (March 20, 2007) (Edited Version) (10:23)
23. Ghostbusters: Conclusion (April 3, 2007) (Edited Version) (12:06)
24. Spider-Man (April 17, 2007) (9:36)
25. Sega CD (May 2, 2007) (10:02)
26. Sega 32X (May 15, 2007) (8:01)
27. Silver Surfer (June 5, 2007) (10:21)
28. Die Hard (June 19, 2007) (8:11)
29. Independence Day (July 3, 2007) (5:05)
30. The Simpsons (July 17, 2007) (12:10)
31. Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout (August 7, 2007) (8:27)
32. Atari Porn (August 22, 2007) (8:51)
33. Nintendo Power (September 4, 2007) (14:26)
34. Fester's Quest (September 18, 2007) (9:05)
35. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (October 9, 2007) (12:29)
36. Halloween (October 30, 2007) (15:53)
37. Dragon's Lair (November 20, 2007) (9:03)
38&39. An Angry Nerd Christmas Carol: Parts 1 & 2 (December 18 & 23, 2007) (14:57)
40. Chronologically Confused About the Legend of Zelda Timeline (January 8, 2008) (16:32)
41. Rambo (January 22, 2008) (Edited Version) (12:03)
[SEASON 3 (2008-2009)]
42. Virtual Boy (February 19, 2008) (Edited Version) (15:23)
43. The Wizard of Oz (March 4, 2008) (11:01)
44. Double Vision: Part 1 (March 25, 2008) (9:48)
45. Double Vision: Part 2 (April 8, 2008) (New Music Version) (8:10)
46. The Wizard & Super Mario Bros. 3 (April 22, 2008) (Edited Version) (10:22)
47. NES Accessories (May 14, 2008) (13:33)
48. Indiana Jones Trilogy (May 20, 2008) (Updated Version) (18:35)
49. Star Trek (June 11, 2008) (10:21)
50. Superman (June 26, 2008) (10:44)
51. Superman 64 (July 8, 2008) (9:42)
52. Batman Part 1 (July 22, 2008) (10:34)
53. Batman Part 2 (August 10, 2008) (9:30)
54. Deadly Towers (August 19, 2008) (8:12)
55. Battletoads (September 3, 2008) (7:24)
56. Dick Tracy (September 16, 2008) (Edited Version) (13:58)
57. Dracula (October 14, 2008) (Edited Version) (11:19)
58. Frankenstein (October 29, 2008) (13:52)
59. CD-i Part 1 (November 12, 2008) (6:35)
60. CD-i Part 2 (November 25, 2008) (11:33)
61. CD-i Part 3 (December 9, 2008) (13:23)
62. Bible Games II (December 23, 2008) (16:9 Widescreen) (16:43)
63. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (January 7, 2009) (9:52)
64. Milon's Secret Castle (January 27, 2009) (11:21)
[SEASON 4 (2009-2010)]
65. Atari Jaguar Part 1 (March 16, 2009) (8:06)
66. Atari Jaguar Part 2 (March 25, 2009) (14:08)
67. Metal Gear (April 8, 2009) (13:03)
68. Odyssey (April 21, 2009) (10:45)
69. X-Men (May 6, 2009) (13:08)
70. The Terminator (May 19, 2009) (14:34)
71. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (June 2, 2009) (13:10)
72. Transformers (June 17, 2009) (12:31)
73. Mario Is Missing! (July 1, 2009) (9:19)
74. Plumbers Don't Wear Ties (July 21, 2009) (20:24)
75. Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle (August 5, 2009) (16:46)
76. Super Pitfall! (August 20, 2009) (10:53)
77. Godzilla (September 4, 2009) (15:33)
78. Wayne's World (September 24, 2009) (Edited Version) (10:05)
79. Castlevania Part 1 (October 8, 2009) (9:55)
80. Castlevania Part 2 (October 21, 2009) (12:11)
81. Castlevania Part 3 (November 5, 2009) (12:38)
82. Castlevania Part 4 (November 19, 2009) (9:29)
83. Little Red Hood (December 3, 2009) (13:50)
84. Winter Games (December 23, 2009) (9:27)
85. Street Fighter 2010 (January 6, 2010) (16:46)
86. Hydlide (January 20, 2010) (7:21)
87. Ninja Gaiden (February 4, 2010) (14:37)
88. Swordquest (February 18, 2010) (8:58)
89. Pong Consoles (March 6, 2010) (11:45)
[SEASON 5 (2010-2011)]
90. Action 52 (April 30, 2010) (Edited Version) (25:30)
91. Cheetahmen (June 9, 2010) (19:24)
92. Game Glitches (July 8, 2010) (15:55)
93. Zelda II (August 4, 2010) (15:01)
94. Back to the Future Re-Revisited (September 3, 2010) (21:58)
95. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Revisited (October 7, 2010) (15:45)
96. Lester the Unlikely (November 4, 2010) (10:32)
97. How the Nerd Stole Christmas (December 6, 2010) (12:00)
98. Day Dreamin' Davey (January 5, 2011) (13:46)
99. Star Wars (February 3, 2011) (22:16)
100. R.O.B. the Robot (March 3, 2011) (New Music Version) (18:40)
[SEASON 5 (2010-2011) (CONTINUED)]
101. Steven Spielberg Games (April 6, 2011) (21:06)
[SEASON 6 (2011)]
102. The Making of an Angry Video Game Nerd Episode (July 7, 2011) (35:05)
103. Kid Kool (August 3, 2011) (8:05)
104. Nintendo World Championships (August 26, 2011) (16:53)
105. Dark Castle (October 6, 2011) (11:58)
106. Bible Games III (December 7, 2011) (14:06)
[SEASON 7 (2012-2013)]
107. Schwarzenegger Games (July 24, 2012) (22:25)
108. Ghosts n' Goblins (October 24, 2012) (17:03)
109. Atari Sports (December 18, 2012) (12:41)
110. Ikari Warriors (March 6, 2013) (20:38)
111. Toxic Crusaders (April 30, 2013) (with Lloyd Kaufman) (14:41)
112. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (June 30, 2013) (17:51)
113. Tiger Electronic Games (September 6, 2013) (18:39)
114. Alien 3 (October 21, 2013) (9:57)
[SEASON 7 (2012-2013) (CONTINUED)]
115. AVGN Games! (November 20, 2013) (21:55)
116. Wish List: Part 1 (December 17, 2013) (15:06)
117. Wish List: Part 2 (December 19, 2013) (15:26)
[SEASON 8 (2014)]
118. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing (March 19, 2014) (15:44)
119. Desert Bus (May 28, 2014) (15:29)
120. E.T. Atari 2600 (October 10, 2014) (7:00)
121. Beetlejuice (October 14, 2014) (13:53)
122. Tagin' Dragon (December 11, 2014) (3:50)
123. ALF (December 12, 2014) (4:01)
124. CrazyBus (December 13, 2014) (4:06)
125. Ren & Stimpy: Fire Dogs (December 14, 2014) (5:16)
126. Rocky and Bullwinkle (December 15, 2014) (4:06)
127. Mary-Kate and Ashley: Get A Clue (December 16, 2014) (4:15)
128. V.I.P. with Pamela Anderson (December 17, 2014) (4:53)
129. Lethal Weapon (December 18, 2014) (4:37)
130. Porky's (December 19, 2014) (6:02)
131. HyperScan (December 20, 2014) (6:32)
132. Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure (December 21, 2014) (11:29)
133. LJN Video Art (December 22, 2014) (8:42)
[SEASON 9 (2015)]
134. Hong Kong 97 (March 26, 2015) (12:30)
135. Darkwing Duck (May 13, 2015) (13:22)
136. Seaman (July 28, 2015) (16:58)
137. The Crow (October 30, 2015) (9:42)
138. Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (December 22, 2015) (10:02)
[SEASON 10 (2016)]
139. Mega Man Games (April 6, 2016) (25:06)
140. Paperboy (May 26, 2016) (16:05)
[SEASON 10 (2016) (CONTINUED)]
141. Beavis and Butthead (August 16, 2016) (14:18)
142. Berenstein Bears (October 18, 2016) (19:41)
143. Sega Activator and Aura Interactor (December 20, 2016) (10:58)
[SEASON 11 (2017)]
144. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (March 23, 2017) (20:07)
145. Sonic '06 (April 20, 2017) (15:47)
146. Planet of the Apes (July 4, 2017) (12:33)
147. Game Boy Accessories (August 15, 2017) (16:15)
[SEASON 11 (2017) (CONTINUED)]
148. Treasure Master (September 20, 2017) (9:49)
149. Wrestling Games (October 4, 2017) (11:41)
150. Polybius (October 25, 2017) (22:23)
151. RoboCop Games (November 19, 2017) (12:18)
152. Sonic '06 Part 2 (November 30, 2017) (11:59)
153. Charlie's Angels (December 6, 2017) (8:48)
154. Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi (December 13, 2017) (8:36)
155. Lightspan Adventures (December 22, 2017) (15:23)
[SEASON 12 (2018)]
156. EarthBound (April 17, 2018) (39:34)
157. Dirty Harry (May 24, 2018) (11:38)
158. Drake of the 99 Dragons (September 5, 2018) (13:42)
159. Tomb Raider Games (September 5, 2018) (18:35)
160. Resident Evil Survivor (October 11, 2018) (22:16)
161. Super Hydlide and Virtual Hydlide (October 12, 2018) (20:23)
162. Amiga CD32 (November 19, 2018) (28:12)
163. The Town with No Name (December 4, 2018) (14:34)
164. Home Alone Games (December 14, 2018) (with Macaulay Culkin) (18:52)

No special features on Discs 5 and 8.
No special features on Discs 5 and 8.
-- Audio Commentary on Ep #24: "Spider-Man" by James Rolfe and Kyle Justin (9:36)
-- Audio Commentary on Ep #31: "Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout" by James Rolfe and Mike Matei (8:27)
-- Audio Commentary on Ep #87: "Ninja Gaiden" by James Rolfe and Kevin Finn (14:37)
-- Audio Commentary on Ep #92: "Game Glitches" by James Rolfe and Kevin Finn (15:55)
-- Audio Commentary on Ep #100: "R.O.B. the Robot" by James Rolfe (18:40)
-- Angry Nintendo Nerd Intro (0:39)
-- Duck Tales (Special Video Game Vault Episode) (1:42)
-- Fan Gallery (2:30)
-- AVGN Theme Cover by Dustin Assmuteit (3:14)
-- Fuck Reel (1:47)
-- Shit Reel (1:01)
-- Game Trailers Interview (3:59)
-- Nintendo 64 Shit Video (0:35)
-- ScrewAttack's AVGN Top 10 (2006) (3:51)
-- The Anger Begins (1988) (1:26)
-- What Was I Thinking? (13:09)
-- Wii Salute (4:47)
-- Autograph Video (8:17)
-- AVGN Remix (3:10)
-- ScrewAttack's AVGN Top 10 (2007) (9:09)
-- Batman Fight (Full) (2:15)
-- The First Game Reviews (1989-1991) (6:44)
-- "Fester's Quest" with Audio Commentary by James Rolfe (4:30)
-- Angry Nintendo Nerd Theme Recording Session (1:25)
-- AVGN Intro (2008) (2:53)
-- ScrewAttack's AVGN Top 10 (2008) (12:42)
-- Donkey Kong Doll Clip (0:16)
-- Fan Art Reel (2009) (3:01)
-- Fan Songs Reel (2009) (2:43)
-- Nerd Room Tour (2009) (23:31)
-- Hanging Out in the Nerd Room (15:11)
-- NES Collection (6:07)
-- ScrewAttack's AVGN Top 10 (2009) (11:48)
-- Playing the Odyssey (5:50)
-- Sega 3D Glasses (2:42)
-- Stuntmaster (14:35)
-- The Making of Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle (12:13)
-- Title Cards (7:34)
-- Bear McCreary Christmas Special (5:21)
-- Castlevania 4 Review (1992) (1:51)
-- Convention Appearances (9:46)
-- Holiday Memories (13:24)
-- Mike's Game Glitches (42:20)
-- Piece of Meat Music Video (3:58)
-- Piece of Meat Behind the Scenes (3:27)
-- ScrewAttack's AVGN Top 20 AVGN Rants (15:36)
-- Contra Memories (7:02)
-- Ghostbusters (XBox 360) Review (6:24)
-- Inking an AVGN Title Card with Mike Matei (9:12)
-- Nerd Room Tour (2006) (5:05)
-- R.O.B. Behind the Scenes (15:32)
-- Outtakes (Play All 1:21:41):
- Outtakes from Year One (14:24)
- Batman (0:38)
- Bugs Bunny (4:24)
- DoubleVision (1:01)
- Halloween (6:49)
- Star Trek (2:51)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (5:42)
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre (4:59)
- Virtual Boy (0:24)
- Wizard of Oz (4:20)
- AVGN Christmas Carol (0:42)
- Battletoads (6:47)
- Atari Jaguar (1:27)
- Metal Gear (0:26)
- Maahpett Baaaaaabies (0:26)
- Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle (8:49)
- Game Glitches (2:19)
- Ninja Gaiden (6:38)
- Star Wars (8:26)
-- Easter Egg #1: James as Donald Duck (0:43) - On the second page of the special features menu, press ENTER on the left egg.
-- Easter Egg #2: Midnight Demon Theater (1995) (2:19) - On the second page of the special features menu, press ENTER on the middle egg.
-- Easter Egg #3: Street Fighter II for Game Boy (1995) (2:44) - On the second page of the special features menu, press ENTER on the right egg.
-- Audio Commentary on Ep #104: "Nintendo World Championships" by James Rolfe and Pat Contri (16:53)
-- 2013 Commentaries (13:02)
-- Bubble Bobble (2012 NES Charity Marathon Episode) (4:32)
-- Magfest 2013 (13:03)
-- Mike Talks About AVGN (25:34)
-- Nerd Room Tour 2013 (8:34)
-- NWC (Nintendo World Championships) Premiere (4:57)
-- Secret Scout (Unfinished AVGN Review) (4:32)
-- SGC 2013 (21:38)
-- SNES vs Genesis (26:27)
-- The Original Nerd Room (4:15)
-- TMG 2013 (18:01)
-- Year and a Half Commentary (14:21)
-- Outtakes (Play All 26:48):
- Nintendo World Championship (4:13)
- Atari Sports (3:49)
- Ikari Warriors (6:22)
- Toxic Crusaders (7:32)
- Bill and Ted (1:11)
- Tiger Games (0:59)
- Alien 3 (2:37)
-- Top 10's (Play All 2:46:34):
- Top 5 Most Ingenious Nerd Ideas (3:41)
- Top 5 Musical Episodes (7:45)
- Top 5 Worst Gaming Accessories (6:20)
- Top 5 Worst NES Music (2:20)
- Top 10 Epic Nerd Moments (22:24)
- Top 10 Hardest NES Games (9:18)
- Top 10 Moments The Nerd Lost His Mind (6:03)
- Top 10 Most Hated Weapons or Items (6:49)
- Top 10 Most Unfair Gaming Moments (5:36)
- Top 10 Nerd's Game Abuse (8:53)
- Top 10 Nerd's Unexpected Moments (12:40)
- Top 10 Problems with Games (12:33)
- Top 10 Toughest Video Game Jumps (7:47)
- Top 10 Worst NES Games (7:55)
- Top 10 Worst Video Game Consoles (10:16)
- Top 10 Worst Video Game Controls (16:16)
- Top 10 Worst Video Game Endings (7:30)
- Top 20 Weirdest Video Game Moments (12:17)
-- Jekyll & Hyde Trailer (3:57)
-- Jekyll & Hyde Outtakes (5:49)
-- Jekyll & Hyde Making Of (9:13) (only available as Chapter 3 in Play All)
-- Nerdy Challenges (34:09)
-- Adventure Island (NES Charity Marathon Episode) (5:12)
-- Danny Sullivan (NES Charity Marathon Episode) (4:41)
-- Game Gear (11:16)
-- Ghostbusters Leftovers (8:46)
-- Volume 8 Commentary (2013-2014) (27:41)
-- AVGN Outtakes 2014 (11:30)
-- AVGN Outtakes 2014-2016 (10:20)
-- Console Setup (12:51)
-- AVGN Scripts Part 1 (30:56)
-- AVGN Scripts Part 2 (25:18)
-- AVGN Scripts Part 3 (25:31)
-- SGC 2014 Panel (35:29)
-- TMG 2014 Panel (19:29)
-- TMG After Midnight 10th Anniversary Panel (33:25)
-- You Know What's Bullshit? Episodes (Play All 1:05:45):
- DVD Packaging (1:05)
- Pennies (1:04)
- Shoelaces (1:12)
- Penguin Movies (0:46)
- Post Office Pens (1:03)
- Pay Toilets (1:11)
- Temperature (1:21)
- Printers (1:22)
- Christmas Aftermath (1:38)
- Hotel TVs (2:02)
- DVDs (5:03)
- Movie Titles (1:58)
- Too Much Cream Cheese (2:02)
- Fiber Envelopes & Packing Peanuts (1:48)
- DVD & Blu-ray Cases (3:30)
- Traffic Spikes (1:55)
- iTunes (4:14)
- Feeding Birds (1:50)
- Wire Hangers (1:14)
- Microwaves (2:45)
- Assholes (2:09)
- Car GPS (2:03)
- Warranties (2:01)
- Grass (1:50)
- Vampires (3:51)
- Hotel Rooms (2:24)
- Word Pronunciations (3:18)
- Public Bathrooms (2:08)
- Water (2:02)
- Sleep (2:37)
- Dangerous Funeral Processions (2:03)
-- Outtakes (5:04)
-- Gilligan's Island (NES Charity Marathon Episode) (5:36)
-- AVGN Prop Charity Auction Montage (1:53)
-- Flying Fuckernauts vs. The Astro Bastards (4:22)
-- The Making of Flying Fuckernauts vs. The Astro Bastards (7:58)
-- Pop This Fucker In (2:26)
-- "Sega Activator" with Audio Commentary by James Rolfe (12:19)
-- Commentary Late 2016-Early 2017 (9:32)
-- Top 10 AVGN - Picked in 2017 (9:51)
-- MIMAL (6:55)
1 comment
James Rolfe-"Top 10 Reasons Blu-Ray Sucks!!”
Also James Rolfe: “Buy my $80 Blu-Ray!!”
Apr. 5, 2020 @ 20:36
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