« The Real Ghostbusters Script: Camping It Up! (August 21, 1987) |

Every episode of The Real Ghostbusters starts out as a script written by a writer. Some of these scripts have been made available to the public. Below are all the scripts I know of that are available for your reading pleasure. Clicking on an episode title will being you to the episode guide. All of the scripts that are noted as being from my (Paul Rudoff) personal collection are ones that I actually own copies of. Some of these scans have been cleaned by Matthew Jordan. Although I have contributed almost all of my personally owned scripts for use on The Real Ghostbusters: Complete Collection DVD set, the one with the hand-written notes ("Robobuster" rough first draft) is exclusive to this site and isn't on the set.
I have digitalized (scanned in) all of the scripts presented on this page, except where otherwise noted. These scripts have been compiled into PDF files suitable for printing. In order to view and print these scripts, you will need a PDF viewer.
In some cases, a script may be available in formats other than, or in addition to, PDF. For example, I may have transcribed a script into plain text/html format. In these cases, I have left all spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors that were present in the original script, in tact in these transcriptions. This was done so that what you read is very close to the actual thing.
These scripts have been specially formatted for the printed page. I encourage you to print them out, punch holes in the printed pages and place them into a 3-ring binder. Now you'll have your own neatly-printed script, perfect for any library.
Remember: These are the scripts as originally written by the writers. They most likely are not 100% the same as what appears in the finished filmed product.
NOTE: The scripts that came from the TimeLife Complete Series DVD set are presented exactly as they were in the set. They have not been cleaned or fixed up, nor have they been optimized for the web.
Please Note: Some of these scripts (the plain text/html versions) have been taken from this site and used elsewhere on the internet, but with my transcriber's credit removed. Although I don't claim to own the scripts, it's very rude for others to have done this to me. If you find any of these scripts on other sites, please remember that they originally came from this site. None of these scripts were online before I personally transcribed them. That's a fact.
If you have any scripts not already provided here, and can scan then in, please e-mail me. I'd like to provide the most complete collection of scripts available.

Character guide given to all writers to ensure that their characterizations stay in line with the series as a whole.
• First Season Bible - February 18, 1986 (second revision) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
• Second Season Bible, Revised For Third Season - March 7, 1988 (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection via Francis Moss)
Series Bible (Syndication) -- by J. Michael Straczynski
Character guide given to all writers to ensure that their characterizations stay in line with the series as a whole.
• February 20, 1986 (first draft) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Ain't NASA-sarily So -- by Craig Miller & Mark Nelson
• August 13, 1986 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection)
(also available as: alternate PDF, Text/Html)
Apocalypse -- What, NOW? -- by Michael Edens and Mark Edens
• June 9, 1986 (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Attack of the B-Movie Monsters -- by Jules Dennis & Richard Mueller
• March 28, 1991 (second draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection via Jules Dennis)
Baby Spookums -- by Len Janson & Chuck Menville
• April 3, 1987 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
Banshee Bake a Cherry Pie? -- by Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy
• May 27, 1986 (second draft?) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
The Brooklyn Triangle -- by Richard Mueller
• August 8, 1988 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
The Cabinet of Calamari -- by Michael Edens and Mark Edens
• September 12, 1986 (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Camping It Up -- by Michael Reaves
• August 21, 1987 (final draft) (page #36 duplicates page #37 and part of page #38) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection)
(also available as: Text/Html)
The Collect Call of Cathulhu -- by Michael Reaves
• no date given (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
• no date given [Text/Html, link to Mr. Reaves' site, archived]
The Copycat -- by Michael Reaves
• June 19, 1987 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
Deadcon-I -- by Michael Edens and Mark Edens
• September 10, 1986 (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Flip Side -- by Tony Marino
• May 9, 1988 (second draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
Follow That Hearse -- by Len Janson & Chuck Menville
• July 25, 1988 (first draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
A Fright at the Opera -- by Mark Edens
• April 11, 1986 (first draft) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
The Ghostbusters in Paris -- by Randy Lofficier
• June 30, 1986 (first draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection via Randy Lofficier and Jean-Marc Lofficier)
(also available as: Text/Html [link to Proton Charging, archived])
Ghostfight at the O.K. Corral -- by Mark Edens
• September 4, 1986 (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
A Ghost Grows in Brooklyn -- by Michael Edens and Mark Edens
• August 27, 1986 (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
The Grundel -- by J. Michael Straczynski
• July 17, 1987 (first draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection)
(also available as: Text/Html)
Hard Knight's Day -- by Steve Perrin
• May 31, 1986 (first draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
The Headless Motorcyclist -- by Randy Lofficier
• May 15, 1986 (first draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection via Randy Lofficier and Jean-Marc Lofficier)
(also available as: Text/Html)
Knock, Knock -- by J. Michael Straczynski
• February 26, 1986 (first draft) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
• March 4, 1986 (plain text with a .hum extension) [link to TextFiles.com]
Last Train to Oblivion -- by Michael Edens and Mark Edens
• no date given (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Loathe Thy Neighbor -- by Michael Reaves
• May 15, 1987 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
The Long, Long, Long, etc. Goodbye -- by Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy
• July 25, 1986 (first draft) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Masquerade -- by Craig Miller & Mark Nelson
• July 14, 1986 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection)
(also available as: Text/Html)
Once Upon A Slime -- by Len Janson & Chuck Menville
• April 16, 1987 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
Poultrygeist -- by Duane Capizzi & Steven Roberts
• May 12, 1988 (also inc. cover and four pages from the 5/18/1988 revision at the end) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection)
(also available as: Text/Html)
Robo-Buster -- by Francis Moss
• Rough First Draft (with hand-written corrections by writer Francis Moss) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection via Mr. Moss)
• June 24, 1988 (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection)
(also available as: Text/Html)
• June 24, 1988 (with alt page 5-19 with Peter dialog instead of Egon dialog) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
The Scaring of the Green -- by Michael Edens and Mark Edens
• June 30, 1986 (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Slimer, Come Home -- by J. Michael Straczynski
• no date given (with writer's note at end) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Slimer Streak -- by Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy
• June 20, 1989 (first draft) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
The Spirit of Aunt Lois -- by Richard Mueller
• March 26, 1986 (final draft) (from the TimeLife RGB Complete Collection DVD box set)
Standing Room Only -- by Richard Mueller
• June 15, 1988 (second draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
* NOTE: The script may be missing the last page (likely numbered "4-41"), as there is no "THE END". The last bit of dialog in the script is the last bit of dialog in the final episode, but I would think that the bit that follows it of Peter and Slimer sneezing would have been mentioned in the script, too. My guess is that the final page is just a small bit of text describing the sneezing and ending with "THE END", and that may not have been copied decades ago by the original source.
Sticky Business -- by Richard Mueller
• May 8, 1987 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
Transylvanian Homesick Blues -- by Michael Reaves
• August 6, 1987 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
The Two Faces of Slimer -- by Michael Reaves
• April 14, 1987 (final draft) (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection) [VIP Exclusive]
Midnight on the Lady M (premise, unproduced) & The Haunting of Heck House (excerpt) -- by J. Michael Straczynski
• published in 'The Complete Book of Scriptwriting' by JMS (from Paul Rudoff's personal collection)

Adventures in Slime and Space -- by David Gerrold
• June 3, 1986
The Hole in the Wall Gang -- by David Gerrold
• July 15, 1986

Citizen Ghost -- by J. Michael Straczynski
• no date given
Mr. Sandman Dream Me a Dream -- by J. Michael Straczynski
• no date given
Take Two -- by J. Michael Straczynski
• no date given
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