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Ghostbusters Reference Review - 30 Rock

Most Ghostbusters references are short bits that can best be encapsulated with a small video clip, as evidenced by Spook Central's collection of Ghostbusters reference videos on Critical Commons. However, sometimes there's a reference for which a small clip won't do it justice. It is for these types of references that I have this reoccurring feature here at Spook Central, the Ghostbusters Reference Review.
In honor of Mill Creek Entertainment's recent release of 30 Rock: The Complete Series (reviewed on The Corner Penthouse), I will be taking a look at every Ghostbusters reference that has appeared on the 2006-2013 NBC series starring Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin.

Floyd (Jason Sudeikis) tells Liz (Tina Fey) that he has a partner meeting with Peter Venkman. Later, she catches him in the lie and when she realizes that Peter Venkman is from Ghostbusters, she says that he "used Ghostbusters for evil".

At the very end of the episode, a clip is shown of a propaganda film Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) made with Kim Jong-Il (Margaret Cho) in which they play police partners. After saying the Star Wars, "Luke, I am your father" line, Kim Jong-Il randomly says "Ghostbusters".

After saying that New York is a "selfish filth-monster that eventually gets all of us", Liz (Tina Fey) then states that "it's Ghostbusters II all over again". Jack (Alec Baldwin) counters that his mugging was "New York doing what she does best - calling a great man to action", which he equates to "the original Ghostbusters all over again".

While working at his hot dog van across from Fox News headquarters, Criss (James Marsden) comments, "Word is Greta Van Susteren eats hot dogs like Slimer". James Marsden was a guest voice in the Extreme Ghostbusters episode "Ghost Apocalyptic Future".

Liz (Tina Fey) sings "I ain't 'fraid of no board" to the tune of Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters", but Jack (Alec Baldwin) tells her that using expensive musical cues like that is one of the reasons why the show is on the verge of being canceled.
30 Rock: The Complete Series is available on Blu-ray and DVD. Either set is recommended, but Blu-ray is preferred since the show was shot on digital in HD.
For the complete list of Spook Central's Ghostbusters Reference Review posts from years past, check out the References category.
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