« Ghostbusters Deleted Scene: Nobel Prize Aspirations |

Here are some deleted scenes from Ghostbusters along with script excerpts of the scenes. The written scenes below were taken from the final shooting script. What is written may vary from what is spoken by the actors. In some cases the scene still appears in the film, but I have some still photos of shots that were not used. In other cases, footage from the scene was used in the film in a completely different way (such as during the end credits). The list of scenes below is in order of how they would have appeared in the movie. Following that are some odds and ends that aren't full scenes, but were deleted from the film nonetheless. Finally, for the unused Ghostbusters theme songs, please see this Spook Central article.

(source: GB Official Cookbook)
(pic also found in The Complete SFX Guide To GB, GB1 Storybook)

(source: GB1 Storybook)

An unused photo of the Ghostbusters busting the
Chinatown ghost for use on the New York Post front page.
(source: Making Ghostbusters) (click to enlarge)

Peter flaps his arms outside of Lincoln Center
(source: Ghostbusters Teaser Trailer)

Peter has Dana up against a wall as he talks to her outside Lincoln Center
(source: GB1 Novel by Richard Mueller)

As she's being interviewed by the Ghostbusters, Dana illustrates the size of something
(source: GB1 Novel by Richard Mueller)

(from Official Ghostbusters website, click for original size)

(from Official Ghostbusters website, click for original size)

(from GB Official Cookbook, Proof Version)

(from GB Official Cookbook, Proof Version)

(to the crowd outside Shandor Building)
"How are ya? We're the Ghostbusters!"
(original source: Ghostbusters Teaser Trailer)

Alternate Version (A), then Original Version (B)
• From the original ABC broadcast: 01a - No Pissing, New Shot; 05a - I Want You; 10a - Ten Hut!; 11a - No Shit.
• From the Theatrical Teaser: 09a - Biblical, alternate.
The original versions come from DVD, but have been cropped by me to fill as much of a 4:3 ratio as possible, so as to better compare to the 4:3 alternate footage.
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